Massive changes to personal independence payment (PIP) are being consulted on in the Modernising Support Green Paper to be published by the government today.  Any changes will only be put into law if the Conservatives win the next general election and the green paper is widely seen as an attempt to put pressure on Labour to declare its position on benefits.

The proposed changes are believed to include:

  • Ending PIP assessment for people with the most serious health conditions, including those with terminal illnesses.
  • Changes to current descriptors, especially those relating to aids and appliances.
  • Changes to the qualifying period for eligibility for PIP, to ensure it is only available to people whose condition will be long term.
  • Considering if PIP should only be available to people with a formal diagnosis by a medical expert.
  • One-off grants instead of regular cash payments for some claimants who need adaptations or special equipment.
  • Vouchers instead of cash payments.
  • Reimbursing claimants who provide receipts for the purchase of aids, appliances or services.
  • Providing people with lower extra costs due to their health condition with treatment, rather than regular payments.

The Modernising Support Green Paper will be published later today.

UPDATE: You can read more about the Green Paper and how to take part in the consultation here:  Replace PIP with a catalogue and decide whether food or medication is more important for disabled people - 2024 PIP changes Green Paper


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    Lou · 1 months ago
    I use my pip to be able to travel to and from hospital, medical stuff that the NHS can't buy/give me.

    On top of being able to pay for food and clothes cause I been advised not to work due to the many health conditions I have.

    And now the tories are trying their hardest to commit a suicide jump on their party which is always falling apart and turning against each other like hungry wolves.
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      Fa · 1 months ago
      @Lou Just don’t vote conservatives at the next general elections. If you do then it’s going to become law. They can’t sort out the NHS yet they are attacking the poor and disabled. But that’s what this part has always been about. Make the poor poorer and rich richer. To ensure nobody asks questions, just turn people against each other based on race, scaremongering of other countries or setting   Non welfare dependants against those who depend on benefits
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    Alastair · 1 months ago
    The money I get from PIP pays for my dental treatment, sciatica treatment and food. It’s not possible to get my teeth done on the NHS. Hopefully the government will come to their senses and realise as people get older they get long term conditions like cancer, mobility issues and mental illness conditions. They need that wee bit extra to survive. 
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    reasonstobecheerful · 1 months ago
    "Perhaps they are waiting [for] the Tories to bury themselves first"
    I think so, @ Midnight, tearing themselves apart like Rumpelstiltskin in a fit of foot stamping and frustrated rage.

    Ditto, Colin Webb.
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    Bethan · 1 months ago
    All this is going to put more people into poverty than making things better it will make more people's mental health worse look at the one's that don't have an ongoing award stop trying to attack everyone who can't get jobs who have a disability or are trying to get a job but don't hear back from employers or either don't get selected by the employer 
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      Jan · 3 days ago
      @CC Yes going to univeral credit
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      CC · 27 days ago
      @Bethan it will go further then that, ESA is going completely as well, I will be personally homeless from these change, begging family to look after me.
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      ??? · 1 months ago
      @Kurt I would have to stop working if this happens, I cannot walk or get a bus to work,  the job I have is local and I'm supported at work to continue being employed, my travel expenses are £55 a week 
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      Kurt · 1 months ago
      @Bethan Exactly. Since PIP isn't a means-tested benefit, many people who have it either already work or want a job but simply can't find one due to silent discrimination or the lack of suitable stable jobs for them. This is nothing more than a mass attack on the disabled and vulnerable just like David Cameron's Tories did and will only serve to drive away the disabled vote for the Tories (and Labour too since they agree) 
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    JH · 1 months ago
    I said to my family these evil conservatives will end up going down the route of the Americans and start replacing cash with vouchers and have a big DWP stamp in the middle so when they go to a supermarket everyone will know they got issues and just look above and see what they propose to change (Vouchers instead of cash payments) complete evil party out to pick on the weak and vulnerable
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    Colin Webb · 1 months ago
    The Tories have just committed political suicide 
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      alice · 1 months ago
      @Colin Webb Labour will continue it 
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      Al · 1 months ago
      @Debbie McFarlane Labour are always better for the poor and vulnerable. We never fare well under the Tories. I look to history and also to what we know for sure about the Tory plans. My vote will always be anti-Tory.
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      Debbie McFarlane · 1 months ago
      @john I think whoever gets in next election will follow suit, I'm afraid.
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      Jeanette Franklin · 1 months ago
      @Colin Webb I love this…..I’ve been worried all day thinking about what would happen if the Tories won the next General Election…….

      I feel much better now reading your response Colin Webb 😊
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      john · 1 months ago
      @Colin Webb to right this idea  from tory as lost my vote just hope opposition will not support it 
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    Midnight · 1 months ago
    The Tories will not win the next election, I'd stake my (very small) life savings on that, so at this moment I'm not really all that worried about all the vile vitriol this current government is spilling out. My big concern at present it's Labours lack of response right now, their silence is deafening. This is a perfect opportunity for them to come out and say they are disgusted by these proposals etc, but they are just not saying anything ?🤔

    Perhaps they are waiting to the Tories to bury themselves first 👍
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      dc · 20 days ago
      @wibblum SPOT ON
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      dc · 20 days ago
      @Midnight they also haven't said they support it. i think they say nothing because they dont want to put off more conservative voters. hopefully im right i cant imagine labour screwing over the vulnerable like this
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      Nickyfierybaker · 1 months ago
      @axab43 Yes-100% agree!
      The Toadys have guaranteed the last nails in their collective coffins.
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      wibblum · 1 months ago
      @Midnight Rather than take the tories to task over their hideous ideologies, Starmer and Reeves and their ilk are desperate to court the centre-right swing voter because the party 'wisdom' suggests it's the only way they'll ever achieve power. Can't risk offending those swing voters by appearing to be too 'loony lefty' (which appears to be code for 'compassionate' as far as the right is concerned).

      The point for us, however, is that even under such distasteful circumstances a Labour win would buy us more time to try and force revisions to such 'reform' as this, if nothing else.

      The tories, on the other hand, must be stopped NOW.
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      The Dog Mother · 1 months ago
      @JH Omg..missed that. I hope they stick to their guns on what they've said. 
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    keepingitreal · 1 months ago
    Fascinated  to see how a voucher system would work. Let's interrogate this idea. Mobility can be the greatest expense for the disabled, and when we cannot use public transport and the motability scheme does not offer a vehicle suited to our needs, buying our own car is the more practical and efficient means to mobility. Sometimes we need a driver too.

    It can take at least the remaining life of a used car to save for a replacement, especially with the savings threshold for means tested benefits (which many on PIP also need) being under £6k before they are eroded and used car prices increasing. We can rarely afford a decent vehicle.

    However, if the plan is to actually meet our needs directly, no cash, just vouchers for the aids (in this case the car), I can't wait. No more codging and bodging through the mot, no more breaking down on the drive, sending the chauffeur home for the day, freezing when the heater packs up, sweating when the windows jam, sellotaping the wing mirrors back on, steel seal in the radiator. No, we'll have A VOUCHER, woo!

    It's state of the art electric for me, air conditioning, infotainment, self parking (self driving if we want to save on the driver, but that would be doing someone out of a job), medical station. Plus, if we're going to be sleeping in it, @Tubby, fridge, stove, fold out bed, and it's going to have to be BIIIIG.

    Way to go guys 😂
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    M · 1 months ago
    The Tories believe that this is a possible vote winner - currently there is 32 percent of households in England with at least on disabled person. 

    I would imagine any Torie voters reading the media the coverage that live in one of the above households - disabled or non-disabled would now think twice about voting them - ever again 

    This has and will back fire - 

    1-0 to Labour - (with and own goal by the Tories) 
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    tinytim · 1 months ago
    It says Sunik favours vouchers instead of PIP monthly cash so is it the poor who have to ask please sir can I have a voucher for this or that it is totally outrageous. This Gov is still advertising that they want more people to apply for unclaimed benefits. Now we need to press Labour on what it wants to do, in the 90s do you all remember that the tories DWP put many unemployed onto incapacity benefit then at the tory conference Peter Lilly stood up and said I have a little notebook of work shy on this benefit and reformed it to then incapacity benefit. Then in the 2000s again reformed to ESA which would be taxed if it went over £85 holy moly that small amount and then now I am a Pensioner again DLA to PIP in 2016 to which I now receive a very small private pension and I am taxed on that now they want to take away my disability PIPS and there is no mention of the Motability Scheme are they going to stop that as well as to be honest even if we have a car we will not be able to afford it if cash is taken away. And at only £184 a week it is still not enough for many disabled to manage now let alone take it away are they living in another reality even the commutators on talk radio did not not know it was such a small amount of money they all thought the hype of we are living in the lap of luxury totally nuts. 
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      Pip Nightingale · 13 days ago
      @Norma The biggest problem is that the 'Peter' is the working man and the 'Paul' who gets paid is big business who can afford to not pay their tax by threatening to close shops etc like Costa did
       How about introducing vouchers instead of expenses for MP's, bet that would go down a treat, or putting them up in an ill-maintained council tower block instead of buying them expensive houses for their 4 year stint of 'serving the people'.
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      dc · 20 days ago
      @john you're not a labour person? you might want to rethink that real fast
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      dc · 20 days ago
      @Debbie McFarlane i agree its unbelievable that wealthy people get PIP. but sunak says nothing about that
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      KL · 1 months ago
      @Norma I have never voted but I will be this time. Any party will be better than the Tories so for me it's more a case of voting to get the Tories out as opposed to who I want in 
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      Debbie McFarlane · 1 months ago
      @Norma Yes the rich certainly get richer.
      Pip is none means tested, meaning that a person who is a millionaire can claim pip. C'mon they don't need any benefits with a million plus in their accounts. 
      Why dont the evil Tories start right there. Get all people who are very wealthy ( millionaires ) off of benefits, as they clearly shouldn't be receiving any benefits in my opinion, as they have a never ending stream of cash to live off.
      If i were a millionaire, i wouldn't dream of claiming any benefits, as that's just pure greed to be honest. I'd think to myself.. I've got more money than I'll ever spend therefore i don't think its morally right to take money off less fortunate people, who do genuinely need benefits as they are genuinely unable to work, due to disability.
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    CarA · 1 months ago
    There should be a class action against them for all the suffering they have caused us over so many years. The UN recently spoke about this:

    Rosemary Kayess, the chair of the UNCRPD, said: “We find a pervasive framework and rhetoric that devalues disabled people and undermines their human dignity. Reforms within social welfare benefits are premised on a notion that disabled people are undeserving, and skiving off and defrauding the system. This has resulted in hate speech and hostility towards disabled people. 
    Compensation not cuts! How much more suffering and trauma and loss of life can we all take?

    So grateful for everyone's feedback I don't feel so alone. 
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    Bart · 1 months ago
    The chances of the Tories winning the next election are very very low, so chances are it won’t happen. However the scary thing is what will Labour do? I feel the witch hunt on mental health will continue under Labour and I won’t be surprised to read about suicides when people are forced to look for work. Once again the easy targets are the disabled and we’re going to be forced into work we can’t do or left homeless and destitute! With the help of the news media whipping up hate against us this is not going to end well
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      Chris · 1 months ago
      @andrea I’ve already emailed my Tory MP and told him I will never vote Conservative ever again as I’m appalled at this attack on my disabled daughter and every other disabled person.
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      andrea · 1 months ago
      @Anon I have responded to this but it is interesting that the form itself is daunting for anyone who might be vulnerable/is unable to fill such lengthy and detailed forms out.  Everyone should respond in some way, even if their answers might not seem that eloquent or the person may feel daunted in tacking this.
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    John · 1 months ago
    I suffer from autism and anxiety but I work part time and get pip but don’t get ESA or universal credit will these changes affect people like me who work part time and claim pip 
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      dc · 20 days ago
      @Am i have said this time and again. once they wipe out the vulnerable, the will attack the middle classes
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      Am · 1 months ago
      @John 1. YES. 2. Even if not, do you eant to be the person who doesn't speak out because you are safe? 

      I know we all want to know if we are going to be affected, but try to bear in mind that they won't stop at the first line of the vulnerable, they work back and back till everyone is affected. Speak for us now and we'll be there to speak up for you when they come for you...
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      Adam Williamson · 1 months ago
      @John Yes 
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    Will · 1 months ago
    Also please remember everyone - you’re not alone in this, we are all worried for our futures and our families. 

    This is the first time I’ve seen one of their attacks on us be so widely publicised, they won’t win. 

    Hang in there everyone - we will win.
    - Will 
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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @Will Agreed more exposure wnd awareness means better chances of failure. 
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    Will · 1 months ago
    The mask is off, the tories are desperate - and it shows who they really are that this is what they try and pull to score some last minute votes. 

    We have a host of local/mayoral elections this week and the tories are going to be annihilated. Once again chaos from inside the party will rule and I wouldn’t be surprised if we did in fact end up with an election in July. They're hanging by a thread. 

    I know it’s tough, I’m worried too - I’m boiling with rage quite frankly, but hang in there guys! 

    All we can do is tactically vote them out, look up your local voting info, who’s the top choice to oust the tories? For me it’s Labour, for most of you it will be too. It may be tough but we have to vote with our feet on this, literally. Ask for a postal vote if you struggle to get to a polling station. 

    We have to unite on this now - because these “proposals” are inhuman, cruel and merciless. Showing just who these creatures REALLY are. 

    It’s also important that we put pressure on Labour, we can do that by making the outcry about this as loud as possible so that Labour won’t dare touch it. 
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    paradox · 1 months ago
    I am horrified! Truly shocking! After years of being beaten down with the current system, I finally get a ten year award last year with light touch review at that point. Now this is thrown at us! I am 66 now, I simply cannot go through this, its too much. I am sick and tired of having to prove the bleeding obvious, that I am truly disabled with many health conditions, both physical and mental. Now this - No if this actually happens I am done. I get to state pension age, keep my pip and think at last it'll be less stressful, then this happens. I cannot be doing this, its too much, how cruel these people are. 
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      A non · 1 months ago
      @paradox Hello iam in same position I jumped through so many hoops since 2014 with assessment after assessment then last November got 10yr award taking me upto retirement but here we go again different idea of punishing the disabled and it will cost more to implement these changes of vouchers and the like so will be a shambles rub by the government and will lead to increased suicide and homeless if they they get voted in again I will go mad as people don't realise that disabled first pension then young working families on uc 
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    The dogmother. · 1 months ago

    This is utter nonsense. (Can't say what I really think)
    Whose gp has understanding of their needs at home,what if you've multiple conditions that require different things to help you out,is a gp going to go through each one, and note them accordingly.
    When do you actually get to see your gp? And how much time would it take.
    Gps can certainly confirm you suffer from certain things but how much further can they go.
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    Carole · 1 months ago
    If there are so many sick disabled dieing ppl we all need to rise up and vote and get these clowns out ! It's well over due I have many health issues some complex ones to I've been scared half to death since having a life time award from DLA to being forced on to pip trouble is that switch over didt hast worked because what they saved in one hand went out the other on many ppl taking them to tribunals and so we should we ALL need to vote these  clowns out  once n for all.
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    Vengeance · 1 months ago
    I hate these Vile=Evil scum in Government,as an ex boxer,bring in DWP,I will enjoy kicking these scum.Anger ! yeah hate,is a crime,hating disabled is excrement of these scum.
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