The flood of PIP award extension letters we highlighted a fortnight ago is being followed, sometimes within days or weeks, by review forms for some claimants. Others have received extension letters which wrongly reduce the length of the award and one member has warned of issues with Motability vehicles.

Last month we revealed that around 850,000 PIP award extension letters were being sent out by the DWP, with awards typically being extended for 9 months.

It seems though, that in some cases the extension letter is being closely followed by a PIP review form which may be due to be returned before the original award has even ended, leaving claimants feeling that the extension wasn’t so much of a boon after all.

One commenter told us:

Many including me rec'd an extension letter mine came last sept extending my pip award from mar 21 to Dec21. My renewal forms arrived last Thursday they needed to be back by 8/2 -a month before my original end date. Many others have had the same experience

Another said:

I had the same letter in December 2020 extending to December 2021 so heaved a huge sigh of relief as this comes in every 2.5 years usually having a month to fill out over Christmas. I received a smaller form to update my conditions and can't believe it's due in 3 weeks when my original PIP didn't end till May 2021.

Yet another commentor wrote:

I received the same letter in November last year, but in December I received a further letter and the review forms which had to be completed and returned!!

A poster on the forum told us:

Good morning, please can somebody help , I had at letter in say my pip. Was to be extended for a further 12 months . Then 2 days later , I’ve had a renewal form come in

Some people are receiving extension letters which give a date earlier than the actual end of their award, seemingly shortening instead of lengthening it. One poster in the forum said:

I know other people have been receiving PIP extension letters. I have now received one, with an extension date of July 2023. However this extension date is sooner than the actual award length expiry date. Are these extensions letters with July 2023 going out to everyone automatically without the DWP checking exactly when peoples actual awards are ending?

Another commentor said:

We had stress this week. My husband got his award in 2019 for 10 years. We got this letter saying because of Covid his award will be reassessed in NOV 2022!!! Rang up and they didn't know why as their computer said ongoing period from 2019... After a week of waiting they said a sentence was missing from the original letter!!! But all sorted and renewal date is Feb 2029. What stress! I'm sure they do it deliberately to unnerve you. All he wants is to be Ill n peace!

Another commentor warned of a different problem:

There's a sting in the tail with these letters though. Anyone with a Blue Badge will have to re-apply for the badge and entitlement to that new badge will end at the same time as the extended PIP date. My motability car is also due for replacement but can't be because the extension doesn't cover a three year period. Whilst not having to worry about PIP renewal applications for a few more months, this extension is not without it's own problems.

Have you received an extension letter and has it all been good news? Let us know below the line.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    can anyone please signpost me to guidance on completing pip review forms? Thanks in anticipation
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    · 2 years ago
    My daughter received a PIP letter on the 7 or 8th December stating it had to be back by the 17th December.  Happy Christmas.  Now she has been told her PIP will end in July 2023 and that means she has lost her bus pass, blue badge and no doubt the motability car.   For a lady who is unwell this just puts the icing on the cake.  She will be relieved to know it is not just her though.
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    · 2 years ago
    I had letter to say pip was being extended until next year and I didn't have to do anything. Today I received a review form saying it has to be returned by 31st Oct. Original award runs out in November 2022. Don't think DWP knows what they are doing. Will fill it in as if not award will end
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    · 2 years ago
    I received an extension letter last year to me they are extension will be look it on the 24 June 2023 but they send me a renewal form to fill out by 2nd August I have mentK health problem how since I had a stroke in 2020  I need help with my form filling out because I am also dyslexia 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Dawn I have had the same letter and same condition but this form is nothing like the old ones does anyone have tips for filling in
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    · 2 years ago
    Original award to August 2022, I got extension letter 17th June 2022 extending to May 2023. I now have the review form with due date 1 month before my original award expiration date.
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    · 3 years ago
    I received an extension to Jan 2024
    Today received review for for my original date... received on a Saturday so now have the worry of waiting til Monday to ring them!
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    · 3 years ago
    My Mum got a review letter in January, but she had been living with me for a few weeks, because she was not a bit well, and I couldn't stay with her 24/7 as I have children. So when I called to her house to check it on the 17th January, I only got her form then. Well she had been for a CT scan on her lungs, so while waiting on the results, I phoned pip and asked for an extension. The girl said, ok, but the form had to be in by the 2nd February. Well I posted it by special delivery guarantee next day. On the 28th of January. I tracked it, and it was signed for on the 31st January. She received a letter today saying her pip has been stopped as her form was received late. How come when it had to be in for the 2nd of February, and they received it on the 31st. I can't phone until Monday, as it's closed today. Do you think they will change their decision? I have proof off postage, and the tracking details off when it was signed for. I paid 5.89 for special delivery, to be sure it arrived before the 2nd.
    Had to repost this as I'd put a wrong date in. Appreciate your help, thank you ...
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 years ago
    My Mum got a review letter in January, but she had been living with me for a few weeks, because she was not a bit well, and I couldn't stay with her 24/7 as I have children. So when I called to her house to check it on the 17th January, I only got her form then. Well she had been for a CT scan on her lungs, so while waiting on the results, I phoned pip and asked for an extension. The girl said, ok, but the form had to be in by the 2nd February. Well I posted it by special delivery guarantee next day. On the 28th of February. I tracked it, and it was signed for on the 31st January. She received a letter today saying her pip has been stopped as her form was received late. How come when it had to be in for the 2nd of February, and they received it on the 31st. I can't phone until Monday, as it's closed today. Do you think they will change their decision? I have proof off postage, and the tracking details off when it was signed for. I paid 5.89 for special delivery, to be sure it arrived before the 2nd.
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    · 3 years ago
    I got an extension till July 2023 and got review form today on Saturday 12th Feb 2022 so can't even ring them to see why I've got a review form a year early cause its weekend now, the panic these assessments cause me esp with surgeries delayed over text not letter cause of covid
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    · 3 years ago
    I have not received a renewal form yet off pip
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