We are hearing from members whose PIP renewal has faced repeated delays due to a lack of available assessments, to the point that they are now concerned that their PIP may be stopped entirely through no fault of their own.

Even where extensions to awards are being made, claimants are not necessarily being told how long they are for.

One member told us:

“It started in April 2020. I got a three month extension for returning the form, I think this was general rather than specific to me due to Covid.

“The form was returned in June and after chasing for over two weeks confirmed as returned.

“I chased in November and was told that it was still with the DWP but they would now refer it on for assessment, I got the impression that it would still have been with the DWP if I had not chased.

“They also said that the claim would end in February, as scheduled unless a Decision was made before then!

“I've chased again, still pending an assessment but was now told that the award would be extended, no mention of for how long, automatically four weeks before it ends, I'm now four weeks from the end, so will be looking for a letter next week.”

Have you had problems with your renewal being delayed? Please tell us more in the comments section below or by using our Feedback form.


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    Sooz · 2 years ago
    Sent my renewal form back July 2021 (received it April with 3 months to complete). Contacted DWP new year ‘22, reply told me there had been an admin error and only just passed my forms for assessment. I was reassured that I would continue to receive pip until a decision is made, and any increase backdated to date on original review form. That’s a long time to have that stomach twisting anxiety every time to post comes.

    Now, the end date is fast approaching being early March. I’ve got an extension on my motability vehicle until that date. My blue badge runs out.Yes, they assure me that my payments will continue, but each month is another where I am living in uncertainty about my income. Today a sigh of relief that my benefit has gone in. But there’s trepidation when the post person passes by, wondering if I am going to be forced to the assessment centre and relive the cross examination in it’s historic museum. Where wheelchairs over cobbles have to go, patiently await assistance with doors and various lifts whilst hoping that they don’t make me wait in the busy cafe/gift shop, before forcing me in to the fluorescent room with the keyboards which pound like a typewriter.

    I wake with disappointment that no payment I should be entitled to by law has appeared in my bank account- acknowledging my fight is over. Instead I wait and the dog barks at the postman leaving next door and my heart rate rises. Every time
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    najtned · 2 years ago
    Still waiting for my assessment. Returned forms etc in.May 21, pip runs out this March 22. Ive called 5 times & MH support workers called twice waiting to go to assessors when THEY ask for next batch. Sick of it & want to complain.
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    Mandy · 2 years ago
    I did review form May 2021, a year early than what was on award letter, phoned they said they can change anytime, so sent review form back 2 weeks early than june deadline, got text in sept 2021 saying form received 3 months later, it’s now feb 2022 still not had any feedback or assessment phoned a few times keep getting told covid19 backlog, and there priority is dealing with new claims for people that don’t have payment yet. I should be grateful for my £94 per month mobility.
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    Stacey · 2 years ago
    My Mum got a pip review letter in January, but she had been living with me for a few weeks, because she was not a bit well, and I couldn't stay with her 24/7 as I have children. So when I called to her house to check it on the 17th January, I only got her form then. Well she had been for a CT scan on her lungs, so while waiting on the results, I phoned pip and asked for an extension. The girl said, ok, but the form had to be in by the 2nd February. Well I posted it by special delivery guarantee next day. On the 28th of January. I tracked it, and it was signed for on the 31st January. She received a letter today saying her pip has been stopped as her form was received late. How come when it had to be in for the 2nd of February, and they received it on the 31st. I can't phone until Monday, as it's closed today. Do you think they will change their decision? I have proof off postage, and the tracking details off when it was signed for. I paid 5.89 for special delivery, to be sure it arrived before the 2nd.
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    Hellen · 2 years ago
    I am still on DLA have been for many years & was awarded indefinite payments, my husband was also on DLA indefinite but has now had his second PiP awarded for 3 years the first was 2 years,
    should I stay quiet, not rock the boat or come forward voluntarily & apply for PiP instead, I am also on ESA support group but have no idea when my next assessment will be as the last one I was in hospital for & they just excepted that & carried on paying,
    Today I received what the new amount ESA would be in April until November does anyone know why this would be only for 6 months not for the year
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      Jane · 2 years ago
      @Hellen Hi. I also had letter detailing increase for ESA from Apr to Nov. There was no end date of my decision letter in 2021. My PIP decision letter says until Nov 23.
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      Bob20 · 2 years ago
      @Hellen I would say don't apply for PIP if you're still on DLA, unless you're really really really sure you have a good chance of getting more money from PIP than dla. It may mean you get less, or non at all. Let them contact you would be my advice as the onus to do so is on them.
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      sarahloe · 2 years ago
      @Hellen I would just stay on dla until they invite you to claim for pip. Regarding ESA are you coming up to pension age in November/ December? as ESA would stop when you get your state pension.
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      William · 2 years ago
      @Hellen The reference to November indicates that the usual amount will be altered, when a one-off Christmas payment comes. Your usual payments resume as normal.
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      Ed · 2 years ago
      @Hellen Because of the Christmas payment. Your regular amount will continue until thereafter.

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