Over the past weeks we have been covering the issue of the repeated delays to PIP reviews and renewals and how these have affected Blue Badge holders.  We’ve now heard from readers telling us that the delays are also affecting other benefits, bus passes, Motability cars and increases in PIP for changes of circumstances.  

But above all else it’s the enormous anxiety that delays and the DWP’s failure to keep people informed that is causing people real harm.

Problems caused by PIP review delays

A recent article focused on the problems claimants have been having renewing their blue badge because their PIP award was being extended by only short periods.

However, many claimants have now been in touch with us to tell us about other problems caused by the delays.  These include:

  • Not being able to lease a Motability car
  • Not being able to renew a Bus/Freedom pass
  • Other benefits being stopped or reduced
  • PIP not being increased even though needs have greatly increased

Some of our readers comments are below (minor typos have been corrected for ease of reading)

Other benefits and premiums affected

Some readers have found that the delay in reviewing their PIP award is causing issues with other benefits.  One reader says that this has affected their pension credit, council tax and housing benefit.

“I have had a dreadful year regarding my PIP review.  It arrived in April 2021, a full year before my extended end date. This impacted my Blue Badge renewal which I could only get for one year. In August 2021 I retired and received my pension and pension credit. The pension credit stopped on March 3rd, 2022 because it is linked to the PIP end date, also It has caused problems with my renewing my Blue Badge a second time . . .My council tax and housing benefit is also affected by this. Today I received an email to inform me that they have been stopped. The situation is a nightmare to deal with especially when you are ill.”

Another reader is struggling both to get their change of circumstances assessed and having difficulties with their daughter’s carer’s allowance

“I sent off my renewal last July for consideration - have constantly advised them my condition has considerably worsened.   All I heard from them was a text at the end of July to say paperwork had been received.   Phoned PIP on 16 September, 2 December, 15 February and then lastly 25 April to constantly be told it’s in a pile to be looked at!!!!    When I say how debilitating it is and a daily worry all I get told is if your benefits are increased it will be back dated.   That’s NOT the issue it’s the constant daily worry.   My daughter has now been told her carers allowance will stop in May and my housing benefits will alter too . . . Help help help.” 

Other readers have also been threatened with the loss of carer’s allowance.

“Myself and my wife have had our PIP extended. My wife's was due to run out last week in April. We had heard nothing except for a letter from my carers allowance saying that was about to end. We contacted PIP to be told my wife's PIP was extended to July a couple of days later we received a text message saying they acknowledge receipt of our "review form" (from june 2021) that we didn't need to phone for an update again, they would contact us with a decision.”

“My husband has had his review in since July 21 and it has been extended. We have had no communication from DWP PIP but Carers contacted myself telling me my CA is stopping, several calls later I got to the bottom of the situation. I am closely watching payments, letters news etc”

One commenter told us that their brother’s ESA was being affected by the PIP review delay:

“My brother is still waiting for a decision on renewal of his PIP claim having sent the forms in last June and we have not been told if his money is going to stop. However, his ESA is going to be considerably reduced because they are removing his disability premium because they have had no decision on his PIP. PIP have given no indication of when his decision will be made and ESA are not interested, just that he will lose his money. Feel completely helpless.”

Mobility cars not being leased

Some readers have told us that they have been unable to lease a Motability car because they are waiting for their PIP review to happen.

“My award was up in January 2022 it has been extended for the second time until July 22 but I cannot get a mobility car without the review. It was sent in last may and even though there is a mountain of evidence they keep saying I need an assessment. I wrote to Chloe Smith and my local MP Ian Burns. Ian helped me with my blue badge problem as they said the process for a blue badge application can take 12 weeks. The same amount of time as my extension so it was a vicious circle. I’m still waiting to hear from the DWP after having 2 people email me with regards to my issue. It’s ridiculous I’m a prisoner in my own home as I cannot drive my manual car with my mobility issues. I just want my assessment done.”

“Its ok saying our awards will continue until they get to our reviews ,but i need to show Motability a new award so I can receive a Motability car. As pip claimants are aware you need a minimum of a year left of your award to get a Motability car.  I have roughly 10 weeks left of my award and its shocking how they can treat claimants this way”

Bus/Freedom pass not renewed

An award of PIP can be one route to a bus pass or Freedom pass, meaning that yet again claimants are affected when PIP reviews do not happen.

“My PIP award is to be due to end 6 June, after 2 extensions. I submitted the reassessment information by the date I was given in October but  I have heard nothing. Meanwhile, my disability bus pass has expired and the council will not renew without a new dated PIP assessment document.”

Another reader initially had problems with their Freedom Pass, but opted for a local authority assessment in order to get round the lack of a PIP award letter.

“I have had my PIP automatically renewed for another year or so about three times now. I have renewed my blue badge using the extension letter and had no problems in Lewisham, London. The only place I could not use my extension letter was to apply for a freedom Pass. I was told this letter was not valid, only the PIP award letter was, but obviously that has the old expired date. I had two options either contact DWP or go through their own medical. I opted for the latter and after two weeks I got my Freedom Pass which is valid for five years, without having to do any medical at all, again with Lewisham in London.”

Change of circumstances not acted on

The DWP have repeatedly implied that delays to PIP reviews are not a problem, because people who report a change of circumstances because their condition has deteriorated will not have to wait to get assessed.  But we are hearing a very different story from some of our readers.

 “I sent my review form, with additional papers regarding change of circumstances ie. my health has changed more for the worst. This was in February and I still haven’t had a letter responding to the additional information.  I have not received a letter informing me of any extension either.”

“I sent my additional papers regarding a change of circumstances in the end of January/February and I haven't had any response either relating to this.”

“I have now been waiting for a review for over a year now my circumstances have massively changed for the worse. I keep ringing them and I just get told they are extending it, I’ve never known anything like this before.”

“My husband has mental and physical health problems. His needs have substantially increased so I asked that his care needs be reviewed and also his mobility be reviewed in line with the Leap guidelines. This was 18 months ago and no review has taken place just a continuance of his care award.”

Delays and anxiety

More than anything else, it’s the uncertainty, the fear that a PIP award might just end at any moment and not knowing when or whether you might be called for an assessment that is causing people enormous worry and even making their health conditions worse.

“I sent my review in last September and my award ended this month. I have just got through after a 45 minute wait to be told that it’s with the assessors however it’s been extended until August. I wasn’t sent a letter regarding this. The lady said there is a huge backlog & if it hasn’t been sorted out by August then it will be extended for a further 3 months.” 

 “My renewal claim ended July 2021, its now May 2022 I’ve just had a text from DWP to say they will review my claim and I might need to see a medical professional.  I’ve had no correspondence at all, so I take it it was done digitally.  How long will this take, its making me ill.”

 “They don't understand the anxiety that they cause, my head is spinning with this.”

 “My review went in last august and I’ve heard nothing since, my award ends in June and I’m worried but too scared to ring them!”

 “My PIP award has been extended twice and my blue badge was only allowed for one year.  My review went in june 2021 and I have become so stressed over it, it’s been nearly a year without an assessment.  I have given enough medical evidence with my form so why am I still waiting? When my carer phoned they said I’m down for an assessment but no idea when that might be.”

No end in sight for PIP review delays

At the moment there is no end in sight for PIP review delays. 

So long as the DWP continues to prioritise new claims and assessment companies are unable to meet demand, existing claimants will be left in a state of uncertainty.

Plans to change the assessment system so that the same company carries out both PIP and ESA assessments in a given area could well lead to even further delays, as companies learn to carry out assessments for which they have no previous experience.

We hope that many more claimants follow the example of some of our readers and complain to their MP about the delays and lack of communication they are experiencing.  It may take time, but it is only pressure from parliament that is likely to improve the situation.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 22 days ago
    My review took 18 months, in this time I've incurred giving to run my own vehicle which when totalled up with insurance for 18 months, tyres, matainance for mot, and tax comes to near 3k not to also include that I was awarded enhanced mobility component on 16th January when the first time incentive ended on the 3rd January also means I lost out on £750. My anxiety this has caused and financial loss has made life harder unnecessarily. When I made a complaint pointing out this the manager who's in charge of my review couldn't see why it took so long and assured me he would look into the matter and I would receive a reply by letter form within the 3 weeks policy for the complaints department, 5 weeks later I rang up to ask where this letter was, the call handler looked into it and came back with no explanation saying that the complaints department haven't dealt with the matter for no apparent reason and that she thought it was unprofessional of them and she would chase it up and ring me back. She didn't ring back.
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    · 7 months ago
    Iv got mine now it was revised last year but I waited more that 18months I contacted Hillary Benn then after a few weeks got a letter back just saying that my review was in had hand then waited another 5 months to se told it had gone through
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    · 1 years ago
    My partner has brain damage and is on pip with high rate mobility and and in the enhanced range his renewal form was filled in and sent back in march 2023 we heard nothing till last month November when they sent a letter saying they had extended his pip till November 2024 but we rely on his motorbility car to get around and how can we renew this without his letter 
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    · 1 years ago
    Can anyone help.  My Motabilty car got written off and I had a rental , they took it off me yesterday and I’ve no car and can’t apply cause I’m waiting on my renewal cause I’ve less than 12 months I’m in tears I contacted pip and rsa about car but nothing any help appreciated 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Cathy Yeah same here, no car, no lease car and still waiting for benefit to be reinstated even though we’ve had no car for 4 weeks
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    · 2 years ago
    Looking for help my mum has a mobility car with pip that is to end on September 28 2022 we gone today to try and renew a car to be told she can't because there is only 10 months left on her pip and she needs 12 but she has not received anything from pip saying its been extended or a renewal letter we are is stressing out now has she has a bad heart and uses the car for hospital appointment anyone could help please 
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    · 2 years ago
    My husband's PIP award was extended until May due to Covid. We sent his review forms back last September and have heard nothing in writing since. In June I received a letter saying my ESA would be reduced from 10th August. I rang and was told this was the hypothetical end date for his PIP and that the reduction was due to losing the severe disability premium. I rang again at the end is July to be told that the hypothetical end date had now been extended until mid November and not to worry as our ESA would continue as normal. My payment today is £140 short. They have clearly taken off the severe disability premium and I will now have to ring to see if I can get it reinstated. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Rainy Done the exact same thing to me. Extended my PIP until August 2023 then I got the renewal letter in September and sent it back to them for October 7th and was informed by text that they had received it and they might get in touch if they need more information or invite me to a face to face with one of their ahem "Health professionals" I got paid as normal in October, and I have just looked in my bank account to find that I am £69.40 light. 
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    · 2 years ago
    There is a housing impact as well, PIP stops the benefit cap applying and where I live the benefit cap hits with a single parent and one child only, if the full Local Housing Allowance is applied. Add income support (it is too late to switch to income related ESA) and child benefit and the cap is hit. At the moment the landlord is wanting the family with two children to move out and is in proceedings, the local authority are looking at rehousing through private renting. PIP at the moment stops the cap being applied but the review has been outstanding for one year now (papers lodged with DWP on 30/07/2021 - "in a work queue" each time we call). Local authority will not make a decision on rehousing and where to live until knowing if PIP will be awarded or cap applied. These delays could lead to loss of housing. I am thinking about a judicial review application, or at least a letter before action, for my friend on the basis of this delay. CPAG have a template on their site.
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    · 2 years ago
    My PIP review was due a year ago. I recently had a text to say I may need an assessment. Last week my ESA payment didn't arrive and I rung ESA and they made a payment to me. I was told the non payment was due to my PIP review being delayed. I was told my ESA will be paid up to 22 August 2022. I hope this means my PIP review will be completed by then. The DWP have absolutely no idea the impact all of this has on my mental health, which in turn makes my conditions worse.
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    · 2 years ago
    I sent of my renewal form last August my health is detoriating I now need hearing aids my anxiety has got worse sent in more evidence regarding my copd also my osteoarthritis had a text to weeks ago telling me they still have my pip form wich I am aware of I feel so fed up hardly go out due  to my anxiety feel so down it's the not nowing and lack of communication I will be getting in touch with my M P it's absolutely disgusting what we have to go through I had to give up work in the end I just wish they would not put us through this rant over 
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    · 2 years ago
    My renewal form for a client went in Sept 2019. It was dealt with Feb 2022 and she received a reduced award. It was based on evidence from 2019. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I applied back in January to see about mobility as my health has deteriorated. 
    I got a text from pip today to say they will be phoning me on the 17th
    Of June.
    Is this the norm now.
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi I had my pip assessment 2 weeks ago and it was dreadful the woman was horrible her attitude was disgusting she asked me how fast I walk I answered I don’t walk fast so repeated the same question 4 times and then told me I was repeating my answer she made me feel like I was worthless so I doubt I will be getting my pip🥵
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      · 1 years ago
      @Marie Clark These are done by healthy assessors at Capita call centre who do not have the appropriate medical experience or expertise in the problematic areas of your ongoing medical condition.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Marie Clark Try not to worry my home assessment was same and I recieved lower grade because assessor hadn't really got a clue they working of template on computer dwp then claim there assesors are medical specialist again untrue when do you know medical field specialists visit you at home no matter how ill you are if you referred to specialist you see them at hospital or private clinic I persevered to tribunal to get correct award and lost but I appealed that and on points of law I was given 2nd tribunal and won this taking total of 9months but back dated to day one of my claim so I did eventually get high rate mobility but my circumstances changed further and I'd already been diagnosed with incurable dercums disease which only awarded me low rate daily living I also had copd and diabetes from day one of my claim copd as worsened and specialist have further diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis I been waiting for my review answers for 15months with no information from dwp just my review in pile waiting on decision if I have to see one there medical assessors again but with all the expert medical evidence I sent in I'd like to see what there assessors will do are they going call my medical experts liars and say my changes have no impact on my daily living I blame government for this there are billions owed to ppl with disabilities and mental health issue and because billions are being handed out to deal with fuel bill crises they are in no hurry to sort out the most vulnerable people in the country I don't like to say it but the government would rather us be dead than pay us correctly as covid proved which wiped probably more than a billion pound off dwp claiments of elderly and vulnerable simply cause we left to die and how many more will we loose shud we have a bad winter because of fuel crises but were is fuel crises the fuel companies have trebled profits in last quarter so exceeding 10billion we live in a false economy and it poorest and sickest hit worse 
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    · 2 years ago
    I managed to get my Blue Badge replaced by circumventing the pip system by applying on my own with Sunderland City councils own scheme, so try your own councils scheme to see if it works for you.
    As to my review, well it was to be in March 2022, forms were sent the June 2021 (as they did have a backlog of 6 months), however i got a letter informing me that i had to have a face 2 face appointment with a medical professional due to multiple changes within my health, this they said would be done by June 2022.
    Its now June 2022, and so far nothing but a text to say that they were still waiting to get the face 2 face appointment - funny but i can get a face 2 face appointment with a medical professional at either my doctors or Sunderland Royal Hospital without any problems, so why can't they?
    Or is it because its a farce, they want people to pull out????
    I'm not trapped in my own home like some folks, i do still drive but for how much longer, i don't know, as i have lost all the upper body muscle and thats new, but they haven't bothered to contact the neurology dept at SRH for details!!!

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    · 2 years ago
    my blue badge expired last week and I am waiting to hear results of my review form sent in May- I rang council to be told they won't accept a letter of support from my GP even though that is how I was awarded my first blue badge! 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Cathie My blue badge expires in January 23 but DWP have put my assessment back to October, what about disabled car tax too ? I wrote to DWP over 2 months ago (recorded delivery) about my condition getting worse ( yet another disc gone in lower back ) and asked them about my blue badge and car tax , have had  no reply . 
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    · 2 years ago
    I have waited from June last year I got a text saying they have a back log to go through its getting really terrible my anxiety is 10 times worse I feel so ill

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    · 2 years ago
    Surely this is disability discrimination. A lot of government action/inaction causes increased health disfunction - there seems to be no acknowledgement or understanding of this by central and local government. Ill and disabled people suffer compounded distress and sometimes die because of this. How can the government be held responsible for its inhumane and inhuman actions/inactions? 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Anne Exactly this! I don't understand how the process to supply the help needed is actually designed to make matters worse. Discrimination for sure - treated like lying criminals or naughty children. Where is the dignity for the disabled?
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    · 2 years ago
    I sent my P I P  renewal back in June 2021, I waited the 12-16 weeks as normal and heard nothing! I have since rung them every 6 weeks as "they" suggested to be told a whole host of tails none of which seemed true. My Blue Badges were due for renewal but no info from P I P, stress levels going through the roof so I rang Local Council Blue Badge department who said still apply. They too got no help from P I P but contacted me to ring in and they asked some questions on the phonr and then issued me my Badges for full 3yr period.
    Still no contact from DWP it's making some of my problems worse!
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    · 2 years ago
    It took them so long to respond to my review form submitted September 2021 that by the time they called me to an assessment I’d had an unforeseen major operation and my circumstances had changed. I notified them of this and asked if I could complete the form afresh. They agreed but while I was arranging help  to complete it with the C.A.B I then received pressure from the Assessment service saying I must attend their appointment regardless of the change in circumstances. So I’m now caught in a sort of pincer movement, where the fresh form is being completed to a deadline, and I’m going to be assessed soon as well, seemingly implying that the information on the fresh form won’t be taken into account and that assessment is a forgone conclusion and just a ruse to get you off PIP.  All this despite the DWP having two tribunal decisions from 2017 and 2018 about my health and which confirm my disabilities at the enhanced rate for ESA and PIP.  The underhanded was is very damaging health wise. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I applied together with my solicitors for a higher award as i had more strong medical evidence snd more cinditions diagnosed.
    in April 2021 DWP carried ouT my asessment and stoppec my award completely. The solicitors were sbsolutely baffled. They said they had never had such a case before. 
    i had been in Tribunal over the last 6 years twixe and always won. 
    Now,my case had to be lodged again (nov 2021). The first hearibg was scheduled for 31.03.22 but when the jydges introduced thenselves they decided immediately to adjourn.Prrobably because they saw 500 pages of medical evidrnce and I guess they had not been prepared. 
    they sent then a silly letter with false excuse to my solicitors. 
    The next hearing was scheduled for 26 of May. Guess what? They cancelled it again and they did it s day before. Again,sending a ridiculous ecplanation!!!! (The judge supposedly did not have a computer😆😆😆😆)
    I have my assessments every 2 years and I’m in appeal for one year. This emotional rolkercoaster plus financial hardship have severely affected my health.  
    i just wanted to give uou guys an update on what’s been currently going on in tribunals. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I was asked to do a review about 15 months ago and yes my circumstances have changed sadly for the worst,I really do need my mobility to go up so I can get transport. I can’t really get anywhere at the moment, I have now been waiting for about 14 months and all I’ve had from them is a text saying they have still got my information. It’s destroying my life!

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