The DWP is moving inexcusably slowly in considering the cases of PIP claimants who may be owed thousands of pounds  in back payments, its latest progress report reveals.  Although the DWP claim the review will be completed in 2025, at the present rate, some claimants may be left waiting a total of more  than 8 years for a decision on their case.

The review of cases relates to PIP activity 9. Engaging with other people face to face.

The DWP got the law wrong in relation to two descriptors:

b. Needs prompting to be able to engage with other people. 2 points.

c. Needs social support to be able to engage with other people. 4 points.

If the support a claimant needs consisted just of prompting, then the DWP argued it was only worth 2 points, regardless of who gave it.

However, in a case known as MM, the Supreme Court decided that where the prompting needs to be given by someone ‘trained or experienced in assisting people to engage in social situations’, then it may count as social support and score 4 points.

The DWP also believed that social support has to be given during the social activity or immediately before it.

But, in the same case, the Supreme Court held that social support does not have to take place during or immediately before a social engagement, it could take place weeks before or even after the event.

This means that many people who got zero points for this activity will now be eligible for four points.

The review of cases relates to decisions from 6 April 2016, when the case was decided, to 16 September 2020 when the DWP began following the correct rules.

The DWP say that they have identified 326,000 review cases relating to the 9(b) group.  These are primarily cases where the claimant scored 2 points for prompting when they may have been entitled to 4 points for social support.

However, the DWP admit that they are unable to identify claimants affected by the timing of support issue, who may have received support well in advance of a social engagement but scored no points because the DWP got the law wrong.  These claimants will need to contact the DWP themselves if they wish to be considered.

Reviews of cases started in September 2021.  The DWP say they have prioritised reviews for terminally ill and recently deceased claimants.

In the following two years, they have dealt with just 79,000 cases with almost a quarter of a million left to examine.

At present rates it will take the DWP over six years to complete its review of the outstanding 247,000 cases, although the department claims it will be completed in just another two years.

But there may also be thousands of cases that relate to timing or that the DWP have simply failed to identify.

More than one in five claimants who have been reviewed have received a back payment.

So far, around 14,000 payments have been made to claimants, totalling £74 million..

Overall, the average payment is around £5,285 per claimant.

We have covered this issue extensively in the past. 

Benefits and Work members can download the following resources from the PIP guides page.

Engaging with other people review guide
A six page guide to who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Sample letters
Sample letters for people who think they may be affected by the DWP's error in assessing people who have difficulties engaging with other people.

Video explainer
A 7 minute video explaining who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Video transcript
A transcript of the video.

DWP Memo
A 5 page memo issued by the DWP on the subject of the changes to the law.

You can read the DWP’s progress report on the administrative exercise for MM.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 21 days ago
    Hello, I; trying to find sample letters as mentioned above. I haven't been contacted by DWP but believe I am entitled to these point. Shall i call DWO what do i do? Thanks x
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    · 26 days ago
    After asking my MP for Help I have had a letter saying they have looked at my claim from 2022 and I’m not entitled to the social support. That’s a lie. I cannot leave my house without my aunt or partner since 2017. Also my claim is from 2019. I already have the two points for prompting however it’s more than that I have to have them with me to engage with anyone weather I know the person I’m engaging with or not. This is social support not prompting. Therefore I am entitled to those extra points and I can’t believe there are telling me I’m not. They said they looked at my claim and the evidence they asked me for due to law change but they have never asked me for evidence or even sent a letter about mm before this letter so obviously I haven’t had a chance to give evidence?! I’m so crushed and confused I need help but don’t know where to go for it. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Hi I had a phone call yesterday from pip saying that they owe me back money from October 2023 and my award has been changed to the high rate on both and will not be reviewed for another 10yr omg I nearly fell off my chair 
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      · 28 days ago
      @Sophie Please could you share how long from answering the questions to getting a phone call with a decision it took.

      May I ask how much (lump sum)you got from October 2023 until the present awarded to you.

      Been waiting since November for an answer which from reading all the comments doesn't seem that long as alot of people have been waiting up to a year.

      Thank you in advance and I hope you don't mind the questions.
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    · 1 months ago
    Anon was it adult disability payment contacted you or pip contacted you about your payment 
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      · 27 days ago
      @Anon Please could you share how long from answering the questions to getting a phone call with a decision it took.

      May I ask how much (lump sum)you got from October 2023 until the present awarded to you.

      Been waiting since November for an answer which from reading all the comments doesn't seem that long as alot of people have been waiting up to a year.

      Thank you in advance and I hope you don't mind the questions.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Fiona Pip because the new 4 point thing they send me a text saying we need speak to u as we may owe u money due to that new law thing mm law and they said they owe me 6000 pound but 7 to 10 days I always thought was 3 to 5 days it’s now Friday they said that Monday not had the letter yet they said they send me saying it or payment idk 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Hi, I got the same form to fill out, I need support from my partner to help me in social situations, does that count? Or does the support for 4 points have to come from someone trained in supporting you?

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Sophie That’s great, well done. I have agoraphobic issues along with my mental health so I don’t go out on my own ever always have to have my aunt or partner present. I’m waiting for my case to be looked at still but fingers crossed. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Scott_ No the support can come from anyone my daughter supports me and I have had the extra points awarded now on highest rate for both 
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    · 1 months ago
    Can someone give me a bit of advice do you hear about change of law when you fill in your award review form because mines runs out on September I've been changed over to adult disability payment 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Fiona All I no is I got a text saying we may owe u some money I disnt even no about this thing and need to ask you a few questions I missed 4 calls as I have anxiety amd dont like to answer even thou thwy said may owe me money they rang again Monday morning said about new xoirt ruling and I should of had it said they decided I qualify and owe me 6800 worried about a call for nothing 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Hi everyone hope everyone is well I just wanted to ask I received a letter from pip saying we may owe you some money from 2019-2022 due to a law change and was asked to fill out 5 questions I filled it out and sent it back they received it last week recorded delivery so I knew they received it can I ask has anyone filled this out and how long did they wait to hear a response from dwp I really don’t understand it all any help would be greatly appreciate 
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      · 21 days ago
      @Sophie They have said the same thing to me and never asked me questions or sent any letter other than saying I’m not entitled when I’m certain I am so I will be calling doing a reconsideration and then when that inevitable fails I will take them to court. I haven’t been alone in any social situation since 2017 I can’t go anywhere or engage without in any social situation without my carer or experienced in handling my issues also my aunt.
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      · 22 days ago
      @BJ Hi BJ What are the 5 questions they ask please? I have asked for my claim to be looked at again after receiving a letter to say I don't qualify for mm supreme Court ruling (which I do) but I'm anxious what questions they ask because I know their trickery.
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      · 1 months ago
      @BJ Still waiting and I sent mine in november
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    · 1 months ago
    Just called up after not hearing anything and last calling in June. Was told I’m still down to be looked at by case manager and “that it is beneficial to wait even though there are thousands of cases to be looked at”. she then said she “can put it through now but it wouldn’t be beneficial to me as of if I did ask to put it through now I wouldn’t be able to get any kind of reconsideration if I didn’t get the outcome I wanted”. I was pretty shocked by this. So I said I would wait. Personally I think weather you want to have your case looked at sooner as your obviously in need of the money or weather you are able to wait should not impair your right to a fair reconsideration. It feels like a very slimy move for dwp to basically say if you want to be looked at sooner then it could cost you your potential award and you have no rights to challenge that decision, however if you wait you can have that right. Is this award people who are patient or pushing people who cannot afford to keep waiting the years this whole mess is taking to clear up?.  Has anyone else been told anything similar? 
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    · 1 months ago
    Hi enyone who add payment sent did they give mobility on the new award just double checking ? As back 2018 i was sitting at 11 points would not award mobility at the time yet my new review hrc hrm and also they add to back date the mm judgement just wondering if enyone had the mobility part added ? 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    Is anyone been transferred to adult disability payment in January because I've been transferred on January. Iam still waiting  on a letter to confirm bank details iam wondering if they mention the change of law on the letter because I've been selected because I haven't received a letter from pip
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    I received the letter recently so I did the questions over the phone, after reading all the comments on here if seems the average time of even getting an answer is 8 months to a year which is disappointing.

    I had 11 points so I'm sure of the award but my anxiety is through the roof.

    May I ask what people's waiting times have been from the time of answering the questions to and answer from them?

    Thank you in advance 
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      · 22 days ago
      @Justmee What questions do they ask please? I have asked for my claim to be looked at again after receiving a letter to say I don't qualify for mm supreme Court ruling (which I do) but I'm anxious what questions they ask because I know their trickery. 
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    · 3 months ago
    My son has autism doesn’t leave house as he doesn’t know how to go anywhere. Or plan journey or even cross a road on his own he’s 21 always had pip but low mobility how do I ask them to look at his claim thanks 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Fiona b Phone them and tell them the situation they will send another  form for you to fill they will look again good luck 
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    · 3 months ago
    Just received a letter, so i phoned them now waiting to be looked at mine is april 2016 hopefully hear something soon
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    · 3 months ago
    I’m panicking what to even right. I’ve received my letter and really struggle with these things! Any help would be amazing! 
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    · 3 months ago
    Got the phone call today i nearly fainted when they said they owe me 10.000 im so pleased 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Jay Well done, congratulations. I’m still waiting not heard a thing, my claim is 2019 going to call tomorrow and see if I can get any news. Fingers crossed for us all. 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Fiona  Fiona im 2017 so hopefully ur here soon 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Jay Jay what year are you  iam august 2017 because iam still waiting on word iam getting transferred to adult disability payment  on January iam pleased for you  you've heard something 
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    · 3 months ago
    That is what happen to me how do I get help with this
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    · 3 months ago
    Any up dates 
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    · 4 months ago
    Received payout yesterday ten and half grand not a bad payout and about time.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Lukankitty Hi Lukankitty that's nice you've received good news hope I will receive word soon because iam august  2017
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    · 4 months ago
    Hi guys just an update letter recieved said law change didn't affect me called up did Mr on there ground of i have walked out of social situations but completely missed all the info well enyway 2 days later call back someone else looked at all evidence been awarded £9600 due next week 
    Fight for what is yours because seems they will try eny reason not to pay out even with evidence in black and white  
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      · 26 days ago
      @Little l Just had same letter saying I’m not entitled but I know for certain I am. I have to have an experienced family member being my aunt or partner of 17 yrs with me at any point I leave the house or have to engage with anyone. I was originally only given two points for social prompting but it’s not prompting I need them with me to be able to even engage with anyone or leave my home. Going to phone them as it’s not right what they are doing and I let it go before but as I was grateful to get pip and after the long process when first applied I didn’t want to drag anything out but I’m not letting stuff go anymore I worked up u till my mental health got to much and now I need help I’m entitled to I have to fight for it. 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Little l So happy for you that’s amazing I am gonna keep chasing until I get looked at I’m not giving up, this gives me hope we will all get what we are entitled to. Well done. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Little l Hi little I it would be nice if I hear before  my birthday because my birthday is next week that would  be a nice big surprise also you have a nice Christmas and newyear too
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      · 4 months ago
      @Fiona Hi Fiona thankyou 
      I was awarded from aug 2018 
      I hope u hear soon I hope everyone gets what they are entitled too 
      Have a great Xmas and new year me and my babies will truly have a magical Xmas this year with out worries about gas electric food or a few extra presents round the tree 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Little l Hi little i iam so pleased for you 
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    · 4 months ago
    Enyone gone the process of answering 5 questions on a call ? Because iv called today for a update as I havnt been contacted back a decision was made the same day and letter sent in post that I havnt received yet
    Enybody with a letter being awarded or not does it state a certain date if succesful did they state a date of payment 
    Just wondering as she said decision was made and it's in letter posted but does it work like pip were you receive money before letter 
    I'm convinced that is a straight up refusal and I didn't manage to get the extra points even tho I was sitting on 11 points since 2018 until recent review and gone to hrc and hrm 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Little l Hi little I iam so sorry to hear this 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Fiona Yes apparently the ruling doesn't effect me even tho i have sent all paperwork stating I'm under mental health team and a out patient also cpn at my home every weeks I'm unstable that I cannot be discharged and havnt been ever. In my opinion they have completely overlooked everything as I asked what was the reason for their decision and it was because I have removed myself from some social situations means I'm not entitled even tho it's in black a white high rated verbally abusive aggressive gets irritated and agitated to the point I completely flip out but yeah I'm not entitled and I wasn't effected but I asked for this to be posted out to me and put in a Mr that I have said I will sent supporting evidence off family and cpn of what they have seen and how they have to deal with me in theses situations too 
      Or am I completely wrong as I thought social support would be from my mental health team my cpn and mainly my mom ? 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Little l Have you received you decision yet

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