The DWP is moving inexcusably slowly in considering the cases of PIP claimants who may be owed thousands of pounds  in back payments, its latest progress report reveals.  Although the DWP claim the review will be completed in 2025, at the present rate, some claimants may be left waiting a total of more  than 8 years for a decision on their case.

The review of cases relates to PIP activity 9. Engaging with other people face to face.

The DWP got the law wrong in relation to two descriptors:

b. Needs prompting to be able to engage with other people. 2 points.

c. Needs social support to be able to engage with other people. 4 points.

If the support a claimant needs consisted just of prompting, then the DWP argued it was only worth 2 points, regardless of who gave it.

However, in a case known as MM, the Supreme Court decided that where the prompting needs to be given by someone ‘trained or experienced in assisting people to engage in social situations’, then it may count as social support and score 4 points.

The DWP also believed that social support has to be given during the social activity or immediately before it.

But, in the same case, the Supreme Court held that social support does not have to take place during or immediately before a social engagement, it could take place weeks before or even after the event.

This means that many people who got zero points for this activity will now be eligible for four points.

The review of cases relates to decisions from 6 April 2016, when the case was decided, to 16 September 2020 when the DWP began following the correct rules.

The DWP say that they have identified 326,000 review cases relating to the 9(b) group.  These are primarily cases where the claimant scored 2 points for prompting when they may have been entitled to 4 points for social support.

However, the DWP admit that they are unable to identify claimants affected by the timing of support issue, who may have received support well in advance of a social engagement but scored no points because the DWP got the law wrong.  These claimants will need to contact the DWP themselves if they wish to be considered.

Reviews of cases started in September 2021.  The DWP say they have prioritised reviews for terminally ill and recently deceased claimants.

In the following two years, they have dealt with just 79,000 cases with almost a quarter of a million left to examine.

At present rates it will take the DWP over six years to complete its review of the outstanding 247,000 cases, although the department claims it will be completed in just another two years.

But there may also be thousands of cases that relate to timing or that the DWP have simply failed to identify.

More than one in five claimants who have been reviewed have received a back payment.

So far, around 14,000 payments have been made to claimants, totalling £74 million..

Overall, the average payment is around £5,285 per claimant.

We have covered this issue extensively in the past. 

Benefits and Work members can download the following resources from the PIP guides page.

Engaging with other people review guide
A six page guide to who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Sample letters
Sample letters for people who think they may be affected by the DWP's error in assessing people who have difficulties engaging with other people.

Video explainer
A 7 minute video explaining who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Video transcript
A transcript of the video.

DWP Memo
A 5 page memo issued by the DWP on the subject of the changes to the law.

You can read the DWP’s progress report on the administrative exercise for MM.


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    roper · 10 months ago
    for years now they have always scored me 0 points for section 9 b and c even though for years i saw a councilor for support stimulation i now rely on my partner to help me socially do i qualify under this new ruling is it even worth trying any help would be grateful 
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    andy · 10 months ago
    I qualify for this to the letter but because my decision was made by a tribunal it somehow disqualifies me, yet I know some one with exact same circumstance and they got the back payment.
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      Julie · 2 months ago
      @Carly I've been on pip since last year in March been awarded low mobility but only scored 8 in daily, and 2 points on that question ,dose this apply to me or is it only for people between 2016 and 2019 many thanks 
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      Alison · 9 months ago
      @The Dog Mother How ?
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      Alison · 9 months ago
      @andy Hi  my  claim  has just  come back  from  the upper tribural london.  It's  dosnt say I won  but I dosnt say I lost  just that it will go to  listing.  What is listing.  Apparently   I  will receive a phone call.?  Does that mean that I'll won  and they  will make  a  offer  or  a  another court to go over  some info  appreciate   alison
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      The Dog Mother · 10 months ago
      @andy Same,you get treated very differently if you won at tribunal. 
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      Carly · 10 months ago
      @andy Why does it disqualifie you
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    Louise Cassidy · 10 months ago
    This happened to me a few years ago. I have 4 degenerative illnesses but was suddenly pronounced as fit and healthy by the DWP and all benefits taken away. After 6 months of arguing my case my MP stepped on and sorted it out for me. I got my benefits reinstated, plus back pay and an apology 
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    Chrissy · 10 months ago
    My father was awarded higher rate for life in 1999, but this has now been taken away. Can they do this? 
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      Gail · 6 months ago
      @Chrissy The same thing happened to me they gave me high rate daily living for life  only needed 2 points and they lied and that was a tribunal hearing can hardly walk need 2 knee replacements both my knees are deformed I was told I was making it all up I would ask age uk to help your dad 
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      Jules · 9 months ago
      @Chrissy I’ve been awarded PIP ongoing too , why have they suddenly back tracked in their decision ? Seems to me they just don’t want to help the most vulnerable anymore 
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      corsa · 10 months ago
      @Chrissy Hi to this only for climates who went on a face to face
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      Am · 10 months ago
      @Chrissy Yes, the sold PIP as a way to give 'more targeted help' but of course it was all just a cost saving exercise. No doubt they think that disabled people shouldn't have a reliable income on some sort of ethical principle. Never mind that living with a disability is often a trial in itself, they still want us to feel insecure as extra punishment.
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    Lizfromleeds · 10 months ago
    I got a phone call out of the blue, telling me I would be getting a back payment of £11,000. I thought it was some sort of scam, but he only asked me to confirm my last 3 bank account digits, and said I was due the money as the face to face question had been reviewed. I actually phoned my bank to tell them and ask them to keep an eye on any attempt to withdraw money from my account, but they assured me that a scam wasn't possible without my full details which I hadn't given or been asked for.
    I still held back when the money turned up paid a few days later, and even when my PIP payment was increased. I was expecting a demand for it back!
    The relief, and sheer astonishment, when the official letter arrived was tremendous.As I'm 75, was on DLA before PIP, I haven't had a review for years, which is why I'd been so suspicious.
    I have now cleared my credit card, bought stuff for Christmas, and treated myself to some new clothes and books.
    Happy Christmas early - and I hope all of us entitled to this receive it before the holidays!
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      Peter J · 7 months ago
      @Lizfromleeds A staggering story but true of course!. Glad for you. Makes me wonder what the heck has been really being on in this country.
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      Limp lungs · 9 months ago
      @Lizfromleeds Hi iz did you get a letter first as I've received a letter about changes in the pip law do I have to write to them or phone them 
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      Yeh me too I have friends dis · 9 months ago
      @Lizfromleeds Well done, so what was their reasons for giving you the money they say or go into detail just so I understand, is it just because when you put down your prompting if you didn’t put prompting on every question then they would need to give you the money back x
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      Jaqui orme · 9 months ago
      @Lizfromleeds How long did it take to get the payment my partner got the same call last Wednesday but nothing up to yet 
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      Matthew · 10 months ago
      @Lizfromleeds Been on pip since 2009 I have had no review yet and got no points for talking verbally even though I have learning disability and depression 
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    Kelly Davies · 10 months ago
    I think I'm due a very large sum of backdated pip payments not on just mm but rj and mh yet my 'flagged'up as a claimant has been totally been decided on a negative dwp decision which is to my belief an error in law who should I contact?
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    Andrew · 10 months ago
    I had 8 points taken away from my mobility part and I've been on pip multiple years and the last form I filled in was over 3 months ago and I've still not had a decision. Despite having issues with face to face conversations are difficult for me in most situations, its been on my form since the beginning.
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    Kim · 10 months ago
    Concerned pip 
    I had my pip taken off me and my car taken back while they reviewed if I was eligible again for nearly 4 months 
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    A concerned Basic PIP · 10 months ago
    I am profoundly deaf, yet my PIP activity 9 is awarded nil points?    Also if I need to travel on trains, I cannot rely on last minute tannoys on platform changes, etc.  I have NIL points in total in the mobillity discriptors.  Wondered if DWP had it wrong?

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    jlee · 10 months ago
    I think this is me;;;will they write to me,,,?
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    Erin j · 10 months ago
    I only got 2 points for social support prompting. I have cbt and occupational therapy to engage and help from my sister who is a MH nurse. I was assessed again after the ruling and AGAIN only given 2 points! It's awful. Just called them and have been told I've been selected for the leap review but can't tell me when I'll be contacted. My current award runs out in March next year so hoping for a miracle as I definitely should of got the 4 points in that descriptor. I missed out on enhanced daily by 2 points!
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      Yeh me too I have friends dis · 9 months ago
      @Coll What did you say to them and their response behind you to know I need prompting and every aspect. I’m not sure if I put prompting down on everything on my pitbull that’s the very confusing take me weeks and weeks to fill out because I find it so stressful. I tried to Rewrite the question in order to try and trick you up they make me so anxious. I normally end up having bipolar episodes whilst this is going on to stress. 
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      Coll · 9 months ago
      @Erin j How do I contact them to see if I’m entitled 
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    Midnight · 10 months ago
    I believe that I am entitled to this, I scored 2 points when I absolutely believe I should have received 4 in section 9. I have sent a letter to DWP asking them to relook at my original application/assessment from 4 years ago, but I am not particularly hopeful of a speedy reply 🤔
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    Am · 10 months ago
    I'm not surprised, I never got my PIP mobility LEAP review, I asked for it through my MP, and I asked for it at 2 PIP reviews (the first gave me back the SRM) but they haven't even had the courtesy to reply. I lost SRM for 4 years between 2016 and 2020.
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    The Dog Mother · 10 months ago
    And if you won via tribunal you will not get paid back. So that'll be one heck of a lot of people.
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      Pauline · 10 months ago
      @The Dog Mother That will be me then!! 
      I’m severely to profoundly deaf but apparently can engage with other people! 
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      Julia · 10 months ago
      @Karen I also went to Tribunal regarding MM v Dwp. It took a year of blank refusals by Dwp to even look at my original claim from 2017 which states I have always needed support in EVERY new social situation. 

      The court date arrived but alas the Dwp did not. I was commended by the Judge for the content of my appeal (thank you B&W!) and awarded Enhanced Daily Living with backpay of £5,600. 

      Why is it such a lottery where this descriptor is concerned? 
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      Karen · 10 months ago
      @The Dog Mother I'm one of them. Took it to high court but no luck
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