Follow our updates on the Spring budget and Health and Disability White Paper here when they are published on Wednesday 15 March and share your own views and insights.

WCA abolition and  new UC health element FAQs

We've published some UC health element FAQs here.  The most important takeaway at the moment is that it's likely to be - at the very least - 6 years before existing UC/ESA claimants are affected. 


When will changes happen?

They will be rolled out geographically for new claims first from 2026/27 to 2029.  Only then would existing claimants begin to be affected.  There will be some transitional protection for claimants who have LCWRA but do not get any element of PIP.

"The degree of change in our proposals will require primary legislation, which we would aim to take forward in a new Parliament when parliamentary time allows. These reforms would then be rolled out, to new claims only, on a staged, geographical basis from no earlier than 2026/27. We would expect the new claims roll-out to be completed within three years (so by 2029 at the earliest), when we would then begin to move the existing caseload on to the new system."


Full White Paper

The full white paper is here.  It may take a while to digest

New UC Health Element

The UC LCWRA element will be replaced with a new UC health element for claimants getting UC standard allowance and any PIP element.  Paid at same rate as LCWRA element.

"Landmark reforms to the benefits system will change the emphasis from what people can’t do, to what they can, by legislating to remove the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) so that in future there is only one health and disability assessment – the Personal Independent Payment (PIP) assessment.

"This will mean there will be no need to be found to have limited capability for work and limited capability to prepare for work to get additional income-related support for a disability or health condition – reducing the worry claimants currently experience that they will lose their benefits following a reassessment.

"We will replace the current Universal Credit Limited Capability for Work and Work Related Activity (LCWRA) financial top up with a new UC health element. This will be awarded to people who are receiving the UC standard allowance and any PIP element. The award rate of the new UC health element will be set equal to the current award to those people that have LCWRA, ensuring there is a safety net in place for the most vulnerable."

White paper published

The Health and Disability white paper is now online

Correction, it's not the whole white paper yet, just a factsheet giving the major changes.



"The next set of employment reforms affects those on universal credit without a health condition who are looking for work or on low earnings. There are more than 2 million jobseekers in this group, more than enough to fill every vacancy in the economy.  Independence is always better than dependence, which is why a Conservative government believes those who can work should.  So sanctions will be applied more rigorously to those who fail to meet strict work search requirements or choose not to take up a reasonable job offer.  And for those working low hours, we will increase the administrative earnings threshold from the equivalent of 15 hours to 18 hours at national living wage for an individual claimant.  Meaning that anyone working below this level will receive more work coach support alongside a more intensive conditionality regime."

Universal Support

"Today I’m going further than that by announcing that in England and Wales after listening to representations from the Centre for Social Justice and others we will fund a new programme called Universal Support.  This is a new voluntary employment scheme for disabled people where the government will spend up to £4,000 per person to help them find appropriate jobs and put in place the support they need. It will fund 50,000 places every single year."

 What the chancellor said

"I start with over 2 million people who are inactive due to a disability or long-term sickness  . . . we could fill half the vacancies in the economy with people who say they would like to work despite being inactive due to sickness or disability.

With Zoom , Teams and new working models that make it easier to work from home, this is possible now more than ever.  So for that reason the ever diligent work and pensions secretary today takes the next step in his groundbreaking work i9n tackling economic inactivity.  I thank him for that and today we publish a white paper on disability benefits reform.  It is the biggest change to our welfare system i9n a decade.

His plans will abolish the work capability assessment in Great Britain and separate benefit entitlement from an individual’s ability to work.  As a result, disabled benefit claimants will always be able to seek work without fear of losing financial support." 

WCA to be abolished

The chancellor has confirmed that the WCA will be abolished


Prepayment meters

Prepayment energy meter customers will have charges in line with direct debit customers in the future, rather than having to pay a premium.

Energy Price Guarantee

The Treasury has confirmed that the Energy Price Guarantee will be kept at £2,500 for an additional three months, from April to June. The government claims this will save the average household £160. It's a small improvement, but many are arguing it doesn't go nearly far enough in supporting people on low incomes with their energy bills.

What we're expecting

From the information that has been put out by the Treasury so far, the main issues that we will be looking out for are:

The abolition of the work capability assessment (WCA).

An increase in the severity of the sanctions regime.

Sanctions being issued automatically by DWP software.

The potential abolition of the WCA raises a huge number of questions about how it will be decided whether claimants with health conditions will be subject to the sanctions regime and whether and how they will be assessed for any additional payment because of their health condition or disability.  We hope the white paper will have some of the answers.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Well I don't get it at all.
     My son gets HRC and LM.
    Just been awarded LCW so no extra payments because despite his issues he does a bit of work and has access to work.
    So basically saying in 2026 he would get extra but presently doesn't.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Mumzie No, the additional amount  is forpeople on LCWRA only. The whole mentality of how and why they applied this other than the usual Tory obvious of 'lets save money' is totally nuts. Meanwhile people with LCW status have had to plod on regardless of what condition/'s, they may suffer with. All because some iddealistic 'unqualified medical beurocrat' imo, decideds to tick a box. 

      By them ALL ploughing on regardless with this latest brainstorming idea of 'scrap WCA.LCW,LCWRA etc. Must be because of everyone now feels totally wonderful if they now have 'any job' because that cures all illnesses.Totally nuts in the extreme as they will find out when this causes mass disruption to businesses.Obviously, anyone whose been out of work for 2 years plus, with multiple medical conditions, of who still suffers from them is a great candidate.
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    · 2 years ago
    Hope it helps,
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    · 2 years ago
    As per comments below it depends how labour see things as they probably will be in power next I’m in 50s now and only suffer with autism if it all goes threw in coming years I will do what I can like part time work but others with serious illness won’t be able to do that it is very worrying the safety net is gradually fading away 
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    · 2 years ago
    As others have said, the Tories won't be able to do any of this if they lose the upcoming election, which seems very likely. The crucial question then is: what is Labour's position on this? In particular, do they support having no replacement for the WCA, thus abolishing LCWRA for ESA claimants who don't get PIP - indeed, effectively abolishing incapacity benefits altogether by making it impossible to be assessed as too ill to work? If so that would be very worrying, as it means this change would probably happen.  We can only hope that Labour pledge to introduce a replacement for the WCA so it will still be possible to get LCWRA without having to claim PIP. If they do that, and also pledge to get rid of the appalling sanctions regime, then the outlook might not be quite so bad - depending on the nature of what replaces the WCA of course.

    Whether Labour will make these pledges is another matter. If this were still Corbyn's Labour I'd expect them to, but with Starmer's Labour who knows, especially with Little Miss WCA Yvette Cooper and Rachel "we'll be tougher than the Tories on benefits" Reeves back in the shadow cabinet.  
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      · 2 years ago
      @tintack Spot on far too many red Tories in the current shadow cabinet so frankly I am not expecting them to be any better !
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    · 2 years ago
    Govt also seems to ignore the fact that most employers want young healthy people on the workforce, got school leavers and young people they can pay half the wage to, two for one essentially. The disabled are up against it from the outset, what employer is going to take on a person who needs time off regularly due to impact of illnesses and going to appointments and need to supply specialist equipment etc etc.
    And the ones that do probably only do so for the tick box exercise and the trophy disabled worker to show they are inclusive 

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    · 2 years ago
    Tories would have us all back in the workhouses, as always it is a case of the deserving and undeserving poor and sick people. They are dismantling the welfare system bit by bit, it will end up being like it is in the USA and that includes the health care system too. 
    As for Pip, my journey started when transferred from DLA HRM & MRC then zero points on pip and at MR stage. Tribunal in 2019 took 16 months to be heard. Got a call night before to offer SR DL & SR Mob.
    Had operation on spine before hearing and also developed tremors in both legs and body overnight, a neurological disorder. PIP review has now been 12 months and counting despite severe deterioration and new conditions all of which are chronic. Too many to list! 
    Thanks to B&W for the brilliant guides and advice and the feedback, it gives us the strength to do battle. 
    Hope everyone gets the outcomes they deserve. 

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      · 1 years ago
      ''Tories would have us all back in the workhouses''

      They would indeed. And mororless, achieved it. Ask anyone whos worked/working in a warehouse. Just look at the vast amount of unskilled, temporary low paid work out there notwithsatnding the actual cost of living.This nightmare has been creeping up on us all since 2008. Labour haven't a clue to change things. The days of having a job for life ended long time ago and now with cost of living being stupidly high, they have many now working for next to nothing, claiming benefits as a top up to just 'exsist.' Until we start mass producing items for the world that everyone wants to buy from UK; we are firmly screwed. The know it, and dress the cure up as health programmes and the like. Ridiculous situation and no doubt Labour dont have an answer for all that either.  Apprentiships for Electricians, bricklayers, and plumbers is the way to go for those young enough to hack it. Thats where the stability and decent wages will be. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Anyone currently in receipt of LCWRA will find the new system essentially freezes their benefits indefinably with no annual increases inline with inflation. The "top up" gradually reduces year after year as inflation increases until inflation has eaten up the top up and the LCWRA recipient is no longer treated as having any health issues. This also applies to anyone who has had a Tribunal Judge order that LCWRA is due to the claimant. 

    If inflation drops to around 4% pear year and benefits are increased by that amount each year, then it will be upward of a decade before anyone with LCWRA sees any further increase to their benefits, while those without a disability or health condition will not be discriminated against.

    I've no doubt whatsoever that this will be unlawful. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Re-   The Health and Disability White Paper

    Chapter 1: 
    paragraph 22

    is Patricia Ashworth, Director of AdviserPlus Learning Solutions, related to Labour shadow work & pensions Jonathan Ashworth?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @clearwater Ashwoth and his wife Emilie Oldknow split up in Jun 2022, according to the Daily Mail. 

      She looks nothing like Patricia Ashworth but this does not prove or disprove any relationship to Jonathan Ashworth?

      I mean this the Labour party and I personally do not trust them.

      After all they approved and implemented this abhorrent system of claiming benefits that has led to many people's deaths, some of which I love and miss, and given the chance could have turned their lives around.
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    · 2 years ago
    Paragraph 161 of the white paper clarifies that ‘our new approach will mean both voluntary and (mandatory work-related requirements) may be set for health and disability benefit claimants, where this is appropriate. Overall everyone knows that all they're going to do is erode any transitional protection over time so you will be worse off and they save money again just to waste it.  Remember that certain people on incapacity benefit were left on it because they were 60+ so would retire and be less of a cost migrating to ESA it will probably happen again. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I am on PIP only and missed out on my actual pension age as this government decided I need to work longer.   Will I be affected as it’s so stressful and confusing as I do just manage to work.
    Will I also be able to keep PIP after I receive my pittance of a stage pension of working over 47 years?  Can some one help to understand as I’m struggling too.  I have a review in 2025 however I have had no hospital or doctor input due to constant nhs cancellation of my appointments and out of reach GP. 

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    · 2 years ago
    What I don't understand is I just recently got awarded LCWRA I get it with my universal credit and I'm on middle rate pip I have trouble mobilising without a stick so can someone help here please 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Concerned Lady You'll be ok for around six years then you will probably be transferred over to the new scheme.Dont worry a lot can happen in six years.
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    · 2 years ago
    What happens to me under all this? I have PIP and ESA Support group but also 22 hours 15 mins care provided by the local authority and  a care agency. Will I be sent to see a work coach? If so I would need to take my carer with me because I don't travel alone and would need her by my side if they forced me to take some work. I have an acquired  brain injury as a result of illness when i was 2 yrs old.  It is all very worrying.
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      · 2 years ago
      @c.lloyd@btintern Dont worry you WILL be fine , your disability is too severe to force you tobany work coach ! Xx
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      · 2 years ago
      @c.lloyd@btintern You should be fine not sure if you're income related or contribution related or if you're UC ESA or ESA waiting to transfer. We could be waiting for several years for anything to be made final. It's just a think tank proposal. But don't lose any sleep ✌️
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    · 2 years ago

     in addition to my post  below or before this 

    Paragraph 144 of the White Paper says that the changes to the WCA are being proposed because 'we want to give people confidence to try work, so that those who are able to can progress in or towards work, without the worry of being reassessed or losing their benefits.'

    A big problem with this is that people currently worried about losing their LCW/LCWRA status if they try work are equally worried about losing their PIP, on which their new UC ‘health element’ would depend. You can in theory/law get PIP while in work, but your ability to hold down a job, travel to work and do the tasks involved in your work are all taken into account in a PIP assessment and regularly used as reasons for refusing or withdrawing PIP. 
    The Social Security Advisory Committee recognised this in August 2022 and suggested mitigations which have unfortunately not been taken up in the White Paper

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    · 2 years ago
    "claimants will always be able to seek work without fear of losing financial support" But don't forget they'll sanction you if you do not meet the standards set by the online bot. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I've recently
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    · 2 years ago
    I've been reading everything I can on this and so far it seems clear that the goal is to remove the LCW & LCWRA protections for everybody, regardless of whether you get PIP or not. If you do get PIP, you will get a UC premium, but not protection from conditionality and sanctions. All decisions on WRA requirements will be passed to the JCP work coaches and as such, will not be eligible for appeal. That this system poses such a glaringly obvious risk to hundreds and thousands of people is probably a good thing, because it will probably force them to do another U-Turn, as they have been forced to do many times before. I think there are two possibilities, that this is all just a big PR exercise, that they never intend to make these changes as stated - remember it sounds very similar to what the Labour MP said about what Labour wants to do - so the Tories have attempted to steal Labour's thunder thereby reclaiming a few Tory votes. Or second, that they do intend some changes but that they will have to make some substantial provisions for protecting those who require LCWRA due to substantial risk. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I am on pip for an indefinite time. I’m sorry for nit quite understanding all of this. Does this mean I will be re assessed? I’m not in any other means tested benefits I only claim pip. I am worried as I don’t know what this all means. Can anyone explain. Thank you in advance 
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      · 1 years ago
      @RainMond Hope to God you're right
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sarah B Sorry I meant bank details
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sarah B I'd assume you Will get a light touch review checking your break details name that nothings changed.please don't worry it'll be six years or more when and if it comes in 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sarah B It’s a fantasy/proposal/a “red-meat” set of possible ambitions by the current government about what it might or might not try to put into law at some distant point in the future, a point which is never likely to arrive. It is a ploy, ahead of a General Election, to try to induce people who do not understand the nature of both disability and sickness benefits to vote for the Conservative Party, and nothing mire than that. The Conservatives will not win the next election any way because it is a shambles, a disgrace and an international embarrassment to the people who live here. In other words: don’t worry my friend this will never come to pass.
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi  Here's something for you, I'm on PIP and the award go's up to 2032, can anyone tell me as to what is going to happen concerning PIP, would this be taken away and replaced or do we keep it, (hopefully we will still keep it) nothing was said about this, or do we have to start all over again and loss the PIP award. Now I'm at the moment 66. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @hamric46 They likely won’t take pip away when you’re 75 after a 10 year award.Highly probable a light review unless you have made a recovery back to full robust health!
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    · 2 years ago
    Can anyone help me as confused. I never qualified for PIP but did for ESA support group. Unless they change the PIP to cover more work related questions I will end up with nothing?
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      · 2 years ago
      @Justine I'm in the same position as yourself,  and I think thats the whole idea. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @wibblum Like popping our clogs ☺️
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      · 2 years ago
      @Justine It's all still very vague, but so far it seems that provided you can manage to remain in the ESA Support group without being migrated to UC, this is unlikely to affect you before 2028-2030, and (hopefully) we'll all be a bit better informed by then. And it also might not even happen at all, because a lot of other things we can't predict are bound to happen between now and 2028.

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