The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    GJ23 · 2 months ago
    Just completed it. I'm still fuming as the craziness of the questions. The concept that a local Authority could be of any use is madness ours can't manage to clean the streets and empty bins regularly, the extra 'burden' of supporting disabled people which is how it felt that every question was worded hidden or otherwise when the are bankrupt is beyond belief. So we would all go from 'independance' which is what PIP provides to having to save up vouchers like children collecting cards and go cap in hand to some shop hoping that no one steals our voucher on route and that the shop is open when we need some more bandages or medication etc etc. Ok rant over.
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    Ð Barnett · 2 months ago
    I have parkinsons, scoliosis, osteoporosis in back and hips. I also suffer with anxiety. PIP and ESA are my only income. I'm unable to work, who would employ a 62 year old with chronic progressive illness. I'm worried sick these proposals will go ahead. 
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      Jacki · 2 months ago
      @Ð Barnett Yes I feel the same as you,I am still waiting to hear if I’m entitled to any money  which is completely ridiculous.i had a massive brain bleed in January and now I’m left with alsorts of health issues.i am having to try and find money to pay for all the extra costs that go along with daughter who is also disabled has to help me financially with her pip money it’s so unfair and degrading. No one seems to care or brain surgeon has told them the facts about a suberachnoid hemmorage but how can u expect anyone who’s not a brain doctor to understand the condition and these people sat on a laptop are making a decision on my life and future.its so wrong.
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    Linda zbrumpton · 2 months ago
    The plans to change Pip from a money paced benefit to vouchers or some other similar scheme is dreadful. As always the government a picking on the weakest and poorest people in our society. These people are worried sick and frightened that what they can buy with money and the right to do is being re.oved from them and think they may be made even poorer and humiliated by this action.  These are people/voters you are attacking and if you bring in this scheme you should be ashamed of yourselves. One day you may need this benefit and perhaps you should think how you would feel getting vouchers, using catalogues  instead of going to any shop with cash.  Please don't  do this it's so unfair hitting people who are already down.
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    Luke · 2 months ago
    I have autism and I struggle with these benefit payments so much and hear so many nasty things people who don't understand about benefits and believe the lies.
    If this vouchers thing happens then I will suffer from it and I know my parents will never be able to understand it either 
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    Jeremy T · 2 months ago
    Please don't make it vouchers 
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    kefkat · 2 months ago
    That was hard filling it in even downloading your copy. I couldn't have done it without it. Seeing your answers really helped me know what to say and how to change it to say what I wanted to in my language. Thank you. I used the template to write my answers and copy and paste it over afterwards to the forms.

    The terror this green paper is rising in people is unbelievable. I am disabled, however have an academic/legal background so have more understanding than most. I feel more empowered though alot of that empowerment comes from knowing I have you on side. I have learnt so much over the past 16 years of being a member, to keep me updated on whats what and help others too.

    The PIP forms are hard enough to fill in and most don't feel them in right anyway so don't get what they are entitled too, proven by the appeal sucess rate. Which discounts those who give up and don't appeal. If all appealed the sucess rate would be higher. 

    Peoples conditions and needs vary. What they need one week maynot be the same as next week. This is bringing back in victorian type practices. The disabled are stigmatised as it is. The Tories were told they were breaking U.N laws by the U.N and took no notice. What if any of this is implemented will do is unthinable. 

    I shall be contacting my local Labour MP, who is very good, to ensure she knows my thoughts too.
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    I can’t go out no where do to my learning disability  so voucher will be no good money is what we need as we suffer each day as it is 
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    Dee · 2 months ago
    Im housebound due to severe mental health that ive suffered since childhood. Ive ptsd..depression..bpd. ive also got osteoarthrities in both knees..feet and the back of my neck..ive recently been diagnosed with copd. I cant breathe or walk unaided and am on my own. Im 58 years old. WHAT GOOD WILL STUPID VOUCHERS AND CATALOGUES DO ME? ALL THIS IS MAKING ME SUICIDAL!!
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    John Wall. · 2 months ago
    As PIP stands currently it gives the claimant choices which of course help him/her to live independently.
    By receiving PIP as someone now 71 this particular contribution to my well-being is immeasurable. It quite simply allows me the choice of how I spend my income. This also very much enhances my mental well-being. Finally, I have to stress again because the PIP allowance allows me to distribute this income in so many different ways it enhances my will to live.
    Thank you for reading.
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    Sarah · 2 months ago
    I cannot work i am 66 next month i had an operation where the hospital did a bodged job on my knee now i have arthritis, i went to hospital for physiotherapy and was told no more by them as it was causing more problems. The answer would to get this surgeon who now has been Struck off due to further messed up operations, but they will not do it. I have been like  this since 2010. How the hell are vouchers going to help me i have a mortgage as well. So i aint got any money for bills. This is so unfair especially on older people who are not as young as they were once. OaP next month! Yep 66yrs old at last. 
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    Jill H · 2 months ago
    Disgraceful proposal. Disabled people are disabled, not stupid and frivolous. Allow them to spend their entitlement in a way that benefits them - their lives are hard enough as it is.
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    I use my pip to pay for taxi from hospital and also to help with every day cost of living voucher will not do this 
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    Mari · 2 months ago
    PIP should stay as it is. Stop introducing ineffective schemes and further ruining the lives of people who are already suffering.  This is further humiliation not needed on top of the humiliation caused at the assessment centres and the actual application forms! 
    Not a way to go in life by taking from the sick!
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    Trudi · 2 months ago
    This idea is awful it be littles any disabled person vouchers will not pay for specialist food for people with digestive disorders. Vouchers will not pay for taxis to appointments it will be hard to start up and very expensive to change the system it was bad enough when it changed from DLA to PIP and the huge mistakes that were made on people's claims as well as taking a lot longer to bring it in  as a disabled person I am sick with worry about this whole situation 
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    CC · 2 months ago
    Vouchers seem to be getting all the attention, but there is a lot of proposed descriptor changes in the consultation which I assume would disqualify more than half of all PIP claimants.  I suspect the vouchers are a distraction to stop everyone taking notice of the intention of plans to reduce pip eligibility, if you no longer eligible for pip then whether its vouchers or cash stops being relevant.

    As a reminder of some proposals.

    Removal of prompting and aids descriptors.
    Requiring all 8/12 points in one descriptor.
    Removing descriptors that are too similar to other descriptors.
    Requiring a confirmed diagnosis from second line care.
    Adjustments to the length of time problem has existed for and expected length of problem.

    Probably more i have forgotten.
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    I’m on a different diet vouchers will not get the food I need also we need pip money pop voucher is so stupid so leave it as it is 
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    Matt · 2 months ago
    This will be final comment until we hear from Labour, but as most here will be aware, those on UC who are unemployed have conditions attached to receiving their benefits, ie, 35 hours per week looking for work, a minimum income floor etc, or you will be sanctioned.

    I work in the life insurance industry and am alarmed at the number of people who self medicate with alcohol or drugs on relation to mental health. I can see conditions been attached whereby recipient's must be compliant with their prescribed medication in order to receive PIP. This could be extended, for example, to diabetics (I am one who takes insulin)... would be interested on other people's thoughts on this potential change to PIP in the future....
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    Dean · 2 months ago
    The idea of replacing Pip with Vouchers is frightening. I suffer with nervous tension & anxiety, stress. What use are vouchers going to be?. I'm going to contact one of my local MPs about these proposals. Hopefully Stephen Timms will listen to the disabled & people with mental health problems. Pip needs replacing with DLA 
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    C. Marsh · 2 months ago
    PIP should be paid in cash to those who have physical difficulties. Mental health needs may be better served by Mental Health support and therapy. However, it is not feasible to provide this as the NHS continues to run, on its knees.
    My husband receives PIP due to a number of physical conditions, and he needs to be able to have the same rights as others, to choose what he decides to spend his money upon. 
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      CMH · 2 months ago
      @C. Marsh Disgusting.. 
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      Anthony · 2 months ago
      @C. Marsh You cannot discriminate against people with mental illness. This is just as important as people with physical disabilities 
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      Brian guite · 2 months ago
      @C. Marsh A lot of my pip goes for paying taxis to hospitals and other appointments surely taxi drivers won't take vouchers, I have to keep my garden tidy as part of tenancy, gardeners won't take vouchers typical politicians nothing is thought through 
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      Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
      @C. Marsh All pip should be paid money if u ask me that’s learning disability discrimination 
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    Andy Hodgkins · 2 months ago
    Whilst some aspects of the scheme have some merits there is no way the current system can be replaced by this scheme.  It's clearly an attempt to reduce the bill by increasing the complexity of the process. How many thousands of people, many of whom already struggle with forms and paperwork, will end up losing an important element of their income through fear of getting things wrong. 
    What about offering MPS a voucher payment scheme. The people who pay their wages (us) would have far greater clarity about their spending habits then.