The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over ÂŁ400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    MH · 2 months ago
    How are people going to pay for a cab/uber or a takeaway with vouchers? People with disabilities have different needs and a voucher scheme for everyone is going to cause problems for some people. I get PIP for mobility and i need to get cabs. The extra money from PIP is not that much when you consider the cost of living too.
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    CKG · 2 months ago
    In the course of filling out the green paper, I stumbled across a number of observations. They ask about whether people scoring low points rather than high points across a number of descriptors should be treated differently. My problem here is that my partner is a full-time frontline carrier. It takes exactly the same number of steps and exactly the same amount of time to prompt somebody to take medication or nutrition as it does to supervise them or to assist them because they have to be present for the entirety. A prompt is only a prompt if it's executed successfully and the only way to ensure a prompt has been successful is to either supervise or assist. As such, there are a number of areas where low points don't necessarily mean a different amount of support input than high points scoring. 

    I'm also astonished by the number of questions that suggest offloading pip support to local authorities. The local councils in the three areas and counties that I've lived in over the last 15 years are incapable of answering a simple council tax query inside of 3 months. They are incapable of addressing a blue badge enquiry inside of 3 months. So how on earth are they expected to manage millions of PIP receipts or the execution and delivery of PIP vouchers?

    Receipts also show a ridiculous level of simplicity to any government approach. Huge numbers of self-employed people who are neither elderly nor disabled struggle to get the right number of receipts available for hmrc tax returns. My local plumber has his wife employed full-time ensuring that all of his paperwork and receipts are in order. My local labour MP has an entire member of staff dedicated to collecting his expense receipts. As it stands, frontline social carers are already having to collect receipts for any shopping that they do for clients, and the receipt approach would no doubt double the amount of receipts that they are potentially to collect and record. 

    More troublingly from my personal experience. I'm unable to go anywhere without my partner. So in what way do I collect a receipt for her time spent with me? Or fuel spent exclusively getting me to places? Or her time, prompting, support, and assistance in a number of activities that I'm unable to undertake or complete?  Do I claim the entire MOT for our vehicle as an expense that allows me to be able to travel to places? Or do I have to keep an hourly log of when the car was used for me versus when the car was used for collecting our son from school? Receipts are madness, they need a staff of thousands to monitor the receipts coming in. They'd need a staff of tens of thousands to monitor the enquiries and challenges regarding those receipts. And they'd have to deal with millions of enquiries as people try to justify receipts that are dismissed in the same way as assesses currently dismissed disabilities. And they'd have to deal with millions of enquiries as people try to justify receipts that are dismissed in the same way as assessors currently dismissed disabilities. I don't see vouchers as having a different outcome either other than an excessive amount of admin time, stress, complexity, and enormous cost to the taxpayer.
    There are some 200 MPS currently sitting in parliament in a position to do something from within a governing party who have ll for the last 14 years criticised the government for its failure to do more for people in need of support in relation to disabilities. I fully expect the vast majority of them to now fall silent and make no further complaint regarding any of the issues that they've challenged whilst in opposition or to pull a complete U-turn over providing for those most needy in our society.
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      Matt · 2 months ago
      @CKG I did mention in the consultation that many local authorities are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy (some already gone bust). Is Central Government going to give extra funding if it decides to off load PIP from the DWP to local authorities? And that's before we come to the NHS.

      Labour may not like this, but keeping PIP pretty much as it is may prove cheaper in the long run. Sure, eligibility criteria will be much stricter and I do see it being merged, eventually, with UC, with conditionality being attached to payment 
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    David Macfie · 2 months ago
    As a pensioner, many of the criteria don't apply...
    E.G. I cannot be assessed for work , and I am not any longer on long term sickness benefits.
    However, I am an asthmatic with a Laryngectomy, Osteopenia in my lower vertebrae, and a defunct cartilage in my right knee...
    This has ruined my fitness and mobility, so pip does apply... I am going to the Tribunal on the 24th, and I hope to get full pip on both counts.
    The proposed changes mention nothing about rural pressures and effects, lack of transport , amenities and general practice availability... I live in rural Norfolk!
    It only addresses anything that can be done to save money, not to help any disabled citizen... So I only hope Labour see the light, or this proposed legislation will be our Ruanda!
    Further, there has to be a different approach to pip for pensioners, as many work based criteria aren't applicable, but are included in assessments.
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    Mart G · 2 months ago
    Pathetic idea. Why don’t you introduce conscription for the over 70’s? You’re beginning to look like the Tories dressed in red!
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      Paul Oakley · 2 months ago
      @Mart G How much I agree I voted Labour what a big mistake they will be no better than the tories I don't even see the point in voting as it makes no difference who gets in the public will always loose out one way or the other
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    Jules · 2 months ago
    This voucher system is ridiculous and just won’t work , how can you pay people who help with things like gardening etc , pay for taxis to get to appointments with vouchers , I think we should all get onto disability Uk and do a petition for the government 
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    Laura Smith · 2 months ago
    What is this governments coming to pick on disabilities no think a pip is further independence so keep the cash for our disabilities I don't make us poverty and and destitute and keep the limit capacity and wca and don't pick under disabilities we only get pittance and you government officials get more please keep the cash for our taxes are food and are dignity I keep our safety net limited capacity and keep the cash to keep us independence pip
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    JD · 2 months ago
    Why vouchers? Surely there's a cost for those vouchers too so please continue with the monthly payments into claimants bank account. We don't want or ask to be disabled so please treat us with some respect.
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      Paul · 2 months ago
      @JD It's another outsourcing contract to a private company that the public will pay for. The government are not taxing the wealthy anymore and the wealthy are no longer paying for public services. It's endless outsourcing and the public will pay for it. 
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    Tim · 2 months ago
    I don't see major changes coming for anybody, least of all the disabled. The DWP is run by civil servants, happy little people doing a job that never differs from day to day. To make major policy changes would bring the entire workforce to a grinding halt, probably the reason why PIP decisions take so much time and all the Conservative wonder schemes never got off the ground.
    If Labour carry out the voucher idea, then everyone should be paid in vouchers, even MPs or we should kick off the biggest class action for discrimination against Starmer and his party.
    We are not children at school who needed a ticket for dinner, our lives are hard enough without the government beating us even more.
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    Sara stokes · 2 months ago
    I have bad legs and and bad need as a car accident and arthritis please I need my independence keep pip the way it is the transfer cash I need taxes food and need to pay my cleaner I need this independence of cash so I can support myself with the cash to show off I've got independence and please keep the limited capacity the way it is and wca and keep the cash our disabilities keep us from getting poverty keep our dignity and keep the cash for our essentials keep safe at the limited capacity our disabilities are truth keep CASH support.or independence and safety net of limited capacity.
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    Scott finnin · 2 months ago
    Keep pip independence the way it is transfer cash for our independence and keep the limited capacity has well we need our cash and our support and our bills paying you cruel government lose our dignity we may have disabilities but we cannot help them please keep the transfer cash for a PIP I kick the transfer cash for limited capacity and wca to support us in our need
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    Leigh Bootes · 2 months ago
    My conditions are different every day. I don't know if will be able to stand or bend. I shake and jerk on and off. I am agoraphobic and now have breast cancer as well. Vouchers are no good when every day is different. My spine has several pinched nerves which means I am unable to move 
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    Tony Mullins · 2 months ago
    Please keep the cash for our disabilities to support us for independence a key part dignity so we can use our cash for bills money and I dignity and keep the limited capacity as well for our safety net as you help the foreigners so keep our cash for our disabilities and support us with independence with the cash for needsor food gas and bills  support with analytic capacity 2 wca oh yeah makers poverty and on homelessness without the cash and support a pip and limited capacity it  be 3 world disabilities for cash and independence to have the cash payment and the safety of limited capacity
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    Angel · 2 months ago
    All those saying yes give them vouchers, well it is their plan to have everything cashless.
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    Julia - Staffordshire · 2 months ago
    Having to pay for things with vouchers would be very embarrassing and degrading. 
    It would be obvious to others that you are receiving a benefit.

    Having disabilities is not a choice, being in pain every day affects your mental health. The last thing you want is judgement from others when you’re having to pay by vouchers.. 
    Also, if you need work doing around your home like DIY, cleaning,  gardening or having the car fixed I don’t think all of these people will accept vouchers. They want payment by cash/card payments/bank transfer/direct debit. 

    Or for friends/neighbours doing shopping for you, they want reimbursing for their fuel and payment for the shopping they purchased for you. They don’t want vouchers they want the money back in their account. 

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    Delphine · 2 months ago
    To everyone leaving comments here, they will not be seen. You need to click the link above that is embedded in the text “have their say” and add your comments there.
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    Thomas Vickers · 2 months ago
    Please stop scrap the vouchers and keep money we need the money for our bills and our taxes are now dignity and our food have you put enough stress on our disabilities you cruel evil woman Liz Kendell please keep cash for our disabilities for our needs and keep the limiter capacity for our needs were disabilities too and think of it scrap the vouchers and keep the money for our needs of our money goes on food electric gas and support are not with our disabilities I speak for all disabilities so keep the cash and capacity you evil government . Don't make us even more poverty and suicidal
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    Leanne · 2 months ago
    I was so traumatised when they did my pip assessment at my house.
    One of my conditions I have neurological tremors & panic.
    It took at least 3 months to get over the assessment my tremors got so much worse.
    If anyone is suicidal I hope they get help.
    The voucher idea, how many ways can they torture us!
    We are the most desperate people & the other people who got thrown off pip with debilitating conditions due to lies by certain assessors & had to appeal it’s shocking.
    We are being treated like beggars.
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    Sam · 2 months ago
    Being disabled and housebound, I had to move into a private landlord where the property is modified to my needs as the council could not offer me suitable accommodation, therefore a large proprtion of my PIP goes towards paying the rent... will you offer my landlord a voucher to make up the differene? I Think Not (looks like I'll be on the streets soon)
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    Bill Green · 2 months ago
    I suffer from disabilities and had a stroke and I need to cash from my pip and a limited capacity please keep the cash and unlimited capacity safety net keep cash coming out for my dignity as I paid for my taxes a t 63
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    Claudia Gregori · 2 months ago
    Vouchers of what ? People have individual needs and need they money to best access what they’ll purchase. 
    Vouchers, to me, is a corruptive method in which they’ll appoint their business friends and will deliver products of bad quality. It will be a waste of money in the end. And can cause deaths to the disabled who receive PIP. 

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