The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Eddie · 2 months ago
    It's an absolutely stupid idea having to visit clothing shops and supermarkets with vouchers as your payable method You'd feel alienated from everybody else who use cash and cards We are not in world war three just yet People with physical illness can develop a mental illness because they've no money People with mental illness won't be able to go out as normal and could develop physical illnesses through lack of exercise Then people gossip Look at them using vouchers for clothing and food It's an open door to degrade someone more than they might feel already I could go on and on about this new idea to save money but one last point is Why should the most needy suffer for government debt to a prison of vouchers!

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    Sagesse · 2 months ago
    What rubbish is this? PLEASE KEEP IT CASH. Being declare that you can’t work than to read this none-sense is like WHAT?. Voucher doesn’t even come near to what PIP money does with me for my everyday needs. I can’t even begin to explain how much of help this is every month. I’m pretty much some people are on the same boat as me. We can’t keep up with food rent gas electricity bills due to 
    long terms illness and with the only extra money we all get now you want to change that? NO PLEASE DON’T
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    Sagesse · 2 months ago
    What none-sense is this? What rubbish is this?. PIP money helps me with a LOT OF THINGS. What am I suppose to do with a voucher? 
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    Y · 2 months ago
    I agree with others this is ridiculous and giving to stress and struggle to disabled people 
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    Y · 2 months ago
    I have physical and mental disabilities at least 40 diagnosis physical and mental altogether. I agree with others opinion that for someone like me this voucher idea even making me more ill now because it just won’t work for my needs, impossible. It’s actually extremely worrying to hear this idea still is on. I thought with the new government this will change to back to same as before. There are things and needs cannot be sorted via voucher. If the voucher is the same as the money amount, what do you save by doing this. This is just making disabilities life harder and more stressful. Stress is already cause of almost every illness except the genetics or other outside causes. It’s not fair because this means you don’t believe in and trust disabilities. It’s like an assult to us, to doctors and examiners. Making life harder and unhappier and this is not done to any other people who lives with other benefits, it’s only done to the people who are disabled. The thing I don’t understand the people will use the voucher let’s say if the person is getting 500pounds benefit. What is being saved and protected by doing this. It’s really hurtful and I won’t ever be able to understand why the ideas going backwards like poor country’s treat their disabled people like that. Even the poor countries recently started to pay for their disabled citizens. And a country like UK, trying to make it like not understandable way. It’s just sad. It’s just making you feel like I wish I was healthy like others. Yes, this is probably their aim but some illnesses are not fixable and my every condition is a life long ones , some of them from born, some of them auto immune disease and some connected causes and triggers so I just don’t understand why would you make your citizen regret being disabled, it’s like a threat. So some people go back to work. Then if there is an aim like this, do not smash the ones who didn’t deserve this treat by including all that amount people , just because from every 100 people 10 of them is still ill/disable but workable level. I would never judge anyone as they/some people are not disabled. There are many things in this life can be invisible. You can’t go into people’s body to mark their level of pain and suffer and what went through what they are going through, what they lived. It really shakes my heart and all my body parts into tears. If there is a problem like that government doesn’t believe, I don’t think this should be the way to solve an issue like this by giving stress and suffer to your disabled citizens life. It could of have been solved in many other ways as a solution options. 
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      Johnny · 2 months ago
      @Y Don’t worry , I cannot see this happening , it’s too far right , 
      I think it would cause a lot of problems and possible back lash for government. 
      Remember this was a Tory idea . 
      We all get scared , and to be honest this is why o don’t come on here often because it makes my anxiety worse x
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    Izzy · 2 months ago
    Can we access the consultation and respond to it? 
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    Alex · 2 months ago
    When there's a new petitions committee, spooled up on UK Petitions, start one to put politicians salary, expenses and allowances paid in vouchers, see how they like it.🤣

    And alert the press, it may encourage the population to get some payback on the ticks, why are politicians ticks? 

    Poly, Greek for many and Ticks are blood sucking parasites.😂

    In the meantime contact your local politicians asking how they'd like what they live on paid in vouchers and tell them there's no such thing economically inactive.

    Why, if you're paid on PIP in cash and spending it on food and fuel, who gets cash?. The company does and the government gets money via VAT, never mind fuel duty!. 
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      Sab · 2 months ago
      @Alex “Well said” where is justice system in UK? 
      Who is ruling on this country, fraudster businessman and politician ripping off vulnerable people and state. 
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    Dave · 2 months ago
    B@$***** The lot of them, I've picked up a spinal injury that causes bouts of paralysis and constant pain, I applied back in February and was meant to get results in April, after being declined because they assessed me based on my best day and totally ignored everything I told them when I was at my worst. My mandatory reconsideration was meant to be concluded by June which was the end of the 8 week period and I'm now being told I have to wait until the 12th of August and now I see why. If it changes to vouchers they're gonna say I'm not inclined to any backpayments as the system has now changed. Thieves the lot of them
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      Gambolputty · 2 months ago
      @Dave Any changes will need to be legislated, debated, and the consultation scrutinised before they happen. With the current crop of laws and changes due, this is likely to take at least a year, and more likely 2 or 3 years. 
      Plus, the government will have charities, doctors, the public outrage, the Lords, amendments because of debate to contend with, and on top of that courts, human rights organisations, and UN bodies all trying to shoot down the idea of vouchers. 

      While it could happen, when you factor in those hurdles, it's very unlikely to happen, or at least happen in its worst form. 

      On top of that, with such a huge majority, there's more scope for political dissent within the party. And with many Labour MPs saying the 2 child cap on child benefit needs scrapping, I'd wager the same would be said about cutting PIP. 
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    Percy · 2 months ago
    I am on pip and I think it's ridiculous expecting  people to use vouchers  will the electric  and gas except vouchers  to pay for these 
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    Barry MS sufferer · 2 months ago
    I dont agree with the voucher scheme it's grossly unfair, we wouldn't be allowed to choose care which best suits our needs instead we would have to go were the voucher can be redeemed more than likely some rich person who obviously needs the money ( caviar is expensive). Most of us are using parts of our pip for daily living due to the cost of living we don't have spear cash and vouchers would make our health worse 
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    Angela Atkinson · 2 months ago
    Go on kier starmers Instagram twitter  etc and start shouting ive just been on them  
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    Maureen · 2 months ago
    Vouchers are a terrible idea, it makes disabled people feel like 2nd class citizens& of little self worth. It will put people into more debt, going without food & even suicide. It should not reflect on us that DWP are not assessing properly  in the first place. We are not a joke, & easy disposable problem as Sunak thinks we are because he spent millions in the wrong places& not do the job properly. He's just a Tory puppet. 
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    David · 2 months ago
    Our house had to be reconfigured after my 2nd stroke a d we increased our mortgage to pay for all the building work. How am I supposed to pay my larger mortgage with vouchers? 
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    OMN · 2 months ago
    I have autism, I also have very bad mental health issues as well. The thought that they're considering (maybe) going a head with this is scary and they shouldn't do it.  I feel very sad that many people like me or similar are being punished for seeking support when we need it (I'm not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me).


    I don't know how this all is going turn out, I'm not sure what Kendall is going to do. I'm already worried constantly (I regret even seeking and applying for pip two years ago) if I knew back then I'll end being questioned or even raising suspension  in DWP like this I'd have disappeared and not apply.

    I'm filled with regret even more now.

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    Justin parker · 2 months ago
    Please Liz Kendall can you keep payments coming out as cash because I need the cash to help pay for my extra food and clothing and taxes and bills I need the money every month every day essentials please keep a transfer cash coming out a banks for the basic essentials I'm already living in poverty and I need this cash and also my limited capacity to cope with every day needs or however in poverty as I will many many many others so please consider just keeping transfer cash coming out of banks and also the limited capacity for people like me and so many others are suffer from disabilities please Liz Kendall thinks about uplifting Tories proposals .I vote labour to be fairer government over the Tories.
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    Lb · 2 months ago
    I've got physical and mental health issues this voucher thing won't work it's bloody crazy to think it will xxx 
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    El · 2 months ago
    We don't want voichers
    What a ridiculous idea 
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    Stewart · 2 months ago
    Bear with me on this.

    My wife has had serious health and disability problems for a quarter of a century. I have incurable cancer, osteoarthritis and other issues. So I do get the fear, the desperation, the anxiety.

    However, give the Labour government a chance, it is already working hard to right some wrongs of Tory policies in other areas, and it’s only been a few days. 

    We do know that they want to eradicate child poverty and food banks, so presumably some good things are going to happen. Will people who can work need to work, probably, as frankly the huge surge in claims by younger people is stressing the system. But overall I think that there is the intention to do good. Will it turn out that way only time will tell. But however you look at it, it is a different government, give them a chance.

    Email your MP, let’s them know how your PIP makes a practical difference to you life, so when they come to vote they have a better understanding. Be polite, ask them to help you lead as decent a life as you can, and point out any ways that you positively contribute to society (eg bringing kids up into work, helping people on the internet, etc).

    In the meantime all any of us can do is keep our fingers crossed that the hell is largely over, and that should lead to less anxiety, less depression, less NHS need….oh look we have just partially solved the problems created by Tory policies.

    Try your best to enjoy life, though I know how difficult that can be for those, like my wife, stuck in depression and anxiety and all that goes with it. The country voted for change, let hopes that it happens, but give the government a chance.

    Oh and fill in that response form, as they will use that as evidence of societal views.
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    Roma · 2 months ago
    They have had local authorities sign safety valve contracts to cut ehcps by 20% to keep disabled children in mainstream schools and cut specialist provisions. There’s already no commissioned direct therapies for children let alone adults. Talking therapies isn’t a cure for autism/Adhd, how do they plan vouchers cure pragmatic language imapirement or co-occurring conditions with physical disabilities. Early intervention doesn’t exist for children. Assessment pathways have years of waiting lists for children and adults. Adult services can’t meet needs, there is no commissioned therapies for disabled community, employers admit screening disabled out but they want disabled working to mitigate immigration. Warehousing disabled because it’s cheaper than them providing carers so they can live independently. Am lost for words when it’s clear this is about our lack of social and economic volarity. 
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    D · 2 months ago
    This is so stupid and not needed. Disabled people won't be able to use these vouchers to pay people for work. The new government needs to stop this from happening, we definitely don't want it.
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      DC · 2 months ago
      @D I agree, I certainly don't want vouchers. How would I pay my electricity/ gas bills with vouchers? I gather they haven't considered how we pay for food? Or have they decided that disabled people should queue up outside 'special' shops,  so we can be handed out sub standard food that we use our vouchers to pay for. And of course  we will be issued ration books that tell us if we are allowed to use a voucher for a loaf of bread this week or not. 

      I have seen a system like this coming for a long time. I feel worthless enough to society as it is, but if you take my money away which at least gives me some independence and choices, I might just as well end my life now! 

      As far as I can see, if they go ahead with this system, they will be widening the gap between disabled and able bodied people. We will be seen as the ' voucher community' and able bodied people won't want to live amongst us, so we will be segregated. You can obviously see where I am heading with this, but believe me, if this voucher system happens the rest of it will follow.