The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    Please keep pip as it is 
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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    We all need pip money not pip voucher vouchers are a waste of space how bout u lot have vouchers instead of money see how u will coap 
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    Angel · 1 months ago
    If they read what I put on the questionnaire (I am sure many others have) then they will be going ahead knowing it will push us to the end; blood on their hands 
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    Dave Cheney · 1 months ago
    Could someone please tell me will these vouchers help me with the running cost of my car help pay my phone bill and when money is a bit short helps with my food 
    My car is my only way of getting out and about 
    Will these vouchers be able to be exchanged any where or will it be only certain places that except them if so you can bet it will be at an inflated price
    Could someone also advise us what happens to left over vouchers if not used in a certain time are they written off thus 
    losing out 
    The people who need it are being penalised but then the people who make these decisions are not in the real world neither does it affect them
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      Frances · 1 months ago
      @Dave Cheney The vouchers would need to be un- expiring like money is , or if you had a lot saved up for a large purchase you would lose hundreds if not thousands of pounds. A mobility scooter costs thousands to purchase outright and a mobility chair or bed can cost hundreds outright too.
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    MAL · 1 months ago
    How am I supposed to pay for ready prepared pureed meals ordered on line or over the phone with a voucher? Or needs from the local chemist? Or any equipment etc ordered on line?
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    Ann · 1 months ago
    Pip helps me with my bills only money I get this is wrong to change to vouchers we are people with health problems that relies on pip payments 
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    Matt · 1 months ago
    as some of  you may have seen on the news, Kendall is going to publish a White Paper (ie, what the Government intends to do) on welfare reform. This bodes ill in relation to PIP and other benefits.,...
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      Teejay · 1 months ago
      @Jack Jack ,im like minded like you .The worry about losing the PIP and motability car has upset me so much it has brought on far more
      sleepless nights .I already suffer with neuropathic problems and heart and spinal problems .I almost despair 
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      Jack · 1 months ago
      @Matt I'm really worried and very anxious what's going to happen as I rely on my pip for taxis and a cleaner etc which helps me a lot, if they do vouchers vital help I have will be gone and I won't be able to get about for taxis etc, I have epilepsy, dyspraxia and severe anxiety a d I've had sleepless nights hearing this latest news. 
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    Victoria Rundle · 1 months ago
    I use my pip payments to help me pay for a cleaner high electric bill and my shopping taxis to go to hospital appointments and doctors I realy the money I don’t no how I could afford to do the thing I do Winthrop help 
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    D rawson · 1 months ago
    I use my pip to help with bills and odd taxi to appointments I would not survive otherwise 
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    keith · 1 months ago
    This is unbelievable, i receive pip and its helped pay bills and it helped keep a roof over my head, im still struggling with mental health, stress and anxiety and also a heart condition which i`m on tablets for life, to remove the pip would put me back, vouchers don`t pay bills or put food in peoples cupboards or heat there houses.
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    Jackie · 1 months ago
    What good sre vouchers when you are already buying your equipment through monthly payments i know personally that who i make monthly payments will never consider vouchers, plus i have cleaners and carers  that come in weekly to aid me in getting round and keeping my home clean who could not afford for me to give them vouchers hoping the government to pay them back each week, which we know would never happen, so i would end up with no carer or cleaner, for God sake before you destroy our lives check how this is going to work, Cons already stole six yrs of my life and pension now looks like Labour going to stab us inback as well.
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    Sid · 1 months ago
    I live in a carehome
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    tinytim · 1 months ago
    Are I just found out from Scope website this which was before the General Election it reads.
    It is also important to note that any proposed legislation will need to be brought before Parliament and cannot be enacted quickly, meaning any legislative changes would need to be taken up by whichever Government forms after the next general election, who may have separate ideas regarding any reforms to welfare.
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    tinytim · 1 months ago
    The DWP say the consultation has ended does the DWP have its own rules or does this massive change to PIP have to go through Parliament and the house of lords before it is even considered if not then DWP is the one running Gov.
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    Thomas seel · 1 months ago
    I get pip and need someone to help me re claim and the process is sickening they do not take people's problems into consideration put Ur self in our shoes we need help not vouchers or a catalogue no one has thought these plans thru with us in mind 
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    Felicity Horton · 1 months ago
    This has blowm my mind! I have a back injury after a fall that has caused me to be disabled. I went from being an independent 38yr old woman working full time and loving life, to living in constant agony but still working 2 days a week (which leaves me crippled for days after) but good for my mental health as I would just be isolated at home. I didn't apply for pip for a few yrs as I didn't want to accept my disability but I have been receiving pip for a little over a Yr and it makes such a different. I managed to save a little and with some inheritance purchase a mobility scooter. It also helps with bills, I.e increase in electricity and water used as home five days a week. Vouchers would ruin my life and effect my mental health. When are disabled people gonna stop being abused!!
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    T.moore · 1 months ago
    Pip should stay as cash because people live monthly and if they need to pay upfront for equipment and wait for a payment back this is going to be leave a lot of people short for that period of time. I feel that if this cash payment gets stopped we are taking a bit more of disabled people's lives away from them making them more vulnerable and even labeled which causes them to feel segregated and this is not fair. 
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    Kim Dixon · 1 months ago
    I don't think I would survive if I received vouchers instead of cash 
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    Michael · 1 months ago
    Yes i can't pay my bills with vouchers they are pointless 😒 
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    Jay · 1 months ago
    This proposal is just victimising disabled people how is this fair