The DWP consultation on making the work capability assessment for universal credit and ESA much harsher ends on 30 October.

Benefits and Work has so far avoided giving any guidance on how to respond because we do not want to be seen to be leading people.

However, this comment from Joe made us rethink that position:

 “Please help us to respond. It's not enough to provide us with the anxiety provoking news about the proposed changes. We need help to make points when responding. It's hard for those with energy limiting conditions or those that produce brain fog to make clear points. In order to be informed, we have to become terrified, which then makes us less able to respond. Please give us guidance as it otherwise is simply too scary to engage with.”

 So, we have produced some ‘talking points’ to help those who might find them useful in creating their own responses, though there are undoubtedly many more issues that could be covered.  Unfortunately, the information is still detailed and complex.

But the most important thing is to tell the DWP whether or not you are in favour of the idea of making the WCA much more difficult to score points for.  You don’t have to give detailed answers or answer every question – just pick one or two points to make. 

If the DWP receive thousands of responses and most of them are on the same side, then that will be sufficient

In order to respond, you can complete the anonymous form, but it is deliberately designed to keep your answers within very narrow limits – there isn’t even an ‘Anything else you would like to tell us’ box.

Or you can simply send an email telling the DWP whatever you choose to:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can read more about the consultation here.

Other responses

As well as considering the points below, readers may want to take a look at the very detailed response to the consultation by the National Association of welfare Rights Workers, which was based on contributions from over 150 organisations.

In addition, Disabled People Against Cuts have published a detailed response from the DPO Forum England, which they are happy for individuals and organisations to make use of.  DPAC are also arranging a protest against the WCA changes outside Caxton House, London on 30 October.

Are there suitable, full homeworking opportunities for sick and disabled claimants?

The DWP consultation claims that “Working at home brings new opportunities for disabled people to manage their conditions in a more familiar and accessible environment.”

However, hybrid working – spending part of the week in a workplace and part of the week at home - is much more common than solely working from home. The ONS says in its latest report that 16% of workers work from home only, compared to 28% who do hybrid work.

Would hybrid working be suitable for people with very limited mobility, frequent incontinence, an inability to get about or an inability to mix with other people or would they require full homeworking?

People in the highest paid jobs are most likely to work from home according to ONS.  80% of workers earning £50,000 or more reported home or hybrid working, compared to only 14% of those earning up to £10,000. 

Which end of the earnings spectrum are long-term sick and disabled claimants likely to be on?

The ONS also found that disabled workers were not more likely to have the opportunity to work from home than other workers:

 “Having a disability or long-term illness had little effect on levels of homeworking. Disabled workers reported similar levels of homeworking only (18%) compared with those without a disability (16%).”

So, it does not appear, on the face of it, that employers are offering “new opportunities for disabled people to manage their conditions”.

Are there increasing job opportunities for disabled claimants or is the job market contracting? 

At the Conservative party conference, chancellor Jeremy Hunt claimed that “even when companies are struggling to find of [sic] workers, around 100,000 people are leaving the labour market every year for a life on benefits”.

But are companies really struggling to find workers.  According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), on 18 October 2023:

“the wider economic slowdown in the jobs market is beginning to bite. The latest data suggests unemployment has risen faster in the past two months than the Bank of England had predicted for the entire coming year, with workers in typically lower paying and less secure sectors at greatest risk”.

So, according to the JRF, the only sort of employment many long-term sick and disabled claimants are likely to be offered is actually in decline.  When the rapid rise of AI in relation to areas such as call centre work is also factored in, job opportunities for many disabled claimants are likely to be even scarcer.

What is the explanation for the big rise in the number of claimants placed in the LCWRA and LCW groups?

The consultation document states that: 

“The proportion of Limited Capability for Work and Work-related Activity (LCWRA) outcomes at WCA has risen significantly since the activities and descriptors were last reviewed, from 21% in 2011 to 65% in 2022.”

In his conference speech, referring to these figures, Rishi Sunak asked:

“Are people three times sicker today than they were a decade ago?

 “No, of course not …it is not fair on taxpayers who have to pick up the bill…”

And yet, neither Sunak nor the DWP have made any attempt to discover why the numbers have increased so dramatically.  Or if they have, they are keeping it secret.

After all, claimants can’t make the decision about which group they are put in.  The DWP does that. So, it’s the DWP who have trebled the number of people in those groups.

So, what has changed?

Have they altered the guidance to assessors over the years?

Has the massive rise in hospital waiting lists played a part?

Or the lack of mental health treatment, especially for young people?

Or the pandemic?

The important question is:  should the DWP be making massive changes to the WCA when they haven’t published any research on the causes of the problem they are supposedly trying to fix?

Will ‘firm sanctions’ help disabled claimants get into work?

Mel Stride, the secretary of state for work and pensions promised his party conference

“a far more demanding approach with claimants at particular risk of becoming long-term unemployed.  This includes far more frequent work-focused requirements, with firm sanctions for those who fail to fulfil their commitments and more support for those who need it.”.

Will sick and disabled claimants who no longer score enough points under the new WCA be regarded as at risk of becoming long-term unemployed and thus subject to a much harsher sanctions regime?

Will private sector style bonuses for Jobcentre staff help sick and disabled claimants into work?

Mel Stride also told the conference “we’ve been testing new incentive schemes for our best performing Job Centre teams. Recognising and rewarding those heroes who go above and beyond to improve the lives of others.

 “The sort of approach that is common practice in successful parts of the private sector. And if its good enough for the private sector then it should be good enough for the public sector too.”

What effect will this have on the increased number of disabled claimants found fit for work under the revised WCA? 

Is there a risk they will be ‘parked’ and forgotten about because it is difficult to make money out of them, as used to happen in the past? 

Or will they be pushed into unsuitable employment or self-employment, something that also used to happen in the past, in order to boost bonuses for jobcentre staff?

Will there be enough work coaches?

Will there be enough work coaches  to cope with the rise in the number of clients? 

As we reported earlier this month the PCS union has warned of “staffing chaos” at the DWP, with work coach roles being particularly affected.

To deal with shortages, the DWP is reducing the frequency of work coach contact with some claimants from fortnightly to monthly and shortening some meetings from 50 minutes to 30 minutes.

At the Conservative party conference the Chancellor announced an end to civil service expansion with an immediate cap on the civil service headcount, with a view to reducing it to pre-pandemic levels.

It is very hard to see how DWP work coaches will cope with a huge increase in the number of claimants found fit for work or placed in the LCW group  if they can’t even cope with the current workload.

Is it necessary to take £390 a month off claimants and threaten them with sanctions in order to give them the opportunity to try to move into work?

Are there other ways of helping disabled claimants to try to move towards work, without massively cutting their income and threatening even more cuts via sanctions?

For example, could the DWP pilot a system where claimants in the LCWRA group can try work, with an absolute guarantee that if they find they can’t cope within the first 12 month they can return to the same group without a further assessment?

Mobilising activity

If the mobilising activity is removed completely, has any estimate been made of how many people who are currently assessed as LCWRA will be found to have LCW or fully fit for work?

If not, why not and if so, why has it not been published so that people have all the information they need to make a judgement?

Likewise, if the LCWRA distance is reduced to 20 metres, what estimate has been made of how many current members of that group will be found to have LCW or found fully fit for work?

Is it appropriate that people with profound mobility issues may be regarded as fully fit for work? 

In practice, how would this be managed in terms of work-focused interviews and job hunting?

The consultation document states that:  “People assessed as LCW have tailored employment support to prepare for work.” 

By reducing the points awarded for the LCW mobilising descriptors, one of the options up for consideration, the DWP would simply be ensuring that fewer disabled claimants got that tailored support.  Instead they would be found fully fit for work and subject to the full sanctions regime.  

In what way would that make it easier for disabled claimants to move into sustainable employment?

The same, or similar questions can be asked about the other activities being consulted on:

  • Absence or loss of bowel/bladder control
  • Coping with Social Engagement due to cognitive impairment or mental disorder 
  • Getting About

Substantial risk

The substantial risk regulations are a literal lifesaver for many thousands of claimants.  To consult on removing or drastically reducing them without any published research on the likely effects seems grossly irresponsible.

How would the DWP monitor the effects of any changes to the substantial risk rules in terms of an increase in the number of claimants harming themselves?

Work coaches currently receive only a few hours training in mental health.  How much additional training would they receive in order to be able to safely judge what work preparation would be appropriate for individuals with a wide range of profound mental health issues?

Why is the DWP asking for views on how people at substantial risk of harming themselves or others ‘can be safely supported within the LCW risk group’?   Surely this is a judgement that can only be made by skilled and highly experienced health professionals on a case-by-case basis, not by asking the general public if they have any bright ideas?

Will the DWP continue to shroud their investigations into the link between benefits decisions and the death of claimants in as much secrecy as possible, even if they change the regulations in a way that is overwhelmingly likely to increase the number of such deaths?


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 months ago

    Chancellor refuses to rule out withdrawing benefits from long-term sick in 'back to work' plan

    This link gives more info which wasn't on the Tonight program

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    · 11 months ago
     Tonight program ITV on at 08:30 pm this evening about Long term Sick.
    It seems Hunt Chancellor has already made his mind up about the consultation totally ignoring disabled groups and disabled people.
    Also where he gets 80% of long tem sick on Limited Capability Work Related activity want to work is totally piffle 
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    · 11 months ago
    I decided to send a second response including some points I didn't include in the first. I found the NAWRA report very useful.

    I did send an e-mail to Vicky Foxcroft and I received an acknowledgement from her. The response was brief, stating that MPs can only respond to correspondence from constituents, along with a fairly standard line about Labour being committed to reforming the WCA in a way that treats people with dignity etc.. Still,  at least she took the trouble to reply, so it's worth doing if you can - and the more Labour's shadow ministers hear from us the better. I'm wondering if it's worth sending an e-mail to Liz Kendall as well. As a shadow Secretary of State I suspect her staff will reply and she'll never read it, but you never know, it might be worth a try.
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    · 11 months ago
    Thanks for the talking points. I’ve just sent an email. My brain is now addled! 

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    · 11 months ago
    I recently got a place on the Benefit Levels online group with the Work and Pensions Select Committee. As usual there was insufficient time allotted and I sent this in afterwards. I thought you might like to have a look.

    About the Work and Pensions Select Committee

    The Work and Pensions Committee is a group of 11 MPs (Members of Parliament) which examines the work of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), including benefits for people in and out of work, state pensions and the regulation of private pensions. It also looks at the work of DWP’s public bodies and regulators.
    The MPs on the Committee are not part of the Government. The Committee’s current membership includes 4 MPs from the Labour Party (including the Chair of the Committee, Stephen Timms), seven MPs from the Conservative Party and one MP from the Scottish National Party.
    During their inquiries, the MPs on the Committee hear from a range of organisations and individuals. The information gathered by the Committee is used to make suggestions to Government about how things can be improved. The Government does not have to make the changes the Committee suggests, but it does have to respond to the Committee’s reports and recommendations.
    About the inquiry on Benefit levels in the UK
    The Committee opened the inquiry on benefits levels in order to look into the adequacy of working-age benefits, the design and delivery of the benefits system, accessibility considerations, and the relationship between benefits and employment. 

    Since launching the inquiry in March 2023, the Committee has heard from academics, charities, international experts and a former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. The Committee will hear from ministers at the Department for Work and Pensions later in the year. 

    Your experience of current benefit levels and what you think benefits should cover

    I am a disabled Waspi woman. I currently receive Old Age Pension, but this is only liveable because my husband still works full time and I work on an ad hoc basis to supplement my pension income. Over the last decade benefits have fallen as the cost of living has increased. I think that benefits should equal the minimum living wage and PIP should keep pace with the true additional costs of living with a disability.

    [If applicable to you] Your experience of PIP assessment and accessibility of support

    Myself – the car park was quite a long way away, the pavement was not wide enough for my wheelchair and the ramp up to the door was too narrow – I slipped off the side. I would not have physically got there without my husband. Doorways in the building were very narrow.

    I scored nil points. Nothing I said was believed. I was practically accused of telling lies. I went to a tribunal and won. I was without income for ten months.

    When I was re-assessed, I took two large reports on the system in with me. The assessor refused to deal with me as she felt intimidated. By the time a male assessor was found, I had been in tears and having a panic attack. I had to walk back to the car park and put some more money in the meter. This was further than my back will tolerate, and I had to fight an internal battle to go back in. I went through the assessment in severe pain and was contemplating suicide on the way home. I scored nil points again! According to the report, I had got better, not worse. My medical report from the hospital rheumatology specialist clearly states that I have a degenerative condition. Again, the payments stopped. I started the tribunal process again and just after I got the tribunal date, they phoned to tell me that they'd reconsidered. This process takes a long time and the stress kept me mentally ill for the last six years of my pre-retirement working life. I worked for a local mental health charity and used their advocacy service.

    For my son, who is autistic and has scoliosis – we told the assessment team that he has a mental health condition that makes him nocturnal, but on both occasions we had a morning appointment at nine o'clock. He has several conditions that will not get better and due to insufficient support through a school system which spends all of its time trying to make him stop being autistic, the result was mental health problems and self harm. His obsessive compulsive disorder was made much worse by Covid. The compound damage caused by this is irreversible.

    He is in the support group for ESA and is supported by Coast, a local initiative for people who cannot work. They check in with him periodically and help him to do his voluntary work at a local miniature steam railway. When he was migrated from DLA to PIP, his benefit was taken away. This caused him anxiety. I immediately started the appeal process. The assessor said that he was comfortable in the meeting, but he was literally wringing his hands, a classic sign that an autistic person is stressed. I got social services to do an assessment and sent that in. That was for the sole purpose of supporting his claim. I got a phone call to say that they had changed their minds. This was a totally unnecessary waste of a social worker's time, but without anything new to send in, we did not stand a chance.

    On re-assessment I had to ring them to extend the deadline to enable us to get an advocate and it took a whole morning of trying to get through on the telephone; I was cut off twice after waiting in a queue. We went to the Citizens Advice and her comments were sent in. I asked for a paper only assessment, but we had a phone call a full six months after the original paperwork was submitted. We explained that our son was still in bed and that it would be unsatisfactory talking to him as he would be half asleep and he can't tell you how his condition affects him because he has never not had it and can't put things into words. The assessment was conducted with just his parents. This time, having read about a recent judgement, I decided to push for the mobility component because he can in theory plan a journey, but he can't actually put it into practice because he has trouble with sequencing. I have just submitted a letter asking for a mandatory reconsideration.

    Your experience of interactions with work coaches and job centres

    I went to the job centre with my older son, who is also on the autism spectrum, when he was looking for work. We waited at in a queue of people and when it was our turn they asked for his National Insurance Number is full earshot of everyone else. I asked for somewhere more private to talk to minimise background noise so that he could concentrate and understand what was being said to him and they reluctantly showed us to a sparsely populated area.

    The whole ethos of those meetings was, not to help him find a job that was suitable for him, but to make sure he was wasting 35 hours per week looking for one. He was pushed towards the first job that came up (elder care). He found one for himself after a few weeks and the whole thing was an unmitigated disaster resulting in the sack and me threatening to take them to an industrial tribunal for failing to make reasonable adjustments.

    I work for the NHS as an Expert by Experience and recently was party to a job application from a school leaver for a board level post. Pushing people into making job applications, any job applications, is a complete waste of everyone's time and effort and must be so demoralising for the applicant.

    My son recently moved jobs and, after his probationary period they did not want to keep him, his mental health was so fragile that I would not put him through the process of rigorous job searching again, so we did not apply for Jobseekers this time. We have been supporting him financially. Our savings for essential house repairs and a much needed holiday for my husband who is caring for two of us is now on the back burner. Our elder son now works part time for the NHS and would probably qualify for in work benefits, but he would not be able to cope with the extra stress of applying or being pressured to work full time. He is sharing a flat on “mate's rate” or he would have to move back into our loft with no heating and no privacy for him or us.

    [If applicable to you] Challenges faced by parents and carers

    I don't know what would happen to my autistic sons when I am no longer here to fight their battles. I can see them losing their jobs, their benefits and becoming homeless, because of this unforgiving system. I have told them where to get some advocacy to deal with these situations, but I'm not at all sure that they will cope. Their mental health (and mine) have been seriously impacted and they are not robust enough to deal with the system as it stands.

    Your recommendations for the DWP

    Simplify the procedure for reassessing people with a permanent condition or conditions. You need to ask, if things have worse since the last assessment, if they have got easier or if it has remained as before. Putting everyone through the whole system again is a waste of money and puts people into stress and depression every time it happens. People with mental health problems are re-traumatised by having to relive their worse days and it can put their recovery on hold.

    Use the carrot method and not the stick. The Individual Placement and Support method, which finds people work that they like and will thrive at is better than forcing them into a job that is not suitable. This sets them up to fail.

    Give people enough money to live on. Link benefits, including Carer's Allowance to the Living Wage and also take into account the different costs of living in various parts of the country. Dorset is expensive, but we have no London weighting, so it is difficult to attract NHS, teaching, policing staff.

    Stop hounding people and believe what we tell you. Consult our carers. Many people cannot articulate how their disability affects them. How are the partially sighted supposed to know how much they can see without knowing what typical people can see? The causes of disability are social. Put money into making sure that employers comply with employment law rather than trying to catch out the claimant.

    Make tribunal decisions binding. I lost hope when I found out that my tribunal decision may not result in me being given my PIP. It put me into another depression. I have just found out that this Committee's recommendations may not be accepted by Government. It has made me wonder why I bother.

    Many people would love to have a job, but cannot get one because employers are reticent. Improve incentives and advertise the benefits of a diverse workforce instead of portraying benefit claimants as work shy scroungers. Nobody wants to become disabled, and it can happen to anyone. Don't penalise the claimant for failure to land a job, instead contact the employers and ask them what stops them from employing a disabled person.

    The underlying causes of drug and alcohol abuse are poverty and lack of hope for the future. Addressing these will pay benefits down the line. In the short term, more money is needed. In the long term, it will be cost effective to improve the spending power of disabled people. We make up a good proportion of the populace.

    Some people cannot work full time, trying to force them is not going to change that, and may make them LESS likely to work at all. The benefits system cannot cope with fluctuating income, so many people who are self employed are missing out on benefits which may keep them in work.

    Carers save the taxpayer an inordinate amount of money. Carer's Allowance is pitiful. You get nothing if you are a pensioner carer or a child carer. If you advertised it as a job, nobody would apply. It pays well below the minimum wage, with no paid holidays or sickness benefit. If you lose the good will of carers, there will be gaps in supported accommodation and the increased spending will be substantial. Look after carers better.

    Early diagnosis and provision for people with learning disabilities and autism are virtually non-existent. These people struggle through mainstream schools which cannot give them enough support to achieve. They become depressed and underachieve. They become benefit claimants or end up in prison. Very few have paid work. Invest in them early and they will have better outcomes with health and earning capacity.

    DO NOT do away with the group that has no need to seek work, or do work related activity. If you do, you will have more suicides.

    Stealth disability taxes and privatisation – some medication used to manage pain and inflammation are no longer available on prescription. This is disproportionately affecting older disabled people, who find they cannot now afford to treat their arthritis and are forced to exist in pain, made worse by the cold. The Hippocratic Oath states that the doctor shall prescribe what the patient needs and is fundamental to NHS ethos. Anything less is inhumane. People with dietary requirements are unable to afford the items they need, which tend to be more expensive and are not routinely stocked by food banks.

    Many people who have tried to do the right thing and had managed to save some money, have actually lost on our investments recently.

    We have given our time and experiences to inform today, and we have been received well in a high level meeting, but our expertise should attract a payment if you want to claim co-production. Using people to help design services, monitor and assess effectiveness is highly skilled work. Offering payment is co-production; not offering payment is usury. It has been good today to talk openly about a my experiences of DWP, however, I have no confidence that Government will act upon the recommendations. Various user groups have already been telling what is going on. They have a poor record on that.
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    · 11 months ago
    Liz Kendall tweeted 4 days ago, Labour has its own plan to get Britain working and the benefits bill down, of course no details were put in the tweet as seems to be Labour's style now days.  So pointing to alignment with the Tories.

    She is my MP as well, and her staff have been refusing all requests to meet and talk on it.
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      · 11 months ago
      @chrysalis Having read the tweet, I see, again that we are only referred to as being "economically inactive" That is a grossly misleading and insulting way to refer to disabled people. I have been disabled for nearly twenty years and can remember what damage New Labour did by introducing the WCA. I know the Tories have made it immeasurably more difficult for us but you are certainly right about being so pessimistic about Labour sadly. 
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      · 11 months ago
      @chrysalis Let's hope their 'plan' isn't as diabolical as that proposed by the tories.
      But we can only wait and see.
      It's all rather worrying stuff.
      And we can absolutely do without it on top of trying to stay as well as we can and losing that battle.
      The discrimination is palpable,you'd think we've chosen to be sick and disabled.  
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    · 11 months ago
    Thanks so much. I just did the anonymous form. It wasn't so bad. There wasn't a limit to how much you could write though some questions very ambiguous as always. Thought it would be a lot more complicated. At least we can say we tried. I was very honest and made it quite clear how I felt.
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    · 11 months ago
    Back to work boost for disability benefit claimants as ground-breaking employment scheme expanded
    A pilot scheme for disabled

    Batten down the Hatches
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      · 11 months ago
      @Harry This is devastating.  Labour winning the next election was my only hope.  Before the pandemic I was considered disabled. Now they just think I'm lazy. The worry is overwhelming.
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      · 11 months ago
      @Harry Read this earlier. Laughable. A 'boost'. Ask if we feel able,ask if its suitable, ask 'Do you wish to be employed '?don't force bully and coerce. It's NOT helping it's breaking us!
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    · 11 months ago
    Whose says every disabled person will be able to get work from home? And if they can,how much time do they think would  actually be spent working, considering that those of us with debilitating conditions have major difficulties functioning daily hence being in support group ,for one thing..Poor concentration, brain fog, fatigue, pain,disturbed vision ,seizures,Panic attacks,etc etc, you can't just change all that because you want unemployment figures to does not work that way. 
    So what of those who can't? and I feel that could be a vast majority.!
    By the sounds of what they are proposing, unless you're in a coma, you will not fit into the new idiotic criteria.Its a desperate sweeping statement to generalise on a disabled person's  capacity for employment. It's not all black and white. There are many grey areas when you are sick,we aren't lazy,stupid, malingerers,Shirkers, or any of the other disgusting names that we seem to be called these days. 
    The general public need to stop believing all they read and the government need to drop the rhetoric. Of course a crystal ball would be great at this stage in the game ,to see what the future really holds, let's just hope it all falls at the wayside.I don't think I have felt this helpless in a long time that wasn't directly involving one of my health conditions. Assessments aside. 

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      · 11 months ago
      @chrysalis Agree it's all BS to make cuts pure and simple they have zero interest in improving peoples' lives but they are too cowardly to be upfront about it
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      · 11 months ago
      @chrysalis chrysalis So regardless of working from home or in a busy workplace the entire idea is flawed for so many reasons. I'd also like to know WHO will give any employment to so many 'liabilities',because that's what we'll be seen as. How many disabled would every employer in the land need to take on before it would even make a dent in the Labour Market. Yeah,I can picture it all now....none. Why would anybody employ a sick person over a fully able bodied one.Its counter productive. It's all pie in the sky. 
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      · 11 months ago
      @The Dog mother They cant, for starters is not enough jobs for them to do so, because of the appearance of a "small" amount of remote working jobs, its been jumped on as an excuse to impose large cuts, and sanctions ideology.
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    · 11 months ago
    I just completed the consultation, it said it wanted to hear from organisations and citizens with disabilities but at the very end of it, it is only interested in your details if your from and organisation, not a person with a disablity - I think that says it all really. Either way i think i gave a good response to the questions and did expand them. I really hope everyone just goes onto the consultation and tells them what they think even if its 'i disagree'. which we all do.
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    · 11 months ago
    This is extremely helpful, but even now I feel sick with panic. 
    I was only awarded PIP a year ago, to last 3 years. I was given a mobility car 2 weeks ago - it took that long. And now it's all going to be taken away again. 
    My suicidal ideation is increasing & yet there is no help. I don't see how I'm going to survive if they decide to do this. Just the plans are sending me down. 
    I've hardly left my flat in 7 years, 50 somethings already find it tough to find employment 
    paralyzingly scared. I don't want to be on welfare. I don't know anyone who does. 
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      · 11 months ago
      @Wren What? This is not about pip, i thought this was about lcwra ?
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      · 11 months ago
      @Wren @Wren I hear you and I get it 100%.
      I am terrified by it all. Its so much to even try to take in.
      But we have to hold fast and think it may not happen. I'm sick with fear and I know I wouldn't cope either.i try to be brave,or at least put on a brave face if I can.. I hate to see others feel as bad and frightened as I do. There are many people and organisations on our side,we don't see what goes on in the background or how hard they fight to get these things halted. 
      There is always hope,even a glimmer is better than none.
      The tide meets to turn in our favour,we've been through enough over the years.we aren't looking to live the high life, but 'A' life free from worry would be great. X
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    · 11 months ago
    All the pointers the are considering changing are insane. The pointers were set by the DWP because they Do impact on someones ability to work. If they want to help us all back into work ensure there are no identified issues, such as such poor laws and enforcements in the workplace that the only way to address it is by a employment tribunal not fit for purpose. That you can get help to access to work (impossible). My son is an excellent worker but the terrible discrimination he is experiencing means he has now become mentally ill and at risk of being sanctioned if he doesnt find a job yet he has been in hundreds of jobs and they all slave all their workers but when my son tells them its making him seriously ill and cannot find any life balance he just ends up being forced out because of being ill. I then have to support him because many employers dont pay him for the work hes already done and UC will sanction him anyway for coming out of a job.
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    · 11 months ago
    The DWP are trying to put more disabled people in the position of working. If they wish to do that i suggest they address the laws that enable employers to discriminate and the useless tribunal you have to attend. My son is severely disabled but is constantly going in and out of jobs as soon as starting them. Employers agree to give flexibility (as long as he works 8-5) and agree to keep him in a local area - as soon as he starts their ownly interest is pressuring employees to work excessive hours, work unacceptable hours which would cause someone without a disability to become ill. I have assisted in three overlapping tribunals, one job after another in which he ended up with two slipped discs and someone threating assault, by the third tribunal he became seriously mentally ill due to all the sick statements made. ie: not fit to use a broom. Address the employment laws which are useless even to those without a disability and ends up with a person working unacceptable hours and a failure to make adaptions - that makes you ill. Also address the useless tribunal service. I have dealt with these issues on behalf of my son with his disabilty so there is no way to enforce them, to make adaptions and the tribunal service is not fit for purpose, takes too long and times are so desperate your forced back into work because of the length of time. My son has developed complex ptsd and is still going from job to job trying to face absolute abuse at times. Government address all the issues here before you force disabled people back to work.
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    · 11 months ago
    My capacity to communicate is so poor that I'm not even sure what the questions actually mean! I'm able to sound( as I am) intelligent,,but my cognition has really deteriorated. I'm unable to even fathom these days, how my disability affects me, as it's taken me over, and my normal is so far removed, I don't "get" anything normal! 
    I'll attempt to convey that, but I doubt they'll even bother to read what we have to say.  
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    · 11 months ago
    It's all political idealisms off the scale. Their panicking as our Labour, because both have done nothing to address falling manufacturing etc for decades. As for working from home. Their idea of this will be packing xmas crackers. Of course, only a temporary contract. They won't accept we have a predominantly low wage economy with growth in the likes of coffee shops and whetherspoons. They do not give a toss who's sick, disabled, has lcw etc, as long as, they can force that person into any job and their paying tax and Ni. Unfortunately that too, will prove to be a huge problem as will the implementation of AI. They'd do better to look at those who are able, fit and young and many new arrivals. I'm sure they can't wait to take up all these great opportunities they all keep banging on about. This is all just my opinion, and life experience though. 
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    · 11 months ago
    Something recently came to mind, there are a lot of unpaid family members tending to the daily needs of those they care for. An awful lot of these are young children. So cut off the benefits after the changes,because the disabled person no longer fits the criteria, but they still suffer and are still in need of help, as we all know changes the goalposts does nothing to help only hinder in the worst posible way, so any child who also depends on that parents welfare income will be left to suffer tenfold also. Just how is that remotely rational. More children in poverty and still expected to do a caring roll for free.
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    · 11 months ago
    So being incontinent means you can work from home. Are you supposed to then work on the toilet?  It's ridiculous! 
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    · 11 months ago
    What's the email address to send this to dwp ?
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    · 11 months ago
    I currently meet the suppport group criteria for every one of the activities they are planning to scrap but don't score enough points elsewhere to even get LCW so would be immediately found fit for work and so be subjected to the full sanctions regime if I continued to claim benefits. Additionally, my husband retired early to look after me as the level of care I need meant my son could no longer cope on his own, on the basis that we could both live off my ESA and PIP and my son could continue to get Carer's allowance and UC without also being at risk of sanctions for not getting a job. So instead of paying me ESA and PIP which keeps two of us (but only if we dip into savings) DWP will end up with two more people claiming UC but out of the three of us, I'm the only one likely to be sanctioned for failing to get a job. 
    How long til they take my PIP away too?
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      · 11 months ago
      @Kerry @Kerry I'm not entirely sure that's been set in stone yet. As these changes are proposals at the moment , Someone else might know better. I'm like you. I fit a number of the descriptions and have done for years and in SG.
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      · 11 months ago
      @axwy62 Hi,
      I’m currently in the SG of ESA with one of the descriptors. 
      Do you know please how many points you have to score to pass the LCW?
      Thank you 
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    · 11 months ago
    Thank you for producing this. It is helpful.