See WCA to be abolished, claimants to be sanctioned by bots 13/03/23, for latest update

A number of national media outlets are reporting that the government is considering scrapping or overhauling the work capability assessment (WCA) as well as making it easier for claimants to return to their former benefits if an attempt at working fails.

The WCA is a points based system used to decide if a claimant is eligible for employment and support allowance or universal credit.

A white paper on benefits is due out in the next few months and it is claimed it will include changes to the WCA.  Ministers are said to be unhappy that the system currently focuses on what a claimant cannot do rather than what job they could do.

Many Benefits and Work readers may feel that they have heard all these pledges before and that little ever comes of them.

But with employers now struggling to fill vacancies and the number of people leaving the workforce because of illness at a record high, there is a strong incentive for the government to make changes.

Allowing claimants to return to their former benefits if an attempt at working is not successful sounds attractive on the face of it.

But given the enormous delays in processing claims, the impossibility of getting through to the DWP on the telephone and the department’s savage eagerness to sanction claimants, how many are likely to believe a smooth transition back to benefits would be possible?

And how many employers will be willing to take on claimants with a long history of ill-health, especially if their condition is one that varies in its severity?

Abolishing the WCA is clearly long overdue.  But the idea of replacing it with a system that tests what claimants can do instead ignores the fact that this is exactly what the WCA was allegedly designed to do.

The reality is that replacing the WCA with a new assessment which is independent of a claimant’s own health practitioners is likely to lead to exactly the same problems as the current WCA.

But, it seems to be increasingly likely that another attempt to overhaul the system to get more sick and disabled claimants into work is about to begin. 

Would you welcome changes to the system?  And would you trust the DWP to return you swiftly and smoothly to your benefits if you tried work and had to stop again?  Let us know in the comments section below.

You can read the full report in the Guardian


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    What my concern is does this affect people in the support group? I have spondylolysis and stenosis of my spine and no L5 as well as fibromyalgia. I have done nursing for 30 years, doesn't the government realise that if I didn't have these conditions, I would be still working. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I have been on ESA in support group since 2020 I was told recently that due to the massive delays and backlog the DWP are still dealing with new claims and aren't carrying out repeat assessments for the foreseeable 
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    · 2 years ago
    I have a rare form of cancer called a neuroendocrine tumour (pancreatic primary)  that is treatable but incurable.  I also have anxiety and depression.

    Treatment  stops the  progression of the disease and I will be on it indefinitely if it continues to work. 
    I had a   major surgery in 2021 and have an incisional hernia and other issues.

    I am very worried about the changes to benefits. 
    The type of jobs that the government want to force  disabled to do are exactly the type of jobs many of us can't do, such as care work.
    I am worried I will be in a  situation where I will have a choice between taking on work that could harm my mental and physical health or a sanction which would also harm my health. I don't trust the DWP and certainly don't trust the government. 

    I am at the point where the dieticians are considering putting me on a feeding tube so could you imagine what would happen to me if I could not buy food? Or attend my appointments at the hospital? 

    I am hoping I can learn to manage my symptoms  and do a desk job at some point. Wish there was real support in place. 

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    · 2 years ago
    What load of rubbish, some people cannot work because of illness and should be help after years of paying taxes. If want get more people into work why not allow children to leave school at 16 if they wished to so, Done that  a few years ago and let younger peiople get work if that there choice. IT wrong to force some disable people to wok
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I'm so worried about ESA I have enough points for the support group, where does this leave me? Am i going to have to collect all the evidence i need again? will i be forced into work that i cannot do but maybe hey say i can? without my esa i won't be able to afford to live .
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    · 2 years ago
    I don't trust torries never have or work I can't work with my condition I'm bad in the night most nights leaving me lethargic tired also bad in day 7 days a week my memory is poor speech can be affected in bed 7 days a weeks cos off it thats some of ways I'm affected so there's no way I can work 
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      · 7 months ago
      @Cat lady Hi I am new to this site but i do agree I was in ESA for decade because of my ill health and when I went to change into universal credit they ripe me off they said I need to pay the esa and I am no more with them and they put me in incapacity benefit getting £416 a month and £393 standard allowance and paying back to esa and at the end you get £519 a month I didn’t understand it at all.
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    · 2 years ago
    For those of us with numerous health conditions that plague us in one form or another daily, what work could we do? I can't tell from day to the next what will rear its ugly head for me to have to cope with.My ibs alone can last 5-9 days in a row with a few days recovery then it's back. And that's only one of my conditions. We are already under tremendous pressure with the benefit system. My mental health will not cope. I was already at collapse in Oct over my pip.
    Oh for the days when I even felt human.I just feel like a broken link within a torturous system.
    We are in support group for a reason,a reason we've had to prove over and over again. Enough is enough.

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    · 2 years ago
    I wouldn't trust them to allow me to do that it's just another way to bully and harras claimants we need them out universal credit is in the news everyday this gov is obseesed with it
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    · 2 years ago
    there is healthy migrants happy to fill these vacancies but instead the sick will be dragged into them. :(
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    · 2 years ago
    Hoping B&W can keep close eye on any developments because how is someone like my partner, post-stroke and other conditions, going to continue with LCWRA without at least a form based assessment? 
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      · 2 years ago
      @ClaireLO Sorry about your husband not being well. Shame on them causing you both more worry and stress.
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    · 2 years ago
    Would I trust the Dwp to put my  son back on the same benefit money. ??
     NO NO NO NO and another NO  definitely not.
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    · 2 years ago
    You can't get through to the DWP now for anything and they have halted doing repeat ESA assessments as they are overloaded with dealing with new claims. If you have to prove what you can do . Like what . Washing yourself. Feeding yourself. I suffer from severe migraines weekly normally in bed two days a week and lying down rest of week as I get dizzy spells. On top of that I have mental health issues which I'm trying to cope with. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Bob I've 8 conditions Bob,including migraine I've suffered from since I was 13,I'm now 56.! I get the Full aura,face and arm numbness, double vision and I vomit. The pain is all consuming, I need a very dark room and to lie as still as possible.
      Plus my MH is at an all time low. 
      You have my sympathy. 

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    · 2 years ago
    It is not good that you have to justify yourself reguarding an illness or injury , having gone through the system I have felt worse due to the pressure … I feel sorry for disabled people 
    In this system ,,, also all this change must cost the tax payer even more money 
    Seems they can agree on anything !
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Don't trust anything the government says you can't get through to the DWP on the phone I think the government are just trying to force people into work to make them look good some people just can't work 
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    · 2 years ago
    i will be 66 next year, and so will be entitled to my paye pension. as my wife is a year younger than me, i will not be able to get pension credit. as i've worked most of my life, my pension will be £10 a week more than is currently allowed for pension credit!
    i have rung every helpline there is, getting various versions of what might happen, (many of them contradictory)! truth is i don't think anyone knows!
    so no i wouldn't think the government can be trusted to do anything at all! except tightening up welfare benefits. in which they are prolific!
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    · 2 years ago
    Don't know how it will work. People with long term mental health issues will be unable to work and the pressure of having to go through all that new assessments 
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    · 2 years ago
    Having gone through those face to face assessments which was so stressful how the new assessments will work I don't know having to prove that you can't work and being forced into work even if you are unable it sounds arendous 
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    · 2 years ago
    JUST   conservativies / dwp .   PICKING  on  people AGE55- 64 .& disabled .   Most who dont work or only work part time . & claim UC  as top do so  because off disabilitys / mobility issues .  CANT work full time 5 days/ 40/ 48 hours week .  BUT CAN  managedge part time 2, 3 days week . TO DWP  no excuse  just because  you have disabilty / mobility issue does not mean you cant work full time . HAVING  laugth & us discrimation ???. GOES  against 2010 equality act  resonable adjustnment / work part time/ not full time .    BESIDES most people by time they reach 55+ payed  good work record payed  40 + years  CLASS1 PAYE NI/ TAX  so our oap penstion payed for & 35 yrs paying as law BUT cant claim it to 66 current  rise 67 in 2028   68 in2035 proposed .  WORK TO YOU DROP NOW  RETURN  1920S workhouses.  DOES not help from jan 2023   30th    AET/ UC  GOES UP TO MIN £618 singles  mouth ..  TO STAY IN LIGHT TOUCH  have no worksearch requirtnments . SO INHUMAN / LACKS EMPATHY . TAKES away freedom choice power control over your life .   WHAT  do others thinck ????.  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @adrian Sorry but people who are in the support group ESA conditions are so severe they can't work don't judge everyone as they can work. People have different conditions mental health is another some people are struggling just to keep going each day and having to have therapy to help them. 
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    · 2 years ago
     They are not just untrustworthy & incapable of doing the simplest of procedures within any timeline, they are through & through dishonest and corrupt.
    NO, they will not put people back on their benefits swiftly or smoothly, Claimats will have to fight tooth & nail to get put back on Anything at all.
    Aside from which, Who would ever choose to have to live 'off the state' . Crikey, I'd give anything to
    be able to work again & find it insulting that if the bar were lowered i might be capable of employment again............IF I were capable of any work I'd already be doing it!!!
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      · 2 years ago
      @joules They just cause more stress making peoples health conditions worse they just full off lies
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    · 2 years ago
    The DWP, as far as any claimants are concerned, is interested in unreasonable targets in getting people away from claiming.  Even if an individual is very fit and healthy, paid work is like many other global resources, not shared properly.  This basic fact seems to have escaped the notice of some people. 

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