PIP result & ESA result
“Hi, Just wanted to thank you for both your help files for PIP and ESA . I have been placed Again into the support group after the review, Without any ATOS assessment, paper based review only. Also, I have just got my PIP result - high rate mobility And daily living until 2027 !! By which time I will be 71, gawd! I was awarded 21 points for daily living and 12 for mobility, exactly how the assessment was scored. . . Just really wanted to say that your help files were invaluable, they gave me All the information that I needed. They are worth the price of membership alone, let alone the support that's available in here. So, once again thank you Very much! I can Now relax and no longer dread the noise of the letterbox !”
Read more feedback

More details

Dear Reader,

We now have full details of how Motability users challenging a DLA to PIP decision can keep their vehicles for up to 6 months.

Plus there’s news of a big rise in the number of zero point PIP assessments and, as it happens, a big rise in the payouts to PIP assessment providers Atos and Capita.

And finally, we ask – perhaps a little despairingly - is there anyone for claimants to vote for in the looming general election?

The government have announced a new scheme to allow DLA to PIP claimants to keep their Motability vehicle for 26 weeks, instead of just 8, if they are challenging the decision not to award enhanced rate mobility component.

This apparent generosity comes at a price, however.

Claimants who joined the Motability scheme before 2013 get £2,000 if they return their vehicle within 8 weeks of their final DLA payment. This plunges to just £500 if you keep your vehicle for 26 weeks.

Which might not be so bad if you could be sure that your appeal would be heard within six months, especially given that the PIP appeal success rate is around the 65% mark.

Appeals themselves were taking an average of 16 weeks to complete, once begun, at the end of last year

Unfortunately, you first have to go through the mandatory reconsideration process.

The DWP can take as long as they wish to make a decision on your mandatory reconsideration request, before you even get into the queue for an appeal.

We don’t have any statistics on how long reconsiderations take on average. But there is a lot of anecdotal evidence of claimants having to chase the DWP up repeatedly and still having to wait months for a decision.

And there is a growing backlog of social security appeals – up 43% in a year and climbing.

So, your chances of getting your appeal heard before you have to return your vehicle, even if you opt for the 26 weeks, may be slim.

We’d love to hear from you if you’ve been through the PIP appeal process or if you have an opinion on what the best thing to do is, if faced with this dilemma. You can comment below the line by using the ‘Full details of Motability scheme for claimants appealing a DLA to PIP decision’ link below.

The number of claimants getting zero points for both components of PIP has almost doubled, with no explanation for the increase.

In the 12 months to April 2016, 93,000 claimants got zero points for both components.

But in just six months after that, to October 2016, a further 83,000 claimants got zero points for both components.

The DWP have offered no explanation for the dramatic rise, but have denied that there is any sort of crackdown on PIP awards.

Atos and Capita, who carry out PIP assessments on behalf of the DWP, are in line to make much more than the expected £512 million from their contracts, the DWP has revealed.

In spite of the fact that 65% of PIP appeals are currently successful and despite the growing unease even amongst MPs about the quality of PIP assessments, the two companies are making far more than expected from their contracts.

In total, Atos and Capita were set to be paid £512 million for their first five years’ work from 2013.

Yet they have already been paid £578 million and had their contracts, which should have run out this year, extended to 2019.

Clearly, PIP isn’t bad news for everyone involved.

Another general election.

Another chance for candidates to boast about how much tougher than their opponents they will be on benefits claimants.

If you live in England, in particular, you may feel that it is a struggle to find a party with a realistic chance of winning a significant number of seats, but which is also willing to stick up for the rights of people on benefits.

Will you be voting?

If so, who will you support – and will it be through gritted teeth?

Follow the link to the ‘General election: is there anyone for claimants to vote for?’ article below and post a comment to let us know what you’re planning to do.

Good luck,

Steve Donnison

Benefits and Work guides covers

PIP success
“After spending 15 years on DLA low rate care and high rate mobility - indefinitely - I didn't want to rock the boat so decided to leave things as they were. I have now been transferred from DLA to PIP, I have just received the results of my PIP home assessment - enhanced for both. Thank you B & W I couldn't have done it without you.”

DLA to PIP success
“I received my decision last Friday and was awarded enhanced care and mobility for an ongoing period. Thank-you to everyone at Benefits and Work for your excellent guides and dedication to this site.”

Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right ESA, PIP or DLA decision, whether you’re making a claim, renewing an existing award or asking for a reconsideration or appeal.

Subscribe now and get instant access to all our guides.

If you’re not already a member, join the Benefits and Work community before midnight on Friday and you can get 20% off the cost of your annual subscription.

Just type the following code into the coupon box when you pay: 9843

Claimants and carers get an annual subscription for £15.96, down from £19.95. Professionals get an annual subscription for £77.60, down from £97.00.
Offer ends midnight Friday, 28 April

Full details of Motability scheme for claimants appealing a DLA to PIP decision
More details of the arrangements to allow claimants to keep their Motability vehicles whilst appealing a DLA to PIP decision have now been published.

PIP rapid reclaim after time abroad
Penny Mordaunt, Minister of State for Disabled People, has announced the introduction of a rapid reclaim system for PIP claimants who go abroad for more than 13 weeks, but return within 12 months.

Huge rise in claimants getting zero points for PIP
The number of claimants getting zero points for both components of personal independence payment (PIP) has almost doubled, with no explanation for the increase.

Atos and Capita make surprise extra millions from PIP
The two private firms which carry out personal independence payment (PIP) assessments on behalf of the DWP are in line to make much more than the expected £512 million from their contracts, the DWP has revealed.

General election: is there anyone for claimants to vote for?
As Theresa May announces her intention to hold a general election on 8 June, we ask: is there anyone for claimants to vote for?


As always, many thanks to everyone who takes the trouble to post in the forum or email us with news of your success. We know it’s many readers favourite, and most encouraging, bit of the newsletter.

Benefits and Work guides coversTribunal – Won!
“The £20 for the guides is the best £20 I have spent! Thank you for writing them. ATOS assessment for PIP gave 2 points for living for my son and none for mobility for him. The final consideration before it went to Tribunal said: "I've considered all the available evidence" "I oppose the appeal and ask the Tribunal to dismiss the appeal and confirm the Secretary of State's decision".
At the Tribunal we didn't have to wait long for the decision - they said: ‘When we got to 13 points we stopped considering the descriptors as we had enough', so they gave the higher level for living. They also gave 4 points for mobility…
My son was going to give up I am sure of it if I hadn't stepped in and helped.”

ESA reassessment decision
“I just wanted to update you on my situation, and thank you for all the help and support you offer on your website. I very carefully followed your advice, and also sent as much up-to-date supporting information as I could, as well as giving relevant recent examples as to how my condition affects me.
I have just received notice that my ESA will continue. I have been given an 18 month prognosis this time, on my re-assessment. When I first applied, I was given a 12 month prognosis. Both decisions have been paper-based assessments - so no F2F. Thanks again for all your help”

PIP success
“I have just received my PIP decision ... great news i have been awarded standard rate mobility and low rate carer allowance...phew ...thank you for the invaluable advice.”

DLA to PIP success – eventually
“Thank you to B&W for the helpful advice documents. I would reinforce what others have written, if at first you don't succeed do not give up be persistent. I went from DLA Higher rate for care and Mobility to PIP 0 and 4 pints, this after having a joke of a Face to Face interview. On requesting reconsideration I have been awarded Standard Care for 11 points and Enhanced Mobility for 12 points…”

Very stressful time over with – PIP success!
“I received my dreaded letter of DLA to PIP change last December. I had High rate mobility and Low rate care under DLA. I used B&W to assist me with their marvellous guides and advice and completed the form. I personally think the keeping of a day to day diary ( advised by the guides on this site) helped me most of all to receive today P.I.P standard rate care and enhanced rate mobility for 4 yrs. I had a home visit from Capita and the examiner even mentioned that my diary keeping gave them a better idea of day-to-day problems when considering awards. Thank you Benefits and Work for your help. The best money I have ever spent on the net bar none!”

ESA tribunal success
“Hello to all the lovely members and hardworking Moderators …I had my ESA Tribunal today and WON. Thank you all moderators for your help and the lovely site”

DLA to PIP success!
“Want to thank everyone at B&W for the fantastic guides and advice. Without them I probably would have faltered at the first hurdle! I spoke to DWP this morning and I have been awarded Standard Care and Enhanced Mobility! Yes, there are some inconsistencies on the PA4, but it is a good result and it has been awarded for 2 years...Many thanks.”

DLA to PIP result beyond expectations
“Having been on DLA middle rate care and Higher rate Mobility, I have been worried during the transfer which has taken almost 5 months. I had an order for my latest Motability car put on hold, an automatic, as I can no longer drive a car with a manual clutch. Have been more or less housebound waiting.
I was concerned about the assessment as the distance I can walk does vary, and sometimes is greater than the 20 metres required for 12 points. I do have several disabling progressive conditions. If I had not read and followed your guides it would never have occurred to me that as the days I can walk more than 20 m are few and far between, and I stumble and fall frequently, the 'safely, reliably, repeatedly, timely' criteria apply, as I am none of these when walking, and I would have filled the form in very differently.
I have been awarded Enhanced for both support and mobility. The award is ongoing, with recommended review in 10 years. I could not believe it. I would have been happy with less for support, as long as I can have my car . . . Most important, though is to stay calm, read and follow the guides. Worth their weight in gold. As are the moderators, who give so much of their time, with patience, and courtesy when folks like me ask questions that we could find the answers to in the guides.
Moderators, one and all, I thank you for your dedication. May you be blessed with all that is good.”

PIP result
“After a worrying Christmas and few months after , i have received my award from changing from DLA to P.I.P. and will continue to receive enhanced rate for both! I am so relieved as i didn't know how I would manage if not and could see my independence slipping away. Thank you so much to this site as without the advice on here it could have been a different story! !!!!”

PIP success
“I had cancer treatment last year and was awarded enhanced for both components without a f2f assessment. I reported an improvement in my condition in November and had to fill out a whole new claim form and was called for assessment March, the assessor was pleasant/polite and I was awarded standard daily living (11 points) and lost the mobility which I think was a fair decision although it took 5 months. I don't know how they came up with some of the scoring but am happy with the outcome!! I don't think i could have done it without the guides and would like to say thank you .”

ESA & PIP success
“Would like to thank you for help & resources. I use to be in Incapacity benefit, went back to work but it didn't work out so I had to reapply for ESA in 2015. Was on it for a year when I had a letter to say that it was being stopped. I phoned them up & told them that I had not had an assessment, there was silence on the end of the phone, they didn't take long to sort it out & I am now in the support group. When I tried for PIP I was turned down the first time but got it on my second attempt, the bonus was getting a home visit. My advice is never give up keep fighting. Good luck.”

PIP review success
“got my pip review form mid march ticked no change and included doctors letter. dwp received form 29th march, decision made on 6th april. unchanged award and extended for 4 years thanks for everyone’s help”

PIP success
“Just wanted to say thank you for all the help and advice in claiming PIPs, after having a very daunting home visit, and after an 8 week wait I was finally awarded enhanced for both until 2027 then they will ask me if there has been any change (as if I am going to get better) so thank you everyone.”

Transfer from DLA to PIP success
“Thank you for important information guides I used throughout this stressful process. After going through months of anxiety and stress in renewing my claim and transferring from DLA to PIP and attending ATOS interview, I challenged the original decision and successfully and remain on higher rate of mobility with increased rate of care. The most stressful part of this process was the mobility car I relied on, being taken back whilst I waited for reconsideration. The threat of being virtually housebound and unable to get to frequent medical appointments meant my family had to choice but to obtain a loan to finance transport. I am very unhappy about increasing the financial burden on my family. It is so unjust. Thank you for all the guides that enabled me to challenge DWP.”

MR PIP success
“Hi guys, Just wanted to let everyone know that I got an award after a MR. Thank you for all the help and support I couldn't have done it without the guidelines and I would advise anyone to pay the £19.95 as it pays off in the end. I went from 0 points on both daily living and mobility to 10 points daily living and 4 points mobility. I was initially a bit disappointed about the mobility and thought of appealing but I just don't feel I have the energy to go through the whole appeal process. I have since found out that I am entitled to disability premium plus severe disability premium onto my income support as I have standard daily living so I can't complain. Thanks again”

PIP result
“I would like to thank everyone at Benefits and work for your help with my claim for PIPS. My brown envelope came after a very tense 4 weeks and 2 days and I have been awarded the standard rate for daily living and the enhanced rate for mobility I scored 11 and 12 points I'm very pleased with this. It says it's ongoing and I'm ok till 2027 Thank You again.”

Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right ESA, PIP or DLA decision, whether you’re making a claim, renewing an existing award or asking for a reconsideration or appeal.

Subscribe now and get instant access to all our guides.

If you’re not already a member, join the Benefits and Work community before midnight on Friday and you can get 20% off the cost of your annual subscription.

Just type the following code into the coupon box when you pay: 9843

Claimants and carers get an annual subscription for £15.96, down from £19.95. Professionals get an annual subscription for £77.60, down from £97.00.
Offer ends midnight Friday, 28 April

Good luck,

The Office Team
Benefits and Work Publishing Ltd
Company registration No. 5962666


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