The DWP is to begin continuous surveillance of the bank accounts of all pension credit, universal credit and employment and support allowance claimants using powers under a bill currently going through Parliament.  The department have said that they intend to use their new power to force any third party to pass on data to them more widely in the future.

The power to compel third parties into providing any data that the DWP wants in order to search for fraud and error is being conferred in last minute amendments slipped into the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, which has now passed its third reading in the Commons and moved to the Lords.

Initially the DWP say that they will use their powers to oblige the UK’s top 15 banks to monitor the accounts of all means-tested benefits claimants and report every time an account goes over the  capital limit or is used abroad for more than four weeks.

Because every DWP payment into a bank account has an identifying code attached to it, all banks know exactly which of their customers is on benefits and which benefits they receive.

Setting up software to automatically send details to the DWP of every claimant account that goes over the capital limit or is used abroad for more than four weeks will be very straightforward for banks.

The DWP say that each identified claim will be investigated in the normal way and that penalties will not be automatically imposed.

At the moment, almost 9 million claimants would be caught in the surveillance net, including:

  • 5.8 million universal credit claimants
  • 1.6 million employment and support allowance claimants
  • 1.4 million pension credit claimants

Any bank failing to collect and pass on data to the DWP will be subject to heavy fines.

 The new system will begin to be rolled out in 2025, though all banks may not be fully involved before 2030.

The DWP estimates that it will cost around £30 million a year for them to investigate potential fraud identified by the new system, but that they will save £500 million a year through reduced fraud and error.  

They also estimate that over the first ten years, the new powers will result in 74,000 prosecution cases and 2,500 custodial sentences.  

There is no doubt that the DWP intend to use these new powers much more widely.  The impact assessment for the new powers says that:

“The power is not limited to a specific type of data or type of institution/Third-Party to allow us to fight new fraud and error issues as they emerge and engage with new institutions as efficient opportunities become available to us.”

Later, the same document says: 

“This measure is drafted broadly . . .  to enable DWP to apply this measure to non-financial organisations in future if it is deemed appropriate and proportionate”

The new surveillance powers for the DWP appear to enjoy cross party support. Only 51 MPs voted against the amendment, with 30 of those being SNP and just 7 each from Labour and the Lib Dems.

Anyone who imagines that the DWP will use such sweeping powers reasonably and proportionately probably hasn’t ever claimed benefits.

And they probably also don’t remember the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, which was brought in to combat terrorism and organised crime and ended up being used to spy on dog walkers, pigeon feeders and people putting out their wheelie bins too early.

Capital and abroad fraud account for less than 15% of benefits fraud and error. The DWP will want to delve into many other aspects of claimants lives in order to identify the other 85%.  This is, beyond doubt, the thin end of a very thick wedge.

You can download a copy of the amendments to the Data Protection and Digital information Bill here.  The Power To Require Information For Social Security Purposes section begins on page 98.

You can read the impact assessment for the DWP surveillance powers here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 days ago
    Ok then if the government can go through our accounts the we the public should be able to look through the MP's and Lords accounts to see the fraud they commit.
    It has already be proven that the MP's  and lords have falsified their expense's claiming for housing of the ducks in their pond, signing in to the house and going home etc.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    I am not happy I have have a message this must be new but UC want four months of your personal bank statements it wrong look through your account I feel violated it my life they are looking through for not really any money and I have a job but I am not on the hours I would like
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    I'm confused. Are they just looking at capital and time spent abroad? If a joint claim do they check both accounts even though payment only goes into one? 
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    · 2 months ago
    Surely if the DWP is allowed to look into people’s private bank accounts it’s an invasion of privacy ! I for one will seek legal advice on this and fight for my privacy 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago

    The decision to look into other peoples accounts as fraudulent is appalling and disgusted. It is making us feel anger, sadness, and anxiety regarding the DWP's decision are completely valid. Having one's financial activities scrutinized in such a way can create an atmosphere of distrust and vulnerability, making us feel like we're being treated unjustly. It's alarming to think that people who are already in stressful situations could be facing additional stress and anxiety because of increased surveillance.
    The implications of being viewed as we are treated as "guilty until proven innocent" can lead to significant emotional distress, including feelings of depression and anxiety. No one should have to endure such pressure, especially when they are seeking support during difficult times.
    and drive change. Remember, seeking support 
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    · 4 months ago
    I've been a single working parent since seperating from my husband in 2022. Worked all my life and recently been off sick for the last 5 months. My employer refuses to make any accomodations for a return to work so I have reluctantly had to hand in my resignation today so I can look for something more suitable. I tell UC as I like to be totally up front and literally minutes later I get an email demanding bank statements and photo ID. How is this ok? They clearly thought my salary wasn't enough to run a household, hence the UC top up but now I'm unemployed I'm on less than half my salary including the SSP, I have no savings and they want to see if I'm trying to con them out of a few quid?? Make it make sense!!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    So we're to be treated as guilty until proven innocent then? The police are not allowed to monitor people or thier transactions etc without being able to prove there is a reason to suspect criminal activity is taking place, yet because I get benefits I'm now going to be subject to to a system that assumes that I will commit a crime if I have the opportunity.

    Its a disgraceful and draconian abuse of power. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Joe They should only be able to use their powers if they suspect illegal / criminal activity 
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    · 4 months ago
    does anybody know if they require all your ID or only Passport? You may have a British Passport, EU Passport and a driving license and any other IDs . Do they require all of them? 
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    · 4 months ago
    It is definitely 4 months required by DWP / Universal Credit. I've heard from friend who was unable to provide the last statement from April 2024 , because some online saving accounts do not generate statements in every single month. You only can see your transactions online or on your phone up to 3 months, depending how old is you device. As a result, he had his benefit stopped or suspended until he provides the April 2024 statement. 
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      · 13 days ago
      @A Ross How dare they!! Are we not allowed to have an app now? This situation is untenable, surely there must be a law against this? What about data protection laws?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @A. Todd I had to prove I only received £26 from vinted after selling clothes 🤣
      I had to beg vinted for an email proving that I closed my account 3 month earlier as could not prove to DWP that I had uninstalled app.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 months ago
    Can anyone tell me if you have to give four months bank statements when claiming U.C.  I was told and read online it was 2 months?
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    · 7 months ago
    I’m a carer and find myself now in this position. I will not be sending my bank statements or anything else. I can’t afford to do loose my pittance I’m given in U/C and carers allowance but I feel I have done nothing wrong for them to justify treating me like a criminal 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Akie Akie, I'm too a carer x I done everything they asked, which took me 4 weeks as too busy caring to provide all the info.
      Because a PayPal payment was on my bank statement I had to provide my PayPal statements also. All statements from savings accounts that had been closed etc, total invasion of privacy, but got nothing to hide so they obviously have nothing better to do.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Akie You won't have to, they'll be watching your account and know what you have anyway.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Akie I feel exactly the same. Complete invasion of privacy for £150 a month. No thanks 
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    · 9 months ago
    They just contacted me, I'm currently ill with chronic fatigue and have been waiting for a hospital appointment for over 18 months and getting worse by the day. They demanded I send them back account statements for the past 4 months, pluss 2 photos of my driving licence and a 3rd of my head with the driving licence next to it, like a prison mugg shot with your number. They then ask for a driving license verification code from the DVLA. After this they wanted proof of my rent from the land lord at which point they said they would call me to discuss my bank account. They went through every transaction wanting to know what it was for and wanted to know what was been done with money I had got from the ATM. My balance is well below the £6000 limit and I've done nothing wrong. I feel like a criminal which is probably a deliberate aim of the DWP. If I ever recover from my illness I've sworn to seek justice from this appalling system, we have entered 1984 without a doubt.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Orwell It can be an issue if it’s a regular payment even from a family member. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Anon Why should anything be quesioned unless it's over the limit? If people want to give you a bit of money that's nobody else's business! Doesn't equal fraud if your family give you a top up or some birthday money.
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      · 8 months ago
      Just awful.
      Benefit 'fraud' (mostly people just trying to survive on a pitiful payment) is miniscule compared with corporate abuses and tax evasion. Just madness.
      Doesn't make any rational sense.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @Kark They have no right to question transactions. There is nothing in the legislation that says what you can or can't spend benefits on. The only thing they should question are payments going into a bank account that aren't benefits or if savings are over the limit 
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    · 10 months ago
    We're already living in a Dictatotship.  Perhaps they ought to check politicians bank accounts, plenty of fraudulent activity going on there.  Serfdom isn't dead.
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    · 10 months ago
    Why are they targeting State Pensioners, only a proportion of whom get means tested benefits. Are they using this to target other state funding recipients such as those who get Child Benefit?
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      · 1 months ago
      @Concerned I think it’s only pensioners on pension credit as that part is means tested 
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      · 7 months ago
      @Concerned People do side jobs to supplement their crap pension....which is taxable, so therefore constitutes Tax evasion!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 months ago
    Hi I’ve been reading up on surveillance and human rights would this not fall under the right to privacy and go against article 8 of the UN and ECHR?
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      · 7 months ago
      @Jenny its partially why the tories want to get rid of the human rights act, to treat people inhumanely 
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    · 11 months ago
    It looks like we are heading towards a dictaship  
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    · 1 years ago
    I had a message yesterday 15th Feb 2024, saying I'd 've having a call about my UC review.  I was a bit confused because it's usually an awful form you have to fill in. However this is purely they want 4 months bank statements and a photo of my passport and me holding my passport 😕 ... I have 14 days to provide it all. I'm very confused
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      · 1 months ago
      @James If you don’t provide bank statements I suspect your uc account will be closed as they can’t tell if you have savings over the £16k limit or not. 
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      · 11 months ago
      @Lorna It's a trick..  They just want your consent (so they can impose this on u ) an inverted contract I'd say.  with u holding your passport and photo.. , there's their proof of your acquiesance..right there they got ya..  When or if they come for me lol : send the letter back(that way,  you haven't got the letter) ask them for the signature and the name of the living man or women who sent the letter ... Send by recorded signed for post, if you have an address
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      · 11 months ago
      @Lorna Me too. I have PTSD. It's coercion under punitive threat of sanctions. 


      "If you do not complete these to-dos, then either:

      your payment COULD [empathise added] be stopped and then your claim MIGHT [empathise added] be closed
      [empathise added]
      I will not cede access to my bank account statements. However, I will discuss the review with an agent and ask them a series of pointed questions and record the conversation in case I need to pursue a civil lawsuit in case of sanctions (The bill is still at the reading stage and is not enshrined in law).

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      · 1 years ago
      @Lorna This is normal as i had one of these in november, these are being done as a lot of claims were made during covid and the bank statements ect were not requested back then. Pretty straight forward his is and nothing to worry about.
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    · 1 years ago
    Does anyone know if non means tested benefits will be monitored as well?

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      · 4 months ago
      @Jp None. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jp Non means tested benefits don't need monitoring. PIP for instance, you can be a billionaire and claim it.
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      · 11 months ago
      @Jp They will only give information to the DWP if you are making lots of transactions abroad or paying utilities in a foreign country. It is an offence not to tell the DWP that you have gone abroad or are living abroad. 
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      · 11 months ago
      @Andy Thanks.    It is just so wrong that they will be monitoring non means tested benefits people as well, and as I haven't been abroad in over 20 yrs so its not irrelevant to me.

      What kind of information will the banks be giving to the DWP then for non means tested people if there savings amount is irrelevant?     

      I understand the need to check for fraud etc but the UK is becoming more and more unrecognisable every day.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jp They have said PIP and state pension are going to be monitored, neither of these are means tested.
      From what I have gathered, the DWP will be checking these to make sure the claimant is living in the UK and hasn't gone abroad for an extended period or to live.
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    · 1 years ago
    Please sign the petition on the Parliament website, search checking bank accounts
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    · 1 years ago
    Does anyone have any idea when this will start? 
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