The DWP is to begin continuous surveillance of the bank accounts of all pension credit, universal credit and employment and support allowance claimants using powers under a bill currently going through Parliament.  The department have said that they intend to use their new power to force any third party to pass on data to them more widely in the future.

The power to compel third parties into providing any data that the DWP wants in order to search for fraud and error is being conferred in last minute amendments slipped into the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, which has now passed its third reading in the Commons and moved to the Lords.

Initially the DWP say that they will use their powers to oblige the UK’s top 15 banks to monitor the accounts of all means-tested benefits claimants and report every time an account goes over the  capital limit or is used abroad for more than four weeks.

Because every DWP payment into a bank account has an identifying code attached to it, all banks know exactly which of their customers is on benefits and which benefits they receive.

Setting up software to automatically send details to the DWP of every claimant account that goes over the capital limit or is used abroad for more than four weeks will be very straightforward for banks.

The DWP say that each identified claim will be investigated in the normal way and that penalties will not be automatically imposed.

At the moment, almost 9 million claimants would be caught in the surveillance net, including:

  • 5.8 million universal credit claimants
  • 1.6 million employment and support allowance claimants
  • 1.4 million pension credit claimants

Any bank failing to collect and pass on data to the DWP will be subject to heavy fines.

 The new system will begin to be rolled out in 2025, though all banks may not be fully involved before 2030.

The DWP estimates that it will cost around £30 million a year for them to investigate potential fraud identified by the new system, but that they will save £500 million a year through reduced fraud and error.  

They also estimate that over the first ten years, the new powers will result in 74,000 prosecution cases and 2,500 custodial sentences.  

There is no doubt that the DWP intend to use these new powers much more widely.  The impact assessment for the new powers says that:

“The power is not limited to a specific type of data or type of institution/Third-Party to allow us to fight new fraud and error issues as they emerge and engage with new institutions as efficient opportunities become available to us.”

Later, the same document says: 

“This measure is drafted broadly . . .  to enable DWP to apply this measure to non-financial organisations in future if it is deemed appropriate and proportionate”

The new surveillance powers for the DWP appear to enjoy cross party support. Only 51 MPs voted against the amendment, with 30 of those being SNP and just 7 each from Labour and the Lib Dems.

Anyone who imagines that the DWP will use such sweeping powers reasonably and proportionately probably hasn’t ever claimed benefits.

And they probably also don’t remember the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, which was brought in to combat terrorism and organised crime and ended up being used to spy on dog walkers, pigeon feeders and people putting out their wheelie bins too early.

Capital and abroad fraud account for less than 15% of benefits fraud and error. The DWP will want to delve into many other aspects of claimants lives in order to identify the other 85%.  This is, beyond doubt, the thin end of a very thick wedge.

You can download a copy of the amendments to the Data Protection and Digital information Bill here.  The Power To Require Information For Social Security Purposes section begins on page 98.

You can read the impact assessment for the DWP surveillance powers here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    @A Ooer, does your gran have too much money then?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @rookie The DWP have always conducted random compliance checks. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    It has started, my gran has received a letter and been called about it this week. They have requested bank statements. 
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    · 9 months ago
    Who can argue with you, Karen Keita? What is so sad in your brother in law's case is there was not time for him to fight any wrong or premature actions taken by the authorities. Pension providers have to notify hmrc/dwp of payouts, not sure about banks at current time, though. 

    Understandable if you haven't the heart for this, but you might be able to get CAB or other help to challenge dwp decisions retrospectively if the savings dropped below the limit again (he would have been allowed up to £6000 until benefits were subject to reduction, but up to £16000 before his benefits were stopped, anyway) and question bank's potential privacy violation.  Best wishes.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    What a terrible state this has come to.
    My brother in law, just 65 had a bad back last January, he was working nights never been out of work but they changed the night shift hours so he could no longer get there. Due to the pain in his back he thought he'd take the option to leave. He never signed on benefits as he gave up the job in their eyes. May last year he was diagnosed stage 4 palative care secondary cancer of the vertebrae can't find Primary site. I claimed benefits for him, he'd been living off his life savings and now had nothing left. July after a fight with evidence confirming he has less than 12 months to live he received money July 23rd. Due to the cancer speeding up and approaching 65 we looked into his pensions.  We got one that was for £8,000 he had to pay £2,000 in tax before he got it. £6,000 went into the bank but he'd already got by then this was December £700 in his account. Taking him over the £6,000 your allowed in the bank. Within ONE HOUR his money was stopped. 
    We were informed after I contacted the bank that its already policy to alert benefits . This was HSBC BANK CANNOCK STAFFORDSHIRE.  He paid for his cremation costing another £2,000 he's had the minimalist possible. So it took him under the allowance.  But benefits wouldn't accept he'd paid for his own cremation. Even with proof. As it is he's now had another pension too of £8,000 so couldn't be on benefits. This is what happens when you work all your life....
    His state pension they've said if he's alive he can have next 66th birthday if not it dies with him. He's divorced. 

    You can no longer save yourself for a burial and have savings to pay your gas and electricity or replace any item you have to choose which your doing and remember he has the minimal cremation. No one attending, no service, no viewing nothing only ashes sent to his son. 

    This is what this Country and Government has come too. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 8 months ago
      @Karen Keita You can thank all the idiots in this country who vote these monster Tories in. Quite frankly I have had enough of this god forsaken shit hole of a country. 
      You are better off in prison than poor in the UK. Says it all. Better protected in jail than the millions of poor people slogging for a rich private landlord. 
      Who can blame the hundreds of thousands that leave the UK every year? My cousin went to live in New Zealand ten years ago. She never looked back and to put it in her words "She's not coming back to that depressing dump for anything". 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Karen Keita You should challenge this, speak to a welfare rights adviser at your local council if you need help. The DWP rules allow you to pay for a pre paid funeral plan and it should not count as deprivation of capital.
      The people who work for DWP often don't understand the complex rules, which is why you should challenge their decision to stop your BILs benefits.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    Interesting, every article on the internet, seemed to be speculating to whats going on, many reporting its already started or about to start very soon.  This article states exactly what they looking for and its not until 2025.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @CC That's right, CC, and not even intended to be fully rolled out until 2030. We all know how delayed these measures usually are #universal credit. So time to sign the petitions, raise the profile and force the debates/amendments. The bill is ridiculously long, far and wide reaching, and the government tried to sneak in the surveillance clauses at the end, hoping they would escape scrutiny.
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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    Just putting this here incase people haven't seen it yet
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    · 9 months ago
    What can go wrong??
    Look at how effective the Post Office was, determining fraud.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Terry ThecDWP we’re going to use the same horizon system. Thank good ness they didn’t !
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    · 9 months ago
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      · 9 months ago
      @MARTINE It two fold. You can sell 30 items on vinted. But I've also read that if it's your own items it's classed as recycling then it's not counted. Vinted has just put a new policy in place and in the small print confirms they have to notify benefits.  EBay are much stricter. Its a complete nightmare. People are to be kept on poverty line and not allowed to help themselves even to pay for heating. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    I think they're going to look how people on benefits are spending their money and try and cut what they hand out that way. 
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    · 9 months ago
    When this comes in, hopefully Labour will leave it on statute. Wait until the next election and announce, they are going to get rid of it and see if the Tories support. If no they will be toast
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      · 8 months ago
      @Karen Keita aggree didnt hear them say much about this ,thought they were for the poor
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      · 9 months ago
      @Andy Exactly Labour are no longer the people's protection not poorer section anyway. 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Its only me There was majority Labour support for the bill when it passed through the HOC. Don't expect Labour to change or get rid of anything.
      Rachel Reeves has said Labour are going to be tougher on benefits than the Tories have been. She was saying just last week that Labour will be the party for working people, not welfare.
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    · 9 months ago
    Let's be very clear, this is the thin end of a very large wedge, if this all goes through Parliament,  how long will it be before HMRC seek powers 'just to ensure everyone is paying the correct amount of tax' I guarantee that in a couple of years time, the state will be monitoring every bank account in the land, BEWARE!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @Stevo HMRC already have these powers and more. 
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      · 9 months ago
      @mrfibro Never they are an exception to the rule as always.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Stevo They already ARE. My brother in law in palative care only been on benefits July had in stopped within one hour of £6,000 pension going into his bank account due to him dying so he's got it earlier. He had £600 already in the account. HSBC told us they have to by law tell benefits immediately.  
      So within ONE HOUR all benefits were stopped. He's paid for his cremation out of it. Please read my post above. 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Stevo Stevo,

      Just wondering if HMRC  will be monitoring the corrupt MP's and corporate giants accounts too.  And not to forget the dodgy tax evader, evading paying taxes in the tunes of multiple billions per year.

      The Etonians are in support of tax evaders on this scale, coz they too evade, it's all corruption, and the empty tax koffers have to be filled by the again, poor man/ woman & them & those on welfare.

      Good luck to all, we're going to need it.
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      · 9 months ago
      @keeping it real The Government and House of Lords won't care what left leaning papers report. No amount of noise in the media will stop this bill passing into law. It might have some amendments but it will pass, just like UC did, despite numerous concerns being raised.
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    · 9 months ago
    I’ve just been flagged for closing a little pension to pay my bills while on benefits only paperwork insurance company can use is to send p45 as account closed so DWP think I have a job and stoped benefits even though it’s a small lump sum which does not count for benefits but there to stupid to understand that it’s really sad waiting to have operation on the NHS so can’t work atm
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @Alan They've just done the same for my termally ill brother in law. 
      Stopped it dead within one hour of money going into bank. 
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    · 9 months ago
    I find it absurd that people are punished for being responsible with their money. People should not be penalised for exceeding £6000 in their bank account. The gov wants you to spend spend spend because it's the only way they can get your money through taxes. That potential £500 million a year pales in comparison to the amount of money being moved through fraudulent activity by the corporate elite and other people in positions of power, and It certainly does not justify such intrusive surveillance.
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      · 9 months ago
      @escuzion Yet the cost of a burial is more than that and if your on benefits and you have any family member working they are liable to pay for your funeral not as stated that there's a fund its only if family on benefits too. 
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      · 9 months ago
      @escuzion Hi Escuzion,

      Your absolutely correct in what you have said.  One law for them, another one for us.
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    · 9 months ago
    I think it's wrong !! Someone's bank account is private and very personal to them!!! And should remain so!!! I also know that Jeremy Hunt had something do with this as he absolutely hates disabled people as everytime he's spoken so far over the years it's criminalising the disabled and that shouldn't be allowed!! And I've heard other mps do the same ! Gone are the days of common decency and respect not all disabilities are visible and some are internal and some don't always mean you'll end up with a facial disfigurement or any paralysis!!! The world we live in now all they want to do is attack people with disabilities! And they only want to here one side of it half of them! And that's the awful side not all people with disabilities are telling lies or abusing the system as they put it. There are people whom are and look normal and alot if people assume there ok when it's far far from the truth.!!! And that is internal not external!!! And jeremy hunt says work will help mental health I cab say that'd not the case going to work does not fix or heal mental health and  your telling me someone's aloud to go to work knowing they have mental health issues and they might be on every  drug known to man  that helps them cope with mental health and your ok with sending them to work? How does that and how is that allowed to suggested!! And also maybe should read more about the human rights act because alot of people will feel this is a violation of there human rights!! All disabilities and people with disabilities are 
    Not respected or treated with respect in the world 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Alan W. True
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      · 9 months ago
      @O I had a feeling things were going to get worse, I get some of the reasons but as always, it's the ones like myself, on ESA because I can't work but want to will suffer. Basically, anyone who gets some kind of benefit is 'owned' by the tax payer and the government, anything we have that is used or paid for with the benefits doesn't belong to the claimant but by the tax payer. 
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    · 9 months ago
    So you will have £1 deducted per week for every £250 you have over £6000 ? 
    Do they monitor and adjust this accordingly to what you have in your bank account at any given time ? EG one month you might have £7000 then the following month £5000 ? 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @Bella Yes, PIP is exempt from the £6000 savings limit 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Bella Hi Bella, Pip is not means tested, so no capital limit.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Andy Hello. Will PIP payment be exempt from said £6,000? I have been saving for an over 60s rented property for people with disabilities as where I live is completely unsuitable. Thank you.

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      · 9 months ago
      @Andy Correct
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      · 9 months ago
      @Sarah Nope my brother in law had £6,700 stopped his benefits within one hour of the pension going into the bank early because he's in palative care. 
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    · 9 months ago
    So basically if you claim benefit you lose your right to financial privacy? Banks should be sued for doing this to their customers tbh, pretty sure I didn't sign anything saying my bank can hand out my details. 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Total Banker Grim fact is the banks will be governed by legislation - if it's pssed, of course. Way to go yet.
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    · 9 months ago
    I’ve been travelling abroad to be with my husband for long holidays, I’m really worried about this. What can happen? 
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      · 9 months ago
      @mrfibro Nope it's all changed.
      I've just put a response for each benefit. 

      Can I just say that I went abroad for two weeks. While there my blood pressure went sky high so couldn't fly back. Couldn't get my ticket changed. So I was there 4wks before fit to fly. All my benefits got stopped immediately before the 4wks including pip. 
      I had to go through to a new claim when I got back and did not get money backdated. 
      This was 2019
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @Mila No more than 4wks and that depends on what benefits your on. 
      Pip 4wks
      Esa 2wks
      Housing benefit immediately 
      Council tax immediately 
      Universal credit 2wks.
      Dla 4wks
      Carers allowance 2wks
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      · 9 months ago
      @Mila Hi Mila,

      What do you call long hols?  if it's over 30 days i believe it can open a can of worms.
      What i have read is... you can go for 30  days! 1 day getting there, 28 on the job, 1 day getting back to the UK = 30 days.  You are within there so called limit.

      What it doesn't say is can one do 30 days on multiple trips!!!
      Cannot find any clarification on that.

      Also i may be wrong here, but!  i read somewhere you can go for 3 months if on PIP ?
      So i'm a bit confused with this.  As for example if your on ESA or whatever = (30) days.
      PIP= (3 mths).

      Which one does a claimant pick !! 30 days  or 3 mth (may be more).

      The way i look at it, even if your ill/ disabled, and having an holiday can say help with pain, and having other people with you as helpers/ carers/ supporters, i dont see the problem.

      So spending money ESA/PIP  on hols shoudnt be a problem.

      It's like saying i spend me monies on carpets, curtains, clothes.

      or some people will spend their monies on fags, booze, drugs, or a combination of the 3.

      I see the problem being if your benefit income exceeds what DWP give you.

      Example large deposits to your bank account, or regular smaller amounts deposited, which tally up to quite a sum.

      I dare say some people buy dogs, those little ratty handbag things, which cost thousands of pounds, to reduce their incomes so they are under 6k.

      Thee dog owners would argue, that the dog is part of their  therapy, it's a comfort dog to help with your depression or whatever.

      Basically this all about big brother, there's bigger fish out there but they wont go after them, as disabled people etc are easier pickings.

      Good luck to all.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Mila If you are away for more than 28 days at a time and haven't informed the DWP, then it could be viewed as fraud. 
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    · 9 months ago
    This is all total BS!  DWP have been spying on us since at least 2015.  I went through a horrific divorce and came away with £100K, this was meant to buy a house with.  I went ahead and did this but due to solicitors dragging feet, I had £70K +/- in my bank account for literally two effing days.  The next thing is I am having my ass hauled in for being fraudulent.  I explained to them that the money was for my home and included renovations to make it habitable BUT in their tiny pathetic minds, they wanted to see ALL of my bank accounts from two years prior to the purchase.  I thought sod this, they wanna be assholes, I sent them FIVE years worth for all accounts they wanted, plus ALL purchase receipts.  I photocopied the lot and sent the lot to the address they wanted me to.  Funnily I did not hear from them for six whole months, at which point they still decided that I should be fined £600 of MY money (nothing to do with DWP) just because they wanted their claws in. So……they docked my income for 2 years until I paid the £600 back to them.  DWP are disgusting.  It wasn’t their money.  I had no other income because literally the house needed a lot spending on it to make it liveable for me as a disabled person.  What don’t they understand about that?  Beggars belief!  So no, the spying and constant surveillance goes if you are a claimant of ANY benefit.  If you have dealings with the DWP woe betide you!
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      · 9 months ago
      @Skippy I’m in same bout , I got 30k from divorce but that is needed to find a 4 bed home and kit it out from nothing , I get uc I’m worried they will stop my benefits full stop 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Skippy Skippy, your experience is a typical example of the dwp always having had the right to investigate when they have reason to suspect fraud. £70K would have been an immediate red flag and could have been detected at various points. It's unfortunate for you that you were not able to avoid repaying £600, for what reason is not clear (perhaps because you did not inform dwp of your situation) but is not a reason for mass anxiety regarding the surveillance proposals in the Data Protection and Digital Information bill.
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