The Conservative party manifesto contains no real benefits surprises, instead it is laden with already well-publicised threats to claimants, rather than promises.  In all, the Tories plan to cut a massive £12 billion from the cost of benefits, almost all of this coming from a crackdown on personal independence payment (PIP).

The manifesto includes a pledge to tighten up the work capability assessment from 2025, which the Office for Budget Responsibility said in January will mean 600,000 claimants will be placed in the LCW group rather than the LCWRA group by 2028-29.

The fit note process will be overhauled, with GPs no longer playing a part in the process, something Sunak highlighted in a speech in April.

Sanctions will also be toughened up, something else Sunak spoke about in his April speech.

The forced migration of legacy benefits claimants to universal credit is to be brought forward, a process which the DWP has already announced will begin in September of this year.

A crackdown on fraud, which will see the DWP given police powers to search and seize, as well as post office type powers to carry out prosecutions.  This is something else Sunak already threatened in April of this year.

It is the proposed changes to PIP, set out in the Green Paper currently being consulted on, which will be relied on to provide over £10 billion of the £12 billion in savings, however.

But the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has cast doubt on the Conservative claim that they can cut spending on benefits by this much by the end of the next parliament.

They argue that changes to the WCA would only save £1.4 billion.  Other measures, such as harsher sanctions and changes to fit notes would save very little.

So the vast bulk of the savings would have to come from changes to PIP.  The IFS point out that spending on PIP is forecast to be £30 billion in 2028-29, so a cut of anything like £12 billion “would be a huge proportion of the existing bill, meaning a lot of people losing significant sums”.

Previous attempts to cut spending on disability benefits have failed and unless any changes apply to existing claimants, rather than to new or reassessed claimants, then any savings will take many years to realise.

But, as it now seems extremely unlikely that the Conservatives will form the next government, it is Labour’s attitude to reform of the disability benefits system that is of most importance for claimants outside Scotland.

Thursday’s Labour manifesto publication may tell us more.  But based on Labour’s tight-lipped approach to any changes it may have planned, we probably won’t know much until after the election.

You can download the Conservative party 2024 manifesto from this link.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 8 months ago
    What really worries me is what I have read about the Tories replacing PIP with grants or vouchers. I already have the sort of equipment I need as a disabled person, I don't need vouchers, as PIP allows me to run a car so that I am not trapped all day every day at home on my own.
    Since receiving PIP I have been able to buy slightly better food, and have not had to rely on going to the shops when food is being reduced in price, which I have found most demeaning and inconvenient. I also have the luxury of heating my bathroom in winter. I cannot live without PIP, and I know many in the same position.
    The Lib Dem manifesto shows some changes that make PIP 'more transparent', whatever that means.
    If people lose PIP, they may lose the blue badge which makes such a difference to our lives, and their carer will lose carer's allowance. I feel it is ESSENTIAL that the Tories lose the election, as there will be NO welfare state at all in future. That has always been what they intend; to reduce the number of pesky working class people by running down the NHS and forcing the sick and disabled off benefits.

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    · 8 months ago
    We know for DEFINITE that the Tories will try to abolish PIP payments, and make ESA far harder to qualify for. We do NOT know what Labour will do. Therefore, if Labour get into power there is a chance that things will NOT be as bad as if the Tories remain in power. Consequently, it is VITAL to vote out the Tories! Labour is our only hope.
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      · 4 days ago
      @Faith Sadly now it's labour that's doing even more cuts than tories would have done 
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    · 8 months ago
    Hopefully people will have seen enough tory plans come to nothing Brexit being the prime example. It was meant to solve the issue of illegal immigration but all it has done is create a worse problem namely small boat crossings.
    The economy at least for the working class is a shambles with the cost of living constantly going up.
    Why people believe that attacking people on benefits will solve the countries problems is beyond me. Any money they save will as always be channeled into Tax cuts for the wealthiest members of society.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    Let's vote for party of wealthy advantaged people led by a unelected PM that is basically worth £621 million pounds.
    The very same party who told the country that Brexit would make everything so much better.
    The promise now is it's the Benefit claimants who are destroying the country laughing at hard working people. Vote us back and we will sort them out.
    As always the politics of division and hatred.
    I pray that these people don't ever fool the people again. Ever
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    All the politicians and parties would like to phase out ALL the benefits . It’s simply this if your not working and not paying taxes your a burden in the nation. Give it time. Even state pension will fall under this way of thinking. They are already doing everything possible to kill us off. I’m 65 waiting for 3 operations a declining health service not fit for purpose and no money to fix it. So letting us die means no paying state pension and or benefit we aren’t fit to work. A caring society that looks after its old, disabled, young and infirm DON’T make me laugh when was that then because in reality it’s never been. Gary
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    I have just read the Conservative manifesto. It is extremely disconcerting and worrying that they want no evidence involvement from the GP in an application for PIP. I have a mental health condition. My GP is my first point of contact but because they don't have a mental health specialism & it's not in their remit to change my medication then it means a referral to my local mental health NHS trust. It has taken weeks to get an appointment with no guarantee that I will see a psychiatrist. I was seriously ill in January 2023 & in 2024 and despite my best efforts neither I nor my GP could get through to the crisis team. I did receive outpatient treatment for 4 months and despite being promised I would get copies of all their correspondence to my GP, this hasn't happened. Now the current mental health team have told me that my psychiatrist has left and they won't honour her promise as she didn't put it in my medical notes that she would provide it. I will need to read my medical notes instead. So, if the Conservatives get back in power then I would struggle to provide any evidence at all even though I had treatment from a psychiatrist. All the Conservatives care about is money and their profit margins, they don't see disabled people because they don't care. Oh, and they are corrupt, another reason I won't vote for them. 
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      · 4 days ago
      @Claire Johnson Sadly labour are going deeper than tories were   i didn't vote Labour i couldn't after Tony Blair first term.  Labour is going to kill disabled off 
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    · 9 months ago
    Does Rich Sunak understand that it would be good for his spiritual health to give a few million to poorer people and climate fighters . 
    Also good for his mental health...because only then would   he understand the effects of deprivation . 
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    · 9 months ago
    i don't understand why press and TV haven't picked up on their national insurance 'pledges' which effectively undermine the whole scheme especially for the self employed who they aim to exempt from NI contributions which effectively exempts them from a state retirement pension and from sickness/working age benefits.
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    · 9 months ago
    Anyone remember George Osborne’s magic wand? He said 500,000 of us would miraculously recover and stop being disabled! He created PIP, to replace DLA, and announced that 500,000 of us would not receive PIP. We’d be healed!

    This manifesto is more of the same; they want to cut the PIP budget by £10 billion. £10 billion!!! Why not simply say that disabled people should starve, go without medication, die?

    Nye Bevan was right, the Tory party are scum.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    Same old, same old. Punish and deprive the most vulnerable in society to gift extra money to their wealthy friends and donors. And they wonder why there is a mental health crisis in the UK?
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      · 4 days ago
      @SkyB I can't believe what labour has done   . Shafted the Pensioners and the farmers and now the disabled 
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    · 9 months ago
    It would be a disaster 
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    · 9 months ago
    With everyone and its dog knowing the path the Conservatives were on We all knew the majority of the things which were going to be in their manifesto So it has come as no surprise that there is little change from the path they had stated before the election At least we know where we stand with them unlike others But whether we like it or not that is a different issue  Many would say treating the sick and disabled this way is not a good look I understand that the benefits bill for the sick/disabled is increasing and there are somethings could help that But anyone trying to claim these benefits would tell you of the hoops needing to be jumped through to get these benefits So help and understanding is required With the use carrot not stick As well as the NHS being able to help to reduce some of the long term sick waiting for treatment Which could  in turn help to reduce people claiming benefits As well as change there lives for the better
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    This will not work as I am an example of that before it even starts. I have just undergone a Universal Credit Health Assessment to see if I am able to work and they have told me I do not have to look for work anymore as I have limited working capability. Once I got this result I have received a PIP Review to reassess me for this so I have included the decision made by the UC team to prove that I am unfit to work, despite wanting all disabled people into work. It will never happen. Employers need to be trained on how to manage disabled people as Epilepsy Actions magazine says that Morrisons Supermarkets have been fined 3.5 million for an employee with Epilepsy which is what I have having admitted to 4 health and safety charges. The employee fell down a staircase during a seizure and died 12 days later. This was in Tewkesbury , Gloucs. They did not carry out suitable risk assessments knowing that he suffered with the condition. Put this before the Government and see what they have to say.?
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    · 9 months ago
    Sunak said he will cut welfare benefits to give tax cuts for the wealthy. What sort of person votes for this?
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    · 9 months ago
    This deluded bunch never get my vote again. Idealisms off the scale and out of touch with the realities everyday people face whether them being in work or out of work. As for their PIP voucher scheme I find that incredibly annoying. 
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    · 9 months ago
    Sorry they will not be getting my vote - they have caused more hardship and anguish for disabled people than any other party and they certainly haven’t helped the NHS or the Pensioners.

    Their policies are as fake as their prime minister who wouldn’t understand what any of us are going through !!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    After working in housing and the health and social care sector for many years before ending up as a claimant, there is NO way I will be voting Conservative. During the last 8 years as a claimant I have felt like a criminal, despite following all the rules re holiday forms etc. It has have been extremely stressful and certainly severely affected my health each time I have had to complete a claim or a review. Not helped by the ambiguous answers from DWP to questions trying to clarify rules.
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    · 9 months ago
    How about the Conservatives introduce a 'dying tax' whereby they can remove functioning organs prior to death and sell them on the open market?  They might as well; they are determined to remove everything else.
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    · 9 months ago
    I feel they aren't letting us consult as you go on gov website and it keeps saying consultation closed 
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    · 9 months ago
    The Conservative Party has and always will be uncaring.

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