The DWP has announced that the next £150 disability cost of living payment will be made automatically over a two week period between 20 June and 4 July 2023.

To be entitled to a payment, you need to have been eligible for one of the following benefits on 1 April 2023:

  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Scottish Disability Benefits (Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment)
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • War Pension Mobility Supplement

A small proportion of payments will be made after the above dates, where claimants were still awaiting confirmation of their eligibility or entitlement to disability benefits on 1 April.

You can read more details on the website


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    Mary · 1 years ago
    Hello. My name is Mary and I receive the enhanced PIP but I have not received any disability cost of living allowance. Should I have applied for it , if not is there any other way I can get ?
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    Mike · 1 years ago
    I am in receipt of lower pip for both cars and mobility so have some idea of the dwp workings. My wife has  arthritis in her hands and burst tendons in her shoulder as wel! as disc erosion of the lower back, and is on her surgeons urgent list for hip replacement. I sent the surgeons letter and gp notes as well as her medicines. I was hoping she would get !owed help with Attendance Allowance but was awarded high rate AA. I then applied for a blue badge and Sent all relevant paper work and photograph and driving licence. What a complicated process it took me longer for the blue badge forms than the A A forms. Still waiting for the badge but as she receives AA she should be okay.
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    Ginny · 1 years ago
    I cannot understand why people on Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance are not entitled to the £300 cost of living payments.  I have read online it is because the government say "they may have other financial resources available to them” this is not always the case. Not in my case anyway or of others I have spoken to . Furthermore people on PIP will (Thank God) also get the one off £150- payment whether they receive contribution or income based ESA.  How can the government write off a whole group of people who need help because they MAY have other resources, most do not, so they are left to struggle????
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      Susan · 1 years ago
      @Inglis 25 I completely agree. If you've worked you actually get penalised in so many different ways even if like me you've paid into the system and worked for more than 20 years! Can't get help with anything or get anything free. So unfair!
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      Rosie Cole · 1 years ago
      @Inglis 25 I asked about this in the past and it is because on contribution ESA you are getting National Insurance contributions towards your pension later. It is so hard as it excludes so many other benefits 
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      Inglis 25 · 1 years ago
      @Ginny No judgement and no disrespect to anyone in receipt of benefits. But a person in receipt of ESA who has never worked for whatever reason,will get the £300 cost of living payment. But those claiming the contribution income based ESA don't get the £300 cost of living payment because they have worked. I don't think this is a fair judgment as the majority in work are paid very low wages that some just managed to live off. Others have had to get into debt to just manage.Before I retired I found myself in this situation.I had to pay for dental treatment and glasses, because it was assumed that exworkers were better off. This decision needs an urgent review and those on contribution ESA should be compensated back to when they first claimed ESA.
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    Gillian · 1 years ago
    Is ESA included or excluded for the next £150 cost of living allowance? So very very unfair that it is hardly ever mentioned.
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      Smith · 1 years ago
      @Gillian Contribution based esa claimants aren't entitled to anything and that's me unfortunately ,I've had absolutely nothing,they say its because your partner is working,true he is,21k a year,doesn't mean he shares it does it,the disabled person still has to cough up for their share of the bills money,that's what's unfair,how can you pay for your bit of the energy and mortgage/ rent on 115 quid week,that's where we're being badly let down,I've literally nothing left
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    Rosie · 1 years ago
    I have seen so many headlines in newspapers saying "all you need to know about the Disability Cost of Living Payment" and this is the very FIRST one that actually gives the most important piece of information - WHEN we will get it!  It still sticks in the throat that many disabled claimants  who are having to spend a fortune on electricity (e.g. for home dialysis) or on gas (because they are at home 24/7) only get a paltry £150 compared to the amounts received by other benefit claimants; that said, this will be a big help to me as my utility bills have shot through the roof.
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    Ian · 1 years ago
    Hi does anyone know whats going to happen in 2026 regarding the pip assessements?? I work part time and get pip if you go to thses pip assessments and tell these  work coaches you are already in work will you lose your pip?? Im very worried pip is a lifeline to me 
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      WileyWolf · 1 years ago
      @Alan Literally anything would be a better option than this foul nest of blood sucking parasites
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      Alan · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro So you think Beer Starmer is a better option???
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      traceytracey · 1 years ago
      @Ian Hi Ian, I think you will find that PIP is not based on your ability to work but how your condition affects you on a daily basis. The only thing I would say is be careful that the job you do doesn't contradict the reasons you get pip.

      Kind regards
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      lesley · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro Ditto MrFibro :-)
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      MrFibro · 1 years ago
      @Ian Hi Ian,

      You have 2 choices, wait til 2026 and find out from the horses mouth (tory nasty party)

      or vote the tories out @ the next coming GE.

      I'd myself personally vote against the tories at the next general election, even if labour are not much different.  Tories have had too much power over the public in the last 13 years.

      So a change in bad apples is definitely needed, as the existing ones are fully corrupt and rotten to the core.