The DWP has confirmed that “small numbers” of employment and support allowance claimants have now received universal credit (UC) managed migration notices.

The news was included in the latest edition of the “LA Welfare Direct Bulletin” sent out to local authority staff today.  It follows on from the DWP changing the official “Move to universal credit” website in late September to say that ESA claimants may get their migration letter “From September 2024”.

Under the headline “Update:  Move to UC” the bulletin states:

“In September 2024, we started issuing Migration Notices to households receiving Pension aged tax credits (including mixed aged couples), income-based Jobseekers Allowance and small numbers of income-based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) (including ESA with HB).”

No further information is included, for example, when the process will be ramped up to include significant numbers of ESA claimants.

But it looks as though the DWP is adopting an initially cautious approach to see what issues arise with these first cases before tackling larger numbers of claimants.  However, the longer the early “test and learn” phase lasts, the greater the pressure will be to rush claimants through if everyone is to receive their migration notice by the deadline of December 2025.

You can read the LA Welfare Direct Bulletin here.


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    · 6 days ago
    I have been living in blissful ignorance thinking I was safe until 2028. 
    I am going to lose 3K+ per year for the rest of my life. 
    I am very sad and trying not to be despondent. 

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    · 1 months ago
    Hi can anyone help im so confused I recieve a small private pension plus I'm on pip enhanced rate plus enhanced mobility i also recieve esa contribution and related LCW I'm in the support group been in for years I also recieve housing benefit and my husband recieves carers allowance for me iv recieved a migration notice but don't understand it i have  stressed out so much about it all it has made me poorly if I dont migrate what will I loose will I lose all my esa and enhanced allowances and support group im so confused 
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    · 4 months ago
    I have received a letter today to say I am being moved from Contribution-based ESA to New Style ESA.  This is wrong I have been on Income based ESA and in the Support group.  The letter than goes to say I will be contacted to accept my "Claimant Committment" to continue to get New style ESA.  I applied for UC under the migration scheme and this is really confusing. I already signed my committment over 2 weeks ago, so does not make sense. I should be treated under the migration rules and without the need for an assessement etc and I should be on the same ESA support  group for UC support group. The letter was SSAL024 and should this be happening under the migration rules?
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    · 4 months ago
    We have today received the dreaded.move to.UC letter.  My husband is in the support group.on esa gets contribution based. Gets pip and we get child tax credits no housing benefit. we have one disabled.dependant and an 18 yr old autistic working son.  I didn't think contribution based people.were being asked to move yet so a little.confused .  Very worried about starting it all tbh because.of the time.lapse between claiming and receiving monies especially this time of year. Can anyone put my mind at rest .
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    · 4 months ago
    Hi I'm really worried. I've had an ESA home assessment & I was kept in support with enhanced premium. I get 481 fortnightly.  I had a home assessment for PIP & got high mobility & increased care from middle to high with a 10 year award with a light review at 10 year review date. I also get HB will I be forced to have another assessment? And will I be worse off ?  
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    · 4 months ago
    I just completed my migration over from ESA SUPORT GROUP , it’s meant to be easy & it is if you have all relevant paperwork ready , housing costs (rent etc) , ID (photo Id if possible) & you’ll obv need bank details & card . Then you’ll need a recent letter , bill , tax letter etc ! Once you pass the ID CHECK they then know your migrating & everything kinda sorts itself out , well fingers Xd Ive not had a statement yet lol 
    Ps. Support group or not you need to attend the first ID appointment, everyone does (even if your accepted online on.Gov like me .) Then asked to go too another appointment to sign your commitments but my appointment was cancelled today & told to accept commitments in my journal . So done & now Just waiting on 1 st Payment on 17/11/24 (I started claim on 11/10/24 )  If you have all the paperwork it’s really not that hard . 
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    · 4 months ago
    I have received my migration notice, I am on contributions esa, with income related top up. Claiming Universal Credit means agreeing to a claim commitment, how regularly would this be.
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    · 4 months ago
    I've just been moved to UC from ESA and lost 408 a month. No explanation or anything. I have no clue how to fight this when the only option is to question it on my journal. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Becks Request a mandatory reconsideration.  Write to them telling them this and that you expect a response from them no later than 14 days after your letter is dated.  You have to be bullish with them, they happy to take money but not give it when you need it the most!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    When is the best time to start your migration to UC are you better doing it straight away or waiting until closer to the last date to change?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Josie15 Get your finances in order and wait six weeks before you apply that's what I'm doing
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      · 4 months ago
      @Josie15 I'm waiting for six weeks to get my affairs in order because of the five week wait once you migrate to universal credit
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    · 5 months ago
    So much for Labour. Given the number of seats the people voted to give them they had a real chance of building a fairer society.
    Turned out they as bad as the tories when it come to us people with health conditions who are unfortunately unable to work.
    I expect that as time moves on and Labour cannot solve the problems like the deficit tax avoidance crumbling hospitals and packed prisons cost of living crisis and migrant concerns they will increasingly focus on us with ever increasing harshness. Much like the tories they will know that they can blame benefit claimants for every ill society has. The job of making us seem like scrounging parasites was done long ago by the Tory press.
    Hope I'm wrong but we'll see.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Arthur Labour were never really the party for the sick and disabled. They were the party for workers and public sector employees.
      It was Margaret Thatcher that moved/ encouraged the unemployed to go on sickness benefits because it made unemployment figures look better.
       When Labour returned to power in the late 90s they set about changing the criteria for claiming and introduced regular assessments of claimants.

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      · 5 months ago
      @Arthur I totally agree.  I can only imagine John Pring will be writing another book in a few years time.
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    · 5 months ago
    I received my first notification in July in Scotland. They later sent me a date to complete it by October, and in October they sent another letter saying that I had to do it by November 2024. I'm not sure how long the forms will take and I've been very unwell, so I've not started filling it in yet as I read somewhere that you only have 7 days to complete it. I currently have one dislocated arm in a sling and the other has tendonitis so I hope I get better soon.
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    · 5 months ago
    Is migration more straightforward if your ESA is contributions based?
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      · 5 months ago
      @Henna You don't get migrated to UC if your ESA contribution based
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      · 5 months ago
      @Henna If you receive only contributions based esa you won't be be migrated.
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    · 5 months ago
    I had a conversation with someone from UC last week as my stress levels were going through the roof, I explained this and asked if he could at least offer me a time frame, would it be this year or next year bearing in mind I also reach pension age next August. He said it would be next year, I'm afraid  reaching retirement age would not save me, I would still be migrated over. So the worry continues...To add I also contacted ESA with the same query, he said it could be next year because they are doing it slowly but obviously could not be 100% certain. Both people I spoke to were lovely so I'm glad I gave them a call.
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      · 4 months ago
      @MrFibro Yes my mum did 
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      · 5 months ago
      @MrFibro You can get pension credit (from the same date as your state pension), even if you're getting both higher rates of PIP. Pension credit is means tested, but PIP is not included in the means test.
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      · 5 months ago
      @A Can you get pension credit, even if your getting both higher rates of PIP.
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      · 5 months ago
      @A You can't apply for housing benefit under uc. You can make a new application for housing support within uc, but there will be no migration, as you will already be on uc. 

      When you get to state pension age your uc will stop and be replaced by your state pension (for which you should apply up to four months before state pension age). If you need housing support then, you can apply for housing benefit. You can also apply for pension credit, up to four months before state pension age, an award of which would automatically qualify you for housing benefit, but you can still get housing benefit without pension credit. Awards of pension credit and housing benefit are related to your income and savings after state pension age.
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      · 5 months ago
      @A I already get housing benefit so does that mean I could get migrated even though state pension next June? Will be within six months in December this year
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    · 5 months ago
    Have taken the process of migration. 
    Had to borrow money off DWP to ensure I would not be without.
    Rent messed up ended up in debt with council.
    Confusion I er suitability to work, asked for sick note. When delivered to office told not necessary.
    Staff were very good at office have to give them that.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Denise If they don't put us in the correct group we will end up being put in the work group for universal credit 380 pounds a month
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      · 5 months ago
      @David Never, ever, ever, provide a fit note if you are migrating over from ESA to UC and are currently in the support group.

      As I've mentioned various times on here, provide your ESA award letter and stipulate you don't need to provide a fit note whilst quoting Regulation 19, which: - provides that a claimant may be treated as having limited capability for work, or limited capability for work and work-related activity, for the purposes of an award of universal credit, if they were previously entitled to the work-related activity component, or the support component, of old style ESA
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      · 5 months ago
      @David This is what is happening to us, they don't know what the hell they are doing, we have to do their job for them, regulation 19 is not being automatically applied, we have to keep telling them it, it needs to be holted and sorted, or ESA claimants automatically moved over by them, which should have happened in the first place, but we all know why they want the claimants to do it, don't we.
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    · 5 months ago
    I am in reciept of both income and contribution, with severe underhanded premiums, ass well as housing benefit,whilst getting enhanced on both parts of pip. Woulds anyone know when I would have to migrate
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      · 5 months ago
      @Angela Hi Angela 

      Everyone getting IR-ESA will be migrated between now and December 2025 no matter what other benefits theyre getting. 
      If I understand your message, you are getting Severe Disability Premium in your ESA aswell as HB and PIP. 

      For you personally your payments under UC will look something like this 

      You will get around £274 each fortnight for your CB-ESA which will still be paid on your usual ESA payday.

      On top of this you will get a UC payment each month of around £444 plus the amount of your rent. This is to replace your HB and the disability premiums you were getting. 

      Your PIP will stay the same 

      The good news is when you move you will get the Same amount of money overall every month due to a top up of transitional protection. The money will be just paid on different days but you will not lose money overall 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Angela Sorry but it's just a frustrating, anxious waiting game.
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    · 5 months ago
    I received my migration letter in July. I was on income related esa and housing benefit. I should get my first payment on the 17th October, I’ll find out how much I’ll receive on the 13th. I’m very anxious about the amount, but the change over was very easy.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Michael People see the bad in the DWP because they have very good reason too. Do you know how many deaths of vulnerable people over the years that have been directly linked to them? They do NOT have a good reputation at all.
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      · 5 months ago
      @username17 It asks for your personal details, health conditions and which benefits you are getting at the moment. It doesn't ask how your conditions impact you. It asks under the ESA part for additional payments where you can put down your SDP if you have one. We missed this part as someone else filled in the form for us and It wasn't explained well and I misunderstood what it was referring to, so we went straight on to tell them about our other benefits. I did get chance to mention that I was in the support group though at some point during the form. I would suggest you get a benefits advisor from citizens advice or the job centre to help you do the online application and make sure you read any drop down information in full. Wish we'd done that, but we enlisted help from our housing association benefits /financial advisor instead and so far it's not going well. We are now in the middle of our migration, with our statement telling us what we should get on the 26th of Oct and our first payment due on the 30th of Oct. It is very stressful and complicated so far.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Michael People have different experiences with making a claim for UC online.  Some good some bad . If you have difficulty using a computer and don't have access to one it's stressful. You can contact Citizens advice and get help but it can be stressful for some people.   And if you have difficulty budgeting your money it's harder. Please don't assume we can all use the internet.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Arwen23 What was the form like you have to fill in to migrate? Is it a full list of your health and how it impacts you, or do you simply tell them you were getting ESA support group etc?
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      · 5 months ago
      @Arwen23 Why are people down voting this comment. What is wrong with some people. It really is quite an easy process, but because some people love wanting to see the bad in the 'evil DWP' , they simply won't accept it.

      I can concur, it is an easy process. This is an evidenced fact.
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    · 5 months ago
    My B/F received his migration notice 2 weeks ago today, He is on irESA and housing benefits we. are one of the unlucky few who are being  experimented on first it seems. I have not found the usual help on this site about moving to UC from ESA infact have been told to ask citizen's advice Help to claim website. I hope B&W hurry up with putting more information on how to fill the form in online etc because I am almost at my wit's end. There are more people being moved than the DWP originally said.  My mental health problems have got much worse because of this and I'm the one who has to find all the info because he can't cope with it. Please add more advice B&W on the site people really need your help.
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      · 5 months ago
      @j112009 Please put on your journal that you are being migrated from ESA onto UC and that regulation 19 applys to you, no need for a fit note or reassessment.
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      · 5 months ago
      @j112009 Ive just recieved mine , at a really bad time.. definatley need support. CAB in my area have not been helpful in the past... 
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    · 5 months ago
    I’m currently in the ESA support group and receive housing benefit. I thought our group was supposed to have managed migration completed by December 2024, but I’ve not received a letter, i don’t want to call them and risk my transitional protection. Can anyone advise if I should be expecting a letter because if so, now we’re in October that won’t give me the 3 months allotted time to complete my form. This is stressing me out no end, I’m having chemotherapy too, so it’s dreadful timing.m
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    · 5 months ago
    My Son has just received a letter to move him from JSA to UC. As he has learning issues and has difficulty with money, I  looked at the rules and he can have his rent paid directly to the Council from the DWP. He can also get paid weekly, 2 weekly instead of monthly. Any loan he is given can be repaid over 2 years interest free.
    I might also add that this move to UC is discrimination and possibly unlawful (refer to the discrimination legislation amended 2023) as many people, like my Son have difficulty with the Internet and will struggle to manage UC on line. 
    Hope this helps.
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      · 5 months ago
      @K Grèer Hi, just to say that your son can have a UC which is not an online account. Instead you do your claim by telephone (he could have assistance to complete it), afterwards communication from them is by letter, and text. They send you a text asking you to contact them if they need anything further from you.
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      · 5 months ago
      @K Grèer Hi
      He can still have his rent paid direct to his landlord even after migration 
      Although his money is lumped together on uc it's still the local council that pays the landlord hope this helps 
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    · 5 months ago
    Hi All thanks for you continued updates and information. This a quick question why is it that no matter which political party is in power in government why is it that they always have to change a system that from my and possibly many others has worked reasonably well for a number of years and by changing it leads to confusion and panic through no fault of theirs. What happened to the old adage if it ain't broke leave well alone, also what is this going to cost the tax payer for all the letters that are no doubt send out with a this is being done to make it easier for you. What a total waste of time and money and confusion for a lot of people.
    Kind Regards Ian Morris 

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