The Investigatory Powers Bill, which is about to become law with virtually no opposition from MPs, gives a huge range of agencies, including the DWP, the right to see an individual’s entire internet browsing history.{jcomments on}

Senior Executive Officers in Fraud and Error Services at the DWP will be able to see a list of every website claimants have visited in the past year, although the details will not include the individual pages that claimants have visited on a particular website.

Other agencies granted access to internet histories include:

  • Department for Transport
  • Department of Health
  • HMRC
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ofcom



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    · 1 years ago
    This is a very difficult topic . I agree in theory when people are scamming the system and are being investigated. However it does leave me with a sense of unease. Where does it stop? How much more of our so called "right to privacy " are we prepared to lose??!!? Would love to hear from others and their opinions 

    Peace people 

    Chantal 😀
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