The DWP has announced that the first cost of living payment instalment of £326 will be paid automatically from 14 July 2022.  The second instalment of £324 will be paid in the Autumn, bringing the total to £650 for eligible claimants.

The first instalment for qualifying low income households in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be paid into bank accounts from 14 July 2022, continuing to the end of the month.

The payments will be made to households receiving the following benefits:

Universal Credit,

Income-based Jobseekers Allowance,

Income-related Employment and Support Allowance,

Income Support,

Working Tax Credit,

Child Tax Credit,

Pension Credit.

To be eligible for the first instalment, claimants needed to be in receipt of one of these benefits, or have been entitled to one of them, as of 25th May 2022.

More details are available on the website.


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    nhaines · 1 years ago
    cost of living payment for UC:
    It appears that only UC claimants with an assessment period that ended between 26.04.22 and 25.05.22 are eligible for this payment.  I have someone whose UC assessment period is 27.04.22 to 26.05.22 and she's been told she can't have the payment.
    For the other means-tested benefits, the claimant must have been entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) on any day in the period 26 April 2022 to 
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    PeteLucas2 · 2 years ago
    If you are on the New Style ESA award you will  not get Coist of Living Payment
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    Donna · 2 years ago
    This is wrong people on tax credits won't get 1st payment until Autumn second payment winter has anyone on tax credit got it yet as confused

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      Lana · 2 years ago
      @Donna Exactly what I have seen too!! So it just bullshit really people really hoping they get the Payment probably checking their banks like madmen x
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    Ricky · 2 years ago
    Hi I have Tourette’s I get DLA does that mean I will get it 
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    Livingstone · 2 years ago
    With hope others on uc will receive  help. The government has announced to provide help . The price rise for the cost of living is effecting everyone nationally . If the help put forward is not provided be strong.  And be confident.  The Dark times need to be disgarded and noted . Nation wide we are  the voice of the people . Remember and never 4get
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    royston · 2 years ago
    Well it does say from the 14th July onwards. On the other point I had my pip Thursday and I did not get anything extra. Seems all a bit confusing. Funny though I have not paid council tax for years and the other day I get a reduced tax bill talk about giving with one hand and taking back with another!
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      nhaines · 1 years ago
      @royston If you don't pay Council Tax, your council may not have your bank details to pay you the £150 directly. Most councils sent out a letter to people they thought would be entitled and asked them to provide bank details. 
      Contact your Council, as you may be able to claim back the £150 that's been credited to your Council Tax account; my local Council is accepting such claims for rebates from end of September.
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    Deano · 2 years ago
    My guess PPS most will be paid tonight 🙏🙏
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    Anita · 2 years ago
    I’ve not had mine and I’m on uc do you think they could be paying us the same day we receive benifits 

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    Kate · 2 years ago
    Iv not had mine on uc and pip 
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    Jack · 2 years ago
    Has anyone received the cost of living payment today? I'm on universal credit for 1 year but still ain't been paid today 
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      Anita · 2 years ago
      @Jack I’m the same jack, do u think we could be getting paid the same day we receive uc 
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    Lynda · 2 years ago
    I’m still waiting on mine , I receive UC and ESA . Anybody got any idea when they plan to pay to people on same benefits as myself 
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    Rowenna · 2 years ago
    I’ve nit had mine and I’m in uc and esa
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    Clare · 2 years ago
    It says we get paid 14th and so on till the 31st July so cud be any day from tday people hope this as helped xxx
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    Coleen · 2 years ago
    Never got my payment today either and am on UC 
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    alison ryan · 2 years ago
    Im currently claiming u/c with the LWCRA due to epilepsy also pip high rate mobility do i qualify for the cost of living award
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    Ben · 2 years ago
    If your sanctioned do you still receive this payment ?
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    Dino · 2 years ago
    I never got my payment 
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    Mrs · 2 years ago
    Hi my son gets LWCRA 
    As he can't work due to mental health he has been on it since 2019 will he receive the cost of living payment.  Many thanks Tania 
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    Conor · 2 years ago
    Do people on pip get paid tomorrow only because I did not get paid today?
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      Clare · 2 years ago
      @Conor Hi am Clare I didn’t get paid and am on u c. Is the payments from 14 so that means any day from tday dates xx
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      Emma · 2 years ago
      @Conor Same here I didn’t have a paid today 
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    Jilly · 2 years ago
    Hi everyone I'm on esa and pip dose people on this benifit get it on the 14th tomorrow  
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      John · 2 years ago
      @Jilly I am on the same benefits as you and I received the payment today

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