Benefits and Work is offering free, confidential email support for organisations that want to take part in the DWP’s consultation about changes to the WCA.

The DWP are proposing to make the WCA much harder to pass.  You can read more details about what is being considered.

We know there will be many smaller disability charities who will be worried about the effect these changes will have on their members, but who may be concerned that they don’t have the expertise to comment on the technical aspects of the WCA.

If so, we would very strongly encourage you to take part in the consultation anyway. 

It is vital that the DWP hear from as wide a range of organisations and individuals as possible.  Part of your response may be about the effect that making the WCA harder to pass will have on the emotional wellbeing of your members, regardless of the specifics of the changes.

In relation to the legal changes being considered, there are a range of resources available for free on the Benefits and Work website that may help you understand what is happening.

The article entitled entitled ‘Consultation on slashing support group launched by DWP’ covers the changes in detail and links to official documents, including the consultation form and email address.

Our Worst case WCA test shows clearly how the proposed changes may work in practice.

And there is also a set of UC FAQs that may answer some questions about the basic rules of the WCA.

But, if none of that helps and you need support with understanding the possible effects on your members, or you want us to check your submission is accurate as regards the law, then please follow these instructions:

Send your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please put ‘WCA consultation’ in the subject line.

Please email from your work address – we won’t be able to respond to emails from gmail, hotmail, yahoo or similar addresses.

The service is entirely confidential and your details will not be placed on any marketing or other list.  Your email will be deleted once the consultation deadline has passed.

We can’t guarantee to respond to every request, but we’ll do our very best.

Visit our WCA Changes Latest News page for updates on what's happening to the WCA.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Sick of hearing we are the Economically inactive' bunch of nothings.  Um... hello... if you buy ANYTHING you are NOT that!!! You are contributing to the economy. Love how they believe their own rhetoric  and so many swinging on their coat tails do too.
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    · 1 years ago
    I have been in therapy for over 20 yrs & the best I can ever hope for is that one day I may be classed as having LCW rather than LCWRA. However what I am faced with if that ever happens is destitution, basic UC will see me lose my home & probably my dog and if that happens I will almost certainly become very ill again, probably suicidal. This government have built me a dead end and I just don't know how I move forward knowing that. I will never work again but how can it be right that I will be forced to live on the bare minimum anyway?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Aw Completely understand. Am in a similar boat. Just live in fear all the time plus feel useless. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Apart from the physical & mental boundaries claimants have to live with, with their disability or multiple disabilities harsh enough on a daily basis.  But the one of the biggest issues and most importantly is the fact how will claimants cope getting kicked of the SG and losing the premiums etc.  They will find themselves immediately in dire straits financially, and will become more desperate due to forced poverty placed on them by the DWP.

    Unfortunately there will be many deaths resulting from all of this, not alone people loosing their homes and being put out onto the streets.

    This goverment is shambolic and only cares for the better off people in this society.  Offering the public bribes for tax cuts @ the next general elections for the better off people @ the expense of disabled people is totally inhumane.

    Who ever dreams up these callous kulling schemes or proposals, should be not  only be ashamed of themselves but brought to justice and pay the price for inflicting severe hardships, & poverty, & danger and causing loss of life due to their policies, subsequently giving them and those responsible lengthy jail sentences with no parole.  
    Lets just hope and pray this does not go ahead, and never sees the light of day, as this would be absolute disastrous to claimants.

    Good luck to all in any event.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Adam @Adam don't go there, I know how it makes you feel buy just don't. We have eachother her to lean on.
      I'm a shaking jelly over all this. It's the cruelest thing I've heard yet from them ,was bad enough when they changed dla to pip and the horrible frightening 'assessments' that an untrained monkey could do.. and would garner better results, but this!!! This is tantamount to utter barbarism.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Adam I feel the same
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      · 1 years ago
      @Mr Fibro Let’s hope it does not go ahead, if it does I won’t be going ahead 
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    · 1 years ago
    i completed the worst case wca assessment and i failed this test ,which is very concerning .

    I was placed in the support group in november 2020 so if this new test comes in by the dwp ,this will be very worrying for many ill and disabled people .
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    · 1 years ago
    An important question that must be raised is if the intent to "reduce the points awarded for the LCW descriptors" also means that the highest scoring descriptor will be removed from qualifying for LCWRA. Under the UC regulations 2013 LCWRA eligibility is determined by meeting criteria set out under Schedule 7 and *not* based on points scored. It is LCW that requires 15 or more points.
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      · 1 years ago
      @JC Hi JC,

      No doubt the DWP have already sussed that one out.

      They will millions into paying people to work for them to go all over their clauses and legislation's to make it legit and lawful.

      Good luck.