The Liberal Democrats have published their election manifesto today, including their promises in relation to welfare benefits.  These include an undertaking to bring the WCA back in-house, stop unnecessary PIP assessments, end sanctions and increase carer’s allowance.  The manifesto says:

We will:

  • Tackle child poverty by removing the two-child limit and the benefit cap.
  • Set a target of ending deep poverty within a decade, and establish an independent commission to recommend further annual increases in Universal Credit to ensure that support covers life’s essentials, such as food and bills.
  • Support pensioners by protecting the triple lock so that pensions always rise in line with inflation, wages or 2.5% – whichever is highest.
  • Ensure that women born in the 1950s are finally treated fairly and properly compensated.
  • Give unpaid carers the support they deserve by increasing Carer’s Allowance and expanding it to more carers, and stop pursuing carers for old overpayments of Carer’s Allowance.

In addition, we will:

Repair the broken benefits safety net by:

  • Reducing the wait for the first payment of Universal Credit from five weeks to five days.
  • Scrapping the bedroom tax.
  • Replacing the sanctions regime with an incentive-based scheme to help people into work.
  • Ending the young parent penalty for under-25s by restoring the full rate of Universal Credit for all parents regardless of age.

Increase Carer’s Allowance and expand eligibility for it by:

  • Raising the amount carers can earn and introducing an earnings taper to end the unfair cliff-edge.
  • Reducing the number of hours’ care per week required.
  • Extending it to carers in full-time education.

Reverse the Conservatives’ cut to support payments for parents whose partners have died.

Establish an Independent Living Taskforce to help people live independently in their own homes, with more choice and control over their lives.

Make the benefits system work better for disabled people by:

  • Giving disabled people and organisations representing them a stronger voice in the design of benefits policies and processes.
  • Bringing Work Capability Assessments in-house.
  • Reforming Personal Independence Payment assessments to make the process more transparent and stop unnecessary reassessments, and end the use of informal assessments.

Give everyone the chance to enjoy a decent retirement by:

  • Developing measures to end the gender pension gap in private pensions and ensure working-age carers can save properly for retirement.
  • Improving the State Pension system by investing in helplines to ensure quicker responses to queries and resolution of underpayments.
  • Ending the scandal of lost top-up payments by overhauling the processing system and providing proper receipts.

 Fix the broken Statutory Sick Pay system.

 Require pension funds and managers to show that their portfolio investments are consistent with the Paris Agreement.

Ensure that military compensation for illness or injury does not count towards means testing for benefits.

You can read the full manifesto here.


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    Margaret · 3 months ago
    Some people have commented that as LDs won't win overall a vote for them is wasted. I disagree.  They can still challenge proposals,  raise issues, inform the debate etc and voters can help with their own pressure groups. Ultimately if you agree with their approach then the more votes they get, the more they can push for reform.  And I would like to be as close as possible to Europe and have proportional voting. Both of which are LD policy. A fairer voting system will mean more balanced and longer term measures. 
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    Colin · 3 months ago
    Allways wonder why any part writes a manifesto when they know they will never run the country. It will be Labour ot the torries who will be elected, allways has been and neither of them will honour their promises and do as they please and look after themselves. Both change everything once there elected so manifestos and promises are worthless and only their to get them elected in the first place. They all con the public.
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    Gary Bowman · 3 months ago
    I'm really worried at the moment. PIP is the only benefit i claim. I have no right elbow, a plated left wrist. In pain constantly. Depression, anxiety, PTSD and epilepsy.  I was assessed by the local government pension scheme to access my pension.  The decision took almost 18 months, with appointments with doctors and nurses. I was granted my pension 8 years early. I don't leave the house if I can help it, maybe once a month to collect meds if I'm desperate and can't find anybody to collect for me, generally I can. I'm 64 in December, my conditions aren't going to change. So, yes, I am genuinely terrified, from the noises coming from the Labour party. I believe that they are going to allow the changes to go through quickly so that they can blame the Tories! 
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    Barbara · 3 months ago
    I might sound cynical but it's easy to lay out all these plans which sound good when realistically you have no chance of delivering them as you won't be the ruling party.
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    Trevor Synge-Perrin · 3 months ago
    this sounds excellent. what a pity the Lib Dems haven't a rat's chance in Hell of being elected here in W-S-M BS, let alone nationally. This is simply bringing back the ideas of justice & respect which all parties supported before Thatcher, But with awareness of expanding needs in a changing society.
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    ArchiesMum01 · 3 months ago
    There's obviously been a lot of thought gone into this on how to make life better for those unable to work through age, illness  disability or circumstances & that in itself is a real change. I totally agree with scrapping the sanctions placed on some claimants & have for a long time believed that benefit assessment should be done in house, I would hope that it can be decided that a Doctor or specialist/consultant will be involved in that process as well, I think it's great that carers are finally being acknowledged & supported. As for cutting down the wait time for 1st UC payment, I think there is still so much nonsense written & quoted on the subject.... You Don't have to wait 5 weeks if you let them know that you need the money asap as you have no other money... Mine came through in a week 
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    Sue · 3 months ago
    We know they cannot get in but if they get enough seats they should be able to hold the feet of any new government to the fire and try and get more humanitarian policies in place for the sick, disabled and senior. 
    Thank you, Lib Dems. 
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    softmarg · 3 months ago
    Lib Dem worth voting, but Tories have maintained a good GDP and improvements in GDP growth for UK.
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      Rosalind Crabtree · 3 months ago
      @softmarg I don't think  either party's are any good .coz old age pensioner's  are well through of or disabled people we are just a brudon  and treated as such. Even though  we worked all owr lives. Or myby worked and bin unemployed on low income. And not all old people are fit and well to work .we seam to get over look all the time .and maby one day the people that run this country might need it them self one day .
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    Dinkie · 3 months ago
    To be fair to Ed Davey he has contacted DWP on my behalf and hopefully they will respond. I contacted all of the candidates and only he and Reform responded. Reform just banged on about translation fees in hospitals and ignored my plea for help on PIP being removed 2 weeks before I reached 66.
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    Tizzer · 3 months ago
    Voting for a party that wants to get us back into the EU - Never!
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    Citymike · 3 months ago
    Waste of time reading it as they have no chance of forming a government.

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    Fiona · 3 months ago
    It’s clear the Lib Dem’s have taken a comprehensive look at the benefits system and have included sone very sensible adjustments. 
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    Ellie Kate · 3 months ago
    This sounds the fairest amount of promises so far especially for PIP reform and the Carers and pensioners help.. being a disabled almost pensioner I welcome any help at all to stop the unfair grilling and stressful procedures of PIP assessments where you are treated like a pathetic animal.. I was physically sick on my last one and at my age I am shocked at how I am treated now after working all my life and paying into the system.. I had to move out of my lovely house because of the bedroom tax and my dear late Husband died of Cancer before he could even be assessed for his PIP which looking back was probably a mercy. Looking good for my vote so far but I do wish Avery would stop his stupid malarkey antics and just grow up and take things more seriously.. it is people's lives that are being played with after all.
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    Smiler · 3 months ago
    There is so much in me that wants to vote liberal demacrat,with these good policys,if I did though where I live it's not going to get them elected
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      Trevor Synge-Perrin · 3 months ago
      @Smiler Same here. if only people read manifestos before they voted, and were 'policy' voters instead of thoughtlessly voting for the same party time after time without considering: Have they even carried through any of their earlier 'promises' satisfactorily? The Tories have CUT payments to the disabled & unemployed and made their lives hell, but the money they paid to private companies (ho hum, incentivised by how many they get OFF PIP etc, whether qualifying officially or not) far exceeds what they took from disable etc. Immigration? As abundant as ever? Education? failing worse than eve.r Crime? Violent crime escalating alarmingly despite huge efforts by many, even Police, to reduce it.
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    Donna · 3 months ago
    Whilst their plans appear much less hate filled than the Conservatives against disabled people, carers and pensioners I am mindful of the outcome of the previous coalition. Lib Dem’s promised not to cut education funding which whilst expensive enabled working class people to move out of poorly paid work and poverty and take control of their lives. Essentially I think that sadly the issue of trust and broken promises lies at the heart of all our decisions. How do we know politicians will do what they say.  The promises are just promised to make and I would love to choose them if I could believe in them however I am more terrified of my vote allowing a coalition or a further Tory government. 
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      Trevor Synge-Perrin · 3 months ago
      @Donna yes, I was aghast at Nick Clegg's coalition with David Cameron. It finished the Liberal Party. he betrayed us and most of his M.P.s
       No coalition with Tories is ever going to work. I foresee a coalition of Tories with Farage, which MIGHT be one degree less bad than an outright Farage win - but these Tories are such wimps they'll bow to the bully bully - as they have before.
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    Margyml · 3 months ago
    Sorry but Lib/dems are promising the earth and trying to appeal to all people, everywhere, so that leaves a sour taste in my mouth.  No vote from me
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    Andrew · 3 months ago
    None of the parties can be trusted to deliver anything they promise. This has gone on over many governments and spanned many years. What needs to happen is that VAT needs to be reduced to pre cameron government, this will have an immediate affect on those in poverty. We are no longer in Austerity and haven't been for the last couple of years but we are still paying. See, can't be trusted. The Net Zero emissions agreement is hurting electricity bill is up to £1700 and my gas bill is about £750, this extra cost is green taxes but people were told it was because of the Ukraine war and its not. I exposed this months ago. I also exposed Ofgem who are supposed to protect the consumer, when they are in charge of the caps on prices and have allowed the consumer to be ripped off, since the prices went sky high. The Net zero agreement also means tax payers money going to help other countries with worse pollution than us and we are one of the smallest polluting countries in the world. The homeless has increased every year from 250,000 to 363,000 (last time I checked, it's probably a lot more now). None of the governments care about those with mental health issues or physical issues....Its never going to change. I was brought up to believe in Charity begins at home and yet not one government has! 
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      Trevor Synge-Perrin · 3 months ago
      @Andrew i agree very much. Except - 'charity does begin at home - for the Tories, their very own multi million pound pockets. It doesn't mean, as you see, for 'the 'also-ran' British dwellers.
       yet most people didn't realize the reason energy bills rocketed was because price cap was lifted. NOW everyone can see the obscene profits energy companies make - but there's no real reduction? why? bec ause the law makers are share holders & friends of.
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    Charlie · 3 months ago
    I would never trust this lot of chancers
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    Mikec · 3 months ago
    All the news about pip, does this apply to working age claimants alone, or apt also to retired claiments ?.
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    Amanda Johnson · 3 months ago
    I’ve already voted for them by postal vote. In an ideal world, they’d get in! 

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