We will have to wait for the publication of the Green Paper later today for full details of changes to personal Independence payment (PIP) and Universal Credit (UC).

But here are some of the main points of the speech.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

  • No vouchers
  • No means-test
  • No freeze.

But, from November 2026, claimants will need to score at least 4 points from a single descriptor to qualify for the daily living component of PIP, as well as scoring a total of at least 8 points..

So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points, but it will not qualify for an award. 

But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.

There will also be review of the PIP assessment system led by disability minister Stephen Timms.

PIP existing claimants

The DWP says it "will work with Department of Health and Social Care to ensure that existing people who claim PIP who may no longer be entitled to the benefit following an award review under new eligibility rules have their health and eligible care needs met. The government is consulting on how best to achieve this."

This suggests that existing claimants will be subject to the new rules when their award is reviewed.

 Work Capability Assessment (WCA)

The WCA is to be scrapped in 2028 and a new single assessment system introduced. Under the new system, any extra financial support for health conditions (including PIP, ESA or UC health) will be assessed via a new single assessment which will be based on the PIP assessment – considering on the impact of disability on daily living, not on capacity to work.

There will be an increase in  Face-to-Face Assessments for PIP and the WCA.

Reintroduce reassessments for incapacity benefits, with exceptions for those who will never work and those under special rules for end-of-life care. Reassessments have largely been switched off since 2021.

A "Right To Try Guarantee" will be introduced which will guarantee that attempting work will never lead to a benefits reassessment.

Universal Credit (UC)

From April 2026, Labour will hold the value of the universal credit health top-up fixed in cash terms for existing claimants, and reduce it for new claimants, with an additional premium for people with severe lifelong condition

The Standard Allowance will be raised above inflation by 2029/30, adding £775 annually in cash terms for a single person aged over 25.

Access to the health element of Universal Credit will be delayed until a claimant is aged 22.

Existing claimants.  The DWP say “Those currently in receipt of UC health will benefit from the increased standard allowance and will not be affected by plans to reduce UC health in future.”


People with the most severe disabilities or with health conditions that will never improve will never be reassessed.


The DWP say they will bring forward primary legislation this session to enable delivery of the PIP additional eligibility requirement and UC rebalancing reforms from 26/27.

The Right to Work Guarantee will be delivered through separate primary legislation which will be introduced “in due course”. 


The DWP say the changes are expected to save over £5 billion in 2029 to 2030.


The Pathways to Work:  Reforming Benefits and Support to Get Britain Working Green Paper.

 Liz Kendall speech




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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 18 hours ago
    Is pip daily living descriptiers being all changed or are they staying the same any ideals in this 
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      · 17 hours ago
      @Diceman24 From what I've read they haven't decided yet and are going to look into it later. So not over yet. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 19 hours ago
    The government has not addressed what will happen with the disability allowance awarded in pension credit, which is the equivalent of the severe disability premium in esa and awarded alongside any level of daily living component of pip. We're a long way from anything concrete with this back of an envelope green paper.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 19 hours ago
    Please note this:

    On LBC Radio, Andrew Marr asked Liz Kendall about those claiming PIP because they are suffering with mental health problems.

    She said: “PIP was never set up to deal with these problems. PIP has always been a contribution towards the extra costs of living with a disability and that will absolutely remain, but PIP was never set up to deal with these problems."

    So, the question is: What's the point of assessing people with mental health issues on PIP if it was never set up to deal with mental health issues, as they said that the WCA will be scrapped and a new single assessment, which will be based on the PIP assessment, will be introduced?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 15 hours ago
      @Michael I don't see how they can remove all the mental health descriptors as that would go against the Equality Act 2010.  The Tories tried to do this and had to back down.  Ian DUncan Smith said the other day this would not work. They also tried to remove the social engagement question a year or two ago but had to back down on that after consultation.  They might think they can remove mental health questions but they have failed in the past.  Mind are also fighting really hard against this as they have posted on their website and Facebook page a few times now.
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      · 17 hours ago
      @Scorpion Unlawful and blatantly discriminatory is how that turned out the last time (I remember it well as I had to withdraw the mobility element of my appeal which was, unfortunately, one  day before the high court judgement)

      I'm not sure how the courts would go now, though. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 18 hours ago
      @Scorpion Because they'll probably chamge the descriptors as well as tightening eligibility and MH related questions will be slimmed down or removed entirely. 

      Its something we will have to wait on, I'm afraid.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 19 hours ago
    Dont understand it. 

    If they are assessing your ability to work, based upon PIP, what happens to all the people in the support group under regulation 35, risk?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 18 hours ago
      @Gallalayo They are not assessing your ability to work. The WCA will be scrapoed and to receive any disability element in UC, you will have to be awarded pip. It will be based on your ability to do tasks, as it is now - for the employmemt premium. Nothing will be related to work capability tasks.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 19 hours ago
    People need to do a response to the green paper even if it seems pointless because if theres non or a tiny bit of response it will go against it all being challenged in high court when it gets there  and then the government will think everyone agrees it does look pointless but still share what's thought and then let this get taken as far as it can because I think this is a tactic by government to make it look pointless so they can pass it through don't be doomed respond to it.
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      · 15 hours ago
      @Lill Thanks.  I will need lots of reminders, as I've put so much effort into the last one, that now it seams like totaly pointless thing.   As they never looked at it, as they didn't like the responses. .  But you are right!  Thank you!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 19 hours ago
    A windfall tax on the profits of Britain’s biggest banks would bring in £15bn for public spending. (Positive Money). 
    Britain’s ‘Big Four’ - Barclays, NatWest, Lloyds and HSBC - made £44.7bn profit in 2024. 
    This is more than four times the profit the Big Four made in 2020, and follows record profits of £44.3 billion last year. 
    Banks currently pay a special surcharge on profits, which was introduced after the last financial crisis in recognition of the risks banks’ activities pose to the wider economy, though the last Tory government slashed this surcharge by 60%, from 8% to 3%. 
     If the Bank Surcharge was raised to 35%, in line with the Energy Profits Levy on the windfall profits of oil and gas companies, the Treasury would receive an extra £14.8bn from the 2024 profits of these four banks alone. 
    Even just reversing the last government’s cuts to the Bank Surcharge and Bank Levy would bring in more than £3.5bn for the Exchequer (Positive Money estimates). 
    So next time a low life politician talks about kicking the disabled and seriously ill, tell them to TAX THE BANKS instead. 
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      · 16 hours ago
      @Fandango Yes I keep saying it.  The biggest problem with our country is inequality. 

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      · 18 hours ago
      @Fandango Spot on! This is nothing more than a wide sweeping hammer blow downwards on those who can least afford it. This all reads like a Tories wet dream! Nothing is being done to tax those that can more than afford it. All while bailing out Thames water to the tune of £3bn instead of taking it back into public hands. You couldnt make this stuff up!
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    · 19 hours ago
    I am a bit confused as I’m sure some people are. I got full pip for an indefinite time back in 2018. So I assume 2028 will be a light touch review. I got 12 points. Does this mean that I will be called for review before that date? Are people on an indefinite award being reassessed? I don’t claim any other benefits so I’m just not sure what’s going on. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 hours ago
      @Sarah B
      They are currently 5 years behind with reviews.
      People put on a 1 year review, 5 years ago, have not yet been reviewed.

      So... if you 10 year review is due in 5 years time, you'll prolly be reassessed then. Not likely they can catch up that quickly.

      Also there is a chance the 7% on 10-year awards MAY be left alone...  a possibilty !
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 18 hours ago
      @Sarah B The consensus is everybody is going to be reassessed. Labour will be ramping up reassessments.
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    · 19 hours ago
    Well I guess I will lose out all round I lost daily living on PIP at my last review and only now get enhanced mobilty due to uncontrolled seizures, my review ironically is due next november, I have no idea if I will retain that or not.  But my bigger concern is that I get old style contribution ESA based on my NIC contributions made whilst working for 20 years, but I have savings which I expect will exclude me from any help even with possible NS ESA I see me ending up with no job centre help such as it may be and then just be left to run through my savings and when can we expect this to happen as well.
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      · 6 hours ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler I'm in the same boat
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      · 18 hours ago
      @Frank ish Job seekers allowance ( not observers) silly auto correct. 
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      · 18 hours ago
      @Frank ish I believe she means they are combining NS Esa ( contributions) with observers allowance to create a ' new time limited contribution based insurance' paid at a higher rate than current basic rate.
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      · 18 hours ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler That's just ridiculous. My uncle has uncontrolled seizures and I know it affects every aspect of daily living. Yet they and the press make it sound as though they are just making sure people aren't shirking! I know how I feel after a faint where I blackout let alone a seizure! 
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      · 18 hours ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler My first year under the old style esa I was put in the middle group, which meant after the 1st year I was moved from contributory esa to income related even though I worked and paid NI payments all my working life! I do not trust our politicians and they can change the rules anytime when they please treating us all like playthings. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 19 hours ago
    First it was the winter fuel allowance for the elderly then it was the farmers now its us, you would think we are living under the Tories. I let the scare stories get to me usually bounces off, i have the joy of 2 migrations one from esa support group to UC and from dla to pip hardly filled with pleasure at the thought but will plough through, just hope that people more savvy with the law rip this dreadful green paper to shreds no point contacting my mp hes a starmer brown nose and never answers his emails.
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    · 19 hours ago
    What I don’t understand is if you don’t get enough points in the daily living part of pip would you lose the moving around part of pip has well or not how would this work any answers would be good thanks 
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    · 19 hours ago
    So ,I got 8 points in daily living for pip(no mobility award)…but spread across more than one descriptor…so I’d lose it in theory. Yet on my WCA appeal that I won I got 9points mobility and 6points on the others(getting the 15points I needed). As you all know applying for any of these is time consuming and very stressful …what is going to happen…?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 19 hours ago
    Under the proposals current recipients of UC and PIP who are reassessed out PIP after 2026 for not getting 4 points will lose £119 per week - £6188 per year.

    There is still time to oppose this.  

    This is an utterly disgusting moment from the UK Labour Party.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 hours ago
      Bit it's more. Care component of PiP gives people on ESA and State Pension a SDP worth 80 quid a week.

      So it's 6200 + 4000 = 10, 200.

      My income is set to drop from 19 to 9 thousand... plus H Ben.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 20 hours ago
    I get pip I have epilepsy&cerebral palsy&a few special needs . I can’t work I had to have my mom and dad read what Liz kendell said from the itv website as I find reading hard . I was definitely upset I hope everyone is ok . And I find this website very helpful 
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      · 18 hours ago
      @Tom Similar, Tom. Hope you are doing OK on the stress. I'm left hemi CP with various issues too.  No epilepsy but a complicated tumour and need a fair bit of help day to day. Glad your parents have your back. Are you in the UK Adults with Cerebral FB group or the Scope CP Network they are great support?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 20 hours ago
    There is widespread condemnation of Liz Kendall's plans as announced today and here is a useful link to them

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      · 18 hours ago
      @MJ All the way back in 2010 when I was a labour party member I said the process had been started by Labour when they brought in ESA and even Iain Duncan Smith mentioned in parliament "you started it!" I left the labour party then because I knew they would play the pied piper on this and mislead the people. All I can say I hope droves of people do leave the labour party and many of their MPs to form a new political movement as this one has been hijacked by people who have no interest in working class people or their families and have lied on their manifesto and mislead the public. At least with the Tories you know where you stand!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 19 hours ago
      @James While reading yours saw this one also on Yahoo. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/further-benefit-cuts-not-ruled-151800938.html
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    · 20 hours ago
    So can anyone please tell me when the new pip rule of 4 pts etc starts and if you are currently having a review done will this be in the new rules 
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      · 6 hours ago
      Especially given they're currently 5 years behind with reviews.

      And they're cutting back on civil servants and sub contractors etc.

      If you're due for a review in 3 years..  I bet it'll be closer to 5.

      They have to get the legislation through first.

      That may take longer than they think too !

      So don't panic people !

      And in 4 years Reform will get in ... and itsall chsnge AGAIN !
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 18 hours ago
      @DH Late 2026 at earliest 
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      · 19 hours ago
      @DH It is only a green paper but in the green paper. The proposal is that the new rules will come into operation in November. 2026. And they will affect current recipients as they come up for reassessment, so that would take a few years longer. 
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    · 20 hours ago
    This Green Paper will not swim. It goes against the Equality Act. It will be totally ripped apart and could take years and the final white paper (if the green paper is not shelved first) will look completely different.
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      · 7 hours ago
      @David I only hope for some of us that it's not the beginning of the end. I'm not scaremongering just being honest about how I see it going.
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      · 18 hours ago
      @David Agree,this has surely got to be illegal.To manipulate the outcome of pip assessment,so even if you got 16 points on daily living with no 4 points on one you lose the lot.Not only that ,but you then cannot access the healthcare element of uc.So the disabled become jobseekers up to age of 67. I don’t  think it will pass the High Court.Sickening and vindictive,can hardly believe it.
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      · 19 hours ago
      @Neil Cook Please do not worry nothing is going to change yet. This is only the very start.
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      · 19 hours ago
      @David David I hope you are right I really do because I'm scared stiff right now 
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    · 20 hours ago
    22h ·
    Behind the headlines and the stigmatising language about disability benefits are real people - millions of them. People who are scared about what this news might mean for their day-to-day lives.
    If that’s you, know this: you are not alone. We see you. We hear you. These changes, if they do happen, won’t come in immediately. And we will not stop fighting until the benefits system is fair, compassionate, and works for those of us with mental health problems.

    The above was put up by Mind, the leading mental health charity.  For all those who have mental illness and are worried about these reforms.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 17 hours ago
      @axab43 I hope that Mind has our backs. 

      However, National Mind is actually a government founded and sponsored "lobby group". It is also still very paternalistic in it's set up. 
      But it does have a lot of money (much of it from UKGOV). 

      The website can be quite useful. 
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    · 20 hours ago
    Moving the goalposts to discriminate against those that don’t meet their ‘personal’ criteria of a ‘disability’ requiring ‘payment’.

    It will be a case of; ‘we know you have a disability, we know it is causing you problems in your life, but you won’t get any support because we believe that you don’t qualify in a way that we (arbitrarily) feel that you should’.

    Then trying to ‘Lock’ people out of UC WCA through PIP?
    All of this is being proposed without any amendments do the ‘Equality Act’ = a BREACH of the same said Equality Act. 

    They know this, they're trying to see what they can get away with. 

    They’ll be dragged through the courts backwards. 
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      · 17 hours ago
      @SpaceKnight Our human rights commission has been strangely silent on disability (and MH) for over a decade now. 
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    · 20 hours ago
    So, the devil is in the detail.  Anyone losing the Daily Living Allowance in PIP of at least £314 a month will ALSO lose their £400+ element of LCWRA by the end of the decade.  That's a total of £731 a month loss compared to what we get now. 
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      · 6 hours ago
      They said existing claimants may not lose the "sick related components" of ESA UC etc.

      Given they're £80 for Support Group, £36 for Disability Transition and then a SDP of £85, you may only lose the latter £85... and only then, if you're a pensioner, as SDP is not paid any more to UC claimants... only Pensioners.
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      · 19 hours ago
      @SLB Yes, but also, then what? So because of that you are deemed as fit for work? Does that mean you will have commitments that you obviously can't keep up with, will you then be sanctioned and lose ALL entitlement?

      I was mostly bed bound for my last assessment, yet I was still scored for 'prompting' lol. Due to the new rules, I would lose all my benefits and probably die. I'm not able to work, or even care for my daily essential needs. 

      The whole thing is insane to me, for so many different groups of people.
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    · 20 hours ago
    So why daily living 4 and not mobility,
    You might be ok to basic things scoreing less than 4 but have higher mobility and unable to go out , or have trouble getting around
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      · 6 hours ago
      There was a hoohah a while back about mobility and they had to back pay 10s of 1000s of people.

      They won't dare toych it again. Not yet anyway !
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      · 19 hours ago
      @Tuxcat Money
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      · 19 hours ago
      @Tuxcat I think as only two categories in Mobility most people would score in one or the other. One is physical the other mental. Not sure if many people would score in both. In any case the minimum points you can get in either category is 4 points. So it wouldn’t be relevant with mobility to stipulate at least 4 points in either category as that’s the minimum you can get. I think singling out daily living is because there are so many categories that you can pick up a point here, couple of points there, and if you’re lucky maybe a 3 pointer and that would have qualified but without the 4 pointer they stiff you.

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