Have you been through the universal credit (UC) managed migration process or are you going through it right now?

Could you share your experiences with other readers?

You may have had a very straightforward migration and your positive result will be encouraging for others waiting to be moved.

Or you may have encountered difficulties which it would be helpful for readers to know about in advance, so that they can be prepared for them.

We have a growing number of resources for members being migrated from employment and support allowance (ESA) to UC on our ESA/UC guides page.  But we know that there is no substitute for  hearing from people who are further along the route than you are.

So, please do share your story in the comments section below – it may make a real difference to your  fellow claimants.

In your comment, any of the following details will help us to try to find a pattern to who is being migrated first:

  • details of which benefit(s) you were migrated from,
  • whether you were in the ESA support group or LCW group,
  • roughly when it happened, or whether it is still happening now,
  • roughly what area of the country you live in,
  • the first letter of your surname

Please only comment on this article if you are sharing your experience of migrating or asking a question from someone who has shared - other comments won't be published here.

More general comments can be posted at ESA to UC managed migration has begun


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    jinny50 · 7 days ago
    In terms of timing I support someone who has autism, has been on DLA for years and ESA who received her notice for migration a fortnight ago. 
    It has knocked her sideways and, despite extensive emails and letters to CAB, MP, disability and autism support voluntary sector organisations she has been offered no understandable written advice about what she actually needs to do and what evidence she needs to provide. 
    I have printed off the part of your guide which gives this but it seems there is no accessible information generally available and offered to those undergoing this process.
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    Del · 7 days ago
    I’ve just migrated over from esa support group literally unless you apply for a advance you don’t get a penny the day you fill in form for uc you only get one weeks money after that it takes them 6 weeks to sort with no money unless you get a advance payment you also have to apply for council tax benefits again as this isn’t don’t automatic I’m still waiting to be pain on the 11 th Oct and changed over on the 5 th sept working out what I get payed I’m about 200 pound worse off a month 
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      jon · 7 days ago
      @Del your supposed to get transitional protection. call them
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      Mr Y. · 7 days ago
      @Del AREN'T you supposed to get transitional payment protection going from esa support group to UC?.it says so on the Gov.uk website & others too. You should be getting exactly the same as you was getting on esa support group. 
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    Christine Hartley · 7 days ago
    I received the form for migration to UC for housing benefit . 
    They sent a message to say I had an appointment for the next day so I explained that I was unable to go to it as I am housebound . They told me that I will be having a home visit. Now they are telling me I need to send in fit notes !!!  I have been retired since 2015 so not required to have fit notes . I only have my small pension and PIP so I   said to them why can’t they just look at my housing benefit  previous payments to see this !!! So let’s see what they say next 
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      ac · 6 days ago
      @Christine Hartley  you may have retired from your work but you will not be medically retired form all work so therefore you need to have a health assessment and for that you send in fitnotes
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    Elle · 7 days ago
    I received my migration letter in July saying that I must claim UC by 18 October to continue receiving financial support. I believe I’ll be going down £hundreds on UC so I’m in no rush and intend to make the claim on 17 October. I’ve had the date to make the claim in my calendar (with an alarm) since July.

    I’ve had letter after letter since July telling me that I still haven’t claimed and then yesterday I received a text message informing me that DWP will be phoning me “in the next few days about making a claim”. I suffer from anxiety, can’t make phone calls and this level of pressure is sending my MH spiralling.

    I’m already panicking about how I’m going to manage on the reduced income and this badgering isn’t helping.
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      jon · 7 days ago
      @Elle you will get transitional protection your money will not go down, but you need to apply before deadline in letter but u say there gonna call you anyway. don't panic it'll get sorted
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    Darren H · 7 days ago
    Last year, I was migrated from working tax credits to Universal Credit. I already receive PIP and thanks to this website, was fully aware it was coming.

    The paperwork was easy and the process was as you would expect. The numbers they quoted seemed to be roughly what I got before. I even thought I would end up £7 a month better off. 


    The time between the last payment of tax credits and the first payment of UC was tough to handle. Then two things happened:

    1: under UC rules, I lost my eligibility for free prescriptions and dental. So needed an annual prescriptions. So now £3-4 down a month. Plus any dental payments. 

    2: Tax credits said I was over paid, so they took that back out of my UC over three months.

    Just be aware that the migration will always favour them.

    Now things are settled down it’s fine but then you’re already struggling with your own health, adding money changes is just unfair. 
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    St · 7 days ago
    Hi all I’ve just been moved over back in sep from been in support group esa since 2016 I had the phone call saying u don’t need to look for work ,then 24 hours later I started getting jobs sent in journal I rang them and said I’ve told u all my illnesses and mental health not good self harm etc she told me to ignore everything 
    I were asked to provide a fit note which I got from doctor but we’re having trouble uploading it and sending it to them which is when I mentioned legislation 19 
    What they don’t tell u is that when going over u should automatically go into the lcwa group but they try to get you not to 
    If u mention legislation 19 as I did , i received another note on my journal saying they’ve done my assessment which hadn’t happened and I no longer had to look for work 
    What they are doing to people is wrong people as in the older generation who don’t get this information are made to go look for work it’s disgusting 
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    Deb · 7 days ago
    My daughter has been forced onto UC. She had her money stopped for 5 weeks and was told applying for a loan would take as long as her transfer. She was forced to attend the job centre and sign a contract which she has no way of knowing she can keep as she has autism and anorexia with extreme anxiety. Her rent allowance was stopped as they said she had the wrong paperwork(she didn't, it was their mistake). She ended up in such an emotional state her mental health team escorted her to the jobcentre to sort it out. Migration is rubbish, you are being forced to make a new claim and they want you to look for work. The initial bullying by staff on a vulnerable person was heartbreaking.
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    Shan · 7 days ago
    We were migrated from income support to UC last month. The process seemed smooth and out payment was made up of exactly what out housing benefit, income support would be as the transitional element was added.. relief over…. Or so we thought!! We recently got a letter from council tax saying we now are liable for 75% of our council tax! We were getting a 100% discount and now only 25%! So while we were told we wouldn’t be any worse off, actually we are by about £100 a month! Thats 2 weeks food shopping for us! 
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      jon · 7 days ago
      @Shan need to call them your money is not supposed to go down
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    Jaxmags · 7 days ago
    Hi I am an advocacy worker and I am in the process of helping my first person I support migrate from ESA (support Group) to Universal credit.     I am very fortunate that this person is very organised.   She had all her paperwork and ID to hand and we were able to complete the process in two and a have hours.   Then the fun started.  She must have received at least 30 journal messages in two days.   This is coming from receiving nothing from ESA to being bombarded.   This was really stressful for them.   She sent me all the journal messages and they were all bureaucratic rubbish.   She did get one three days later stating she had to go to the job centre for a meeting.  I went with her.   I was surprised that she had to go as she was in the support group for ESA and couldn't possibly work.  The meeting was painless and the job centre staff were lovely.  They told me that they have had not much training for this migration and asked where I got my training.  I gave them this web site.   I asked why she was called into a meeting and they said that everyone who migrates over will be called for a meeting.  This is to establish work commitments.   I explained that she was in the support group and I thought it would be transferred over like for like.  They said it should, however the system is very slow at catching up with the information that the job centre is putting in.    They also asked her to get a fit note.   I explained she hasn't required a fit note for the last three years and she shouldn't require one now.  They agreed with me, however if the system hasn't caught up and recognised that she was in the support group, the system would ask for fit notes, three times.   If you didn't provide them there was a chance your benefit could get stopped. It was better for her to get a fit note for at least 3 months to try and alleviate that problem.   Certainly not ideal and would give the people I support more stress.     They told her she would receive a phone call three weeks later to see how she was.  Again I said is this necessary, they said all applicants who migrate over would have to receive one phone call.   I agreed to be with her when this happened.    The staff at the job centre asked for my card in order that they can call me if they have a problem.     She late got a journal message cancelling the phone call, and stating that she is in the unfit to work category.   She also kept being sent courses on her journal suggesting she should go on these.  I questioned this and was told ignore them all, the only journal entry's to ensure you were following was appointments.   She has not received any money yet, I will let you know if that goes smoothly.   The whole migration is a sham and is causing unnecessary stress and anxiety on a very vulnerable part of our society.    sorry this is so long.  
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      Jaxmags · 1 days ago
      @David Thanks for that David.    
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      David · 6 days ago
      @Jaxmags I would just like to say that the DWP absolutely cannot close a Universal Credit claim for not supplying a Fit Note. If you don't supply a Fit Note then you will be removed from the UC Health Journey and possibly lose out on the LCWRA element and Work Allowance and your conditionality group will be All Work Related. Hope this Help, David ( B&W Moderator ).
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      Sam · 7 days ago
      Yeah, takes months to get a non urgent appointment at my doctor's so hopefully when my time comes they actually listen when I tell them I'm not required to provide fit notes
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    WorkshyLayabout · 8 days ago
    Surely the order of migration is based on national insurance numbers. 

    Also Boston, surname starts with F. Heard nothing. Mentioning this because Jon has surname starting with H. If they were going by alphabetical order, I should have been contacted before him. 
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      Jon · 7 days ago
      @WorkshyLayabout Yes your right I was contacted 19th September decided to get some more ESA payments in going to migrate early November as I said surname h and nottingham
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      HRH · 8 days ago
      @WorkshyLayabout What a fabulous point, but how would it be possible to disclose this info safely?

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    clearwater · 8 days ago
    Re Managed Migration,  for clarity 

    If you move on to UC from ESA and have already been assessed as having limited capability for work you will not have to undertake the assessment again.

    If you were in the ESA work related activity group (WRAG) you will be put in the UC LCW group.
    If you were receiving the extra WRAG amount in ESA you will get the extra LCW amount in UC.

    If you were in the ESA support group you will be put in the UC LCWRA group and awarded the UC LCWRA element.

    Also If you're moving to UC from the ESA Support - LCWRA or WRAG - LCW group, you do not need to provide a fit note.

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    The Dogmother · 11 days ago
    I don't know know if this was mentioned anywhere else on here.
    But this is what I've learned about moving from Esa Support group to UC. I've seen numerous posts of ppl asking what to do about fit notes and if they are needed,here's the answer..... If you are migrating across from esa sg, you do not need fit notes. The request on your journal for them is an automatic one,as its not set up to deal with migration of SG , you need to put this , "As I am migrating from esa support group  I transfer to the equivalent group on UC under Reg 19 and request that you send Esa the MGP1 form.Therefore I need no fitness. (Don't be sending Fit notes as this will trigger a reassessment, the system thinks your a new claiment) 

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      Vicky · 7 days ago
      Sorry MGP1 form **
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      HRH · 9 days ago
      @The Dogmother thanks for the info🙏
      in my experience if the DWP can play ‘dumb’ they will so it may be wise to add 

      Under Regulation 19 of the Universal Credit (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2014, i am entitled to financial transitional protection and their is no legal requirement for me to provide a fit note as I am in the ESA support group
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      T · 11 days ago
      @The Dogmother Thank you for saying how to say about already being in the support group. I'm going to say it the way you said.  
       I'm dreading doing this migration and the not knowing when is just as bad,, right now (although I'll probably change my mind a million times) I just want the postman to post the migration letter and just get it out of the way.
        I know my ESA support group is up for renewal next month (praying for a referral but somehow I'm never lucky enough for getting one),, and as pip seems to send a year early I'll probably get a pip renewal form in January,, with UC migration too I feel like my head and heart is going to explode..  
        I'm going to have to have my medication increased again thanks to this , it's already very high doseges.   I was relatively stable too until all this stress and worrying.
       Apologies for the speech !! 
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      The Dogmother · 11 days ago
      @The Dogmother I need no fit notes* that should say.
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    David · 11 days ago
    Excellent and concise advice Micksville. Thank you

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    micksville · 11 days ago
    Might be an idea to also include the first letter of surname to gauge if this process is being done in alphabetical order of surnames and also if you were due a normal review of ESA around the time of your migration notice, this to gauge if it's being done roughly around the dates of reviews already proposed
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    wibblum · 11 days ago
    Just to repeat HRH's request, could people please also tell us which area they live in?

    Seeing as Starmer's Grifters And Liggers Social Club isn't prepared to release any actual details about the UC roll-out to us, it looks like we're going to have to try and work out for ourselves if this first wave is a geographically-targeted pilot or not.
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      Jon · 11 days ago
      @wibblum Nottingham surname begins with h received migration notice ten days ago
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    wibblum · 11 days ago
    Can anyone tell us exactly how hard a time you'll have claiming UC if you don't have 'acceptable' photo ID such as a passport or driver's license?
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      tony horse · 9 days ago
      @wibblum Wife had same problem no passport or driving license. Had to go to jobcentre with things like outdated passport, bank card, birth certificate , bill with her name and address on it- you didnt need all these, it didnt take long and they accepted the ID. You probably just need to be prepared to go to the Jobcentre with other ID and then should be fine.
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    sam · 12 days ago
    i have just gone from esa to uc and it was very difficult to understand at first, you get offered an advance payment so try to keep some of that and pay some off your rent as two weeks later u get your last payment from esa and then you have to go three more weeks without no money they write to you on the journal but can take days to reply back to u. don’t panic to much they as for a fitnote but that’s while their waiting for your claim to go over from esa the day they shut your claim the next day uc get all your information. then they also offer you another advance payment but that’s got to checked by yourself on your journel so keep an eye on that. you will get into rent arrears and i don’t agree with that and also having to pay back the advance payment. just make sure you make it affordable for yourself to pay it back. if you stress to much over it then seek help 
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      Bobdole · 11 days ago
      @sam If you're moving to universal credit from the support group, you don't need to provide a fit note. The government's own website even confirms this. You don't need to provide a fit note if: you move from esa to uc without a break, you have already completed a wca and if you were in wrag or support group when you moved to uc.
      Unfortunately the DWP are literally so incompetent, they don't even know how their own system works!
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      micksville · 11 days ago
      @sam As per the advice from B and W
      Will I have to provide a fit note or prove I am unfit for work if I am
      moving to UC from ESA?
      No, if you have already been assessed for ESA (and put into the work-related activity or support
      groups), you will not have to provide a fit note when you move to Universal Credit.
      We have heard of cases of work coaches telling people who are receiving ESA and claiming UC
      as a top up, or who are moving to UC from ESA, that they need to start providing fit notes. This
      can cause difficulties with the person’s GP, who will have been told by ESA to stop providing fit
      notes once the person was found incapable of work.
      Regulation 40 of the Universal Credit Regulations 2013 confirms that someone has limited
      capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA) for UC if they have been found to have
      LCWRA for either UC or ESA (the support component). The equivalent rule for people who have
      been found to have limited capability for work (LCW) can be found in Universal Credit
      Regulation 39.
      The DWP’s Advice for Decision Makers (their guidance to their staff) also confirms that if
      someone moves under managed migration, their work capability assessment decision from ESA
      moves with them (paragraph M6192 for the work-related activity component and paragraph
      M6195-6 for the support component). 
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      micksville · 11 days ago
      @sam I'm assuming yours was a managed migration? Also, were you in the support group of ESA?I ask this as Benefits and work have advised via the forum that if in SG you should go directly into the UC equivalent of SG and not need a fit note. I did read one B and W member saying the work coach online had demanded a fit note but again the advice given was to contact, via your journal, the case manager instead as they are more conversant with the rules and regs surrounding fit notes 
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    HRH · 12 days ago
    would it be possible to add the area you live in so we can get a sense of the pattern of ESA migrations?
    thank you
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    Zainab · 12 days ago
    The application process is pretty straightforward (if you are comfortable doing it online), but I had to wait for more than two weeks to get my first UC payment.
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