Have you been through the universal credit (UC) managed migration process or are you going through it right now?

Could you share your experiences with other readers?

You may have had a very straightforward migration and your positive result will be encouraging for others waiting to be moved.

Or you may have encountered difficulties which it would be helpful for readers to know about in advance, so that they can be prepared for them.

We have a growing number of resources for members being migrated from employment and support allowance (ESA) to UC on our ESA/UC guides page.  But we know that there is no substitute for  hearing from people who are further along the route than you are.

So, please do share your story in the comments section below – it may make a real difference to your  fellow claimants.

In your comment, any of the following details will help us to try to find a pattern to who is being migrated first:

  • details of which benefit(s) you were migrated from,
  • whether you were in the ESA support group or LCW group,
  • roughly when it happened, or whether it is still happening now,
  • roughly what area of the country you live in,
  • the first letter of your surname

Please only comment on this article if you are sharing your experience of migrating or asking a question from someone who has shared - other comments won't be published here.

More general comments can be posted at ESA to UC managed migration has begun


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    · 8 days ago
    I thought I had done my migration successfully. I did it just before the deadline, followed the guide/form, and even called up the helpline at one point. Everything seemed to go through. I have a passport so I could ID online. But then when they worked out my payment today, they had failed to add the transitional element. I had to call them as I was very frightened, and now they have added it on. But they have deducted some ESA (I'm assuming that's some kind of overpayment). If that deduction is gone next month all is well, but it seems like a mess and I have no security at all. It's very stressful. I am housebound with severe mobility and mental health problems due to child abuse and some other very serious events.
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    · 15 days ago
    I began my managed migration yesterday after leaving it for 3 months before I had to do it , the UC called me twice in the last week to remind me to do it and to see if I needed any help , nice I thought .

    I did the online migration yesterday it went pretty smoothly on the computer the only downside was there were no ways to include documents or identity images unless you have a passport or driver's licence which I do not have either .

    I also wrote in great detail that I am houebound due to mobility conditions and Autistic and that I would not be able to come into the job centre for a face to face it would have to be a home visit or video call or someat.  

     Anyway today I got a message telling me I had to be at the job centre tomoow to prove my identity this is even after all the info I provided about being houebound so I sent responses on my journal explaining this was an error as I am housebound and Autistic and then I started spirallyling and sending more messages panicking I was going to get into trouble .

    Then I decided to call the UC helpline and spoke to a man who was so hostile and rude to me I just came off the phone because I didn't dare say anything back to him in case he was even meaner .

    Then I went back onto my journals using literature from here requesting reasonable adjustments and again requesting a 🏡 visits.

    Still no response for a couple of hours and now I am really panicking so then I called the UC line again and luckily this time a nice man answered and helped me out and sent a detailed email over to the jobcentre .

    The next thing about half an hour after that call a female called me who was also very hostile and blunt as hell from the job centre I was meant to go to, to basically tell me off for leaving so many journal entries but I tried to explain I am autistic and I was spiralling and I do not know this UC system and the processes and and this is my worst nightmare especially being told to go into the job centre , she was just so cold towards me and kept telling me they are very busy and that I will get a home visit but it will be in about 10 days time because they are so busy and I need to stop messaging , I then just burst into tears and she told me Bye and put the phone down.

    So so far I have had a very up and down experience with migrating and I have not fully migrated yet so of course now based on the two awful people i have already spoken to today I am dreading what else might happen.

    I know they have a tough job and a busy one but where is the human compassion for another ?.

    I will post again to update when it's all finally done.    

    Good luck to you all ..
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      · 14 days ago
      @charles Update ( today they called me to apologise and actually did all my identifying over the phone ) and I do not need to go to a job centre or have someone to come here to my home , they could have done this yesterday and saved a lot of stress and they have organised that my UC gets paid fortnightly rather than monthly and rent straight to my landlord - all on my requests ) .. so hopefully if this all goes well then apart from the mini drama yesterday it's been quite an easy experience.  I will update if anything goes wrong or everything stays on track in a few weeks.   
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    · 27 days ago
    It is not explicitly clear, to me, in the 56 page 'managed migration' document, whether or not my claim for UC begins the moment that I begin filling out the form, or when I press submit, after completing, and checking, everything.
    It is possible I missed a sentence - it is 56 pages - although I double-checked the most logical sections twice.
    Could someone clarify this for me please?
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    · 27 days ago
    Migration from IR ESA to NS ESA and UC started January 14th, and received first UC payment today, which works out to be roughly the same income as I was receiving with transitional protection, however I also received a £244 council tax bill for same period! 
    Because both NS ESA and UC are now classed as earnings, the transitional protection I receive places me in the top 'earning' bracket and so I'm only entitled to 15% council tax support (from 100%). So I need to now pay £120 per month council tax, as the migration means the rules have changed. Speechless and unbelievably tired of everything right now. I use my extra money for being disabled on things I need because I'm disabled, but now I'll need to forgo them, or risk losing my home. This has all been a huge cost saving exercise for the government, and they have lied consistently when they have said it will be a seamless migration and we won't be out of pocket at the time of transition. I'm already out of pocket by £120 a month, before my transitional protection erodes to nothing. At the end of that I'm going to be over £100 a week worse off. Life feels pretty impossible as a disabled person right now. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Have a Brother with Learning Difficulties and low functioning autism who was getting IR ESA in Support Group (no requirement to work)

    Got the Migration letter for him early Jan 2025, I filled out the claim on 29th Jan for him, Gave as much info to them as possible.
    Couldn't verify ID online as he never had to deal with any of the documents they ask for because of his condition. asked to come to face2face confirm on 4/2/2025, completed ID check. Checked his online journal for him, it said a decision would be made 1 March and if successful, paid 5th.

    1 Day later, They've now asked in his journal to accept commitments (he's mentally incapable??) and Provide a Fit note (Automated ask? no agent name logged for the request), despite being in ESA Support Group which isn't supposed to be asked for one. According to the request for fit note they're now claiming that since he hasn't had a Work Capability Assessment they want the Fit notes.

    Panicking now as their requirements for fit notes' self certification expired on 5th (HIS CONDITION OBVIOUSLY HAS BEEN LIFELONG AND LASTED LONGER THAN THEIR SELF CERTIFICATION PERIOD),

    Didn't even know getting one was necessary? Not sure what to do next other than try get a fit note or health assessment for him? Don't even know how DWP/Jobcentre/UC folks are going to receive the message from healthcare/GP/NHS? process is opaque and don't know who is talking to who, what I'm supposed to do for him next, or if at all they're doing their due diligence in the background and obtaining his medical info before asking for fit note, or even following their own rules regarding not asking for one from people on ESA-SG

    This whole process has been very stressful. As a country we need to do better.
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    · 1 months ago
    My partner and I are going through migration process now from Tax Credits. We are homeowners so don't claim housing benefit, and aren't responsible for a child. I get contribution based ESA only (no  income-related). I am in the support group and have been in receipt of this for years. Its 10 years since I worked. I received a letter today saying my contribution based ESA will change to new style ESA from 30/01/2025. Your guides say you can receive contribution based ESA and universal credit, so I don't know why they are changing me from contribution based ESA to new style ESA. Can anybody help?
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    · 1 months ago
    Has anyone else who is very long term sick struggled with ID verification? I don't have photo ID, plus don't have a lot of the tax returns or utility bills etc due to living with parents. Having a very stressful time going round in circles trying to find out thru asking in my journal whether what I have is acceptable - each time smne different answers and doesn't read the previuos entries. Also have phoned UC helpline but they don't seem sure. Also, have been put down for a home visit but it seems that won't happen within 28 days. Can't get a definite answer what will happen about this re my claim. Am thinking I will somehow have to get myself to the JobCentre, which will make me look like a liar - and they won't see what it took for me to get there and the effect it will have on my ability to function afterwards. Now I've found out about PASS cards and I'm looking into getting one (luckily have a family member to help me do this as couldn't do it on my own) so at least I have some photo ID.... The phone calls have had to make + stress has affected me badly already and haven't even got passed the ID verification yet :-(
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      · 1 months ago
      @WorkshyLayabout Thank you. I really appreciate your suggestions. I'll look into it

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      · 1 months ago
      @EF Are you registered to vote? You could try asking your local council for proof that you're on the electoral register. Have a look at your council's website or maybe get someone to go to the council to ask how. This will help prove your address. Also isn't your name and address on the council tax bill your parents get every year? That's another form of ID you could use.

      A PASS card, one or preferably both of the two things in the above paragraph and a debit card for the account you want your benefits paying into surely should be enough evidence. 
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    · 2 months ago
    My son received his migration notice to UC at the end of November 2024.  He went into full panic mode, he has mental health difficulties, Dyspraxia and Dysphasia and I could see where this was going so I persuaded him to give it a few weeks and I would help him with it.  We completed the form in December but I have to say the experience is one of the most difficult and complex things Ive had to do in a long time.  He receives ESA, PIP, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit and was in the support group.  He received a notice to say he would be getting a telephone call even though we mentioned on the form he has a speech and hearing impediment and is unable to use the phone.  I was with him at the appointed time, I do have Power of Attorney for him, so I answered the call but she was very reluctant to speak to me even though I explained this and also my son cannot use the phone.  She had never heard of PoA so I asked to speak to her manager which was not forthcoming, I explained I had the phone on loud speaker mode with my son sat next to me and eventually, reluctantly she put her questions through me.  It was all very difficult and I felt it was a bit hostile.  He has now received his first payment and also the new style ESA.  I cannot see the point of all this at all, his payments are the same as previous albeit in a different form and he has now received another notice to complete another phone call this time for the new style ESA, so we will be going through all this again!  The fact he also has to communicate everything on line on his journal is very limited and ridiculous.  I have had to buy him an iPad to be able to do this as he has poor eyesight and struggled with his phone.  I really cannot see the point of any of this and f I wasn’t around to help him I dread to think what would happen.
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    · 2 months ago
    I have just recently applied for UC after being told to migrate. I received Overnight Carer Allowance from the council which pays the bedroom tax as I need my extra bedroom for someone to stay to provide me care overnight. I phoned the help line to ask will I still get it and how do I tell them about it. I was told there was a box to add it, however when I applied there was no box for extra information, so I called back and the lady had never heard of it and kept talking about Carer Allowance , which is totally different!! I had to ask her twice to ask her manager who also was sure what to do!!! I ended up adding it on my journal once claim was open and they sent me more tasks to complete with regards to it. Very surprised that no one seemed to know about it!! Hopefully I will be awarded it as I have protected income
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    · 2 months ago
    Sorry should have said ESA Support Group in Gloucestershire ongoing migration this month K
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    · 2 months ago
    My daughter on ESA and severe disability premium just migrating to UC. Today in her Journal request for telephone meeting with Work Coach and now request for fit note and WCA! She is now so stressed and confused. Have informed them in Journal but not as simple as had hoped. Good to confirm this is a wrong request
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    · 2 months ago
    The task of migration has been done. Went worryingly well. I was in and out of the jobcentre in 5 minutes with regards to showing my ID. Admittedly, I'm receiving just the one benefit and am not making a joint claim. My inner Nostradamus predicts something unexpected is waiting to cause grief.

    If you are migrating from the ESA support group, the problem of being asked for sick notes and being forced into agreeing to work commitments seems to have been fixed, but I'd still recommend typing something in the journal stating your SG status moves with you to UC. 

    The online form asks about working status. For anyone moving from disability benefits, select the unemployed option.  

    The online application asks for a phone number - it is possible to put in a bit of binary code instead (i.e. 01111010101) because you may not be wanting the DWP to have your actual number. 

    After you have completed the online application, your interview for getting ID checked should be within a week. 

    It will be several weeks before your first payment of UC. You can ask in the journal about a loan or mention it when you take in your ID.

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    · 3 months ago

    Migrated from child tax credit, housing benefit, ESA income-related support group
    My wife also receives a higher rate of mobility and care.
    Received managed migration letter to complete no later than three months (November 15).
    Receiving first payment this Thursday
    From North Essex
    First letter of surname is B.

    Migrating was not that stressful until my wife was told that she will also be receiving New Style ESA due to the contributions that have been made, not from working but from claiming ESA since 2009.
    Trying to get through to our local Jobcentre has been a complete nightmare; my wife tried six times in one day for someone to return the call and explain.
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    · 3 months ago
    Started my UC migration a couple of weeks ago. At that stage it seemed simple enough but things have gone down hill since. I've been told I cannot say I'm caring for my mother each weekend because that might affect her attendance allowance (UC could't give me a definite answer). Then my ESA was stopped 1/12/24. UC won't give me an amount for my new claim. I phoned my housing association and told them I'm very worried because no one will tell me about my housing benefit payments this month. The housing association said they didn't know about UC migration which I find hard to believe when it's happening nationwide. So I've had to borrow money from my mum to cover my bills this month otherwise the new year would be a disaster financially.
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    · 3 months ago
    I have just been migrated from ESA to UC. I was in the support group (no requirement to look for work).  I also get PIP lower rate on both parts. I was getting child tax credit too (now also replaced by UC).
    I put in my journal the note provided by the Benefits and work ESA to UC migration guide about not being required to provide fit notes or be in the work group and I received a note within a couple of days saying that I was in the UC support group and no fit notes required. 
    I find out after Christmas what I will be getting.
    Thanks so much for the advice and support

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    · 3 months ago
    I have been on LCW support group for 6 months via a separate ESA claim along with a UC claim. Other half's income took us just over the limit and UC reward was zero. ESA was started and as of June '24, was on the support group (decision made in September 24 and was backdated). After 6 consecutive months of £Zero UC, it was stopped. ESA continued.
    Reapplied for UC as was aware a claim needed to exist for when the migration started. My ID check appointment was today and was told the migration would happen now with new UC claim. ESA Support payments immediately stopped and a work coach booked for next week. Will need new capability assessment too. Feel absolutely terrible. Very worried. 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Paddy You shouldn't need to have another assessment if you have been assessed before on ESA. I would upload your most recent ESA award letter in the 'fit note' section of your journal. Hope that works for you.
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    · 3 months ago
    Got my UC migration letter last week. It arrived in a brown envelope with window. Top right corner has UK Mail and small box with Royal Mail info in. Back of the envelope read 'If undelivered, please return to: Undelivered Mail Receipt Section SA99 1DU'

    *details of which benefit(s) you were migrated from- ESA + Housing/Council tax benefit
    * whether you were in the ESA support group or LCW group- Support group
    *roughly when it happened, or whether it is still happening now- Received migration notification letter on 26th Nov 24.
    *roughly what area of the country you live in- Norfolk
    *the first letter of your surname- W
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    · 3 months ago
    Migrating from LCWRA, child tax credits to UC. I received a letter today and I have a 30 minute appointment with a work coach to accept my commitments. I am very concerned 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Kirsty  I would upload your most recent ESA award letter in the 'fit note' section of your journal. 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Kirsty Something is very very wrong. It is unnecessary to attend a work interview when migrating if you're in the support/LCWRA group. There are no work commitments to accept.
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    · 3 months ago
    Migration letter landed Monday 25th November.  Am receiving support group ESA.  Living near Boston and surname starts with F.  
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    · 3 months ago
    Hi I was on tax credits and esa in support group I was really worried about the change over but it was easier than I thought I don’t have to give fit notes and I got payment protection however the dwp now say I have been overpaid tax credits in which I  appealing as I don’t see how I could of been over paid also they are paying my rent direct to council but it’s daunting having to sort out council tax in which I am still struggling with and they are taking extra 60 out of uc for rent I don’t know what that is for unles it’s coz my son has gone to university and I got bedroom tax I don’t know I need to ask them but switching over was easy just the over payments they now say I owe is worrying 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Lyn Hi,even if your son has gone to uni his home permanent address is still yours, you haven’t got a spare bedroom, he comes back in uni holidays.  I had the same thing many years ago and it went to court with the council and they had to back date everything because he still has his stuff at my address, his home is still mine… I would query the rent bit. 

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