Benefits and Work has heard from a member who has received an additional £5,000 backdated working tax credit (WTC) as a result of a backdated award of PIP.  Other members are continuing to report a trickle of backdated PIP payments, ranging from £3,000 to £11,000. 

The payments are being made because of errors by the DWP.  But many claimants are being told that they may be waiting a year for a decision, whilst some have been unable to get any response at all.

The payments are in relation to a case known as MM, in which it was decided that the DWP had got the law wrong when making decisions about the PIP activity ‘Engaging with other people face to face’.

The errors relate to the difference between ‘prompting’ and ‘social support’ and also about how much time can elapse between social support and a social activity.

You can read more here about the errors that were made and who might be eligible for a back payment.

Additional working tax credit

In our update article a fortnight ago, we told readers about Midnight who received a payment of £5,000 in backdated PIP.

Midnight has now posted again to say:

“Another update for anyone who is going through this ! After my back pay was received from DWP I called HMRC and advised that I have been back dated enhanced PIP and because I was working during that time period I should have been entitled to additional Working Tax Credit!

“I have just received an additional £5.5k from them meaning in total I've had a back payment of £10.5k.This has changed my life in a way I can't even articulate, I've been able to buy a car for my family, pay off debt and can afford to live day to day without any fear of running out of money, it's made a phenomenal difference to my whole families life . . .

“Thank you to this group and everyone in it, you'll never know how much you've helped flip my whole life around”

More backdated PIP awards

Other members have also contacted us since our last update.

“I received a payment this evenning for £3,258.08 from pip ..if this help anyone out there ...I started receiving pip at a standard rate in 2016 /17...,I need promoting to help with everything toilet...I was awarded 2 points back in 2016 ..I asked them to look again in 2018  Regarding my daily living ..was told no everything's alright ...then I found out regarding the change of law regarding  to do stuff ..for yourself prompting....I did receive a telephone call from pip .., I hope this helps anybody out there on pip like me ...let me know if this helps”

“Just wanted to update u guys. Got a call this morning in response to the form I sent back a couple week ago and I got amazing news! £11,000 to be paid into my account in next 5 days!! Absolutely life changing! I hope anyone else who's going through this is successful. Thanks to the people who have posted on here you guys gave me hope. Here's to the future. X”

“I got a phone call on Monday to say I was due backdated money due to law change and am owed just short of £11,000. Have been given 2 extra points so now also to get enhanced rate.  She said letter being sent and money would be paid within 2 weeks. Really shocked I hadn’t contacted them at all so came out the blue. Hoping money comes sooner than 2 weeks as really been struggling financially and this will let me get back on feet and pay overdue bills and fill my cupboards up. Shocked and relieved and very thankful. Backdated to 2016.”

“I believe my autistic friend is one of those who received a backdated amount for “engaging with other people”. He only answers the phone to his mum and I, and I have to handle all his affairs as he can’t make calls and freezes during appointments. He has been on enhanced for both for his last two PIP renewals so I guess the payout is from earlier years. He received £4100.”

Long delays for some

However, other posters have warned that a long wait may be in store for anyone who thinks they may be entitled to a back payment.

“I rang today and they said the reviews are taking 49 weeks. They got my review form in September 2023 and I still ain’t heard anything back yet”

“I phoned them last week regarding this matter they said I am selected to be looked at but could take a year”

Others have been waiting considerably longer than a year:

“I contacted dwp in sept 2021 to be told im in the list to be looked at. Still waiting now march 2024.”
Miss F

Miss F got  a response form another reader who has received a payment:

“They will get to you eventually - I waited 3.5 years. They might say you are not affected as they did with me. If so, have them look at it again as I did. They then back dated what they owed me”

And some readers have had no response whatsoever from the DWP:

“I contacted the DWP nurmous times about this issue, they have never got back to me, and I had sent it recorded delivery. This was signed for, so they have received my letters.”

Benefits and Work resources

Benefits and Work members can download the following resources from the PIP guides page.

Engaging with other people review guide
A six page guide to who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Sample letters
Sample letters for people who think they may be affected by the DWP's error in assessing people who have difficulties engaging with other people.

Video explainer
A 7 minute video explaining who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Video transcript
A transcript of the video.

DWP Memo
A 5 page memo issued by the DWP on the subject of the changes to the law.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    Samantha Hepworth · 2 days ago
    Just phoned pip leap team again to be told it will be looked at eventually by the most arrogant male ever
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    TSL · 22 days ago
    I was told in 2020 I couldn't get back payment as I took mine to tribunal and they kept me on the same rate, in 2017, I've just had my standard rate care raised to enchanted rate last month with just a few pence under £1000 paid to me, where do I stand on this please as I don't want to rock the boat and possibly have rate lowered again
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    Spud · 22 days ago
    The tribunal treat you like your in trial for benefit fraud and if it's all males they have much less empathy than female panel, I am A male to be clear but it didn't feel very Independant, was adjourned and still fighting the good fight 
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    Mick · 23 days ago
    How do I make a claim for wrong decision. 
    I had my pip claim assessment with 2 points and all the time I really had motor Neurone Disease. 
    This was confirmed diagnosis after 12 months of trying g to get pip

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    Lostngone · 23 days ago
    PIP used my health against me by alleging there was only a significant change in my health after a second review, despite my conditions affecting me in the exact same way for the past 15 years. My second review saw me on the enhanced rates for both care and mobility, this was due to the changes in the law being applied to this claim. I appealed and lost. I estimate I lost over £7k that could have made a huge difference. I gave up on PIP 2 years ago, the process almost killed me and I couldn't face it any more. I would rather be broke and unable to get any help than be left at the mercy of the crooked system. 
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    Tk · 23 days ago
    Can anyone help and let me know is this to do with mobility part of pip? And if it is this due to going out ect? I am on low rate but struggle to get out and about and plan journeys ect things like that. So not sure if it’s worth giving a call or that? Thanks x
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    Andersen · 23 days ago
    I have been trying to get PIP to reconsider my  award, I had enhanced and lost it for some reason, I called them and asked way, but they couldn’t tell me way more than I can manage surtan tings, 
    And I sad Nothing have change with my disability, 
    I have been reading about the changes on what you can get help with like
    Hearing problems, and few other s
    I don’t like mingling with strangers I rather be indoors, alone.
    I like to get help with the application form to try again, 
    I have lost everything I had, 
    I have the lowest pip and I think/ know that is wrong. 

    PLZ help me get it right, 

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    Dan · 23 days ago
    Any advice on how I'd find out if I'm due any back pay? 2019 my claim is from and always been in the lower rate of daily living...any advice would help...
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    Helen · 23 days ago
    Wondering when people get back dated 
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    Josh · 23 days ago
    I know I've been affected by the MM judgement but dwp keep saying I'm not. I'm on daily living standard PIP and I should be getting mobility but appeal was denied
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      JC · 23 days ago
      @Josh I haven't received a phone call or anything off them, so I doubt I'll be getting it 
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      JC · 23 days ago
      @Josh I went to court to appeal my mobility element, they saw themselves how much I was struggling when I walked in the room, but I was still rejected 
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    EarlyAM · 24 days ago
    Just wondering when people get awarded historical back payments, how long does it take for it to be paid in to an account.
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    Jezzkabel · 1 months ago
    I'm in so much shock. I just been called to tell me they had assessed me for the mm ruling and found I should of been entitled to enhanced daily living due to social support. I was told I am getting a backpay of 11k! I originally called a few years ago to ask it to be looked at and was told they'll get round to me at some point as my name was on the list for the review. I am shocked but happy because for so many years they've given me standard when I knew I should of been enhanced so I'm happy it's been rectified 
     Anybody waiting I know its hard to but they will get round to you I had no faith in getting this decision  
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    Amanda · 1 months ago
    This isn't about being upgraded and paid backpay.. I just received 21 thousand after 3 and a half years or trying to get awarded pip on my initial claim I was awarded ZERO points I had a mandatory review denied appeal denied court appeal and was awarded 24 points the enhanced rate of both components.. I have uncontrolled epilepsy and struggle daily .. I finally was victorious but it was hard and demeaning. Who ever looked at the initial claim and gave me no points wants removing from their post x. 3 and a half years it's taken me x. 
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      Annmarie · 1 months ago
      @Amanda It's awful having to be put through this test when we have illnesses and diseases. Unless people have these conditions they just don't care 
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    Marie · 1 months ago
    I was on PIP and got taken off it 2 years ago even though I have Chronic urticaria and osteoarthritis and cutaneous Mastocytosis which is  totally debilitating. I dont sleep if I am having a spontaneous episode I am covered from head to feet in rashes which really knocks my confidence so then depression sets in then it's like a vicious circle week in week out okay days then really bad days I see my consultant  twice a year I have been under dramatic therapy yet  they told me I am not eligible for pip hence why they took it off me then now sent me a text and a phone call stating it's under review I dont understand the actions .
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      Annmarie · 1 months ago
      @Marie And only Friday just been told because I work and have confidence making eye contact I am not entitled to it again see my consultant on Thursday just gone and my condition has worsened and I had to have a emergency blood tests 6 of them for testing Lupus all over again I am so stressed and feel so down and fatigued I am really fed up of everything and I know the system is entirely wrong as the likes of us with debilitating diseases or disabilities are demoralising and knocks all or any but if confidence out of us I am so upset 
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    Mary · 1 months ago
    How can I find if I can get mine backdated please and thanks 
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    renata · 2 months ago
    how can I have backdated PIP awards? Could you help me, please?
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    D Hughes · 2 months ago
    The thing is I think I do come under the payment bracket but I’m just worried to rock the boat due to my mental health and I don’t want to make it worse because you hear so many horrible stories 
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    Elizabeth Hirst · 2 months ago
    I think it’s really unfair that people who had a tribunal hearing don’t qualify. If the DWP had made the correct decision in the first place then some people wouldn’t have had to file an appeal. I still wasn’t awarded anything under the new rule. There is no legal support so how can anyone fight for what they are entitled to
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    Liz · 2 months ago
    I have been getting pip for year am on the hight right was put on that last year but have just been told am at stage 3 of my emphasis and told I can't get anymore help 
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    Dean · 2 months ago
    I started receiving PIP in 2023 February after being refused twice back in 2020/21. In 2019 I had accident rupturing my spleen beyond repair and losing a decent amount of blood from internal bleeding. After my OP, where they removed my spleen causing  my immune system to be completely shot. I started working again after 5months but realizing I was getting sick alot and ended up losing 3 jobs. Getting sacked because of illness of cold and flu, plus bad weather conditions are also quick to get me sick. And that's without even mentioning my mental health issues that I've suffered with my whole life but only found out I had a diagnosis from 2017 in 2021 after spending some time in a mental health hospital in Kettering, who had staff working there from agencies! Literally taking the piss out of some of the patients. But anyways, after finding out I had Borderline personality disorder and anxiety disorder, I already knew about my anger management issues. So after living from 2020 with no job I struggled quite abit when covid hit and apparently from what the doctors told me because of my no immune system I should not be working. But was rejected twice by Dwp in 2020/21, so I thought screw it I'll try again and in 2022 November I think, I'm terrible at paperwork keeping, I received letter that I was to be awarded PIP which I'm still receiving. It's crazy how I wasn't awarded it then but I got it on 3rd try! Yeah there probably are some people out there just trying to get PIP or are on PIP and don't have diagnosis or medical evidence on paper or are just lazy or trying to get one over the government, BUT there are people who need PIP! Some more than others, I can still walk around and do certain things for myself, so I don't get full mobility, which is fair I don't deserve full mobility payment, but daily-living I get the enhanced payment. I don't leave my flat because of mental health and physical health and bad weather. But that doesn't mean I sit around doing nothing, I'm a amateur writer just finished my 1st novel, I workout at home lifting wieghts and working the punchbags, I read a decent bit from fantasy, comics, Sci-fi, history and more. I and many other people who actually need PIP and the help it offers to help us want to live.

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