The DWP has announced that 1,000 existing work coaches will be transferred to supporting sick and disabled claimants  in 2025/26, with 65,000 claimants getting “intensive voluntary support” to move into work.

The DWP say that work coaches will be offering support to claimants on health-related benefits, including those who are furthest away from work.

Coaches will provide “tailored and personalised employment support” and help claimants access support with writing CVs and interview techniques.

The DWP say that the redeployed work coaches are a “downpayment” on plans to overhaul employment support, due to be announced before the end of the month. 

At the same time as making the announcement, the DWP released figures from a survey which shows that:

44% of disabled people and people with a health condition don’t trust the DWP to help people reach their full career potential.

Nearly 2 in 5 (39%) disabled people and people with a health condition do not trust DWP to take its customers’ needs into account in how it provides services.

In the same announcement, the DWP claim that “the number of working-age people on the health element of Universal Credit or claiming Employment Support Allowance (ESA) has risen to 3.1 million, a staggering 319% increase since the pandemic, reflecting the alarming rate at which young and working aged people are increasingly falling out of work and claiming incapacity benefits.” 

However, if the government wishes to encourage companies to employ more disabled workers, the recent claim by disability minister Stephen Timms that the Access To Work programme is “unsustainable” is unlikely to help.

Access To Work provides grants for reasonable adjustments to help disabled people stay in employment.  The average payment is around £5,000.

But giving evidence to the work and pensions committee last month, Timms complained that “we used to talk about Access to Work as the best-kept secret because nobody really knew about it and employers did not know about it. That seems to have changed in the last two years and there has been an enormous surge in applications for Access to Work.”

As a result, some people are waiting many months for their application to be dealt with. 

Timms told the committee that the government plans to place more of the onus on employers to pay for adjustments, because “the current style of Access to Work is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term”.

As long as the DWP’s focus is on trying to improve the CV’s and interview techniques of disabled claimants, rather than support and encourage companies to employ disabled people, the efforts of work coaches seem doomed.

You can read “Government bolsters employment support to unlock work for sick and disabled people” here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 hours ago
    It's time to time out the media and wait for the day of green paper just remember just because something is on paper it may not go through if it does it gets challenged and It will as for the Muppet   seen on live on a news channel  saying labour have nothing to worry about there's to many of them well  she forgot when you put everyone like MPs charities disabled people  who are against cuts together labour are outnumbered the women forgot a few things have already been won in the high court this year and it won't stop as soon as that sat on report  gets given to who ever asked for it more people gonna move to support another party and  not labour and labour my be in the name for that  party but shame and embarrassment will be to hang on people something will workout in the end as for the media by next year they'll have nothing but the truth to report not lies and more lies .
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 hours ago
    "The plan, to be unveiled by Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall, involves the merger of Jobseeker's Allowance and the Employment and Support Allowance for those with a disability or health condition.

    The scheme would offer time-limited support, with all claimants required to be actively seeking work. This comes as Labour pursues a "moral duty to get Britain working again".

    Nearly all disabled people and those with long-term health conditions would have to take part in discussions about employment support under the new benefit."

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 hours ago
    Let's hope and pray they get taken to court over these plans and lose again! 
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    · 5 hours ago
    We have been living in fear for the last few years thanks to sunak and now starmer and reeves. During the election campaign I emailed starmer and asked about disabled people and how under the tories we were fearful. His reply disabled people should be treated with dignity.  They are vile and callous . How can we get these so called jobs when people are being laid off because of her budget.  I can't work, as well as autism, ptsd  I have joint hypermobility syndrome which effects all my joints , digestive system and fatigue.  I used to work part time until 2023 as a cleaner and now have copd because of it. Neither conditions will get better only worse. 
    Yet they throw money around like this stupid deal with the chagos islands, carbon capture and other harebrained ideas from milliband. Oh yes I bet they still take their pay rises next year. 
    They are spiteful vindictive . Bullying  pensioners  farmers and now the disabled.  I live fearful of what coming next, my mental health has worsen. I just hope it's challenge somehow. Surely echr should get involved our human rights are being taken away

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 hours ago
    Labour didn't really "win" last year, the Tories lost because they've became a detested joke, who truly won were Lib Dems, Reform, Greens and Independents and in 2029 more people will be voting for those 4 groups/parties.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 hours ago
      @Dave Dee Probably true, but fear an even lower turnout. We'll end up like America where only approx 50,% normally vote
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    · 7 hours ago
    If taking money from disabled people is "having their best interests at heart" then disabled people are in an abusive relationship with their government.
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    · 7 hours ago
    A twitter post from someone who seems to know what she's talking about and she's been highlighting the media and political campaign against disabled people claiming benefits for a long time, Dr Jay Watts.

    A reminder re benefits:

    - nothing will change anytime soon
    - most changes will be for new benefits applicants
    - proposals will be watered down substantially as they have to go through the commons and then we will will take them to court under the equality act and win
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    · 8 hours ago
    I hope thats sarcasm I really do 
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      · 6 hours ago
      @Neil Cook There's 812000 job vacancies too fill I will gladly work part time if anyone will employ me to do my bit for the country
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    · 9 hours ago
    What the Tories, I mean, "Labour" (got confused a moment as they're being Tories in practice by attacking disabled people) mean is that work coaches will be tasked with harassing disabled people. Even non-disabled people have reason not to trust work coaches, as they have been on the attack against claimants ever since they existed, from sanctions to pressuring people into inappropriate jobs. As the government has announced other attacks on disabled people (cutes, making the already traumatic PIP assessment even more difficult), it's obvious that the "intensive support" will actually be harassing disabled people - especially those with mental health conditions - into work that is not suitable for them and threatening them with sanctions.

    I'm disgusted. I'd never have voted for Tories but by voting the Labour party, I unintentionally have done. On the bright side, the last election proves more MPs from smaller parties, and even independents, can get elected now, so my anti-Tory vote (which of course won't be for Labour as they're the same now) won't be wasted at the next election despite our dodgy voting system.
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    · 10 hours ago
    The government have our best interests at heart
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      · 7 hours ago
      @bert Of course they do. Liz Kendall is that you?
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      · 9 hours ago
      @bert I'm ow I feel well taken cared for, hell the increase in meds and panic attacks where actually totally fine and great fun
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    · 11 hours ago
    Had a look at DWP in relation to this it's states "intensive voluntary support" therefore I assume that you can decline 
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    · 11 hours ago
    Will this effect people who only receive PIP? 
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    · 11 hours ago
    Jan it's been on the main news that people deemed unfit for work Will lose money but extra money for people who look for work 
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      · 3 hours ago
      @Charger 7 Yea I seen that so you will be punished for being ill and not being able to work. Is this a tactic to try and make those people feel pressured into having to find work. Labour have just dug there own grave they won't last the four years 
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      · 4 hours ago
      @Sam Yes. That seems to be the agreed thinking - apparently this is something that has been concerned for sometime inside Whitehall.
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      · 7 hours ago
      @Sam But this couldn't possibly work, all it would do would massively increase the benefit bill more because yes we'd be paid the same but everyone else on UC would see huge increase. 
       I could see them simply just being cruel and brutal and keeping the basic UC level the same while drastically cutting the lcwra element.. That is something this labour clearly would be happy to do and then keep saying they done it because we all begged them to cut our money. 
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      · 9 hours ago
      @Charger 7 I've seen some talk on twitter by clever folks that are usually right is the way they would want to do it would be raise the basic rate of UC by however much they decrease the lcwra group, so those in that group wouldn't be poorer but it would be less of an incentive to try to get the higher rate. 
      Tbh I think it's crazy the basic rate is so low and the lcwra is double. At least that way if the DWP mess us around and reassess us as not lcwra we wouldn't be looking at such a massive income drop
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    · 12 hours ago
    Every government  tried failed on reform they were all screaming from the roof tops cuts cuts and cuts putting it to the papers like now  this has been going on years cuts got dropped every time remember labour said it's going to be a big challenge can't help  think there's a hidden message that it won't end good I've heard about what charities are doing think this is all going back to court because the last government sat on a report that proved cuts aren't needed so somebody is going to get hold of it and there will be uturn or watered down changes remember in Jan the papers said big announcements from reeves there weren't she just just said things needs to change or something.
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    · 12 hours ago
    Every time the welfare system is mentioned in the media and even on here, it's always bad news. This is instinctive and a natural and understandable expectation after the Tories' handling of the welfare system. Yet, when push comes to shove, the new government announces plans that are nowhere near as bad as originally thought. So I take anything said until the announcement with a bowl of salt. I feel like BenefitsAndWork contributes to the scaremongering, wittingly or otherwise, which really doesn't help those of us with mental health related problems. I mean look at all the news updates - good news and promising reports are rare to find, and usually the 'upside' to a news report is hidden within the actual content of the report, but the title and summary will always be negative. This creates a constant sense of panic, and I worry about some individuals who may consider harming themselves as a result of their worries. The news page for this site is best consumed after an official announcement, to summarize what has been made official by the government, because rumour and speculation is all we are really getting until government announcements or papers are made official.
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      · 8 hours ago
      @John Doe You've made some very valid points.

      It causes me a lot of anxiety and panic, but I'd rather be informed. Nobody forces me to read updates on the Benefits and Works website. It's my responsibility to look after my mental well-being by taking a break and staying away from any updates. 

      Besides, I find most of the contributors in the comments section helpful. It's important we are vocal about how all of this is affecting us.
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      · 8 hours ago
      @John Doe True in part, however consider also that this has gone on for a VERY long time.  People have been left up in the air, worried and confused, so is it not natural to fall prey to the clickbait of fear?  
      Plus there has been an unforgiveable amount of damaging rhetoric from both parties, and a constant stream of skewed, leaked misinformation in the general media...

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 14 hours ago
    The attacks on the Motability Scheme have massively intensified on social media. GB News' Political Editor, Tom Harwood, has called for Motability cars to have the word Motability written across them. And people have started sending abuse to a BMW dealership for posting a tweet advertising the Motability Scheme. It's an attack on all fronts.
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      · 7 hours ago
      @Rik I really would stop looking at GB News, The Times, Daily Mail, Telegraph and the Sun. They see disabled people as below human and as far as I'm concerned I see those talking heads on those channels and sites as below human.
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    · 22 hours ago
    I'm so scared of what's to come, it's the unknown that's terrifying me. I have agoraphobia, I probably leave the house twice a month, each time with my partner. I can't even speak to people, I just get so stressed and panic when outside. And I can't handle stress or pressure at the best of times, so this could really send me over the edge
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      · 6 hours ago
      @La Sounds like me,I've had 27 years of agoraphobia after an accident and I've seen 10 therapist  all failed to help me lose the fear and the ptsd from the accident,I can't travel on dual carriageway or motorways and even any road that has a grass verge at the side so that's very very limiting,I'm also in receipt of pip but if pip us means tested I will lose it as my oh cashed in his pension last year at 56 to pay the mortgage off because  I was beside myself with terror over these cuts,so has over 16k but I have nothing 
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    · 1 days ago
    It all scaremongering repeated ad nauseam daily in the media. KEEP CALM. IGNORE ALL THE RUMOUR AND RHETORIC. Wait and see.
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      · 13 hours ago
      @Jan I had to stop reading newspapers my stress levels were through the roof it's worrying I know when people are struggling with everyday things 
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    · 1 days ago
    The work coaches will assist individuals with sickness benefits when returning to work and offer help with writing a CV. How will the work coaches explain to prospective employers that there is no previous work experience or prior jobs and what caused the long absence from the workforce? 
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      · 3 hours ago
      @Scorpion What about courses and training such as fork lift truck 🚛 driver
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      · 6 hours ago
      @Bodnar Bit tricky that when suffering from agoraphobia and no sleep from night sweats,I can't even make it to the job centre on my own and oh works so he can't take me!!!
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      · 9 hours ago
      @Bodnar There are already places that help with CV writing. The work coaches are more likely to harass disabled people.
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      · 21 hours ago
      @Bodnar " How will the work coaches explain to prospective employers that there is no previous work experience or prior jobs and what caused the long absence from the workforce?"

      Who told you that work coaches will be connecting with employers, leave alone explaining stuff to them?

      All they offer is CVs writing and job interview preparations, which are extensively available on the internet free of charge to anyone who can Google.
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    · 1 days ago
    These reforms will either be watered down or otherwise high court for dwp. Most of us on high rate pip and lgwra have carers can they come to these so called jobs with us? I honestly think that if your condition is life long with no cure like Parkinson’s or similar which sadly only get worse with time and you have been diagnosed by hospital's consultant (specialist)there is no way in earth dwp or government can force you to work it would be against any law in the world so let’s wait and see and the truth will tell thank you for your time reading my opinion 
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