Figures produced by the DWP show that, at present rates, it will take almost ten years to work through the backlog of outstanding personal independence payment (PIP) planned award reviews.  This means that over 74,000 claimants are likely to be getting a lower award than they are entitled to.

A Freedom of Information request by a Benefits and Work member asked the DWP to provide the outstanding number of PIP reviews, the cause of the backlog and how long it would take to clear.

The DWP responded that “As of 31st May 2024, there were 392,000 Award Reviews outstanding in England and Wales.”

The department said there was no timeline for clearing the backlog and that:

“The main reason for the length of time to complete PIP award reviews is very high demand for PIP. We are seeing unprecedented numbers of new claims being made. To manage this demand, and ensure cases are put into payment as soon as possible, we are prioritising these claims.” 

 The DWP claimed that it is recruiting additional case managers and that assessment providers are “taking steps to increase the number of Healthcare Professionals they employ”.  However, they also stressed that “it takes time to train and consolidate new entrants”.

However, the latest quarterly PIP statistics published earlier this month, show that in the last quarter the DWP only managed to reduce the backlog of outstanding award reviews by 10,000.  The figures show that 120,000 new award reviews were registered and 130,000 were cleared.

So at the current rate it would take just short of 10 years to work through the entire backlog.

And, in fact, the most recent quarter was the only one in the last year that the backlog was actually reduced. In preceding quarters it either went up or remained the same.

Given that the number of PIP new claims is continuing to rise month on month, with the last quarter seeing a record breaking quarter of a million new claims, it is doubtful whether new recruits will be able to do much to cut the review backlog.

Also according to DWP statistics the outcome of planned award reviews over the last five years has been:

  • Increased  19%
  • Maintained  54%
  • Decreased  7%
  • Disallowed  20%

On this basis, the backlog includes:

  • 74,480 claimants getting a lower award of PIP than they are entitled to
  • 27,440 claimants getting a higher award than they are entitled to
  • 78,400 claimants who are no longer entitled to PIP, in the view of the DWP.

It is hard to see how this situation can be resolved in the near future.  In the meantime, tens of thousands of claimants will continue to receive yet another annual communication from the DWP telling them that their review has not yet taken place and that their current award will remain in payment.   

We'd be interested to hear from readers how long you have been waiting for your planned PIP award review.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    started my review in  July was supposed to run out feb25. kept getting texts saying it is being looked at but i may still need to see a "healthcare professional". Blue badge has run out and council will not renew without decision!! Finally got a letter today 5th Feb, 1 week before it is due to run out to say that it has been extended to Feb 26 but no decision has been made. DWP are a farce. they are causing worry and strees for people that really dont need it and rather than saying that your review will be actioned on a certain date they just fob us off to stress all over again. not fit for purpose, when it was changed from lifetime awards for people who have no chance of getting better they have just caused themselves a mountain of unnecessary work. now they(well we) are paying the price
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    My review has been in since the beginning of last year, so it’s comping up to 12 months.  I keep getting text messages to say that my review has not been dealt with yet but they aim to do it soon, my payments will continue while I am under review. I received a letter to say that they had extended until December 2025 and they hope to get my review done before then.
    My condition has deteriorated quite significantly so I believe I am entitled to a higher award, along with the introduction of the mobility part. I have changes that I feel I need to make; but need a decision from PIP before I can decide what’s best going forward 
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    · 2 months ago
    My award is up in February 2025. They have had my review form since July 2024. I have read that you continue to get your payments while they decide but what happens if the review comes back and it says your no longer eligible, do you then have to repay all the money back???
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Tish I was awarded until jan 2025, they sent my review forms may 24, received a letter last week to say my claim hadn’t been assessed yet and they are extending the existing award for another 12 months. Grateful the payments haven’t stopped but really would like it over with as the assessment period can cause worry x
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    I've been waiting since December 2023. That's currently 11 months. I've has a single letter from them apologising for the backlog. This is after they gave me 8 days and no extension to complete it by December 30th, yes the whole of Christmas week. Apparently it got delayed in the seasonal post. The same reason, plus Bank holidays, didn't apply to me sending it back. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    I've been waiting since November 2023 for my review to be completed. Keep receiving text messages every 3 months that my review will be completed in due course. 
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    · 4 months ago
    Iv been waiting 7 months to get my claim reviewd 
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    · 4 months ago
    They still pay u while your pip is under review 
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    · 4 months ago
    They have had my review form since Nov 9th 23 just got a message saying they still have it but not been processed
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    · 5 months ago
    22 weeks and still no review assessment done 
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    · 5 months ago
    I've been waiting for about q0 months.its a review ,I also have told them for past 4 years I can not plan a journey,but still don't beleave on morphine and can't think straight alot of the time
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    · 5 months ago
    I returned my review papers sept 2023. I had a text to say it was being dealt with in may 2024. I then had a face to face assessment in August but still no decision. My previous award ran out in sept 2024. I have no idea if I will be paid in October. My mobility vehicle needs to be changed and my blue badge has now been taken away as it cannot be continued without the mobility award confirmation. This somewhat confines me to the house.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Michael You can contact your blue badge provider and apply for a blue badge without a PIP award x 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Michael Hi Michael

      I an in the same situation as you.  There are some things you can do. 

      1)  Contact DWP and ask for a letter to confirm that you award has been extended for 1 year.  I was given this because my award had ended and I still had not been reviewed, therefore I was automatically extended for one year.

      2) If you have less that 20,000 miles on the clock of you motability car or you have lots of adaptions to it you can contact Motability and speak to them about extending your less for a further two years.  Then once your award review comes through you can change you car whenever you like during the lease extension period.

      3) Your Blue Badge is not actually dependent on your PIP award.  I got my blue badge before I got my award by filling in the Blue Badge application form and sending in my medical records.  

      It's is all a bit of a faff I know, but it is all worth trying.  You can also sound our your GP and ask if they have a Social Prescriber at your doctors surgery.  Social Prescribers are a bit like having the Citizens Advice Bureau in your GP practice and they are there to help people just like us.

      I hope this is helpful.  Good luck.

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    · 5 months ago
    I helped a client complete a review form in March and last week he received a letter stating that the review is not yet complete and his award has been extended to October 2025. It also states that if they cannot complete the review by then they may extend it again. We believe that had a review been carried out he would have been awarded the enhanced rate for mobility he is currently receiving the standard rate. I don't understand why DWP are bothering to send out review forms if they are just going to extend awards. Client and I spent a long term completing the review form and getting evidence together. Complete waste or our time!
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    · 5 months ago
    I’ve sent my pip form bk in June had ph call aug and they receive my form back with the doctors report how long will it be now
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      · 5 months ago
      @John Im the same as you. I run out march 2025 but im expecting them just to extend it . Good luck
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    Been waiting 6 months so far! I sent my PIP review form back in April 2024. Received a text message a couple of days later saying they had received it. 3 months later received a text saying “We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can. You may still need an assessment with a health professional. Your PIP will continue to be paid until we review your claim. You only need to contact us if your circumstances change”. Today I received another text saying the same thing. My claim is due to run-out in November. Will it be automatically extended? The stress of waiting is killing me! I suffer with chronic anxiety, serve depression, and OCD. I don't think I can take much more of this!
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      · 4 months ago
      @Shaun Hi if you are already a mobility car customer having 12 months no longer applies so you can apply for a new car.  Having 12 months left applies only to new applicants now. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Shaun Shaun - regarding your car contact Motability because they may well extended your lease.  They have extended mine for another two years.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Paul (West Midlands) You will still receive your pip payments, so dont worry. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Paul (West Midlands) Yes I was told as I'm in the same situation that they will extend the claim for a further year when it comes up for renewal in November. The only problem I have is my mobility car comes up for renewal and I need more than one year award to get a new one at the end of contract.
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    · 6 months ago
    My pip is due for renewal end of September 2024, but I haven't heard anything - should I contact them?? 
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    · 6 months ago
    I returned my forms in mid January 2024. Soon after I received the text telling me they had received my review forms. 

    I phoned in August 2024 and told that it will be at least 10-12 months, more likely longer, before they will undertake the review and I will be expected to attend a face to face assessment meeting. 

    If the deteriorating nature of my conditions mean an increase of benefit I shall be interested to see if that will be backdated to January 2925 or try using the 3 month rule as they do with new claims. 
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    · 6 months ago
    My current PIP Award is until end of December 2026. Am I going to be called for an assessment now or nearer the end date? I only ask as I am housebound and worried sick that I'm going to called for an assessment under the new scheme and don't know what I can do as I am unable to leave my home.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Adam They can come to your home to do your assessment cos they come to my home. Bit I wouldn't worry I sent my review form back in Feb 24 and I still haven't had my assessment they are running so far behind
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      · 5 months ago
      @Adam They will be able to attend your home i think too. My sister couldnt get out either. She has pip.  
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      · 5 months ago
      @Adam Just tell them you need a home visit because you cannot leave your home. That's what I did.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Adam Further to my last post, if anything, I would WANT a new Pip assessmemt now, not in a year or so. Simply because if they decide to change the questions on the assessment form, and take out some related to mental health, that will make it tougher when that is implemented. Currently, the Pip assessment forms are the same questions with the same indicators as previous.

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      · 6 months ago
      @Adam Hi Adam.

      You will be sent a review firm from anything up to 12 months before your end date. So in your case, December 2025, but not before - unless of course you report a chamge in circumstances.

      Any changes to Pip assessments will take a while to implement  I would imagine. If they do change the Pip assessments then this will effect everybody at some point in the future. I would imagine when people's Pip is up for renewal, they will fall into the new rules and regs -so potentially you could be one of those. But until there is more clarity in the October budget, no-one knows what is happening, and these are just assumptions. Any major changes could be potentially challenged in court, which will drag it on even longer.

      I'm afraid we are all going to have to wait until October to find out what changes, if any, will apply to ALL benefits, not just Pip.
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    · 6 months ago
    The new changes to Pip that took effect in the 01st week of September is the DWP's attempt to expedite waiting times. Various new companies have taken over the role of Pip assessments - the goal is to reduce waiting times on all Pip claims, including people awaiting Pip reviews.

    You won't notice ANY difference in the procedure or in the assessment itself. However, you might find your Pip reviews start to speed up somewhat.

    Please find reference to detail here:

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    · 6 months ago
    My anxiety is just constantly at a high level, my claim is until feb 25 and I filled in the review form and sent it back two months ago. So is no one being reviewed right now?? What does this mean?
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      · 5 days ago
      @FS It basically means if they scrap pip for mental health no one will get a review and payments will stop 
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    · 6 months ago
    Just had another text from them, to say that they still have my review form, pending review, and that I might still need an assessment. I get these texts every 3 months, it would seem - this is the 3rd one. Initial 2.5 year PIP award ends this November, but I still qualify - no changes. 

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