GPs are being paid £33 a time to complete factual report forms in relation to personal independence payment, it has been disclosed.{jcomments on}

Details of the payment and a copy of the new GP factual report form have been published on the Pulse website for GPs.

The form instructs GPs to:

Please write down facts rather than opinion. We require an objective report - please only include information about symptoms that are recorded in the patient’s records and information about disabling effects that you or another healthcare professional have directly observed.

Please complete all sections as fully as possible but write “not known” if appropriate.  “Not known” can be helpful.

There are then the following sections for GPs to complete:

1. Disabling conditions.  
Please list conditions or impairments which affect the patient’s functional ability.

2. History of condition(s).
Include details of any relevant special investigations.

3. Symptoms and variability.
This is especially helpful in conditions that fluctuate. It should be based on information in the clinical record. Include both day-to-day and longer-term fluctuations. Include the frequency and duration of exacerbations. Please also specify if the condition is well controlled.

4. Relevant clinical findings.  
Entitlement is based on the impact of the individual’s impairment or health condition(s) on their everyday life. Please provide details of examination findings related to the severity or impact of any health conditions or impairments.

5. Treatment – Current, planned, response and prognosis
Please provide details of drug and non drug treatment and aids and appliances used (prescribed or, if known, non-prescribed). Please specify frequency of treatment and, for medication, dose as relevant.  

6. Effects of the disabling condition(s) on day to day life.
If known, it would be helpful to have information on the patient’s ability to:

  • Manage their health conditions and treatment
  • Communicate
  • Walk or move around
  • Get somewhere on their own
  • Make simple decisions
  • Prepare, cook and eat food
  • Wash, bathe and use the toilet/ manage incontinence
  • Dress and undress

Only include information that has been confirmed by a health professional. Please state if this is not known.

7.  Does the patient have a history of threatening or violent behaviour?

8. Could your patient travel to an assessment centre by public transport or taxi?

9. Additional information
Use this section if there was insufficient space in one of the previous boxes OR to add important relevant factual information that has not been written in the body of the report.  Do not use the section to provide an opinion.

Unfortunately, if past experience is any guide, many of these forms will be filled in by non-medical staff using patient notes and may then simply signed off by the GP who may or may not have good knowledge of the patient and may or may not have read the completed form in detail.


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    · 1 years ago
    My GP has been sent a Factual report the only thing is I have phone consultation with the GP as our surgery has been taken over I am trying for PIP i have meny aliments but suffering sever chronic pain depression and anxiety i have a  phone call assment on the 29th January 2024 so anXious as i wear hearing aids in both ears and might not understand them asking questions its the report form gp that worries me as i do not see them but i am having counsiling every week for depression and its on going i gave up my job in sept 2023 as became overwhelmed and depressed with life this does not help the fact with the pip proccess , hope every one on this site is ok doing well x

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