Benefits and Work is receiving numerous emails and comments from claimants whose PIP payment has failed to go into their bank account today. 

“I woke this morning my money did go in my bank 1st time ever since 2016 , I am trying to call them since 9 am machine comes on as I think I will go through to someone it just cuts off ridiculous.”

 “Trying to call due to missing a payment and I get through to the options, once selected I get cut off or a dial tone. I've attempted about 8 times currently.”

 “My payment never went into my bank. Tried a number of times without success. After several attempts a auto message stated that "some claimants (which probably means thousands)have not received their payments today and they are investigating". Hope they sort it out soon.”

It appears that there has been some sort of software issue and it is unlikely at this stage that phoning the PIP enquiry line is going to make any difference. 

We’ll post updates on this page when we hear anything more and, if anyone whose payment didn’t go in as expected does subsequently receive it, please post a comment below.

Still no official announcement from the DWP about what has gone wrong and whether the problem has now been fixed.  But we are hearing from people whose payments have now been made, so it's probably worth phoning the PIP enquiry line if yours hasn't - assuming you can ever get through.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    Sarah · 1 years ago
    Mine was ment to be on last Friday still not got my pip I'm worried 
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      Tracey · 1 years ago
      @Sarah My brothers was meant to be in today and still nothing anyone had problems 
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    Donna · 1 years ago
    My son's payment never went in today. Is there still an issue? 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      Jake · 1 years ago
      @Donna I was due my payment at midnight today still nothing getting quite worried now 
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    Michelle Rees · 1 years ago
    My pip payment should be in bank not yet received it. My last pip payment was 23rd December 2022. Hope comes this week. 
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      Tracy · 1 years ago
      @Aam Same thing here meant to get it today 
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      Aam · 1 years ago
      @Michelle Rees Same I was meant to receive it as I got paid 23rd too, I'm confused, anyone know what I should do?
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    Kayy · 1 years ago
    Has anyone been paid today? My payments usually come in on the 14th, obviously with that being a saturday this month I was expecting it today? Any idea whats going on
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      Lou Hamilton · 1 years ago
      @Kayy I’m normally paid between the 10th-16th and not been paid either. Very confused as cannot find any info. Will call them in the morning. Hope you get sorted too
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    Pat · 1 years ago
    Nothing paid in last month and now due a payment for January on Tuesday. Any idea what's happening?
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      Jde · 1 years ago
      @Pat This happened to me too, it happened because I reported the 150 payment missing two weeks after it came out, when they tried to put it through again an automatic suspension happened on my account all sorted and lifted now hope this helped 
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    Pissed off · 1 years ago
    I have not received my pip payment 

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    Ali · 1 years ago
    I was due pip today and havnt received it dreading phoning if people r having problems getting threw 
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    Kyle · 1 years ago
    I was supposed to have had my pip paid in this mornig but havnt, i am supposed to recieved payment today as itsbank holiday on the 1st, currently on the phone to them trying to find out whats gone on
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      Daisy · 1 years ago
      @K Same here.. It's worrying alot of people, an announcement would be nice from them. 
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      K · 1 years ago
      @Kyle Mine hasn’t been paid in a month 
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    Donna · 1 years ago
    My pip payment due yesterday never went in can’t get through to number any update
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    Tia · 1 years ago
    Havent got my pip look at my bank account notting in there let's hope I get it soon. I should be getting it today because its bank hoilday monday. 
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    stella · 1 years ago
    Can anyone tell me if anyone's had their pip payment gone in i was suppose to get it on 3rd or 4th jan but i was told it go in on 30 December and its not in my bank yet can anyone tell me whats going on. 

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    S · 1 years ago
    I got through to them this morning after 45 mins wait, they’ve told me they already made my payment - I have nothing showing this on my online banking app and I would remember the payment being spent. 
    When I mentioned numerous people are missing their pip payments they told me there’s no issues being flagged regarding this on their system.
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    Jade · 1 years ago
    HS anyone spoke to them I can’t get through what’s the update please 
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    S · 1 years ago
    Mine was due on 11th dec, still not received. Does anyone know the number as the one I’ve used just tells me of my next payment date and then ends the call.
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      Daisy · 1 years ago
      @S Mine was due early December, but not heard or received a thing. It made Christmas a real struggle. I hope we all get our payments soon. 
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    K · 1 years ago
    I was due my pip payment today. Not arrived. I rely on this money to pay my bills. What's happening.
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    Karen O'Donnell · 1 years ago
    My pip was due today 29th but its not been paid and I have direct debits due
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    K · 1 years ago
    Was supposed to get my payment on Saturday (Christmas eve as I’d changed my bank details and had to get the payment reissued to my new bank) got told this from dwp thereselves on Thursday now it’s wednesday next again week and I’ve got nothing? Surely they wouldn’t tell me Saturday as it’s a weekend and I called up on the 23rd before everything closed, this is really frustrating as I was relying on the pip first payment to get me threw this month now I have no food, electricity or anything because the payment still hasent went in, I’ve called up and been on the line for an hour and 40 minutes for it too go quiet and i the call was still ongoing but no one was talking, this is very annoying and has raised my anxiety levels so much, I’m trying to get a lend of money from someone but I don’t think I can and pip lines aren’t even in there offices today, I called up after being almost disconnected in a way to then wait 2 hours and 10 minutes for me to hang up out of frustration, Im now waiting 25 minutes from 14:56 and still on hold, I’m not really sure who’s in charge of these ques but they need sorted out asap, same with the questions it asks at the start as it’s ridiculous.
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    Claudia · 1 years ago
    Still no PIP payment, mine is due on 23rd. I had £10 xmas bonus (I assume that’s what it was - my first year getting PIP) on 12th dec. 
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    Aaron · 1 years ago
    Anyone got pip yet

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    Giselle · 1 years ago
    Still not received sons PIP due 6th Dec! 😡