We’d like to hear from people who have been through the new PIP renewal process involving the shorter PIP Award Review (AR1) form. This is the form that asks you whether each activity has got:{jcomments on}

  • Easier
  • Harder
  • No change

We’re getting reports from members who indicated on the form that there had been no change in their ability to carry out activities. However, they were then required to attend a face-to-face assessment at which the health professional did not have a copy of their most recent PIP 2 ‘How your disability affects you’ form.

This means that the health professional is making an assessment with no written evidence from the claimant to refer to at all. The whole process rests solely on the questions that the HP chooses to ask.

So we’d really like to hear about your experiences, if you’ve completed the PIP Award Review form.

Did you say there had been any changes?

Did you have to attend a face-to-face assessment?

What was the outcome of your renewal?

You can respond by posting a comment below or emailing us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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    · 1 years ago
    Having applied for A CHANGE OF Circumstances in my PIP was told to apply for a MRN and sent my details in Early April and was told to send my paperwork to be looked at again and told the same ~it would have have to to go to tribunal to be looked at, as I am still waiting how long is it taking to get a tribunal date as it is now 10 months and still no news I thought it was only to be around 16 weeks to get a date and if I win do I get backpaid to when i first informed them.
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