Lat month, we published a poll asking readers “Would Labour be better than the Conservatives for disabled claimants?” 

We asked the question because Labour almost completely ignored the issue of benefits in their manifesto.  It left many claimants wondering whether this was because Labour were largely sympathetic but don’t want to provide a target for the right-wing press or whether it is because they have nothing positive to say to claimants.

In the absence of hard evidence, we thought it important to give people a chance to share how they were interpreting the silence.

Almost 2,500 people took part in the poll. The results were:

1 Labour will be supportive of disabled claimants.  20%

2 Labour will be less harsh than the Conservatives.  39%

3 Labour will be as harsh as the Conservatives.  34%

4 Labour will be harsher than the Conservatives.  7%

So, overall 59% of readers think that Labour will be better than the Conservatives and 41% think they will be just as harsh or even harsher.

It isn’t a overwhelming vote of confidence in Labour, but clearly the majority of respondents think that a Labour government would be an improvement.

Many hundreds of readers left comments explaining their approach to the coming election.  Some even managed some optimism:

“… Vote tactically, wherever you are (see and we could see the Liberal Democrats become the official opposition to Labour. Just imagine how much Ed Davey would highlight the problems facing the disabled and carers.”

“Labour will spend on Public services that matter to disabled people, including the nhs, so although they haven’t said much on benefits I believe there will be positive changes to come under a Labour government, including disability benefits.”

Lots of commentors said they would be voting Labour but with very little hope or optimism:

“We know for DEFINITE that the Tories will try to abolish PIP payments, and make ESA far harder to qualify for. We do NOT know what Labour will do. Therefore, if Labour get into power there is a chance that things will NOT be as bad as if the Tories remain in power. Consequently, it is VITAL to vote out the Tories! Sadly, Labour is our only hope.”

“labour wont be any worse than the torys i will vote labour and hope for the best”

For others, Labour’s silence on most benefits issues was cause for real alarm:

“If there is minimal information (though comments by various shadow ministers do seem somewhat worryingly indicative) then it is almost certainly because  "Labour" intends to continue with the general policy of the Tory administration ... or inflict worse .... but would rather not advertise that oppressive similarity till after the election.“

“No news is not always good news.  I feel labour is not commenting much on any benefits issues as they are likely to stick with at least a number of measures that conservatives have already started, as in the short term at least it will lead to savings.”

And for some, there seemed no hope from any party:

“… sorry but yes I think Labour can be worse or at least as bad, that is not to let the Tories off in any shape or form, but sadly I have no faith in any political party to deliver absolutely anything. We are voiceless at the ballotbox our vote counts for nothing …”

You can read hundreds more comments from claimants here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    Keir Cameron
    Rachael Osborne
    Liz Duncan Smith
    Wes Hunt.

    Enough said.

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    · 4 months ago
    Its very simple. 
    If you are disabled or ill, DO NOT vote for any political party.
    NONE of them care about disabled people or carers, only themselves and those who make large donations under the table for protections and favors that come at great cost to the rest of us .
    We need a NEW party, t
    We need a party that is supported by charities and the unions. Not a Labour party that has sold its soul to the devil, that looks down its nose at minority groups, that is in bed with the Tories
    Do not vote for your own funeral. 
    Westminster dos not work for you
    We are not all in it together.
    They do not deserve our recognition.
    They do not deserve our support.
    Voted Labour all my life, NEVER AGAIN. 
    Eyes now wide open. They really are... all the same.

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    · 7 months ago
    I voted for Labour as a disabled voter, three weeks in and i want my vote back.
    I don't trust Labour and i don't trust Starmer, Kendall ext. 
    The Labour party has spent 14 years saying how unfair and cruel Tory policies against the most vulnerable are/have been. Especially against people with disabilities.
    Now silence and possible future complicity.
    The disabled have been blamed for the financial crash, brexit, Tory waste and incompetence and now the lack of growth in the economy! ALL lies.
    As it is.. The UK under a Tory or Labour government is a hostile environment for people with disabilities. I say to ALL disabled people NOT to support Labour again unless they reverse ALL the cruel and deceitful (in their words) Policy changes targeted at disabled people over the last 14 years. Anything other then this would be betrayal.
    Take the bedroom tax, cutting this would be a tax break for the most vulnerable. But it seems Labour are more concerned with how this will upset daily mail readers, rather then help those who are on their knees.
    23% of working age adults and 45% of adults over State Pension age have at least one disability. Its time we stood together and withheld our support for ALL the parties of today. NONE give a monkeys about the disabled, we are simply an easy target that can't fight back. That has to stop.
    If Labour do not stand up for the disabled, then they too should be kicked into the long grass along with the Tories.

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    · 8 months ago
    Come on everybody, hope everyone has responded to the green paper consultation, with considerable noise so that these proposals never see the light of day. No point moaning afterwards if you did not respond and have your say. Use the answers on this site as a guide, put them in your own words, think about your own treatment by the dwp over the years in accessing the necessary support relevant to your own conditions. The more people that respond and give a united response, the better, surely it can’t be ignored…
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    · 8 months ago
    Vouchers are not good for pip we need money to pay for stuff like taxi car repairs 
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    · 8 months ago
    They say silence is golden but not if your on Pip , come on Labour help us out we the public voted you in as us on Pip did not agree with the Tories proposal  with what they where going to do vouchers are no good for us some of us have been awarded 10 years  on Pip is that just going to stop my condition is going to get worse with time I have worked over 40 years paid into the system, where is the human rights in all of this .Mucking on with people with disabilities just more stress and worry  no wonder people are suffering with mental health it’s like one vicious circle, come on Labour tell us your next move stop putting us through Hell ,my daughter has 2 disabled children get rid of the green paper an don’t go onto the white one with this put together a fairer  pip to help the disabled of the UK . Us the disabled club need to be heard.
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    · 8 months ago
    It's sad reading some of these comments. I really don't believe Starmer's Labour Party will be any better for those with disabilities.  I have read that they will be reviewing the Consultation currently online,which concludes on 22nd July. It would appear that they too,are considering removing cash payments and replacing it with vouchers or claim forms,both of which could still be faked, as were tenant agreements and employment ect, recently reported in the media.
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    · 8 months ago
    All parties are targeting disability claimants. Simply because this is a way to save money for them. I definitely do not think Labour will be any more fair than Conservatives. 
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    · 8 months ago
    Cameron was the one that said he would not change or impair Disability benefit..6 months after he got into power he let Ian duncan smith introduce PIP which changed the whole DLA system.. I had an indefinite award for my issues but as soon as I had to have the first assessment by a "qualified health " idiot I lost that and ended up less well off until I went through mandatory appeal.. I have been fighting my own corner with upsetting and painful reviews ever since with so much genuine proof from my health teams that gets brushed aside every time and I still only get the standard rate of Daily care instead of the Higher rate on DLA.. I am too ill and suffering grief from the loss of my dear brave Husband to Cancer to fight the system anymore than I can.. I am just glad he is now out of pain and does not have to go through the same charade as I do just to get the pittance that the Government says I need to live on.. I don't think Starmer will help me any more than Sunaks rabble but we can only hope that he will be more kind and sympathetic to us than the Tories were.
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    · 8 months ago
    Labour were responsible for a lot of suffering under Blair, to disabled people so I doubt anything will change. My uncle at the time worked his entire life had terminal cancer and was told he was fit to work under WCA test another labour idea along with ESA 
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    · 8 months ago
    ive been reading alot of peoples views about IFS AND BUTS lets just enjoy the election and watch labour win and see what happens on benefits {disablilty} and if we think its wrong than with us and charities and human rights and laws than we can all fight and win. i personally have not believed in ifs and buts let it come if it does and than fight until than i try to relax and not stress out to much because it does not help my health problems thank you for reading my views 
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    · 8 months ago
    I'm just not going to bother voting for any of them. They should get their own house in order before picking on their own weak and suffering.

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    · 8 months ago

    The act at point A16 states that 

    People who have had a disability in the past
    A16. The Act says that, except for the provisions in Part 12 (Transport5) and section 190 (improvements to let dwelling houses), the provisions of the Act also apply in relation to a person who previously has had
    a disability as defined in paragraphs A1 and A2 (S6(4) and Sch1, Para 9). This means that someone who is no longer disabled, but who met the requirements of the definition in the past, will still be covered by the Act. Also protected would be someone who continues to experience debilitating effects as a result of treatment for a past disability.
    The equality act provides protection for those with disabilities 
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    · 8 months ago
    l don't know exactly what will happen . But all l know is as a carer we will never have to stop fighting for are son until we die to keep his benefits going .so fingers crossed and we must all stand to gather 
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    · 8 months ago
    I can only comment from my own view the last time Labour were in power. The Blair creature did his utmost to reduce benefit and take it away from people who desperately needed it. My opinion  therefore is coloured by my own experience, which was bad, and I strongly believe that Labour would be disastrous for disabled claimants. Having ME for 29 years has opened my eyes to the shenanigans that these so called representatives of the people try once they gain power. Neither of the main parties have the people's interests at heart.  
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    · 8 months ago
    'Actions speak louder than words' is my message to all the parties. I had brain surgery for  muscle problems. . I still have problems turning my head to the right,
    Due to that and other muscle problems I have begged every NHS dentist and politician to help me get implants, I can not wear dentures,  they keep falling out  and also my mouth burns with them in.
    I am in agony every day and wont go out as i look like I am homeless. There are wires sticking in all directions of the dentures. I have lost too much weight. So where id the money they supposedly put in to dentistry? . last time I had a scan for a different problem i was sent to Harley  Street  really,!!! I am sure they cost a hell of a lot more then the NHS. I wonder what Tory has their hands in that pie, I wish you could look that up
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    · 8 months ago
    Liz Kendall was on Politics Live just now (see iplayer), and when questioned on her specific intentions for PIP 'reform' she was still worringly vague, but while the emphasis was still firmly on work as a universal cure-all the approach was framed in a *slightly* more claimant-sympathetic light than we've been hearing so far.

    Whether or not that's purely a last-ditch PR exercise by 'Labour' because their 'work will set you free' mantra isn't playing quite as well as they'd hoped with the disabled voter base remains to be seen.
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    · 8 months ago
    Starmer is committed to sticking with Tory spending plans and has said taxes won't go up while his government will face a £20 billion black hole in public finances. The UK economy is incredibly weak against a backdrop of record public debt to GDP and a global economy which is faltering towards recession. It is clear that he will attack disability benefits. Starmer is an inveterate liar who has made it clear his priority, like all Labour goverments since Blair, will be to please big business and the city of London. If anyone believes Labour will improve things for disabled people on benefits then they are deluding themselves. Together with the unions the disabled community will face the fight of their lives against Starmer's austerity measures.
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    · 8 months ago
    Personally I think Labour are remaining silent so the right wing media and tories don’t accuse them of being ‘soft on benefits’.  Apparently kier starmers mum was chronically ill for years so I’m hoping he would have slightly more empathy than the tories. 
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      · 8 months ago
      @Vicky I am hoping the same thing but Cameron had a disabled son and look what he did to disabled people. I agree that Starmer's mother will have coloured his view on disability, unfortunately he has always said that she worked despite finding it difficult so it could mean that he thinks all disabled people should struggle through work to give us some pride. 

      As someone with an invisible disability who is living with their mum because I can't cope with living alone I find Labour's mission to force as many people into work as they can terrifying, plus they have said nothing about helping people who can't work to live with dignity and without constant fear. 

      I almost wish that I had spoilt my ballot paper by writing my fears about the main party's disability policies.

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