The latest personal independence payment (PIP) statistics reveal a record number of 3.5 million claims in payment, with over a third of the latest claimants getting the highest possible award. Eight out of ten new claimants got an award lasting two years or less.

At 31 July 2024 there were 3.5 million claimants entitled to PIP in England and Wales, a rise of 3% over the last quarter.

37% received the highest level of award, up from 36% in April.

Success rates

The success rate for new claims was:

  • 46% for all new claims, this is identical to the same period last year
  • 53% for claims that got as far as assessment, an increase from 52% in July 2023

Award lengths

For normal rules new claims in the quarter ending July 2024:

  • 79% of claims awarded were short term (0 to 2 years)
  • 13% were longer term (over 2 years)
  • 7% were ongoing


In the quarter ending July 2024 there were:

  • 210,000 registrations and 240,000 clearances for new claims
  • 33,000 changes of circumstance reported and 29,000 cleared
  • 23,000 registrations and 20,000 clearances for DLA reassessments
  • 120,000 planned award reviews registered and 100,000 cleared
  • 68,000 mandatory reconsiderations  registered and 66,000 cleared

This means that whilst the DWP are getting on top of new claims, they are losing ground on planned reviews, changes of circumstances, mandatory reconsiderations and DLA to PIP transfers.  In fact, the number of planned review decisions was 9% lower than in the same quarter last year.

Last five years

Over the last five years (August 2019 to July 2024):

  • 42% of normal rules new claims, 70% of normal rules DLA reassessment claims, and 98% of Special Rules for End of Life (SREL) claims received an award (excluding withdrawn claims)
  • 73% of planned award reviews resulted in an increase or no change to the level of award received by the claimant
  • 85% of changes of circumstances resulted in an increase or no change to the level of award received by the claimant
  • 34% of mandatory reconsiderations cleared (excluding withdrawn) have led to a change in award

You can read the full PIP statistics for the quarter to 31 July 2024 here.


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    JJ · 6 hours ago
    It's all speculation at the moment but it seems likely that welfare reforms are on the table, PIP claims shot up after the covid lockdowns yet nobody wants to touch that subject, could it be that the emotional effects of isolation has severely impacted the minds of many young people?

    Why is it the political class and media don't want to talk about that? It's because they're the ones who cheered it all on, all of that created the financial mess we are in and furlough also.

    I'll talk about my situation, I've been on antidepressants of every variety since 2007, I witnessed a horrific event between my mother and father as a kid, father was a sexual abuser and abused me and my brother, we later found out he had a criminal record with those acts on the wrap sheet. I managed to work and study until 2019 when I had a complete breakdown, with my mother looking after me. 

    Zero friends as I closed myself off, only person I talk to is my mother, can't communicate face to face with anyone else, been a hermit for years and have been sectioned also as a threat to myself.

    I was recovering then covid happened then everything got worse, the only thing that has kept me going in between waiting 9 months for counselling and being basically palmed off with antidepressants has been the financial sustenance. I haven't put anything on, or playacted and the same goes for everyone here that's why we worry about this situation. I don't want sympathy, I want to recover, I want solutions but the NHS here in Cornwall is stretched, everyone is moving to Cornwall and the services can't take all these people flighting to Cornwall from the big cities.

    We locked down for those elderly telegraph reading people, the same people who throw the younger generations, generations full of mental illnesses under the bus. They are the selfish people and just because they're elderly doesn't give them the right to be such nasty, spiteful hypocrites.

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    vic · 9 hours ago
    All these story's doing the rounds by the media of record high claims for disability benefit is no doubt is being spoon fed by this horrible new goverment,just like the tories did  .
    So when they announce their master plan in the next budget to tackle getting the sick back into work & benefit cuts their wont be an outcry.

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    Truth · 13 hours ago
    Along with the WCA, a major shakeup of PIP will be on the cards this budget without a doubt, either by means testing it, making the criteria infinitely harder to qualify for, or implementing the voucher system instead of money.. Sad, 
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      Anon · 3 hours ago
      @HRH People will just give up their jobs,carers will no longer work and people like myself will lose out because their partner cashed in a pension,it's not my money,none of it is but I will lose my income over him doing that,he has no annuity with the pension, it was a lump sum only scheme and he got 31k so no doubt I will lose my money,I can't do any kind of work at all,and with my health problems noone would ever employ me anyhow
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      claresturgeon · 6 hours ago
      @HRH I'd be grateful if you provide the link where the government has stated that PIP is going to be means tested please. I'd like to read it so I can write to my MP.
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      Jon · 7 hours ago
      @M shirker Yes Mr shirker I to am preparing for part time work if anyone will employ me possibly 4 hours a day 5 days a week 20 hours total
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      M shirker · 11 hours ago
      @Truth @Truth I know it’s all worrying and will effect us all in some way although it will probably be for new claims only and if not then got a least 1-2 years before anything happens I’m preparing for part time work now 
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      HRH · 11 hours ago
      @Truth i dont think the labour government will have the stomach to replace cash with vouchers so it appears increasingly likely that PIP will be means tested.  Like the winter fuel payment.  And i think if they do this it will be a penny wise and pound foolish decision