The difference in success rates between personal independence payment (PIP) and its Scottish equivalent Adult Disability Payment (ADP) are becoming smaller as time passes, though ADP remains the more generous system.

According to the latest figures produced by Social Security Scotland (SSS) the success rate for ADP has fallen from 69% when it was first introduced in September 2022 to 53% in October 2023.

For comparison, the success rate for PIP in October 2023 was 50%.  Whilst this was the highest recent percentage for PIP, success rates have remained at 48% or above for the past six months.

The figures mean that the dramatic difference between PIP and ADP success rates is being gradually eroded.

When it comes to levels of awards for those who are successful, PIP is actually slightly ahead of ADP.

In October 2023 for ADP claimants, 49% got the enhanced rate and 51% got the standard rate.

For PIP claimants, 53% got the enhanced rate and 47% the standard rate.

For the mobility component, the figures for ADP were 52% enhanced and 48% standard.

For PIP mobility, the figures were 56% enhanced and 44% standard.

Clearance times for ADP are marginally quicker at 12 weeks compared to 15 weeks for PIP.

You can read the full ADP stats here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Form completed online, October 2023. Now March 2024 and found out my forms still to be assessed. The waiting times need updated.....people could be looking at 6 month for a quick decision or 9 months if it needs looked in to. 
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    · 1 years ago
    A friend applied for ADP in March 2023,in November 2023 after not hearing anything,they contacted SSS. They were told their application had been mislaid,as of Jan 24 they're still waiting!
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    · 1 years ago
    I had moved over from Pip to ADP, I then had a review. This took 6 months, as I had asked them to re-assess my award due to changes in my health. They continued to pay mystery award past the review date. I was awarded the same, Standard rate care. However, they didn't give me any more mobility points as I was over 66 and could only give me the same points awarded for Pip before I retired. It seemed a bit shambolic, with people on the other end of the phone unsure of what advice to give. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I was told they are taking a year to process renewal claims. I have been waiting 6 months now and I am deteriorating by the day
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    · 1 years ago
    ADP is initially claimed (part 1) via phone call followed by offer of phone appt. to complete part 2, alternate face to face appts also offered. Client can ask for paper form to be posted out. However, this results in clients being sidetracked away from seeking impartial advice from CAB and other agencies. Scotland Social Security becoming both gatekeeper and decision maker. Regarding Re-determination, clients who disagree with their award Decision are directed to phone to explain why, again not giving them the encouragement to seek impartial advice. More clients are going to need to access CAB or other agencies to go to HMCTS Appeal, if indeed they have they have the tenacity to hang on in there.
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      · 1 years ago
      @SICAB My local CAB will not help with ADP forms as they are not funded to do so. Previously they were funded to help with PIP forms and appeals. This process seems to lack the external checks and balances that were available to PIP applicants. I feel more anxious going through an ADP review than I did for my PIP reviews. I never expected to find a more challenging process than the DWP. My review form has been with them for nearly six months and they are unable to give me even a likely timescale for the review to be completed.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lassie citizens advice bureau.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Lassie Voiceability.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @SICAB What agencies can help with an ADP appeal? 

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