The latest figures released by His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) on 14 March, show that 70% of all PIP appeals are won by the claimant.  However, the waiting list for appeals to be heard is growing rapidly.

The figures cover the period October to December 2023.  The success rates by benefit are:

  • PIP 70%, up 1% on last year
  • DLA 58%, down 3% on last year
  • ESA 49%, identical to last year
  • UC 54%, up 1% on last year

30,000 cases were completed in the quarter.  Overall, 56% were cleared at hearing (compared to 61% last year) and 62% were revised in favour of the claimant, the same proportion as last year.

The number of PIP cases lodged was up by 14% compared to last year, with PIP appeals now accounting for 67% of all new cases, compared to just 17% for UC. Overall, there has been a 12% increase in the number of appeals lodged by claimants

There has been a 5% decrease in the number of cases completed.  In particular, there has been a 14% decrease in PIP cases heard and a 15% decrease in ESA cases.

Alarmingly, there has been a 33% increase in cases waiting to be heard, now at 79,000.  This is still well below it peak of 125,000 in 2017.

The average time taken to hear a case has increased by one week to 25 weeks, compared to last year.

You can read the full statistics here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 days ago
    Same as many I’ve been refused pip with osteoarthritis  scored 0 both times my nerves are in bits,on verge of losing job this is the only benefit I can apply for as rest are means tested yet they don’t look at out goings so unfair, they questioned me driving yet I couldn’t work to walk and even questioned me walking my dog yet physio recommends slow gentle walk as part of my exercises  
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    · 6 months ago
    I had my phone assessment yesterday.I suffer with complex ptsd and have constant back pain.The lady was vile and spoke to me like i was on the bottom of her shoe. I got the impression she just didnt believe a word I said so Im not expecting anything. She stated my employer could see the report which is incorrect.My support person has already said we will end up going to a tribunal.I could write a book on my assessment and how she was. If an assessor doesnt personally believe you ,what chance do you stand?   
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    · 6 months ago
    Having had a stroke in March,and having submitted a pip claim,the assessor was able to see me down the telephone and judge my overall health. I can't walk far even with a stick or frame I suffer constant back pain and have depression and anxiety which I am on medication for.Having had also a heart attack and cancer my mental health isn't great.My assessor decided I can do everything unaided I don't have anxiety etc and scored me 0 for every aspect.This is terrible  I have lost my job through illness ,what a marvelous fair health system.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Gerrard Sorry to hear this mate but as Ive just said above..Surely its just a case that they simply dont believe you?..Horrendous. I demanded a face to face as I have nothing to hide but they decided I was to have a phonecall. Like you said..Its amazing what they can see down the phone.Makesure you appeal.
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    · 10 months ago
    Why ios the UC success rate so low?
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    · 11 months ago
    Having been an Advocate (purely on a voluntary basis) for many years, only 2 of my cases have gone to Tribunal on appeal.  One was upped before a hearing and the one this year went to a video hearing.  Both rates were increased to enhanced and my client (after nearly 2 years) got her backdated payments of over £6000.  I use this B&W a lot for my appeals etc. and the guidance here is invaluable so thank you.  All I really want to say is don't be put off - appeal and appeal.  DWP rely on YOU giving up as most people get very anxious when they hear the word 'Tribunal' but don't be.  The first tier Tribunal are INDEPENDENT as opposed to the MR process which is like scoring your own homework!  They are very encouraging and we didn't even have to fight for the enhanced Daily Living as they already made the upgrade to Enhanced.  The decision was made by the end of the day and I could access their decision online the next day so they are pretty quick so please persevere.  Just wish I could help more people.  I hope this gives encouragement to others.
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    · 11 months ago
    I have suffered with chronic migraines for over 6 years now gone through all possible treatments including the mice antibodies and have been denied pip 2 times over the duration of my illness and most recent (still on going) denied appeal after having to go to tribunal and used the fact I get CA looking after my fiance to deny my claim awaiting statements of reasons but going to do new claim as been fighting for years with this claim and not going to get awarded it.
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    · 11 months ago
    The people at Benefits & Work may also want to look at the DWP's use of 'lapsing' appeals for both PIP and Universal Credit and how this is causing the long delays in getting a hearing via HMCTS. Our recent experience of both a PIP and UC appeal, together with data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, shows the extent to which the DWP are ignoring Directions Notices issued by HMCTS, thereby extending the time in which an appeal hearing can be scheduled and then, after months of delay, 'lapsing' the appeal, i.e., accepting the appellant's case. 
    To quote HMCTS, "It is in the interests of both parties (the appellant and the DWP) to ensure the right decision is made at the earliest possible stage. This would likely mean more claims being accepted at the application or mandatory reconsideration stage and fewer appeals being submitted to the tribunal."
    I wonder why this doesn't happen? 
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    · 11 months ago
    No wonder more people have mental health issues (I don’t mean to sound flippant) but DWP must be one of the main causes. Trying to pick your way through a hugely complicated system is stressful for most people with health conditions and disabilities. If your starting point is a mental health issue, you’re disadvantaged from the start. As I’d usual, completion of any governmental forms is nigh on impossible, especially for people most in need. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Half a year wait for a tribunal is so awful, but so unsurprising. Thanks for the update.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Charlie Hi Charlie, I have gone through so many down days fretting about my PIP appeal/tribunal hearing. (I have now waited 7 months) with no sign of a tribunal date or otherwise. It's soul destroying, but needs must. 
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    · 1 years ago
    The pip system should be abolished lots of people scoring 0 points this is discrimination of the sick and disabled 
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      · 6 months ago
      @Michelle conlon I have just experienced it,it's terrible. I have had a stroke in March,I had a heart attack two years back and cancer last year  my physicality is a struggle as is my mental health. I applied for  pip I done the on line questionnaire to see if I qualified, I scored 26 and 12. My assessor scored me 0 on everything. I have lived on savings since march.I think they have instructions not to pay people.its sickening. 

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