The DWP has had to launch yet another review of PIP claims after an error in drafting the law means some claimants may be owed many thousands of pounds in back payments of the mobility component.  However, in this case it appears the DWP will only look at your award again if you contact them and ask them to do so.

Generally, claimants who have reached pension age can’t have an award of the standard rate of the PIP mobility award increased to enhanced.

However, because the law in this regard was badly drafted, claimants who didn’t ask for an increase, but who had a PIP review at which a health assessor found they now met the criteria for an enhanced award, may be entitled to the higher rate.

You may be entitled to an increased award for the mobility part of your PIP, even if you have stopped getting PIP, if all of the following apply:

  • you had your PIP claim reviewed between 8 April 2013 and 29 November 2020
  • you were over State Pension age
  • you received the standard rate of the mobility award
  • you did not report a change in your circumstances that affected your mobility needs
  • you had a health professional assessment which recommended the enhanced rate of the mobility award
  • you continued to receive the standard rate of the mobility award
  • your decision letter told you we could not increase your mobility award because you were over State Pension age

If you think all of this applies to you, contact the DWP and ask for your award to be looked at again.

There’s more details on how to apply on the website


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 months ago
    Got the phone call today there paying me 10.000 I'm so pleased 
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    · 3 months ago
    Sorry guys, I was on full mobility then reduced to low, there fail me on the same question all the time telling lies, isn’t it so frustrating. Knowing you’re entitled to it. So this goes back to 2016. 
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    · 3 months ago
    Hi everyone I’m new on here, I have received a letter off pip saying about the errors on questions and been awarded less points since 2016, my condition had worsened recently, please can anyone help with how to write a letter concerning this please. I suffer with terrible brain fog, 
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    · 6 months ago
    I’ve been on pip since January 2021 on the lower component off daily living and mobility but I’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy in my feet which is really painful I can hardly walk with it it’s so bad.Afew months ago I had a letter off pip I had to fill it in and send it back to see if my health had gotten better or worse I hadn’t been diagnosed with neuropathy then so as soon as I was diagnosed I phoned them up and told them.i had a letter yesterday saying that my pip review hadn’t been completed yet and they were extending my pip until September 2025.
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    · 7 months ago
    I was 1st on DLA for a few years  on indefinitely and was told I had to go on pip due to dla been phased out I’ve been assessed and reassessed nearly every year since it took them from April 23 to April 24 to make a decision and they took low mobility off me and as I’m pension age since November I was told I couldn’t apply or appeal their decision 
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    · 8 months ago
    Can someone explain to me why reporting a change of circumstances makes you ineligible for the claim for wrongly being denied enhanced mobility in the past due  to being over state pension age. I would have thought if the circumstances had worsened then that the claim would be valid. Apparently I ticked all the boxes except that one. I have asked for the decision to be escalated, but I won’t hold my breath.
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    · 9 months ago
    Go to YouTube input DWP Whistle blowers ex workers in DWP and those working now are spilling the beans on just how evil and crooked the DWP is. They are worth watching and sharing.
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    · 9 months ago
    I think this is just a whitewash. I am not eligible as I unsuccessfully made  an appeal to my standard award for care and mobility when I was transferred from DLA to PIP late 2015 - appeal early 2016 - before Pension Age. I had been on high care and high mobility.

    I  was reassessed in Oct 2018 (after State Pension Age) and was awarded 12 points for mobility by the Health Care Professional and 16 for Care. The DM said he couldn’t look at my mobility award although my mobility  had worsened  as I was over State Pension Age. I was awarded High Care and continued on standard mobility. 

    Apparently I am not eligible as I had a tribunal based on my transfer from DLA to PIP even though it was nothing to do with my last reassessment and am also ineligible as I did not report a change of my circumstances that affected my mobility. Does that not make everyone who reports worsening mobility on their reassessment disqualified due to state pension rule. 

    I am really completely confused and would welcome any advice from anyone who has encountered a similar response to mine. Thanks. Good luck to anyone else who tries to right a wrong! 
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    · 9 months ago
    The problem is how do we as claimants, or how can we trust the DWP to be honest and say oh yeh we owe you 10k or even more ?

    The DWP muppets will blag there way through this one.  So how do we know what they will or would actually do ?

    It's alright me ringing them up & saying ermmm i think you owe me a tonne of dough, they'll just say we will look into it.  if you hear back, then we owe you nowt.

    There's no one there to regulate this on our behalf right !!

    I for one was done out of 30 k on my PIP so now I'm going to see if i can get money back.  But I won't hold my breath.  Besides where 's this Tory goverment finding all of this money to back pay claimants ?  They eternally plead poverty, but can when it suits them to conjure, and pluck out of their corrupt Tory hats billions of £'s  willy nilly lol.

    Good luck to all.

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    · 9 months ago
    Have contacted DWP and they say I am not entitled to extra payment due to applying for pip at the age of 66. Before that I was receiving DLA and was made to apply for pip because DLA was being phased out. REALLY. should I try again?.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 months ago
      @Jane Same as me made to change to pip after retirement age ,went from high rate DLA mobility to none.Had mandatory reconsideration that upheld that decision,went to tribunal was awarded standard mobility 2017.
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    · 9 months ago
    When I had my last one to one I was awarded high mobility rate but was told due to me being pension age Ibwould only receive low rate payment. Should I ask for review.
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    · 9 months ago
    I lost my full mobility award when I was transferred from DLA to PIP, it was done by the DWP when I was well over retirement age. I phoned and asked them to reinstate it but they told me as I was over retirement age they would not consider any changes! I was unaware at the time that I could appeal. Seems like sharp practice to me! So I've been without any mobility allowance for several years despite a spinal disability.
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    · 9 months ago
    Just a little advice really.

    In short
    I had been on long term sick from my full time employment since December 2018. , I was diagnosed with breast cancer February 2019. I applied for UC Lcwra in march of 2019 and advised to also apply for pip by UC at that point; I therefore applied for pip June 2019. In August 2019 I was awarded LCWRA. november 2019 I received a zero award in January 2020( no points at all for pip.
    I reapplied for pip in october 2020 and due to covid my assessment was carried out via phone march/april 2021 and received 6 points, again no award.
    Once again I applied for pip, in of 2021 and again a phone assessment in March of 2022 awarded 8 points, once again no award.
    I then asked for a mandatory reconsideration June 2022 again no award.
    Applied again August 2022
    And in October 2022 finally awarded 11 points finally receiving pip standard rate only back dated to June 2022. I was just happy I finally received something, although I still disagreed with some points.
    I asked for a mandatory reconsideration again regarding points in April 2023 and no further awards still awarded standard only. 
    On the 17th August 2023 I received a text to say “Hello from Independent Assessment Services. We conduct Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments for the Department for Work and Pensions DWP. This is for information purposes only, to let you know that we are managing your PIP assessment. We will look at the available evidence and will contact you with an appointment if we need to have a consultation with you. You can find information about the service we provide at You do not need to contact us.further assessment on 13th October 2023.”

    I then received a message to say my REVIEW had been completed on 23rd October and would receive a decision letter in the next two weeks. At the same time I also received another message to say Thank you for telling us about a change. We are sending you a 'PIP How your disability affects you' form. If you have not received it in 2 weeks call us on 0800 121 4433. The date you need to get your completed form back to us is on the front page. We will text you when we receive your form back.
    I never took much notice but decided to appeal via tribal at the start on April 2024 I was able to do this as my mandatory reconsideration was within the one year of my previous request in April 2023.
    Finally on 5th June this year I was awarded from standard pip to enhanced and the lower rate mobility. OVER THE MOON is the only words I can use. They awarded me back from when “ I reported my change 23rd of October 2023

    Question -
    As stated on the 17th August I received an unexpected messaged to say for information only “ we are managing you pip assessment and would be intouch soon: of which I received an appointment for the 13 October 2023. 
    Then a further message to say my review had been completed on the 23rd October 2023 and they would write to me in two weeks and at the same time a message to say thank you for notifying us of a change. 

    ** I asked for a mandatory reconsideration in April 2023 and it was upheld, ( not reawarded). 
    From then I left things: 
    Then the random message from independent assessment services in August 2023 to say they were managing my claim and be in touch which am assessment was set for the October 2023. 

    When I received my call this Monday we went over what was assessed and I was told they had decided I was entitled to backed pip and I higher award. From the DATE I UPDATED my changes ( u never did this 23rd October this was done I assume from my assessment 13th October 2023) I never updated any changes. 

    Should I have questioned this and when should my backdated payment of actually started 
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    · 9 months ago
    I'm still waiting for my LEAP review to restore my SRM that was wrongly taken from me from 2016-2020. I had it reinstated on review but soent 4 years having to use my savings & some of my DL to keep my car on the road. Now I need a new car but haven't been able to save because of the cost of living so I am facing being housebound. I still won't qualify for EDL though so won't be able to access motobility. I don't thing I can survive long term stuck in the house because I won't be able to justify keeping my dog and also my MH will collapse if I can't get outside into nature & the peace I need to manage my sensory overwhelm. Those 4 years missing money could have a devastating effect, but even though I keep asking and have even had my MP write to them, they still haven't done the LEAP review. They don't give a **** about obeying the law.
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    · 9 months ago
    will they look into everyone...?
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      · 9 months ago
      @jlee No...

      You have to get in touch with them.  That way they hope hundreds if not millions of people wont bother, hence they save once again billions of pounds, which really claimants are, and should had been, and still be entitled too.

      Think about it, where are the DWP muppets finding all these workers to do all this graft for them ?  The whole DWP is one colossus joke @ the expense of the claimants.
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    · 9 months ago
    The DWP have no clue how to get benefits right. How can they be trusted in the future. Revamp the whole system and provide better training. 
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    · 9 months ago
    My daughter is still awaiting for her PIP to be reassessed due to the DWP's error in assessing people who have difficulties engaging with other people. So with this recent error at dwp, another backlog due to incompetence. 
    We wrote to dwp in February and only just received a response from them saying that if an error occurred and payment is due we will be contacted on due course. We even sent the assessors report highlighting that that the assessor wrote, this person requires prompting from another person to engage. I think they want everyone to give up and hope with all the errors  they caused it just goes away. Time for a new party, the Lib Dem in my opinion. 
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    · 9 months ago
    Does this mean they will look at your whole claim or just the mobility?

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    · 9 months ago
    So many ifs and buts in this,I don't think many will get it.i was transferred from DLA to PIP early 2017 and went from enhanced mobility to none,asked for mandatory consideration which up held original decision so went to tribunal and was awarded standard mobility enhanced daily living in 2017.i won't qualify because the court made decision in 2017 although when I had a reveiw in 2022 it was agreed i couldnt have enhanced mobility athough i met the criteria because i was over 60.Good luck.
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      · 9 months ago
      @denby Sorry yes I should have said over pension age,which was 60 for me.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Angela Angela, it should not have been denied due to being 60, but due to being over the State Pension age. These are no longer the same age, so please check.
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    · 9 months ago
    DWP were once mentioning about claimants on the Standard Rate of the Daily Living (SRDL) of PIP will be entitled to be receiving the Enhanced rate, with backpayments. Now attention seems to have been put towards the Mobility side of PIP. I was originally on the SRDL of PIP & have now been put unto the Enhanced rate. I was reading that I should be receiving backpayments from when my PIP began, which was when I got transferred from DLA. 

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