It’s still not too late for readers to apply to be a panel member at social security tribunals, although time is now running short.

The Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) has begun recruiting 200 fee paid disability qualified Tribunal members to sit at PIP and DLA hearings.

When we alerted readers about this two weeks ago, some mistakenly thought they had missed their chance because the date for a pre-application seminar had already passed.

In fact, you do not need to have attended the seminar to apply for a post.  But you can watch a recording of the event here.

And, In spite of the title of the position, you don’t need to be formally qualified in any way to take up a post.

You simply need to be somebody who is “experienced in dealing with the physical or mental needs of disabled persons because they work with disabled persons in a professional or voluntary capacity; or are themselves disabled.”

The rate of pay for these posts is £236.24 per day.

Applicants need to be able to commit to working at least fifteen days a year.

For more information and to apply online, visit this page.

But time is running out, the closing date for applications is 1pm on 3 April 2024.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 months ago
    Just to let you know that i have applied.

    I just found out that I've been awarded PIP (I'm dyslexic and had support from MacMillan cancer care to complete the onerous forms).

    I'll let you know how i get on...
    Thanks for posting the link as i wouldn't have known about the opportunity otherwise.

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    · 11 months ago
    I'd do it just for basic expenses, but as others have said, such a position would make me appear well, when I'm far from it.
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    · 11 months ago
    I would love to sit on panel. I have fibromaliga,  muscular skeltur problems, copd, asthma, highblood pressure,  some people think fibro is not an illness but I would like them to see some1 who suffers from it. Love your news letter everyone. But I think I'm not getting the right amount of mobility.  
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    · 11 months ago
    Would not accept job description section online 

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    · 11 months ago
    Have tried to apply but will not submit online?
    Many thanks 
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    · 11 months ago
    I would love to help out with something like this to at least get me out of my house for 15 days in a year other than hospital appointments but I know that I will lose my PIP and ESA as many years ago I wanted to volunteer for the Red Cross for a couple of hours a week but was told if I could volunteer then I could go get a job (apart from the fact I have days when I can walk and days when I can’t even get out of bed to go to the toilet without help) it’s unfortunate that disabled people who really would benefit from mixing with other people cannot because we are too afraid of having our benefits removed from us 
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    · 11 months ago
    Can you apply if you live in Scotland 

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 11 months ago
      @John D I’d like to apply in Scotland too and I have so much to offer, why is this open in ever other region of the UK but not here? Can we apply to serve in the north of England and if successful, would the additional travel be compensated?
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    · 11 months ago
    I would apply, BUT,  I am in receipt of state pension, and PIP. Also, not always very well, physically. I am concerned that paid work would take me over the threshold for taxable income, and could impact on any reassessment for PIP. 
    Is there anyone who could advise on financial implications for anyone on benefits if they participate in the tribunal panel? I have in the past taken on ‘permitted work’ whilst on ESA, and this did have a negative effect when benefit was being reassessed.
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      · 11 months ago
      @Peecee At a rate of £236.24 per day, assuming no other taxable income, you'd have to work more than 53 days in this role to cross your personal tax allowance. Of course, pension income would factor in, but you'd still only pay tax on the amount above your personal allowance. Means-tested benefits would be affected but PIP is not means-tested. 
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    · 11 months ago
    I would like to be a panel member ... however as a carer the current carers allowance rules mean that taking up this position would invalid carers allowance and cause mayhem.

    Until such time the Government changes the law in respect of how it treats fee payment then good quality candidates cannot come forward. If only the Government by Statutory Instrument invoke that fees earned from tribunals would be excluded as 'income'.
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    · 11 months ago
    3rd. April 24 is not a Sunday?

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