Strong evidence has emerged that the DWP is going to start migrating income-related employment and support allowance (irESA) claimants to universal credit (UC) this year, without any hoped for postponement.  The latest proof is in the government’s response to a report into UC by the Pubic Accounts Committee (PAC).

In the last few days we have highlighted growing evidence that suggests that any delay in the forced migration of irESA claimants to UC is unlikely to happen.

One clue was the DWP Touchbase newsletter, which said that the “correct level of support is in place to safely move customers over to UC”.  

We also highlighted that the DWP updated its “Move to Universal Credit if you get a Migration Notice letter” page on 30 August to include confirmation that “claimants who are moving to Universal Credit from Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) without a break do not need to provide fit notes if they meet the listed criteria.”

The latest evidence is in the response by the government to the PAC’s report into the DWP’s progress in implementing UC.

The original PAC report was written in April of this year, under the former Conservative government.  But the response, in the September Treasury Minutes, is addressed to “the new committee”, making it clear it was the current Labour government that wrote it.

The PAC argued that “With the move of Employment and Support Allowance claimants to Universal Credit now deferred to 2028, it will be vital for the Department to capture and act upon the learning from its current programme about how to migrate vulnerable claimants effectively.”

However, since that was written, the Conservatives decided to move the migration of ESA claimants forward.  So, in their response, the Labour government say:

“The department acknowledges the need to be ready for migration of the Employment and Support Allowance cohort in 2024-25 as opposed to 2028. This is in-light of the recent policy change to bring the migration of the Employment and Support Allowance cohort forward and deliver this element as part of the current Universal Credit Programme.”

This appears to make it clear that the Labour administration intends to stick to the new, accelerated timetable for migrating ESA claimants to UC.

The government also rejects the criticism by the committee that they should not be reducing the funding for the Citizens advice ‘Help to Claim” service at a time when more claimants will need advice.

The government argues that:

“The department is currently working with Citizens Advice to consider the impact on Help to Claim of bringing forward the migration of remaining Employment and Support Allowance claimants to Universal Credit and what steps are needed to ensure the right support is in place for these customers.”

ESA claimants who also receive child tax credit are already being migrated to UC.  It seems increasingly likely, but still not certain, that other ESA claimants will be following them in the coming months. 

The fact that the government is aware of how anxious claimants are about when the migration process will begin, but still chooses not to make an announcement, says a great deal about its attitude to people whose lives it has such an effect upon

You can download the September Treasury Minutes, which contain the government response to the PAC report, from this page.

Many thanks to Rightsnet, the website for welfare rights workers, for highlighting this document.


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    Reuben James · 7 days ago
    I have been on income related ESA and basic pip for 7 years. Am I likely to lose everything with this transition. ? I thought they'd decided that UC was not working ? I have a long term mental health disability with depression and anxiety and this is really worrying me. Do they have support for the number of people who will lose their benefits due to this transition ? 
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    Chris Wheeler · 7 days ago
    My friend who is in support group of ESA received her UC migration notice yesterday 
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    Dr, K Khan · 7 days ago
    Hello all, I have MS and other comorbidities and had to leave my profession due to my disability. I was originally taken off ESA without migration to UC, this was a terrible process and I was left without welfare benefits for two months and was in arrears of rent up to 3k , with a notice to quit applied by my landlord. Despite all the appeals, DWP never repaid me any back-dated payment. I have several family members who have autoimmune comments like me and the process of migration to UC has been terrible. I would have presumed the whole purpose of migration is that you automatically go from one welfare benefit to another without any hassle or inconvenience, but to my dismay, it looks like you are still treated as a new claimant and have to undergo some tedious process as a new UC claimant. I have had family members on ESA Support LWC secured still having to produce fit notes and prove their ID. Like some of the clients on this site, some of the family members due to their disability hardly leave their home without help and support and this has caused a huge problem in going into a JC physically to prove their ID and have not been paid for months. The whole process of the ESA migration is not fully sought out and the process as promised by the DWP is flawed and discriminates against disabled people. I personally think the government do this deliberately to discourage people for applying welfare and to force them back to work. The whole system is unfair and arbitrary.  
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      as · 5 days ago
      @Dr, K Khan thats just nonsense they do not try and put you off, DWP need to follow strict legal guidelines to get anew claim from a claimant and you do not need to get fitnotes and are not treated as if it was a new claim if that is the case then the   staff asking fro these need to be upskilled
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      mrfibro · 6 days ago
      @Dr, K Khan Dr Khan, i totally agree with you.  It's all about putting you off, so you don't bother claiming, so they can cook the books,  and more importantly save money in the bargain at the expense of the claimants.
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      Jon · 7 days ago
      @Dr, K Khan Are you receiving your UC payments now are you on the system
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    Kelsey · 7 days ago
    I've moved successfully from ESA to UC. I didn't need a WCA but still had to get a sick note. I have CFS,but I recently had a stroke,and I'm on full pip for both. To be honest the whole change over was worrying but it was made rather easily and needn't have worried
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    Delphine · 7 days ago
    What is a compliance interview please? I am on irESA and I was so happy when I heard it would be 2028 before I would be migrated to UC. I have gone downhill with my mental health when I heard the date had been pushed forward. I barely get out of bed. I feel totally hopeless and have no security or stability whatsoever with this huge unknown thing about to happen. It looms over me like a black shadow that I can’t break free from. I don’t know anything about the process of migration so would like to hear from anyone about what to expect. 
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    Tavvy · 7 days ago
    I received a UC Migration(from ESA) letter in August. I do not receive tax credits as I have no children. I made a mess of the online UC form as there was no guide to filling it in. Usually with PIP, ESA etc there is a handy guide to help fill it in. I am used to computers and online forms but I felt pressured to fill it in quicker than I would have liked. I looked around on various charities websites but their UC info was out of date. I could not find adequate help and there was no where to ask questions in the time frame given, as such my UC claim is a bit of a mess and being drawn out.
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    Frances · 7 days ago
    Dear B&W,

    Are you able to contact Liz Kendall/DWP/other relevant parties and show them the fear and confusion rife among esa claimants waiting for the migration letter, and point out that the level of support promised by the government really does not seem to be in place for the vulnerable? The route to document verification, especially, seems to be a major issue.

    Many thanks.
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    Ella50 · 7 days ago
    This government are just as bad as the last one. I am so glad that I didn't vote for them. There are so many other places where savings could have been made but they have made the choice to go after the elderly and the sick and disabled and the poorest. Despicable especially when one reads that the Chancellor made sure she claimed nearly 5K in fuel allowances!
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      mrfibro · 6 days ago
      @Ella50 It all started by labour, then conservatives, and now back to labour.  Nothing has changed except its got much worse.  No political party in this country care about disabled people at all.  The disabled ministers have all been wet lettuces, and cowered down to their masters.

      Coroners, and high court Judges rulings still have none or very little impact on the DWP's factory.  They have their own vile discriminate, callous culture against the disabled people of Britain.  And its cost thousands of lives, and its still going on to this day.
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    A. Williamson · 7 days ago
    I have received the letter and I am currently being moved across to UC. I have kidney disease and it is a nightmare and will probably finish me off
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      mrfibro · 6 days ago
      @A. Williamson Hi is there like a mock form one can download to prep themselves prior to receiving a notice of migration.
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    Mks · 7 days ago
    A lady at the dwp told me (rightly or wrongly) that they will be moving contributions based esa over to uc at some point too. Will we still receive ni contributions? Will it still be non means-tested (unlike UC)? Thank you for all you do 
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      Robbie · 7 days ago
      @Mks I think some DWP staff are getting confused. What will happen with people in receipt of contributions based ESA is that the ESA claim will at some stage be converted to New Style ESA. It's still contributions based but is the newer version, which doesn't have an income related equivalent also called ESA. The relevance of the conversion from the old style conts based ESA to the new style is that it takes away the ability to claim an income related ESA top up. Your actual ESA will show no change and you'll receive the same amount and NI credits too.
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      Edwards · 7 days ago
      @Mks I think that's wrong, contribution based esa only can not move over to a means tested system without being means tested in itself, at that point it is no longer contribution based only income based, thus can't be correct as if they take away all contribution based benefits, anyone being made unemployed who has savings wouldn't qualify for a penny after paying into the system, that is surely not right on any level
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    dmwors · 7 days ago
    Had an awful time. A friends mother died so he had to be rehoused which meant be couldn’t migrate but was forced into a change of circumstances. JC were insisting on sick notes, work commitments, insisting he cancelled his ESA support group claim. He has agoraphobia but had to attend Job Centre for ID confirmation. They threatened to close his claim at every step. We had to involve our MP to help. This gentleman was grieving, homeless and his only income was his ESA and they were threatening to stop this. He was so scared.
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      Jonno · 7 days ago
      @dmwors Shameful. No empathy for what the man has gone though. Dreadful organisation.

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      TM · 7 days ago
      @dmwors I had that, I used to be on Income support and carers , mum died late 2017. In 2018 , housing Association wanted the 3 bed back so I had to bid for a year for a 2 bed, both myself and my daughter had autism.  Also my esa I had just got was stopped.  Living on nothing, they messed my claim up. Had to go to a tribunal.  Now waiting for esa review for 9 months,  on LCW but health worse. Dreading migration over to UC
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    T · 7 days ago
    People are saying that You can longer verify your identity through the Government Gateway according to  
      I presume there will be and must be another way to verify your identity online for them. Does anybody know what it is please?  
     Thank you.
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      Jonno · 7 days ago
      @John R You shouldn't have to since you are migrating from ESA support group to UC so you should go onto UC(LCWRA).

      However, the UC online application is treated as a new claim to my mind and does ask you sign a claimant commitment BEFORE you submit your claim for UC.

      Essentially, you are being forced to sign it against your will so you can make your claim for UC and you shouldn't have to this. If you don't tick the bus it won't let you submit your claim for UC.

      The DWP don't know officially you are migrating from ESA until you verify your identity online or at the Jobcentre.

      People should have been transferred over automatically or given a code to enter online so as the system automatically knows you are migrating from ESA support group and thus don't need to sign a claiment commitment.

      Apparently, you have to go to your journal and quote Regulation 19(Transactional Protections 2014) which means you would go onto LCWRA, the equivalent of ESA Support Group and would not have to have a Work Capability Assessment unless you were due a review. In addition, you wouldn't need fit notes.

      My point is none of this should be necessary, but that's the way the DWP have set it up.

      Please if you are unsure go to the CAB or Turn2us for advice.

      I am a layman and have just picked up this stuff from this site and

      I am ESA WRAG so I will transfer to UC(LCW) so the UC claimant commitment will be applicable to me.

      Sorry for the long winded reply but the benefits system is very complex even though it has allegedly been simplified

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      John R · 7 days ago
      @Jonno if you are in the support group, you still have a 'claimant comittment?
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      Jonno · 7 days ago
      @T You're welcome.
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      T · 7 days ago
      @Kelsey When was it that you started your uc claim ? I think it's this year that they stopped using the government gateway for identifying peoplem 
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      Kelsey · 7 days ago
      @T I was able to do so no problems 
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    andrew · 7 days ago
    Labour aren't going to listen. Look at what they are doing already, cutting the winter payments, trying to push those on disability into jobs when there is a massive amount of 20 something year olds who are fit and healthy and could quite easily do the jobs. Continuing with possible ways of changing PIP payments into being vouchers or you pay and then reclaim the money. No one can afford to do that, its just more damned stupid ideas that get the push. Just like this one....Labour always claimed to be the party of the people...I think that's nonsense and always has been.
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      phil · 7 days ago
      @andrew They were under Jeremy Corbyn who got more votes that Starmers Labour. But Starmer got the votes where they were needed in our mad system.
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    Anon · 8 days ago
    You can upload your id online but this doesn't guarantee the jobcentre won't contact you. Sometimes they ask you attend face to face,  or they might phone you, if they need to verify something about your claim or verify your id. 
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      Aw · 7 days ago
      @Michael Thats might be what the MPs and the higher ups think happens, but many people are having a much harder time. As I said before, the system doesn't know you are migrating for many weeks and till then you are treated as a new claimant, with all the obligatory administration steps that normally entails. 
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      Jackie · 7 days ago
      @Michael No if you can't identify  yourself do have to go into the jobcentre.cause I had to
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      dmwors · 7 days ago
      @Jonno You input your passport or driving licence numbers. They can verify this way but not always. They may still ask  you to attend job centre with certain papers. They give you a list what to take in if not verified online. There’s no set system. Everyone has a different experience as all job centres seem to work differently.
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      Anon · 7 days ago
      @Michael It is true and clearly states on the Government website that if they need to verify your id or any other questions about your claim you can be asked to attend the JCP in person or be contacted by telephone. It should be easy to migrate and most people can do it online with no issues but not everyone.
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      Michael · 7 days ago
      @Anon This is not true. Not for those migrating from ESA to UC.

      If they did have an issue with your ID, they would ALWAYS send a message through your journal.

      I can 100% assure you, the only time you will be called into the job center, will be because of a sanction, or something of that nature.
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    HRH · 8 days ago
    i forgot to add this, that firstly A White Paper on the Plan to Get Britain Working is expected in the autumn.  so this is unlikely to enter legislation until the summer 2025 at the earliest.

    secondly another link on getting Britain to work states

    More disabled people and those with health conditions will be supported to enter and stay in work, by devolving more power to local areas so they can shape a joined-up work, health, and skills offer that suits the needs of the people they serve.

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      A.nudder · 6 days ago
      @HRH The unemployment benefits system has been set up deliberately to make claiming benefits and understanding the system incredibly difficult and time consuming.their official policy is NOT to tell you what your entitled to.their answer to you not being on the right benefits is"it's up to you to know what your entitled to and what benefits you should be on".it's designed like this to make it very easy for claimants to not get their claims in on time and to just get so exasperated that they fail/or in the worse case scenarios fall extremely ill and as we've seen take their own lives.despite numerous occasions of failing to pay claimant the correvt amounts and years later forced to pay arrears and despite the vast amounts of cases of decisions to not pay claimants the benefits they should receive and being overturned at tribunal.despite all of these wake up calls do you really think that whilst knowing that the universal credit migration would be the biggest single event of such magnitude as to being without precedent,that they couldn't prepare properly in time??????
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      M shirker · 8 days ago
      @HRH These places already exist anyway like that restart and the health program in my local town they used to try and send me their but I said “no” 
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    HRH · 8 days ago
    this may be of interest but i am unclear what it means at the moment …

    Government action to tackle the ‘greatest employment challenge for a generation’
    Spiralling economic inactivity to be addressed as new Labour Market Advisory Board launched to advise Government on getting Britain working again.

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    Anon · 9 days ago
    Thanks Michael for your help. 
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    C · 10 days ago
    I know some people really really can't do it.  I was though in and out of the job centre in 5 mins when I went into show a bank card as ID.  Since the start of claim.  I have not heard from them since 5 years later.
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      Jackie · 7 days ago
      @Michael You don't normally  but in the case they can't identify need to go to the jobcentre like I did.i got the migration notice from uc .I was on esa support group going over with no it is true.i can assure you of that
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      C · 9 days ago
      @Michael Yeah different I did only go in there to show some ID and they were pretty quick about it.
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      Frances · 9 days ago
      @Michael You might If you can't upload your Id online. Also, if you are in lcw group you might have job centre appointment to agree activities in claimant commitment. My suggestion, if you would struggle with going to job centre, is to get someone to phone them on your behalf and see what can be done. The system is supposed to support you.
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      Michael · 10 days ago
      @C I'm assuming yours was a brand new claim, and not a ESA to UC migration, simply because you don't need to attend a job center to migrate.
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    sara · 10 days ago
    @clearwater. Last post incomplete, here it is again:

    Well the council got that all that all wrong. You moved within the same area, and even if you'd moved out of the area you wouldn't have had to claim UC and HB. The whole point of migration is that you don't claim HB or other legacy benefits, just UC.

    A 'break' in your esa claim would be if you stopped claiming esa for whatever reason. So if you were claiming esa then became well enough to work, or accumulated too much capital to qualify, then claimed UC for financial and/or health reasons, you would have had a break in your esa claim and would not qualify for transitional protection to top up your UC to the same level as your previous legacy benefits combined. Not everyone is affected by the need for transitional protection anyway, and some people will get more on UC than on their combined legacy benefits, so break or no break, it might not affect you adversely.

    If you are claiming esa when you are asked to migrate to UC you will not have had a break and should complete the UC application within the three months, or ask for more time before the three months is up. If you think you can complete it within four months, then you don't need to ask for more time, as completing it within four months counts as within three months. Yes, that's true, weirdly, but I'd say if you can't manage the three months ask anyway, to be on the safe side.
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      clearwater · 10 days ago
      @sara Sara thank you very much , as i said luckily i did not claim/submit my UC claim, as i would have lost my Transitional payment approx £80pm by listening to the council team,  they put huge pressure on me to claim UC & HB because then the council dont have to pay out. ( i understand most councils are stretched for funds)  My doctor had to intervene and arrange help for me as i was slipping badly,  However i shall make certain to claim/submit/return my  ESA-UC claim  before 3 months.  
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    Aw · 10 days ago
    I know I keep banging on about this but I'm getting so worried about the fact that nothing has been put in place to address it yet. I cannot do the compliance interview, everyone posting on forums I'm reading with similar problems are reporting that the DWP are digging their heels in and refusing to accept claims without one, even someone with an appointee was forced to go to the JCP with them before the work coach would sign off & accept the claim. I absolutely cannot do face to face, for my safety and theirs. I can't do phone calls because I have such severe anxiety on the phone under stress that I dissociate & have auditory processing issues, they might as well be talking in a different language. I have tried getting an advisor to call for me with me in the room in the past & I couldn't do that either because I lost my temper with the stupid questions they kept asking to try and trip me up. 

    For the last 10 years all my ESA & PIP assessments have been paper based (not without me having to fight for them, but they have eventually relented) with written NHS evidence.

    Yet UC has NO system set up for me, none. No compliance interview, no UC.

    What the hell am I supposed to do?? I'm a fighter I will try before I give up, but am I really going to have to give up at the first hurdle?!

    Their "enhanced support journey" is all talk of phone calls and home visits - HOME VISITS!!!!!! WTAF! My home is the only place I feel safe in the whole world, if the DWP think they're coming anywhere near me they've got another thing coming.

    Please somebody help, MIND? SCOPE? ANYBODY?!
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      Mich · 7 days ago
      @Aw Any chance you can get a mental health advocate to speak on your behalf?

      They could be with you all the way including being with you and speaking up for you. You definately need advocacy service after reading your post.

      Could you meet DWP at a safe space like a room at citizens advice centre or a mental health clinic setting where help is at hand if you loose control because of stress anger and severe anxiety.

      I really do feel for you. 

      Love and peaceful Ness to you in your week ahead.
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      Jonno · 7 days ago
      @James I can understand re mentally drained. That nonsense would drive anyone to the brink. I've been on ESA since 2013 and only got my WCA in June 2016 due to the huge backlog and was put on the WRAG. I was due for review a year later but nothing and then Covid struck so that is almost 8 years of being left alone, so I am absolutely dreading the fact that I might need to engage with a work coach again as no doubt I will be placed on LCW when I migrate but I realise there are people on here who are much worse off. I hope it works out for you and they put you into LCWRA again, just as I wish everyone on here the best. I hope it is a painless process for all of us.

      N.B Can't understand why the DWP didn't do what they do for the State Pension and give you a code when you claim it online. It would be a lot quicker and easier for people to migrate over to UC as the code would tie to a specific person and all their details would be migrating just by the entering of the code. But that would be too much work for the DWP and wouldn't make the Government any savings so I guess I have just answered my own question.
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      James · 7 days ago
      @Jonno @Jonno didn’t get help I was so mentally drained by the time tribunal came around  but I did win even the tribunal judge said on the paperwork that the decision maker and Dwp are a shambles so that why was only given lcw but to be honest since covid nobody bothered me once so just as good as being in lcwra anyway 
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      Jonno · 8 days ago
      @James That's terrible that the DWP lost your medical notes. Did you get help and challenge it?
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      Jonno · 8 days ago
      @Michael Hi. Thanks for the advice.

      My point is this, since your cannot prove your identity now through the Government Gateway/ and the UC claim form to-do list doesn't specify anything about proving your identity whilst making your claim where in your journal do you upload said documents?

      If I am not able to do this then, ipso facto, I will have to visit the JC to prove my identity whether it's a new claim or as I would be doing migrating from ESA wheres you said further upthread you that you don't need to visit the jobcentre.

      Am I misunderstanding your thinking here?
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