The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Annie · 2 months ago
    I have pip and it helps me with my gas / electric etc plus to help with taxi fares to hospital and other needs mi understand that there might be many people who mis use it for fags and drink or drugs maybe. But that has ruined it for everyone who is genuine I work part time due to advanced osteoarthritis in my knees spine feet and hip but I still plod on I think a lot of people have jumped on the bandwagon with. Depression and anxiety and don't want to work they should target the lazy and fake folk and still help the genuine people that's just my opinion. 

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      Anthony · 2 months ago
      @Annie Absolutely ludicrous to call people with Depression and anxiety lazy!
      I have borderline personality disorder, ADHD, Autism and severe sleep apnea. With these conditions I suffer severe depression and anxiety and have severe mood swings. How can you say someone like me is lazy. It's totally wrong 
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      Damion · 2 months ago
      @Sammy I don’t think your fake,I’m in same boat,we don’t know if these proposals will definitely come in,and it will take a while if they do,try and stay positive,even if it’s minute by minute or hour by hour.all the best
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      Damion · 2 months ago
      @Annie Very offensive post aimed at people with mental health problems,and assuming people use it for illicit drugs and cigarettes.Mh issues are debilitating and pip is very hard to get for these reasons 
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      Sammy · 2 months ago
      @Annie Your post regarding Anxiety and Depression...I have chronic Anxiety! I have horrendous panic attacks ..I have severe depression! You calling me lazy ? You obviously do not understand how incredibly debilitating these conditions are! I would not wish them on my worst enemy ...not every illness is physical so please stop calling us lazy! I had an amazing job which paid far more than I'm on benefits because of those things you call lazy and fake! How dare you! I've tried taking my life as its unbearable to live with! so many symptoms! Living with chronic Anxiety is horrendous really need to refraise your comment as its extremely hurtful to people who suffer! ..I would never dispute your conditions and call you lazy and fake ...believe me so many fake their physical illness ...are they lazy and fake? ...I'm just absolutely gob smacked at your lack of consideration for mental health ...absolutely disgusting comment
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    JustinRUK · 2 months ago
    I’ve no faith in Liz Kendall. She smacks of the “arbeit macht frei” mentality. I can only hope she is hampered in her efforts.
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    Rhiansmum · 2 months ago
    The idea of a voucher based benefit is very flawed. Vouchers for Aids and adaptations, clothing, food shopping and other purchases? This harks back to the depressed years where "coupons" were issued to those with low incomes to get essentials like milk, bread, children's clothing/school uniforms and meals. Disabled people needing adaptations to their homes had to apply for grants from the DHSS or latterly their local authorities.  The stigma attached was awful, to the extent many didn't apply for them.  But what happens after the need for those vouchers has been resolved, i.e. you've got what was needed? Will the claimant revert to the full monetary payment they are entitled to? Older PIP recipients who have made necessary changes to their homes before receipt of the benefit? How will they be affected?  This has not been well thought out. The majority of PIP recipients will see little benefit from this scheme and, dare I write this, could be the first step to going back to means tested benefits.  The real reason for this move has little to do with benefit fraud. It's the result of incompetent politicians wasting billions of taxpayer's money on useless PPE contracts  (what about the fraud there) - funding proxy wars, supplying arms for said wars and housing those who predominantly enter the UK illegally in hotels or private/council owned properties.  But no, they want to blame someone for their ineptitude and, once again it's the disabled. P.s. Who will be the preferred suppliers of these various vouchers? Families and friends, party donors and well connected lobbyists?
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    are quite happy with the PIP · 2 months ago
    Dear Labour Team. We are quite happy with PIP as it is.
    We both struggled very hard to get it as Atos complete lied about our Paranoid schizophrenia. We are unable to go out much and my husband,  only receives £20 a week PIP. He has OCD a nd depression also but has been largely ignored.
    We live in a house my mother bought but fear that we may have to move as its a lot of bills such as roof repairs, insurance and we need a gardener because at present I have a bad back.
    Please would you consider how unsettling the wsy the Conservtives threatened people on benefits. I believe that most are genuine. I think we need to look into all the young people who re suffering mental illness due to anxiety and depression as a consequence of Covid. 
    I hope and pray thst they can be helped at the start of their young lives and rhe futu re of our nation . 
    Yours since ly LM Thompson
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    KPDewy · 2 months ago
    For the first time ever, I wanted a Labour government. The DWP under Tory rule has become a law unto itself, rotten to the core. They seem to be able to do as they like and refuse to divulge information, cooperate with anyone and just glibly ignore the law. This has to change and we have to hope it will do so now under this Labour government, which has, however, been worryingly quiet.  I had to fight to get PIP. The concept of vouchers or any of the other proposed changes is cruel. Many PIP recipients only manage to keep their independence due to this financial payment. How many will end up not being able to cope with a catalogue, vouchers etc. How many of those will end up needing more help from our "broken" NHS? If savings need to be made I wish the DWP would stop picking on the most vulnerable and have the guts to make those who can work, but won't, their first target for a change. There is a difference between those who cannot work (but would if their medical conditions stop them from doing so) and those who will not work. 
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    Arif Shrikh · 2 months ago
    I need my PIP money not vouchers or anything..How can they even think to replace disability payments via vouchers?? 
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    Vera · 2 months ago
    I need the money not vouchers. I. Pay to get the care I need. Vouchers are no good to me. I also need the money to heat my home. I. Don't get enough off my pension for all these things. 
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    Joanna-Clare Cook · 2 months ago
    I use my pip for many things, relaxing music, batteries and pads for my tens machine, organic supplements for good health most of which I buy on ebay (health food shops are far too expensive), epsom salts to saok in for relief of pain and nerve relief, I visit a chiropractor monthly due to a spinal problem, the backlog on the NHS has left me no choice (I am not pointing the finger at them they do their best) buy organic food, my list goes on what exactly will we be allowed to purchase. I find it appalling that we should be restricted to purchasing only items the DWP feel are appropriate do they not think we are quite capable of doing that for ourselves?Monitoring bank accounts REALLY taking away our human rights as an individual REALLY.  There are so many variables with illness and disability not one of us can be pigeon-holed, taking away from the most vunerable affecting our mental health further and financially making us even worse off. I question who will be making these decisions ? Someone who has no knowledge of the effect disabilities have on a day to day basis and  just look down the approval list to tick a box, how long will being reinbursed take? In the mean time we struggle financially with the possibility of being refused, as its not considered appropriate BY WHO? The anxiety and worry of that will help not help our mental health at all. All I can see are more deaths through lack of financial support, anxiety and worry or worse still suicide. I really do hope some sense is seen by the government that this is as ridicoulous as it sounds, anyone would think they are trying to kill us off!!!!????!!!!
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    GS · 2 months ago
    I have autism and extreme anxiety, I have also just finished cancer treatment. The threat of bringing in vouchers has made me even more anxious. I find the whole idea patronising, degrading and inhumane. Nobody is disabled on purpose.
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    AEBLE9 · 2 months ago
    I need my PIP payments on a monthly basis, they help keep me independent   I don’t qualify for a mobility vehicle so my payments pay for things like my car insurance and fuel. Without my car I would be unable to get out and see my daughter and grandchildren who help with my mental health. 
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    Manda · 2 months ago
    I totally disagree that I should be in receipt of the voucher system I may be disabled however, that does not mean that I should not receive my benefits in cash, I feel that my rights as a human being and a citizen is being dismissed. How would these people feel if I took away their money and say to them you earn to much, so I’m going to put anything over £737, into a pot and only let you have, vouchers for the rest of your wages.  Let’s see if you think that is a injustice, so you can’t afford to go on holiday, buy shopping, have money for essentials, give gifts to family members, because I can’t afford to live on just my disability benefits.
    Yet again blame disabled people for needing financial help.
    Have some compassion, understanding and empathy.
    We don’t know how much finances were saved during COVID when thousands of people sadly lost their lives, who were in receipt of benefits, we only hear at what a great cost to the Country and we are all still paying for it.  The reduced healthcare, e.g. no services for chiropody, no ear syringes, all require to be paid for by the individual.
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    Anna Heathcote · 2 months ago
    Trying total control over disabled people is wrong, unjust and appalling.  
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    Margaret · 2 months ago
    They need to get the healthy people back to work. I would appreciate the government to stop picking on the vulnerable. The government says what we are suppose to live on, if they are finding it's too much. Why not reduce it by £50 and not do vouchers, that would then help . That way they will save money to put back in the pot. 

    I urge the government to rethink this proposal of vouchers and leave the cash payments we get. 

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    pamela longley · 2 months ago
    A real travesty of Justice . Life is tough enough for people with genuine disabilities with out adding insult to injury. Maybe mps should be paid in vouchers . We suffer enough discrimination as it is !hospital care is still too difficult to access and I have had urgent referrals and sent appointments for next Mach .. they hope disabled can keel over before they get sufficient or even adequate help 
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    S millward · 2 months ago
    Personally pip helps   with things you need to buy toping up your rent so you have roof over your head foods that you need for specialy diet ..with out pip il never survived ..and end up homeless having vouchers is not the answer unless uc  credit is put up to baable to to pay bills food all the the things pip helps ne do and getting the proper diet and having a roof over my head then there will be a lot of homeless and un well pepople..I can't live on uc I can't pay my top up on uc I can't have proper diet on uc and can't pay all bills on uc tax the rich take there monies and leave us alone 
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    Suzanne J · 2 months ago
    No way  we are going to made poorer than ever and controlled at every turn. Sure it's against our human rights. It's worse than being a child. I can't see how this will work.... Certainly not in our favour. The reason. PIPwas introduced was we would an independent life. Live a normal life. Disability COSTS. 
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    The Dog Mother · 2 months ago
    I was on indefinite dla,After numerous assessments,  then pip rears it's ugly head,zero points, won tribunal, three yrs later 2points,won tribunal, last year, 5points,Got it back at MR. 
    Exactly what are we going to be put through this time if vouchers come about? I'm telling you this, I will not go quietly into the night.. they canget stuffed. Yes I've multiple conditions, some extremely painful daily and non stop. 
    It's sick I am,not stupid or lazy and I will speak up for myself. We all need to fight every inch of the way in my form we can to right this wrong before it gets a grip. 
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    Elaine Gair · 2 months ago
    No to vouchers, I need my independence to decide when and how I do things and what I need to buy or pay for and when. Plus the price I wish to pay for things. With vouchers, I’m supposing that they will all be for set amounts. Will a taxi driver take a voucher, I DON’T THINK SO.
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    Jean · 2 months ago
    This is disgusting no money and vouchers.. I work part my health but need my pip money aa well to survive. From another I don't know what I need it could be pads it could be food.
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    Rachel · 2 months ago
    The money is given to people with disabilities to help with their disabilities not for vouchers for shops etc. If I didn't get my pip I would be homeless and I bet there are others out there that are in the same way. The government are always quick enough give themselves a pay rise for f***ing the country up but that's ok. The government are meant to be here for us, work for us yet they all only think about themselves as they are selfish

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