The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    JRS · 2 months ago
    Unsurprisingly, the Government are waiting for a new Petitions Council to be appointed.
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @JRS Does that mean all petitions pre Labours new tenure are now void?  Big joke the whole lot in parliament.
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    JRS · 2 months ago
    The Government are having a laugh. I for one would say that it is they, not disabled or poor people who should be means tested. I have personally witnessed how much money they waste.
    We work all our lives, pay tax, national insurance and corporation tax, for what, to have some pathetic numbskull to decide that we do not deserve to be supported in our hour of need?
    I have taken a stand, stepping back from trying to claim Universal Credit. I will not be dictated to or interrogated every year. 
    I believe that the people working for UC deliberately put people in debt, to gain commission. In our case we had supplied all information, change of circumstances etc and now after only nine months, of making a truthful claim and switching from UC to PIP, we owe UC money. There is a 'Big Brother' waiting out there. 
    So, retrospective invoicing, more debt, vouchers, how many times can I eat or drink, brownie points for not going on holiday. Aldi, ASDA, or local shop?

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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @JRS I can only imagine, there must be a lot of claimants in the UK who have jacked in ESA or UC and just live off their PIP.  Now if PIP cash is stopped, then it will be dire straits for those people.  They will have no choice but to sign on again. 
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    Don’t stop pip money how can people pay rent with a voucher how can they get mobility car they can’t we need pip money only not voucher 
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    Richard jones · 2 months ago
    Vouchers/catalogue are a terrible idea that only helps the dwp/government

    If all i get is non cash vouchers. My bank account will soon reach the point where im forced onto uc if i dont get cash from pip. Which means more rules to follow. I dont need the stress right now due to my mental health. And with my mental health it could cause a relapse to a worse mental state, with the stress and worry the lack of real cash to pay bills, will cause. Which leads back to my original point. Vouchers/catalogue are a terrible idea....
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    Alison · 2 months ago
    If they bring this in its below zero for disabled and sick people to have a half decent life, I will get a petion to stop mps rent mortgages transport £50 a day to just walk in parliament stop mps all mps perk there needs to be a stand up for and we all need March on this or they will stop it.
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    aliali · 2 months ago
    Defo no to this voucher/ grant system we are adults and know how to spend money on the things we need it is so patronising to assume we don’t. We do not want the system from the USA here with food vouchers etc so humiliating.
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    Zoe beresford · 2 months ago
    I don't want vouchers pip helps me pay for my bills with vouchers it won't so please don't give us all vouchers I'm getting really worried 😯 
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    Suzanne Oxby · 2 months ago
    Nobody asks or expects to be disabled. It’s another way of taking even more away from people who are already suffering and struggling. It’s impractical and unbelievably cruel, dreamed up by those who have no inkling of what a disabled persons life is like. To be in constant pain and unable to perform daily tasks is a horrid way to live. We need all kinds of help in order to function and have some quality of life. Vouchers and a catalogue are demeaning and impractical and in no way address the different needs of every disabled individual, We all have different needs, and our money helps to provide us with the means to pay for items or help from others that is crucial to our wellbeing. It gives us some form of independence which is what it is meant for. 
    When they replaced DLA with PIP , it was designed to take away the money that people fully deserved and were assessed for. Many lost their cars too. What a cruel selfish Government. I hope Labour will abolish this plan , otherwise most of us will lose our will to live. 
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      Julie Smith · 2 months ago
      @Suzanne Oxby Thank you for your comments, you read my mind, as a pip receiver I’m so worried about this and the repercussions for all people with disabilities visible or not. I hope labour has a heart and stops penalising people who have no choice with the hand they were dealt with. We need support not another form of punishment disguised as help
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    Sarah B · 2 months ago
    Having pip as a disabled woman has giving me some independence. If they take that away I feel I can't live as best as a normal life as humanely possible. It isn't my fault I can't work I have life changing injuries in pain 24/7 physically unable to work. My life has changed dramatically ever since my accident. I dont need vouchers I need a life to try and have some independence which I lost since becoming disabled. I rarely have a life as it is with constant pain but having pip helps me to try and have a semi normal life on rare good days. Vouchers can't do that. Your not going to make those lucky and able enough to work have vouchers are you. I feel like this is doing more harm than good to us most vulnerable. Yes new claims by new claimants need to be checked properly to stop those who could work with help instead punishing those who can't by taking away our independence as a human. I never asked to be like this I hate being like this I loved my job I had before I could no longer physically work and it broke me knowing I could never work again. Being disabled isn't a choice so please don't take our independence by stopping our money for vouchers which would be no use and it's making me stressed everyday on top of pain making me physically sick. Because I'm scared your gonna take away what freedom I have. Which isn't much believe you me.
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    Sean · 2 months ago
    Why is NOONE ORGANISING a march on Westminster for disabled people and for all disabled people to attend if they can to  the reluctance of this unfair and barbaric proposal. Each individual has their own needs & their own personal disabilities and by ATOS's abuse on claimants it seems the government are just as bad. I would attend a march in respect of this like I sign the petitions..what vouchers for the unemployed and no cash. This country has gone so far down in it's approach to looking after their own first
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      CaroA · 1 months ago
      @Sean I agree a march and many similar protests are needed what is difficult is that they/dwp would say if you can manage to get to the march you can manage to work!  They have made me totally paranoid about doing anything but I agree much needs doing.
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    Ruth · 2 months ago
    There!  I've fixed Q19.  I think this is really what the DWP want to know.  FGS!!  When will it stop?

    Q19. In relation to Question 18, please explain your answer below and tell us about any other important kinds of costs not listed above.

    This is an impossible question. This question should be reworded as follows:

    Would you rather eat or heat your house?

    Would you rather lie in your own filth or power your wheelchair to get to the bathroom?

    Would you rather pay someone to clean your house or buy necessary medications?

    Would you rather be blind or deaf?
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    Jon · 2 months ago
    Labour picked the wrong person to be work and pensions secretary 🙄 she has no compassion for sick and disabled people and if she did she would stop this awful voucher idea 😢 how can people pay bills with a voucher it's a ludicrous idea and should be put on the back burner indefinitely.
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    Keep pip as money only not silly voucher as voucher will not pay for car repairs and taxi from hospital to home and also we should be able to spend our money on stuff we want and also I can’t go out and voucher will be no good for me 
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    Susan barker · 2 months ago
    That's absolutely disgusting. Cash payment are needed not vouchers.
    The pip is paid to us for benefit. 
    I hope labour will put a stop to this. 
    We always have to suffer. 
    Start with the rich they should be paying more out in taxes instead of them getting away with paying higher axes even in child care. 

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    Pissed at the government · 2 months ago
    We voted Labour in thinking they will be more about those that need help. Looks like they are just as bad as the Cons. Not even been in power long MP and already let us down. What about those that are disabled and have kids? What about those that struggle daily? They didn't think about us when it matters most. Keep the system as it is and leave things alone. You want us into work? You better back up what people are losing out on cos we are called disabled for a specific reason. 
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    Vick · 2 months ago
    Labour said be better Britain etc not like cons yet your going make poverty worse going be more suicides and families suffering especially at winter as not going have money for gas electric so no heating no cooking not able go out hospital appointments by taxis or trains Not all can walk or use hands and you can’t give vouchers to people who help you care for yourself and children when can’t move and stuck in bed for months Disgusting and degrading people of what left of there dignity 
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    Hannah · 2 months ago
    I think it's absolutely disgusting don't you think the disabled is going through enough physically and mentally never mind you doing this to them no I don't agree atall NO VOUCHERS!!!
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    Teresa · 2 months ago
    I'm on lower PIP for both categories, I have Arthritis, 5 years ago I had a hip replacement, 3 years ago I had a knuckle operation & 4 Months ago had a total knee replacement. I've been told by my consultant that it will take 1_2 years for my knee to settle down.I'm still on Crutches & in Pain! My PIP entitlement pays for trips to Hospital for PHYSIO,I don't have My Nails done, nor have SKY's biggest package, nor have the latest PHONE. I USE MY PIP FOR ESSENTIALS THAT I NEED TO MAKE MYSELF STILL FEEL HUMAN. BUT LATELY HAVE HAD TO USE IT TO TOP UP FOOD SHOPPING, GAS/ELECTRICITY, WATER BILL ETC. SO PLEASE LEAVE OUR MONEY ALONE, THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO CREATE REVENUE. TO BE HONEST I THINK THIS PROPOSAL WILL LEAD TO MORE SUICIDES, MORE ANGUISH ETC, IT'S LIKE FEELING TRAPPED!
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    Michael Straker · 2 months ago
    As a PIP claimant, I have to say it has been of so much support to me. No, I don't want vouchers etc. Whoever came up with these patronising suggestions should be ashamed. And Jo Public, who get on the bandwagon against claimants, must understand that most of us are genuine. Organised benefit fraud is the problem. You just have to look at the Covid farce to understand that. Many people out there obtain substantial amounts of money, and it isn't us genuine claimants.
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    Safia Graham · 2 months ago
    Labour really are just a let down. Tons of people will just kill themselves.