The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    S L Brown · 2 months ago
    The problem with this proposed scheme is that it's clearly put together by people who aren't disabled.   Our extra costs don't stop just because we have a grab rail, a raised loo seat, and a button hook.   I have severe arthritis, stomach problems, and bipolar. So, when I buy milk, I have to buy lactose free milk. At Tesco, 4 pints of regular milk is £1.45. 2 pints of Lactose free is £1.85. A 4 pint bottle of lactose free is £2.85 – but I can’t use that because it’s too heavy with my arthritis. So I need to buy everything in 2 pint bottles. So, without stomach problems, 4 pints of milk are £1.45 – but 4 pints of my lactose free is £3.70. That’s roughly 150% more. How is PIP going to cover that kind of cost if it relies on vouchers and a catalogue? And milk isn’t the only thing, of course. I can’t stand and cook (due to arthritis) and so largely rely on ready meals etc – which are far more expensive than cooking a meal. Are there going to be vouchers for them, too? There is seemingly no understanding that health conditions cost us money.  And that's without going into issues of needing taxis to get from A to B if we can't walk and don't drive.
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    Helen williams · 2 months ago
    Think this is unbelievable it is hard with disability why make it harder as not alot of us would know our to servive requarding this voucher scheme leave us alone and let us live our life's like we want not controlling us 
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    Julze · 2 months ago
    Disgusting hitting the poor again, disabled people already feel a burden to society leave them alone and hit the rich

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    Lorraine smerdon · 2 months ago
    I don't agree with this at it's so bad as people rely on this pip money to help them pay bills and live.
    I think you should give this very great thought 
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      Andrew carter · 2 months ago
      @Lorraine smerdon I'm autistic and rely on pip on bills myself like pay for gas and electric and I don't like talking much in public it's very difficult for me so I pay for internet to talk to people like I'm doing so now without pip money I will struggle immensely 
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    M Scofield · 2 months ago
    My disabled husband has the higher level of mobility and is able to access a car through the Motability scheme.   Without the car he would be largely housebound.  The government is keen on getting disabled people into work but discontinuing PIP as it stands will deprive many of the means to get to a job.  A package of support which includes access to a car will make employment possible for many disabled people who will then pay income tax and contribute to the economy.  
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    Bel · 2 months ago
    If a vouchers are the way forwards then put people on them who claim in work top ups on them too! 
    Oh wait that would cause a real uproar ! No let’s keep kicking kicking and fleecing  the only minority with out a voice . Wait why not paint rainbows on disability aids. See if this minority group gets heard! 
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    Alison · 2 months ago
    Please don't stop pip payments, or replace them with vouchers. It's hard enough to manage as it is. I cannot afford A TV licence. Besides, vouchers, if we actually receive them, mark us out as being disabled. I am really worried about losing my PIP. It would really put me in poverty.
    I know SOME OF the Tax Payers complain that a small part of their income tax is paid to disabled people but one day they may be disabled. Then perhaps would see if differently. 
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    Maxine Withey · 2 months ago
    How are vouchers going to pay my bills? 
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    Caz · 2 months ago
    I can't live without pip I lived in a care home with people with learning difficulties and mental health for 22 years I have multiple problems and if that is taken away not only will I only have £30 esa  a week I won't be able to buy anything,  go bankrupt I would end up trying not the pay the boss of the home I Will have  no choice but to end my life been on dla then pip for 22 years never had a job now my anxiety is sky high 
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    S.D · 2 months ago
    Limited Choice – The choice to manage an individual’s disability might be restricted through vouchers, which eventually could lead to dangerous unmet needs.

    Diverse Needs – The voucher system might not cater to the diversity of needs and disabilities that a person is experiencing from PIP cash awards.

    Social Stigma – The voucher system might result in social stigma as they might be judged for their disability benefits.
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    Richard Bone · 2 months ago
    This is a deplorable idea to treat people who are disabled and also have multiple conditions such as MS to mention just one as third rate citizens only goes to show how as a society we are becoming less accepting and more disableist we have become . I only have to venture outside and try going out in my chair which I simply cannot as the pavements are uneven unsuitable or blocked with parked cars and even
    If they weren’t trying to board a train is yet another issue! lol oh well it’s only life after all  
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    Susan Swinhoe · 2 months ago
    Pip should definitely remain as cash
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    Julie roberts · 2 months ago
    Absolutely a disgusting idea. Life is hard enough without you making it more shit.
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    Emily · 2 months ago
    Did mine yesterday, kept repeating a lot of the same questions. It’s like they have no idea what people spend PIP on. Like once you have aids and appliances life is plain sailing! No understanding of the simplest thing from going shopping to what you can reach ie not the cheapest on the top or bottom shelves. Where you can get hair cut as a wheelchair user or if you can’t get your wheelchair into homes of family and friends you have to met them outside the home. Least I’ve done my bit sure. 
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    MumJenn · 2 months ago
    I filled in the form following the link on this website. It took me some hours to complete as I wanted to give a measured and comprehensive approach to the answers I provided. Even though it is arduous to complete,  I would recommend everyone to allocate the time to do so. I personally felt good that I gave the time to put across how any of these changes would be detrimental to anyone receiving PIP. It may not make any difference but at least I did my bit.
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    Paul lurcuck · 2 months ago
    All it will do is create another
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    Mm · 2 months ago
    If labour keeps pip vouchers instead of money they are following cons then don't vote for them next time 
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    Nan · 2 months ago
    It's archaic - going back over not forward.
    PIP stands for PERSONAL INDEPENDENT Payment!! This is taking over a person's INDEPENDENCE!!
    Reminds me of Oliver Twist - Please Sir 'Can I have some more'
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      lesley · 2 months ago
      @Nan Yes, absolutely Nan. You are right - Oliver Twister more like it! We've been conned!!
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    Lesley · 2 months ago
    I had an ankle fusion in December 2023.  I was supposed to have gone into a rehabilitation hospital/care home following my operation, I needed to be in a wheelchair.  I was in hospital for 10 days waiting for all this to happen.  I tried to chase it up with the help of a social worker.  It all went wrong because the system is overworked, overloaded and understaffed.  In the end I went home.  I had to get up the stairs on my backside because even the ambulance drivers could not manoevre the special "stair walker chair" or whatever it's called.  I was just dumped in my flat with a plaster cast on my lower leg.  Thank goodness I do have a son and he helped me.  So where we are going to get all this so called support from the devil only knows. 
     The system is broken and it is not going to be fixed soon.  I could not even get my local authority to send an occupational therapist around, I was told that there was a long waiting list.  Got zero.  In the end my GP sent out something called the Rapid Access Team and they at least showed me how to get up and down my stairs with my leg in a cast. I was in the cast for 8 weeks altogether and practically marooned in my flat.

    So please don't make me laugh.  I am still on crutches after nearly 8 months. Cannot weight bear on the fused ankle.  Still get a lot of pain with it.   I have had two physio appointments and one visit to the surgeon since December 2023.  My next (and only 2nd) appointment with the surgeon has been put back from August to September.
    Still waiting for some aids from the local social services/local authorities.

    Please enlighten me as to what I can do with a voucher.  I certainly could tell them where to put it.

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    Peter p · 2 months ago
    Wow this is crazy  , all that's going to happen is the people who are worse of will sell them for half price , and we're are they going to make you shop asda like the school vouchers,  we shop at aldi as its a cheaper shop, and kids will all have same school shoes trainers clothes toys , NO 1 think this will cause children to be picked on and bulied ? 
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