Which DWP number are you struggling to get through on?  Benefits and Work wants to find out more about which numbers have the longest wait times and also whether things improve with the introduction of ‘almost human’ AI chatbots answering calls.

Back in February, the DWP announced it was introducing Conversational Platform software to answer telephone calls.  The DWP described the voices claimants would hear as ‘almost human’.

Perhaps not coincidentally, the following month the DWP announced that it was closing 41 offices and that some staff would be redeployed to different roles.  The jobs affected are ‘back of house’ such as staff who answer telephones.

It may well be the case that wait times fall as a result of the introduction of AI.  But it’s also possible that the actual responses callers get will be of little help because they are simply talking to sophisticated FAQ software which can only give pre-programmed responses and can’t deal with follow-up questions.

As a first step we need to find out which are the numbers that you struggle with most and is it solely that no-one answers or do you get unhelpful responses, get cut-off before you’ve finished, get offers to call you back that never happen or get answers that are just plain wrong.

And do you know if you are talking to a human?

Some of the most likely suspects are:

Universal Credit helpline

Telephone: 0800 328 5644

PIP enquiry line

Telephone: 0800 121 4433

Jobcentre Plus for ESA change of circumstances

Telephone: 0800 169 0310

But there may be other numbers related to the benefits we deal with that are a problem for you.    Please let us know your experiences in the comments section below.

What to do if you can't get through

Some of our members have successfully got their MP's office involved when they have been unable to contact the DWP themselves. If you do try this, please let us know how it goes by leaving a comment.  There's more details here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 hours ago
    Got a text on my mobile saying that the DWP need to speak to me about a change of address for my brother, whom I have LPA for as he has advanced altzheimers. The message asked if I coul call them immediately on 08001690310. Which I did, only to get a robot on the other end asking questions, when I finally got through the questions, I was told that I would be put through to an adviser. Well, what a joke, after an hour on one call, saying, we are aware you are waiting an adviser will be with you as soon possible, and a similar hour on another call later on, I finally gave up.
    How do they expect you to give them details if you cannot speak to a person? May I suggest that they get all their advisers to stop working from home and back into the office and start to do the job properly. I am sick and tired of trying to get things done regarding ESA and PIP benefits.
    This is a disgraceful state of affairs, they wonder why people give up. They are quick enough to contact you if they want money from you. But the other way round, forget it.

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    · 2 days ago
    Been trying to get through to E.S.A. since beginning of September to report a change in circumstances tried phoning but cannot continue to be on the phone up to 6 hours a day. I did write to them and send all the evidence they would need and posted that the 13th of September and have heard nothing. I am so stressed out no-one seems to be helping at all and the changes happen the end of November I really don't know what to do. HELP PLEASE .

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    · 2 days ago
    Trying to get information on War pension mobility supplement but just getting the run around. Nobody seems to know who can answer my query so they just give me a random number within DWP so I can wait on hold a bit longer. Alternatively I can visit the website where there is even less information.
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    · 3 days ago
    esa been waiting for an hour and a half so no answer

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    · 6 days ago
    Absolute joke have been on hold now for 1hr 15 mins have health issues and this is certainly not helping. Getting passed between esa and uc with no answers from anyone.

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    · 9 days ago
    Been ringing all day, 08001690310
    Unable to get through "we know you are waiting, we will put you through soon as possible "

    What are you supposed to do.
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    · 10 days ago
    Utterly atrocious waiting times. Receive a text asking to speak about my ESA straightaway and been on hold for over an hour now putting up with torturous piano music and a soulless AI voice that interrupts every 5 minutes, thanking me for waiting. Surely they could call me and arrange a time to talk? Has anyone got through and what do they want?
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    · 14 days ago
    I've not received ESA payment since August 6th (Now October 3rd). I've tried several times to get in contact with the 0310 number and the Job Centre in general but a near 2 hour wait is stupid. I'm lucky to have what little savings I've kept for times like this!
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    · 15 days ago
    I have just started claiming a benefit which I have never done before. The AI doesn’t understand me and when she transfers me I do not get an answer. The longest I have been hold for is a hour and given up. I have tried to contact them several times. The service is bad.
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    · 16 days ago
    Absolute joke! Esa contact number 08001690310 been on hold for over an hour then 5pm hits and the phone lines suddenly close. 
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    · 20 days ago
    I phoned the DWP with reference to a debit I owed I waited for over an hour and a half for someone to speak to I gave up in the end and put the phone down 
    It is totally unacceptable to have to wait that time 
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    · 20 days ago
    0800 169 0310 ESA - been waiting for over 2 hours now
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    · 20 days ago
    Ringing ESA 0800 169 0310 as they got the date of my claim wrong, nothing recieved yet, been over a month now.  Have been waiting for 1hr 30 mins so far! Initially went through AI, clearly useless!!
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    · 23 days ago
    This is ridiculous! Had my UC 1st appointment yesterday. However, they couldn't tell me if my migration claim starts on 20th October or from now as "he doesn't deal with money" trying to find out if they have applied the ESA Transitional protection to my claim. Also wanted to know when my HB ends as apparently UC is paid in arrears... On hold for 2hrs yesterday with no reply and still on hold now for over an hour!! If the Government are making us migrate, why do they not have the information to hand. Is this to add to everyone's stress and anxiety levels?!!!
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    · 23 days ago
    Trying to call the 0310 number, spent Friday afternoon 1.5 hours, Monday afternoon 1.5 hours and this morning from 08:00 and at the time of writing this, still waiting. Got through at 08:15, the AI assistant could not hear or understand me, the agent could not hear me so put me back in the cue. I rang my wife phone working as expected. I rang HMRC as suggested in information waited 15mins, they could not help. I am in the cues as I write this.
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    · 28 days ago
    I moved house. I've tried phoning ESA and PIP dozens of times only to get to 45 or 50 minutes then get cut off. It's soul destroying. I have terrible anxiety. This is making it worse. 

    I have written to them now but still no reply..
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 28 days ago
    I can't get through on 0800 169 0310.  I've had a text message telling me to phone straight away. no idea why, and have tried twice so far and waited for 90 minutes with no reply before I needed my phone for other things.
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    · 29 days ago
    08001690310.Waited an hour + to speak to someone.Then gave up.Tried the next day again similar time.What’s all about.
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    · 1 months ago
    Can't get through to income support. We have had to migrate to universal credit but they think we are still getting income support so have deducted it from our universal credit and said we need to contact income support to tell them so they then let universal credit know we haven't been paid they can't contact them! But income support won't answer there phones keep holding on but they just won't answer it's so frustrating god knows wat we are meant to do