Please be aware: this article deals with the DWP seeking new powers which some claimants may find distressing to contemplate. 

As the DWP steers a bill to give it access to 9 million claimants’ bank accounts through parliament, it is already pushing for additional powers of arrest, search and seizure.  In effect, the DWP is aiming to have its own anti-fraud police force and to be able to impose huge fines without going to court.  But should such plans go ahead?

Lessons from recent history
The current Post Office scandal is clear evidence of what happens when such powers are misused and there are some worrying parallels between the behaviour of the Post Office and the DWP, as we noted earlier this month in Post Office Horizon software originally aimed at claimants

And there is no doubt that the DWP are serious about getting these powers. 

In a May 2022 report entitled ‘Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System’ the DWP said that “we plan to create new powers so our officers will be able to undertake arrests and apply to search and seize evidence in criminal investigations, when parliamentary time allows. This will enable them to act in a timely fashion, without always having to rely on police resources.”

And last year we reported on a survey which the DWP claimed proved that the majority of the public want them to have such powers.

The DWP say that these powers will be used against “serious and organised fraud”, but how long would it take them to decide that allegedly fraudulent PIP, ESA or UC claims by individuals constitute “serious” fraud?

It is important to note that in the same May 2022 report the DWP used exactly the same phrase “when parliamentary time allows” in relation to creating legislation that would force third parties, including banks, to hand over data to them. 

The following year those provisions were slipped into a bill going through parliament and they are now at committee stage in the House of Lords. There appears to be no serious attempt to prevent them going through.

 So a DWP police force is a genuine possibility and the same technique of adding the provisions to an existing bill in order to allow it may be used again.

Huge fines
The same document also explains that the DWP want powers that allow them to introduce a new type of “civil penalty”, whereby they can impose very large fines on claimants they suspect of fraud, without needing to meet the burden of proof required in criminal courts or even to actually take the claimant to court. 

The fine will be based on a percentage of the amount the DWP believe, but cannot necessarily prove beyond reasonable doubt, the claimant has been overpaid.  It will be in addition to the claimant having to repay all of the alleged overpayment.

Your experiences
When concrete plans to introduce such powers are produced, it’s vital that claimants and the bodies that represent them are not caught unprepared and without evidence about what the results might be.

Crucially, we need to know whether the DWP is open, transparent, subject to effective scrutiny and has an ethos of abiding by the rules and regulations that govern its conduct

So, we’d like to know if you have always been treated fairly by the DWP or if you have you been left feeling helpless in the face of an organisation that makes rules, but doesn’t necessarily follow them itself?

For example:

  • Have you tried to report a change of circumstances by phone and been unable to get through?
  • Have you reported a change of circumstances in writing and received no acknowledgement?
  • Have you sent the DWP documents by recorded delivery, but they have denied receiving them?
  • Have you been threatened with legal action if you didn’t repay money without it ever being proved that you owed it?
  • Have you been told you must withdraw a claim for a benefit immediately or face prosecution for fraud, even though you know you have done nothing wrong?
  • Have you been interviewed under caution without being able to have anyone with you?
  • Have you been offered a deal by the DWP whereby you have to agree immediately to accept an award of a disability benefit that is lower than you think you should get or have the offer withdrawn and have to go to appeal instead?
  • Have you been treated in any other way that suggests the DWP cannot be counted on to follow rules and regulations and treat claimants fairly?

Let us know about your experiences in the comments section below, or use our feedback form if you prefer.  We may publish your feedback, but we will not identify you in any way.


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    anees292 · 4 months ago
    Have DWP ever done anything good? 
    Anyone have a good example?
    And now DWP POLICE....
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    Mighty Mouse · 4 months ago
    Well, despite the well reported major staff shortages within the DWP and Capita, they appear to have mysteriously found an abundance of new staff to administer this forthcoming game. I feel everyone will be looked at until proven innocent. A way for them to justify their snooping patrol.I have zero to hide so dont give a stuff but just the same. Dont want these bureaucrats nosing into my private account. I mean, do these people not realize those likely to commit fraud will receive cash and spend cash. So........ Will be another lesson not learned...again! of wasting more billions of tax payers money as likely to cost more to administer than the results it will produce. There is a theme going with all this. 
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    Matt · 4 months ago
    Been in the system for 22 years now currently in my 50s with having asd apart from the usual medical report lies it’s not been to bad maybe I’ve just been lucky and been left alone for most of it but it’s the digusting attitude of the job centre staff that really gets to me like they think they are above everybody else and the law 
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    Mighty Mouse · 4 months ago
    I delivered a scathing complaint and a very lengthy one to the DWP director general, job centre managers etc. Clearly pointing out all their failings as was my experience at that time, and had no reply. Its just as well, as i just know it would have been an ongoing process of communications of he said she said, although luckily for me, I have many phone calls and conversations on crystal clear digital recording which i will bring to the attention of MP's whenever they do their next committee investigation. The way they get away with treating people is disgusting. 
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    sally-jane · 4 months ago
    I Altho I agree in  principal  to reduce those  illegally receiving any benefits, including the state  pension, the way they go about  it and  how they  intend to , feelve s rather draconian and way to forceful. I had a letter from the secretary of state  in regards to a  position I was  in and I had a satisfactory reply, so I continued as I had done. Only to 3  years later being accused  of fraud, which was not so. I explained they needed to read the letter  on file. They did so and  replied that as  it was from previous Secretary of State  it was  null and void. So we addressed the situation and I paid back the difference. I do not feel it should have been  paid  back and as not a mind reader I wasn't aware that you must rip up and ignore a  letter from a  previous Secretary of State and start afresh each time a new one  is  in  place!!!!  I think the DWP have way to much  power as  it is and these new ideas are most unwelcome and rather unwarranted. I believe they are and will act similar to the Post office fiasco and it will be to the detriment of many unwell  people. The govt, it makes no different who is  in power, will not be happy  until there are no benefits paid to anyone and the state pension ceases which  it will do within 10 years as it stands.
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      Roubiliac · 4 months ago
      @TwistedWitch If you are an expat in some countries your pension is frozen when you leave the U.K. You do not get any increases. Canada is one example. The DWP claim some expats are claiming they are still in the U.K. to get annual increases.
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      TwistedWitch · 4 months ago
      @sally-jane How can you illegally receive your state pension. You are either a pensioner or not, you either have enough contributions or don't.
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      lesley · 4 months ago
      @mrfibro Absolutely mrfibro.  The French do not stand for any nonsense!
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      mrfibro · 4 months ago
      @sally-jane Hi Sally-jane,

      Can you imagine this happening in let's say FRANCE for example.  The people would bring the nation to a standstill, and cause so much havoc, that their goverment would have no option but to end the misery and suffering on french welfare claimants ( including pensions)
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    Rosie · 4 months ago
    Most people would agree that fraudsters should be given short shrift and dealt with swiftly and effectively.  The problem with draconian powers is that they may be wielded and abused by the "wrong people".  The only way to ensure that this doesn't happen is to not have the draconian powers in the first place, because all the checks and balances in the world will not prevent abusive use in the future.

    I don't trust the DWP. A few years ago they phoned me one Saturday morning to tell me that my claim for ESA Support Group had been reviewed and that I would be switched to JSA with immediate effect. I have complex PTSD following a vicious stabbing and rape by a coercive partner. Luckily my lovely mum grabbed the phone from me as I collapsed to the ground, and she gave them a piece of her mind! I spent the rest of the weekend in a highly stressed state, until I could finally contact DWP on the following Monday. When I got through to the helpline I was told that they had "no record of the phone call" and that I was still in the ESA Support Group. I had been gaslighted by the DWP!!!    
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      TwistedWitch · 4 months ago
      @Rosie I feel slightly differently. Of course I don't want people to get away with fraud, but I have to be honest the way the DWP is run I would rather a dozen people were able to get away with it than the hundreds that will be prosecuted for no cause at all being caught up in these hideous new proposed powers.
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    Dottie · 4 months ago
    My God i feel sick at the thought im shakeing, not because i have anything to hide i dont, but i look at the post office suicides and the way they handled innocent people , i feel suicidal with it all every day, i have cancer and i care for my husband with early onset if a constant struggle now...please someone comment with some comfort to all of us when this may happen  .please
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      Day · 4 months ago
      @Dottie Hi Dottie
      Try not to worry
      It is most likely that Labour will get into government, and I truly believe that they will not be as bad
      The general direction may not be great, however it will be slower...
      Don't let it worry you if you can help it, do some nice things for yourself, and if these pages are distressing you, then ignore them.
      All the best xx
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      Bear · 4 months ago
      @Dottie @dottie god bless you my dear I myself suffer with suicidal thoughts and it's such a hard task day in day out not to adhere to the plight of my thoughts and I'm just a single female with my pooch princess I suffer with mental health issues which I've suffered with my mental health since childhood so some days I can barely look after myself and the overwhelming urges to surmise to the thoughts of suicide can be extremely great it's hard not to give in. I feel for you my dear suffering with a illness such as cancer must be a major drain on your physical and emotional state of well-being and taking care of your husband with his onset of Alzheimer's must be extremely difficult for yourself please don't hesitate to contact any kind of support groups possible to help regarding both plights of you and your husband's health issues talk with your GP and ask if they can refer you to any such domains I have support from adult social service worker possibly you could look into seeing if the opportunity of working with an adult social worker is available for yourself and your husband they can refer you to many other organizations which possibly can offer you help talk to your gp as your suicidal thoughts are mental health issues and in regards to your thought patterns possibly you pose a risk not only to yourself but possibly your husband who would look after him should you surmise to the thoughts of suicide an act upon them please my lovely be cautious of your darkest thoughts in which seems like such a difficult time for yourself please talk to someone and seek support from a network able to provide you with the support you may need to lesson your burden please don't let dwp take another life and an adult social worker would help deal with such matters like dwp they're a massive help for myself I'd be lost without my social worker good luck my lovely and please try stay positive and keep on going good luck with your treatment for your cancer it must be extremely difficult for you I feel for you so much please keep faith god bless xx xcx 
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      Dottie · 4 months ago
      @denby denby..yes your right they are wonderful at Benefits and Work and all the community here..i am blessed to have all of you to watch our backs. Thankyou for your kind words.
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      denby · 4 months ago
      @Dottie If nothing else dear Dottie, please look at it like this: where would we all be without the wonderful Benefits and Work team, not least the Moderators who give up their time to train and answer queries on the Forum?
       So they all have all our backs, and we all have each others' backs. That ain't so bad, is it? We disabled know how to 'do', or should I say be, community. That makes us much richer than the merely money rich. They're looking over their shoulders wondering who will street mug them for their flash watches or tax them higher. Not having such worries allows us that much peace of mind, something money can never buy.
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      Dottie · 4 months ago
      @Sarah Thankyou Sarah for your kind words of comfort, its all made me ill, and both of use powerless to work as too ill. With all the medical evidence in the world to back it up, i still worry our home and disability benefit could be whipped from under us., just luke the Post office misjustice..innocent people being wrongly accused and bullied. Ive signed every petition, so i pray to god for all of us this doesnt come into force.  
      Its not right that we should live in fear every second of the day because of being stripped of all our privacy. Ive at best a few years to live with cancer if im lucky, and my poor husband with early onset Alzemiers, my god everyday is a challenge , yet her we are worried beyond belief incase we are bullied and cohearst from dwp innocently. 
      Dwp on phone are enough to give me a meltdown over the years , but these new powers , i really cant cope with the thought.
      Taking me all my mental strength to face up to both our diagnosis , but this wants you just to say ..i give up ..ive no more fight.
      But thankyou to you Sarah, and all at B and F for all the support and members comments.

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