Please be aware: this article deals with the DWP seeking new powers which some claimants may find distressing to contemplate. 

As the DWP steers a bill to give it access to 9 million claimants’ bank accounts through parliament, it is already pushing for additional powers of arrest, search and seizure.  In effect, the DWP is aiming to have its own anti-fraud police force and to be able to impose huge fines without going to court.  But should such plans go ahead?

Lessons from recent history
The current Post Office scandal is clear evidence of what happens when such powers are misused and there are some worrying parallels between the behaviour of the Post Office and the DWP, as we noted earlier this month in Post Office Horizon software originally aimed at claimants

And there is no doubt that the DWP are serious about getting these powers. 

In a May 2022 report entitled ‘Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System’ the DWP said that “we plan to create new powers so our officers will be able to undertake arrests and apply to search and seize evidence in criminal investigations, when parliamentary time allows. This will enable them to act in a timely fashion, without always having to rely on police resources.”

And last year we reported on a survey which the DWP claimed proved that the majority of the public want them to have such powers.

The DWP say that these powers will be used against “serious and organised fraud”, but how long would it take them to decide that allegedly fraudulent PIP, ESA or UC claims by individuals constitute “serious” fraud?

It is important to note that in the same May 2022 report the DWP used exactly the same phrase “when parliamentary time allows” in relation to creating legislation that would force third parties, including banks, to hand over data to them. 

The following year those provisions were slipped into a bill going through parliament and they are now at committee stage in the House of Lords. There appears to be no serious attempt to prevent them going through.

 So a DWP police force is a genuine possibility and the same technique of adding the provisions to an existing bill in order to allow it may be used again.

Huge fines
The same document also explains that the DWP want powers that allow them to introduce a new type of “civil penalty”, whereby they can impose very large fines on claimants they suspect of fraud, without needing to meet the burden of proof required in criminal courts or even to actually take the claimant to court. 

The fine will be based on a percentage of the amount the DWP believe, but cannot necessarily prove beyond reasonable doubt, the claimant has been overpaid.  It will be in addition to the claimant having to repay all of the alleged overpayment.

Your experiences
When concrete plans to introduce such powers are produced, it’s vital that claimants and the bodies that represent them are not caught unprepared and without evidence about what the results might be.

Crucially, we need to know whether the DWP is open, transparent, subject to effective scrutiny and has an ethos of abiding by the rules and regulations that govern its conduct

So, we’d like to know if you have always been treated fairly by the DWP or if you have you been left feeling helpless in the face of an organisation that makes rules, but doesn’t necessarily follow them itself?

For example:

  • Have you tried to report a change of circumstances by phone and been unable to get through?
  • Have you reported a change of circumstances in writing and received no acknowledgement?
  • Have you sent the DWP documents by recorded delivery, but they have denied receiving them?
  • Have you been threatened with legal action if you didn’t repay money without it ever being proved that you owed it?
  • Have you been told you must withdraw a claim for a benefit immediately or face prosecution for fraud, even though you know you have done nothing wrong?
  • Have you been interviewed under caution without being able to have anyone with you?
  • Have you been offered a deal by the DWP whereby you have to agree immediately to accept an award of a disability benefit that is lower than you think you should get or have the offer withdrawn and have to go to appeal instead?
  • Have you been treated in any other way that suggests the DWP cannot be counted on to follow rules and regulations and treat claimants fairly?

Let us know about your experiences in the comments section below, or use our feedback form if you prefer.  We may publish your feedback, but we will not identify you in any way.


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    Norma · 4 months ago
    There are a lot of genuine people on benefits and a lot with mental health issues.  I can't imagine anyone being arrested, accused or goods being seized without suffering extreme stress.  This is going to push a lot of people over the edge.  I agree with Tony, there will be a lot of suicides.
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    Wolfey · 4 months ago
    In view of the ongoing fiasco with the post office, surely these powers will not be given to the DWP? A few years ago I was accused of not informing the DWP of my marriage. I had been married for some years when this accusation was levelled at me, I had informed the DWP by letter,  and my partner's details had been on ALL my correspondence with the DWP. No way was I trying to conceal my marriage. I pointed all this out to them on the phone, and heard no more. But the first woman who spoke to me was hell-bent on accusing me of not telling them about my husband.....Under the new powers which may be granted to them, they could have entered my house and seized my husband and myself for fraud. My husband is almost blind and has mental health problems. this would have been devastating to both of us.

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    Ms Basset · 4 months ago
    I believe, that as per usual, those who do everything required and have nothing to hide, will be put under scrutiny because of those that are conducting illegal claims. 
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    steve · 4 months ago
    Some years ago we had the council threatening us with stealing money from them, they told us we were in credit by a certain amount and would we like it refunded and paid into our bank account, like fools we said yes, then a few weeks later we were being charged with fraud with the money they sent us saying we claimed it fraudulently and we had to go to a tribunal.
    At the tribunal, we had help from CAB even with their help we were given a caution and told to pay it back, it was their cock up but we were blamed for it and had a black mark against us, we were young but imagine it happening to someone old or disabled the B******* don't give a toss if your innocent or not, all they were bothered about was getting a prosecution.
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    A · 4 months ago
    This is not right at all.  It's an invasion of privacy. The DWP should ask for our consent first. If we agree if we don't then it's another matter.but I'm not happy where this will lead too
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    L · 4 months ago
    Yes, I was once told that I’d been overpaid by £450 and they gave me that amount back after the new tax year began. Then the year after they said I’d been overpaid that amount and I shouldn’t have had it and had to pay it back! I asked for proof and they told me it was from a previous year, I appealed and fought my case because had no definitive evidence of how why or where this overpayment came from. They threatened legal action and in the end I afeeed a monthly amount to pay it back but still to this day, I know I wasn’t overpaid and it was their error
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      Elaine · 4 months ago
      @L Perhaps if we had the same criticism and attitude towards the banks who can print money out of thin air, and then charge a 'debt fee' on that magic money and the very large corporations that evade tax and never have paid their share, then there would be enough in the DWP's purse to pay those people who find themselves unable or impaired to work. Stop constantly blaming and harassing people on benefits, go after the REAL crooks who hide their money in the cayman isles and the like!!!
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    Andy · 4 months ago
    There are a lot of power hungry, unpleasant and poorly trained staff working for the DWP. They will be offered incentives, such as bonuses, to achieve targets. This will lead to them fining as many claimants as they can, which will be easy if they no longer need to prove you are guilty.
    My neighbour used to work for the DWP until she retired a couple of years ago. The way she spoke about claimants was shameful and she used to brag about anonymously trying to drop people in it. I once said to her that I believed she was abusing her position by using her knowledge of who was claiming so she could be vindictive. After that I was visited twice by 'fraud investigators ' because they had a n anonymous tip off. Nothing came of it but I know it was her and she just wanted to cause me some distress.
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      Sweetpea · 4 months ago
      @Andy I agree they look down on people claiming but those of us who genuinely are sick cannot help their health issues. I wonder how they would all feel about their close families being targeted by the power crazed government and DWP 
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      Anthony · 4 months ago
      @Andy Totally agree with you here,i am on your side with this
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      Denise · 4 months ago
      @Andy That happened to my brother in law some years ago, his neighbour worked for the DWP and was a nasty rat, watched every move they made, he kept getting called in to the DWP saying he was working, when he wasn't, even told them that he believed his neighbour who worked for them was making these calls, but of cause they wouldn't believe that one of their own would do such a wicked thing, on each occasion they never had any evidence at all, my brother in law eventually moved house, and surprisingly never got accused of working on the side again.
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    Tony · 4 months ago
    I dread to think of how many suicides this would cause if this was implemented!
    Taking people's benefits and then fining them when the chances are they have no other sources of income or savings.

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      Michael · 4 months ago
      @Tony A NEW HORIZON AWAITS! I have an awful feeling you are going to be proven right, Tony. There is no way DWP staff should be allowed to determine guilt without conclusive evidence. As a public authority, DWP is subject to the European Convention on Human Rights and Human Rights Act 1998, Section 6(1) of which states: "It is unlawful for a public authority to act in a way which is incompatible with a Convention right." I'd like to see how they get around Article 6 (Right to A Fair hearing) of the Convention, otherwise the UK Supreme Court is going to give them a mauling or the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is going to rule their actions to be unlawful. Then see DWP staff squirm and the Tories squeal like stuck pigs.
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    Stefan canham · 4 months ago
    I don't agree with the Dwp being able to just get access to your bank account details as I thought they are private and confidential but I suppose we will have to wait and see what happens but I am not happy about it where will it end so I just wanted to say that I don't agree with what they are doing but on the one hand I can see why they think they need to do it as their is people who are taking advantage of the benefits system. 
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    Kevin Sharpe · 4 months ago
    No simple answer need to sort there own house first
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    Mrs D F, · 4 months ago
    After being put through the ringer first with my husband who with a neurological disability was denied any help for 5 yrs and only when we did win only get it back dated to one year, and now going through this with my own ill health now, probably escalated through the stress of caring and trying to work and deal with the DWP. NO they definitely should not be given these powers, they already think they are above reproach and are quite happy to put you down, even if you have been a good citizen, worked all the time you could, never been in trouble, brought up decent human beings, they treat you terribly in these appointments. And it is against data protection that we are assured of by law. 
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    Anonymous · 4 months ago
    I had to change my name! My full name (first and surname) was very common and because of that I kept being accused of fraud by the DWP. The others with the same name had jobs or large amounts of savings. I was threatened with jail but it was down to me each time to prove I was a different person. Now I have a different name but still get harassed by the DWP with being "randomly selected" for full benefits checks at least 3 times a year. And I got a lump sum as backdated PIP last year, which I used to buy a wheelchair, yet they're accusing me now of hiding that money as savings!!
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    JP · 4 months ago
    My Husband and I have been affected badly by various actions of the DWP. At present we are fighting the Child Maintenance Service, for a 20 year old so called debt - these are fictitious arrears. We have proved time and time again that the money is not owed. They aren’t even his biological children. His bank account has been investigated already, without his knowledge, only for them to state that they would have taken his money, or frozen his assets, but there wasn’t enough funds to do so! My husband is very unwell and has previously attempted suicide.
    This isn’t the only issues we have had with the DWP, if they are given powers to do as they please, then we are all doomed. Our lives won’t be worth living. God help us all! 
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      Sweetpea · 4 months ago
      @JP My husband was divorced from his first wife in 2001 and had been seperated from her well before all this and he has 4 children from that marriage, they were all adults. In 2014 he got a letter turn up saying he owed Child support for his young so who on the paper showed up as being 15 when in truth he was 27 ( they were saying he was 15 ) 🤨 anyway the CSA went to his employer to get the money he supposedly owed them dating back years through his wages !!! He eventually got a CSA solicitor involved and although he did owe money apparently and they took it from his then employer in small
      amounts but the debt was nothing like they were telling him and my husband produced all evidence but they still said he owed CSA for young son to which obviously was wrong … it took two years to pay the CSA and no one listened. The solicitor had worked out he did owe some money but not the amount DWP were claiming he owed. My husband was treated like dirt so this policing law they are wanting is just power crazed conservatives and they are trying to make this country loose it’s NHS, it’s benefits system and take away our human rights. It’s like we have Russia or China ruling us 😡😡😡😡 
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    TwistedWitch · 4 months ago
    I had a neighbour who for reasons I won't go into on here, had it in for me. He reported me to every agency going, Dog Warden, RSPCA, Local Council, Police and of course the DWP. I was called in 4 times over many years for 'compliance interviews'. This, luckily, was at a time when the DWP still had a heart, and each time they could find  no case to answer. In fact on the last occasion my local housing office attended the interview with me and confirmed that the Police had been involved with regard to the neighbour harrassing me and that I had done NOTHING wrong. However, the thought of coming up against a newly enabled DWP with powers to just fine without evidence is a terrifying thought. I feel sure that under their current draconian principles they would have found that constant accusations against me were a case of 'no smoke without fire' and even though I was totally innocent I fear it could have gone badly for me. They are the last organisation that should have the right to charge people with fraud with no evidence. These proposals MUST NOT be allowed to happen.
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    Kim · 4 months ago
    While I have nothing to hide this is a massive infingment on people's privacy 
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    Donna · 4 months ago
    I really could not trust the dwp looking into bank accounts, not after the post office scandal. This would be a real worry to vulnerable people and could push them over the edge. 
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    Ian Kerry · 4 months ago
    They will win the right to do as they please Well all I can say is CASHLESS SOCIETY= DICTATORSHIP. Every single penny will be accounted for and checked out by whoever. Will they be saying you are only allowed to spend x amount this week.
    Give me back my FREEDOM to say and do as I please
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    Kirsty P · 4 months ago
    I fear that this would lead to even more suicides. 
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    JF · 4 months ago
    It’s against data protection. On one hand we have the banks telling us nobody but the account holder should have access to our accounts. On the other hand we have DWP accessing our supposed safe accounts. Something is definitely not right. What happened to innocent before being proven guilty? Draconian measures do not work. It’s decidedly George Orwell…
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      Sweetpea · 4 months ago
      @JF That’s exactly what I said it’s like 1984 all over again 
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      Michael · 4 months ago
      @JP The government has to comply with DPA2018/GDPR the same as everyone else. It is a commonly-held belief government is exempt. The reality is they are not. They have to comply, too.
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      ian · 4 months ago
      @JP now you know why they wanted out of europe? they have no one to answer to,,,,so they are turning the uk into a police state,with huge changes to all the laws and will bleed the poor dry,to the point of death,while they steal every penny for themselves,,,,,,,the uk is soooo finished,,,,,,

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      JP · 4 months ago
      @JF DWP have already accessed my Husbands bank account. Also many other ppl we know about. They do not have to adhere to DP laws, as they are Government. 
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    Sime · 4 months ago
    No one should have the right to arrest fine or steal peoples property to try and prosecute innocent people vulnerable people and elderly people ..these planned changes are utterly draconian..why are they picking on us .....surely we can't be descrimimated against why ain't they asking for the same powers to look into everyone's bank accounts and are they planning to create a police force for hmrc ..surely the people they should be gunning for are the major corporations that pay little or no tax but still trade in our is becoming a dictatorship very quickly can they victimise the weak and get away with it ...look at all the politicians that reep the benefits of there positions with tax payers paying there wages why aren't they planning a law too snoop around there accounts and then some made up police force being able to steal there assets or stop there money. Until they are found innocent...its just all wrong 
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      Denise · 4 months ago
      @Sime What's also a worry is, why are the other parties so quiet, it's like people on benefits, their lives don't matter, we are treated like criminals, infact criminals get treated better in prison than a benefit claimant does.
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      Kim · 4 months ago
      @Sime How do we know that's not the ultimate objective? After a trial run, screening benefit accounts,they might decide it's feasible to screen everyone (,well except from their accounts of course)

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