Please be aware: this article deals with the DWP seeking new powers which some claimants may find distressing to contemplate. 

As the DWP steers a bill to give it access to 9 million claimants’ bank accounts through parliament, it is already pushing for additional powers of arrest, search and seizure.  In effect, the DWP is aiming to have its own anti-fraud police force and to be able to impose huge fines without going to court.  But should such plans go ahead?

Lessons from recent history
The current Post Office scandal is clear evidence of what happens when such powers are misused and there are some worrying parallels between the behaviour of the Post Office and the DWP, as we noted earlier this month in Post Office Horizon software originally aimed at claimants

And there is no doubt that the DWP are serious about getting these powers. 

In a May 2022 report entitled ‘Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System’ the DWP said that “we plan to create new powers so our officers will be able to undertake arrests and apply to search and seize evidence in criminal investigations, when parliamentary time allows. This will enable them to act in a timely fashion, without always having to rely on police resources.”

And last year we reported on a survey which the DWP claimed proved that the majority of the public want them to have such powers.

The DWP say that these powers will be used against “serious and organised fraud”, but how long would it take them to decide that allegedly fraudulent PIP, ESA or UC claims by individuals constitute “serious” fraud?

It is important to note that in the same May 2022 report the DWP used exactly the same phrase “when parliamentary time allows” in relation to creating legislation that would force third parties, including banks, to hand over data to them. 

The following year those provisions were slipped into a bill going through parliament and they are now at committee stage in the House of Lords. There appears to be no serious attempt to prevent them going through.

 So a DWP police force is a genuine possibility and the same technique of adding the provisions to an existing bill in order to allow it may be used again.

Huge fines
The same document also explains that the DWP want powers that allow them to introduce a new type of “civil penalty”, whereby they can impose very large fines on claimants they suspect of fraud, without needing to meet the burden of proof required in criminal courts or even to actually take the claimant to court. 

The fine will be based on a percentage of the amount the DWP believe, but cannot necessarily prove beyond reasonable doubt, the claimant has been overpaid.  It will be in addition to the claimant having to repay all of the alleged overpayment.

Your experiences
When concrete plans to introduce such powers are produced, it’s vital that claimants and the bodies that represent them are not caught unprepared and without evidence about what the results might be.

Crucially, we need to know whether the DWP is open, transparent, subject to effective scrutiny and has an ethos of abiding by the rules and regulations that govern its conduct

So, we’d like to know if you have always been treated fairly by the DWP or if you have you been left feeling helpless in the face of an organisation that makes rules, but doesn’t necessarily follow them itself?

For example:

  • Have you tried to report a change of circumstances by phone and been unable to get through?
  • Have you reported a change of circumstances in writing and received no acknowledgement?
  • Have you sent the DWP documents by recorded delivery, but they have denied receiving them?
  • Have you been threatened with legal action if you didn’t repay money without it ever being proved that you owed it?
  • Have you been told you must withdraw a claim for a benefit immediately or face prosecution for fraud, even though you know you have done nothing wrong?
  • Have you been interviewed under caution without being able to have anyone with you?
  • Have you been offered a deal by the DWP whereby you have to agree immediately to accept an award of a disability benefit that is lower than you think you should get or have the offer withdrawn and have to go to appeal instead?
  • Have you been treated in any other way that suggests the DWP cannot be counted on to follow rules and regulations and treat claimants fairly?

Let us know about your experiences in the comments section below, or use our feedback form if you prefer.  We may publish your feedback, but we will not identify you in any way.


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    JULIE · 4 months ago
    I had to prove I wasn’t receiving or earning any other money from anywhere. How do you do that! 
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      Kathreynolds · 4 months ago
      @JULIE I know exactly what you mean but I believe, by them saying this I'm wondering have they been doing this all along anyway, their questions can be quite invasive, most of what they ask have no baring on the situation at hand
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    Anon · 4 months ago
    Several years ago I was unable to work for 10 years due to ill health. I had worked previously despite lifelong physical disability.

    I was asked to attend the Job centre. I thought it was about searching for a job. I was interviewed under caution as Suspect 1 where they accused me of having a bank account I did not have and therefore my income exceeded the amount I could have. I was effectively accused of fraud.

    I was totally shocked. Pleaded I didn't have the account. It was awful. Much like the experience of the post office employees in the drama.

    Thankfully, they gave me the suspect bank details. I had another account with that bank, which was known to DWP. I went to the bank. They said no such bank account number existed. They wrote a letter to that effect. I had to wait 10 days to go back to the job centre when I was beside myself. The job centre just took the letter. No apologies. They just said 'these things happen'!

    I found the experience shocking and no apology even worse. The experience of the post office workers is appalling and it frightens me how easily it can happen. This legislation will only make this worse. 
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    Steve · 4 months ago
    I was once sent a letter to say I was swearing to a DWP employee on the phone in which they put the phone down on me, I did not accept that I was being rude and requested to hear the recording of my phone call, I recieved a letter to say they could not find the recording, I rang them and suggested that if I had been swearing on the phone then you would have produced the evidence.. The DWP will always find you guilty without evidence as they did with me. Plus I have been to court twice for pip and won twice with the judge on my last one told me that the dwp had illegally reassessed me too soon. God help us all when the DWP get more power. 
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    Kay · 4 months ago
    Dwp are the last ones to be prying into bank accounts they are fighting to keep reports from being published maybe they should look in before looking out at disabled people 
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    Margaret · 4 months ago
    Who going to police them millions of pensions,tax,false ppi and false claims on every level if the government paid back what they have stolen over the years lineing their own pockets we wouldn't have a great country on its knees. When are they going to be made disabled a pesnstionr,guardian of a 7 Yr husband passed away last year.iv had no help for anything be it funeral costa back dated payments .iv had no bathing facilities I have to use a bowl to wash.i have chronic medical needs on oxygen. Self cathertise have a storma and PAD nothing they are not interested in the ppl that worked alltheir life,contributed and the disabled.
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    Kay · 4 months ago
    I don't agree with dwp being able to check bank accounts I know there are some that are claiming that shouldn't be and  yet they give others that do need it the run around what happened to confidentiality they need to find a better way to catch fraudsters this is all about control over people should not be allowed 
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    Ann · 4 months ago
    This is incredibly frightening.  The DWP cannot be trust to be fair at the best of times, this will make them 10 times worse and take away any power to hold them to account.  
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    Ash10 · 4 months ago
    I called tge dwp for a copy of my pip assessment 10 weeks later I got a call from a lady wanting to know why I want it and what do I think would happen if I disagreed with it told her that although I am on full pip with elements the reward showed that they have marked me wrong and I wanted to check it against the report she start to shout that I would not get any more money so again what reason could I have for wanting a copy I could not believe this woman called to bully me my sister got on the phone and did not take any prisoners with her I was in tears I got the report 5 days later I am dreading my next review especially as they are messing around with people's pip I think they want to get as many of us off pip so that when we do have to go to UC we will not be allowed to claim any extra money on the health payment they give I read you only get extra money on uc for your health if you also receive pip enhanced rates 
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    Steven · 4 months ago
    QUITE FRANKLY GIVEN WHAT HAS HAPPENNED TO THE POST OFFICE  PEOPLE IT IS WOULD BE MOST INOPPORTUNE TO GIVE ANY POWERS TO THE DWP AS THEY WOULD JUST END UP DOING WHAT THE POST OFFICE DID TO ITS SHOP STAFF AND that is outrageous and quite frankly this is just the government passing the buck to an unelected department that has now legal rights in our constitution. All the government would be doing is empowering the DWP to be judge and jury in its own cases which is more like being the hanging judge not an arbitrator which is wrong. You cannot give judicial power to unelected bodies that are judges in there own cases all you are doing is giving the game keeper the gun to shoot its own game in its pens.
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    Tim Cornwall · 4 months ago
    We criticised Russia for state control but we are becoming much worse.

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    Bones · 4 months ago
    Well I wouldn’t feel particularly comfortable even though I have nothing to hide, dwp aren’t known for being fair in fact it’s very rarely you find anyone not biased 
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    Valerie Egan · 4 months ago
    DWP are certainly not the people to be thinking of doing this, because the minute they think you have been overpaid they already clamp down on you to pay it back like they are currently trying with my husband. Why should they be allowed to access into bank accounts, should Data Protection and Confidentiality come into this because these are personal and not for the like of people like them. The elderly, vulnerable, disabled will be shaking like a leaf if this starts to happen because nobody likes them at the best of times and certainly wont if they start looking into personal things like these. 
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      J Insell · 4 months ago
      @Valerie Egan I have no trouble with DWP checking my account. BUT, when I applied for PIP I had a face to face appointment and the guy from Capitas lied through his teeth giving me just 2 points overall. My application went to court and my medical records were visible to them. I was awarded 29 points and receive enhanced in daily and mobility. Everything isn't always black and white there are lots of grey areas with visible and invisible illnesses.
      Since then the DWP have been amazing to me, if you dont have a problem with them looking into your finances it should go ahead.

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    STEVEN MARKS · 4 months ago
    Communism at its worst, they already have a system in place, and pensioners are going to be
    distressed, look how many times DWP has got it wrong.  And the persecution of disabled people again. 
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    Stephen · 4 months ago
    Fascism, pure and simple. They would be better pursuing the fraud perpetrated by the government, rather than continuing their persecution of disabled people. 
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    Juniper · 4 months ago
    I'm appearing in court tomorrow morning.
    I'm 57 and have never set foot in a courtroom in my life and, frankly, I'm terrified: I'm attending my PIP Tribunal.
    I first applied for PIP just over 2 years ago, having had to give up a very responsible job in the medical field because I simply couldn't cope with the ever-increasing demands of the job. I've struggled with my mental health since my teens and have official diagnoses of generalised anxiety disorder, Bipolar Disorder type 2 and combined ADHD. These last two conditions can ONLY be diagnosed by a consultant psychiatrist. Despite the various combinations of drug therapy and psychological therapy over the years not being 'optimal' (especially after my lithium treatment had to be stopped after a kidney infection developed into sepsis, damaging my kidneys irreversibly meaning they can no longer metabolise lithium) I somehow muddled through until the point where I no longer felt 'safe' to do my job, after over 30 years of doing it.
    However: my initial PIP assessment was carried out in September 2022, via telephone, by a HP working for ATOS who had literally ZERO information about my medical conditions or history.
    The DWP (for reasons still unknown to me) passed my 'case' to ATOS without my PIP2 form; I only found this out because I had a query about something on the PIP2 form so I phoned the DWP to clarify, only to be told my 'case' was already with ATOS and they would be contacting me with a date for my Assessment.
    I asked how this could be, as I was still trying to fill out the form and it wasn't due to be submitted until another fortnight or so. I was told "this sometimes happens" and not to worry as the Assessor will go through the form with me and fill it in for me during the Assessment.
    Foolishly, I believed what I was told.
    I felt the Assessment went OK (despite being extremely nervous, desperate to get everything 'right') but was awarded zero points across the board. On the advice of a kind lady at Citizens' Advice I obtained a copy of my medical record from my GP surgery, to use as 'evidence' for my Mandatory Reconsideration; this showed the my GP Report was sent out 2 days AFTER my Assessment took place  - meaning the Assessor had neither my PIP2 form nor my GP Report at the time of the Assessment ... i.e. NO INFORMATION WHATSOEVER!!!
    I was awarded zero points across the board and, on requesting and obtaining a copy of the Assessor's Report, I could barely believe my eyes. The report contained blatant lies, e.g. "there is no evidence of cognitive impairment" (ADHD is a cognitive disorder); "she can budget and manage unexpected bills" (I have a tendency to spend impulsively and have got into a lot of debt in the past, my husband manages ALL the household bills, and I have a Financial Adviser to help me make decisions concerning my tiny pension pot  - I'm considered by the company as a 'vulnerable client'), and she mentions several times "she is not under the care of a mental health team" whereas I'm actually under the care of two separate mental health teams: the local one, who my GP liaises with, and a specialist one for my ADHD.
    Even after sending all this evidence to the DWP as part of my Mandatory Reconsideration, the DWP chose to believe the ATOS Assessor's report (2 hours on the phone and one hour of writing-up) over my evidence in the form of my GP letter, medical notes and a letter from my Financial Advisor.
    Those three hours that the Assessor spent, in total, on my case 9and was probably paid handsomely for) have resulted in over 15 months of worry and uncertainty, and the sheer frustration and demoralisation of being disbelieved when I have all the evidence to prove I told the Assessor the absolute truth, while my savings dwindle away.
    So: tomorrow, when I step into that courtroom, I will be a nervous wreck: I feel as though I'm the one "on trial", having to 'prove my innocence' as opposed to 'proving the lies' of the DWP and ATOS.
    So no ... I do not trust either the DWP or ATOS one iota.
    I will post again once I know the outcome.
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      Sandra Bowes-Rennox · 4 months ago
      @Juniper Do you have legal representation as your entitled to.
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      The Dog Mother · 4 months ago
      @Juniper Well Juniper ,You sound like the rest of us who have been royally shafted by the process.Lies and mistruths are at the fore for majority of report's, i kept checking the front of my three reports to make sure it was me they were referring too.
      I was receiving indefinite dla after going through a lot of home assessments, as they mostly did back in the day, only to have it all ripped away on being forced to apply for pip when it changed. I too had never attended a tribunal and knew very little about the goings on.
      But though I had to steel myself to my core I attended with my mum,who couldn't even enter the tribunal room with me she was so afraid,so you can guess what I was like.Anyway, do not rush with your answers, take your time,if you are emotional let them see that.
      You might only be asked a few questions, think I was asked about four in total.And I was awarded pip,unanimously (both times)
      Second time I did a paper tribunal and third time I got my pip back at the MR stage.
      I'm sure they will see how genuine you are, and I hope they question the dwp as to why you were ever sent there in the first place. 
      There I'll be three ppl sat in front of you, a doctor, a judge and a member of a disability group. Well that's how it was for me,the only off putting bit I found was three other ppl faffing around in the background, which I was told to ignore before I went in. Not sure if that's a regular thing or not.
      Anyway, good luck to you,and i mean that. You'll get through it. X
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    Zon · 4 months ago
    Imagine being wrongfully arrested for 'benefit fraud' due to one of the oh-so-common DWP errors. The knock-on effects would be long lasting (i.e. damage to reputation, gossiping neighbours/friends/family, loss of job, PTSD, etc.) even if the 'charges' are dropped when the DWP realise their error.
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    tom · 4 months ago
    DWP are not police and haven't got a clue, And people they target won't rep rect their assumed authority, i think many will find their selves in very grave danger because the criminals  won't fear them , they don't fear the police any more
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    Andy · 4 months ago
    I have written to them twice in the last 3 months, once to inform them I was going on holiday for 25 days, second to inform them one of my adult sons had moved out, no acknowledge both times.
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    Aw · 4 months ago
    I have had to involve my MP twice in order to force them to provide reasonable adjustments in assessments based on my disability, which I am entitled to by law. Until I involved my MP I was refused them many times ny both the DWP and IAS. So do I trust them? Do I trust that there are sufficient appeals processes? HELL NO.
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    mrfibro · 4 months ago
    Vote Tories out, if Labour pulls the same stroke, then vote them out, until a party with compassion gets in. Or am I being too unrealistic?

    Good luck to all who sail on the mighty HMS DWP
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      K · 4 months ago
      @tom Totally agree 
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      welshval · 4 months ago
      @tom Tom I totally agree with you I am so sick of lesser of two evils nonsense -there are no real differences between the two parties just like the USA 
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      tom · 4 months ago
      @mrfibro LIEbor as some call them have  not been labour since 1997, And They would be no better  than the FAKE tory party , I Genuinely  think we have a UNIPARTY in Westminster , that no longer serves the people of this country, which should be their primary concern, We need a compltley new political party to get any real change that benefits us

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