An impact assessment, setting out how many people will be affected by the cuts, should have been published along with the Green Paper as part of the consultation process.

But it wasn’t. 

This may have been an attempt to bury the assessment amongst all the other news of cuts and changes that will be announced in today’s Spring statement.

Or it may just have been incompetence leading to the figures not being ready in time.

Either way, it has meant that, on the day before publication, the DWP discovered that the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) did not accept their claim that the Green Paper cuts would save £5 billion.

According to media reports, it may have come up with a figure as low as £3.8 billion, because the OBR does not believe the changes to PIP scoring will lead to as many people losing the daily living allowance as the DWP predict.

There is speculation that a further freeze of an element of UC will now be announced, saving £0.5 billion, with cuts also being made to other budgets to meet the shortfall.

We'll provide full  details of the impact assessment, when they are published this afternoon.

In her speech, Reeves said:

"Today the OBR has said that they estimate the package will save £4.8 billion in the welfare budget, reflecting their judgements on behavioural effects and wider factors.  This also reflects final adjustments to the overall package consistent with the secretary of state’s statement last week and the government’s Pathways To Work Green Paper.  The universal credit standard allowance will increase from £92pw in 25/26 to £106 by 29/30 while the universal credit health element will be cut for new claimants by around 50% and then frozen."

There was no mention of freezing the health element for new claims in the green paper, only for existing claimants.

In addition, the Green paper says:

"we will increase the UC standard allowance for new and existing claims. This would mean the single person 25+ rate of UC standard allowance increasing by £7 per week (pw) (from £91pw in 2024/2025 to £98pw in 2026/2027)"

It is not clear whether this is in line with the figures given in Reeves' speech.

The OBR reports are now available online

PIP changes

In relation to changes to the PIP scoring system the OBR says:

From November 2026, in addition to current rules, claimants will be required to score four points in at least one of the 10 daily living descriptors to qualify for the daily living component. The static costing of this policy would reduce spending by an estimated £7.9 billion by 2029-30, and would reduce the number receiving the PIP daily living component by an estimated 1.5 million people (32 per cent). This is estimated simply on the basis that 58 per cent of onflows and 52 per cent of award reviews among the existing stock of claimants qualify for the daily living component without scoring four points or more in any descriptor.

The behavioural response significantly reduces the estimated number of people who lose the PIP daily living component to 800,000 (16 per cent of those receiving the daily living component), with 400,000 of these leaving the PIP caseload entirely due to not receiving the mobility component. This reduces the static savings by around half (£4.0 billion) by 2029/30. This is a highly uncertain judgement which reflects:

  • the strong financial incentive to qualify for the daily living component, with the standard rate currently £3,800 a year and the enhanced rate £5,600 a year, and to therefore demonstrate four points in at least one descriptor at assessment;
  • that assessing whether a claimant qualifies for four points in any descriptor is a judgement that heavily relies on an assessors’ interpretation of the relevant criteria, and one which depends primarily on self-reported evidence rather than external medical evidence; and 
  • that these changes will lead to higher levels of mandatory reconsiderations and appeals among unsuccessful claimants, along with higher volumes of reclaims. 

In addition to the behavioural effects on the PIP caseload outlined above, we have also assumed that a proportion of those whose PIP entitlement is affected by the policy will claim universal credit to compensate for their income loss. The magnitude of all of these behavioural responses is highly uncertain and therefore means there are significant upside and downside risks to the costing of this policy.

So, the OBR seems to be saying that 58 per cent of new claimants and 52 per cent of award reviews do not score any 4 point daily living descriptors.  So, on the face of it, this would reduce the number of people getting PIP daily living by 1.5 million, virtually one third.  But the OBR guesses, and they admit it is only guesswork that the actual number who lose the daily living component will be reduced to 800,000 because people will fight harder to be awarded a 4 point descriptor, including by challenging decisions.

Reintroduction of WCA reassessments

The OBR says:

The Government will reintroduce reassessments for claimants placed in the LCWRA group prior to April 2026 with certain short-term prognoses (such as high-risk pregnancies or cancer treatment) or who, without LCWRA, faced substantial risk to their physical or mental health. The savings from this policy are estimated to reach £0.3 billion in 2029-30, due to reassessments leading to more claimants leaving the LCWRA caseload. The key uncertainties in this costing are the level of off-flows following reassessment and whether there is sufficient workforce capacity for the reassessments to take place.

So, it looks like reassessments are going to be particularly targeted on pregnancy, cancer and substantial risk.

Reduction in the generosity of the UC health element

The OBR says:

The value of the UCHE has been frozen at £97 per week for the four years from April 2026, rather than CPI uprating assumed in the baseline (which would have taken it to £107 per week by 2029-30), for those who joined the LCWRA caseload prior to that date. For people newly classified as LCWRA from April 2026 onwards, the UCHE is halved and then frozen for four years at £50 per week. 

These changes are estimated to reduce spending by £3.0 billion in 2029-30, reflecting a £1,100 average reduction in overall annual UC awards for the 3.0 million individuals expected to be in receipt of the UCHE by that date. The additional premium, mentioned in the Green Paper, to protect the incomes of UCHE recipients after April 2026 with the most severe, lifelong conditions, has not been costed in this forecast. This is because DWP has confirmed to us that key components of the policy, including the value of the premium and the groups of people impacted, are still being considered (see Box 3.2).

This is a provisional costing which is highly sensitive to judgements on the composition of the baseline LCWRA caseload and on the behavioural impacts of the measures. The static costing assumes that, by 2029-30, four-fifths of the pre-April 2026 caseload remains in receipt of the UCHE. With the overall LCWRA caseload expected to rise gradually over the forecast, by 2029-30 this means that 73 per cent of the LCWRA caseload is estimated to be pre-April 2026 caseload, and the remaining 27 per cent is estimated to be new claimants receiving the lower UCHE rate. The savings in 2029-30 are nearly six times as large for individuals in the latter group (because they receive the halved UCHE award) as the former, demonstrating the sensitivity of these ‘stock’ vs ‘flow’ shares for the estimated savings.

There are several potential behavioural responses to this policy, all of which are uncertain. We provisionally estimate that behavioural responses reduce the static saving by £0.4 billion through four channels: 

  • Fewer UC claimants after April 2026 will undertake a WCA and flow into the LCWRA caseload in response to the reduced financial incentive, which is estimated to reduce the caseload by around 40,000 in 2029-30 and increase savings by £0.1 billion.
  • Fewer claimants in the pre-April 2026 stock are assumed to leave the caseload because they would lose the higher award and only be eligible for the lower UCHE award for new claimants if they were to claim the UCHE again in future. This increases the caseload by around 30,000 in 2029-30 and reduces the savings by £0.1 billion.
  • Some claimants will also claim PIP in response to the reduced income support provided by the lower UCHE for new claimants. This is estimated to increase the PIP caseload by 50,000 by 2029-30 and reduce savings by £0.3 billion.
  • The equivalent of one month’s worth of claims are estimated to be brought forward into 2025-26 to access the higher UCHE rate before the reduced award takes effect, which increases the caseload on the higher UCHE rate by around 30,000 in 2029-30 and reduces the savings from the measure by £0.1 billion.

 So, the OBR estimate that freezing the UCHE for existing claimants and cutting it for new claims will save £3 billion, but £0.4 billion of this will be offset by existing claimants not leaving the caseload for fear that they would get the lower award if they returned and more claimants also applying for PIP because of the lower level of UC payments.

Other measures

The OBR has not included some Green Paper proposals in its costings because of a lack of detail from the DWP.  This includes:

  • scrapping the WCA
  • the new additional premium in the UC health element for those claimants with the most severe, lifelong conditions
  • more PIP face-to-face assessments
  • a new, single assessment for PIP daily living and UC health element

Impact assessment published

You can download the DWP Impact assessment and the equality analysis from the bottom of this page

You can download the impact assessment from this page.

Headline figures in the impact statement

370,00 current PIP recipients expected to lose entitlement to the daily living component on review and 430,000 future recipients.  Average loss is £4,500 per year. 

2.25m current recipients of UC Health to be impacted by the freeze (average loss of £500 per year – although they will also see a rise in cash terms from the standard allowance)

730,000 future recipients of UC health (average loss of £3,000 per year).

Some 3.9m households not on the UC Health element are expected to gain from the increase in the standard allowance (an average gain of £265 per year).

The vast majority (96%) of families that lose financially have someone with a disability in the household. These families losing out are also estimated to represent 20% of all families that report having someone with a disability in the household.

It is estimated that there will be an additional 250,000 people (including 50,000 children) in relative poverty as a result of the changes to benefits.

Equality analysis

Just 0.1 million families with no disability in the household will lose out, 4% of all those affected.

3.1 million families with some disability in the household will lose out, 96% of all those affected.

Single females are more likely to lose out (1.4m) than single males (1.1m)

Overall, it is estimated that in 2029/30 there will be 3.2 million families – some current recipients and some future recipients - who will financially lose as a result of this package, with an average loss of £1,720 per year compared to inflation.


A number of measures, such as dropping the Conservatives planned changes to the WCA descriptors and increasing the UC standard allowance will cost the government money.  But the following changes are where the DWP intends to make savings.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP): Change the PIP assessment so claimants must score four points in any one activity from 2026-27 

This measure will require those claiming the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to score a minimum of 4 points in at least one activity to qualify for a daily living award.

It is estimated this measure will save £4.5 billion by 2029/30

Increase capacity for processing PIP award reviews from April 2026

There will be an increase in the number of PIP award reviews.

It is estimated this measure will save £200 million by 2029/30

Restart WCA reassessments

These reassessments will affect those who were eligible under the ‘substantial risk’ criteria, and those with conditions with a short-term prognosis who may have recovered. 

It is estimated this measure will save £355 million by 2029/30.

Universal Credit Health Element: Maintain at 2025-26 rate until 2029-30, reduce rate by 50% for new claimants from April 2026 and maintain until 2029-30

From 2026-27, the award rate of UCHE will be frozen for existing claimants and new claimants will receive a lower award, set at 50% of the Limited Capability for Work- and Work-Related Activity (LCWRA) rate for 2026/27. This will be frozen over the forecast. 

It is estimated this measure will save £3 billion by 2029/30.




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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    I’m 69 and in a wheelchair because of mobility problems. Therefore not able to work because of age. Does anybody know how the changes versus age are affected?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon It could impact claimants of pip, who might not requalify to keep pip beyond pension age, which might cost them pension credit if they don't get the severe disability allowance added to pension credit via pip daily living.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Pensioner It will affect pensioners,  i am pension age but still working part time. I am disabled and don't get UC , never have  but get lower rate PIP daily living which I will loose under new rules 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Pensioner None of this impacts pensioners, only those of working age. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    "WCA are bad and we will scrap them in 2028". Simultaneously: "WCA reassessments will be reintroduced now". So, they don't like WCA for new claimants because of "on-flows", but they do like WCA for existing claimants because of "off-flows". And they are not consulting on this change.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon Hi Anon

      You are absolutely RIGHT. These proposals go ahead then ALL will be affected NO matter what the condition and the severity of it. 

      They are NOT consulting on anything

      In my opinion we are being used as scapegoats for their bad management of the public purse as they call it. 

      Thinking we are UNABLE to fight back and indeed by the route they have implemented with Act of Parliament as I have repeatedly stated on this site with NO redress via challenges for Judicial Review for their UNLAFULNESS.


    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon I thought I read in Government chart that the WCA reassessments will start in April 2026. ALso there must be a massive backlog in assessments. I wonder how long it will take to go through them all?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon Neatly put, Anon.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    Why don't they pilot a Universal Basic Income for those who need it the most: disabled claimants. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @UBI For Disabled People Likely be another 5 years Before we should hear about it whilst they gather more research from those who are already on it if anyone is still on it 
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      · 4 days ago
      @UBI For Disabled People Like the £10, they consider to be life changing amount for the peasants.
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      · 4 days ago
      @UBI For Disabled People The problems are: 1, what is basic? UC standard rate?, and 2, who pays for it. 

      Personally I do think there should be a levy on employers who do not employ disabled people - why should the taxpayer be expected to pick up the tab.  It should be employers. And they would employ if the costs of not doing so were to prohibitive.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    Somebody please explain to me how 4,400,000 unemployed people can fit into 819,000 job vacancies. I'll wait. Oh, is it because that 819,000 job vacancies will soon halve because of AI? Now I understand. Yes. 4,400,000 unemployed people should compete for 400,000 jobs. The 4 million losers can presumably live in tents and eat pigeons. They have NO SOLUTIONS FOR SOCIETY AT ALL. Everything is only going to get worse. We will all die eventually. That's the only good news.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Matt Yes. This is the deal you get in the UK if you are self-employed:  "On an ongoing basis, you will take 100% of the risk, and 100% of the losses, and 60% of the profits. We will take 0% of the risk, 0% of the losses, and 40%+ of your profits."

      And if become too ill to continue generating profits for them, you very likely will not get any welfare. They will take your profits when you make them, and give you nothing when you're too ill to make them.

      Feudalist slavery system.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 days ago
      @Reality Correct, but as employers are not willing to take the risk, and the Govt wants to abandon the disabled as they are, predominantly, non-workers, then self-employment may be the only option, with all the risks on the shoulders of the self employed.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 days ago
      @Matt Self-employment is much harder than working a job. And you are not guaranteed to make any profits unlike a job. And the profits you do manage to make, they take 40% in taxes plus charge you for next years taxes 1 year in advance, specifically to cause you cashflow problems and tank your business. The whole system in this country is designed to screw people. It's a feudalist country with 20% owning everything, 80% peasants.
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      · 3 days ago
      @DJ Fully agree DJ. We all need to make as much noise as possible about our opposition to these reforms. We need to keep voicing our opposition to this and keep lobbying against this. The only way proposals are ever stopped is by enough opposing force being brought to bear against them. If we don't fight this they will pass everything. Everybody: RELENTLESS OPPOSING PRESSURE.
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      · 4 days ago
      @Kat Good point. Very relevant and it compounds even more how ridiculous and ludicrous these welfare cuts are. This is untenable.
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    · 5 days ago
    Hi does anybody know if autism is being removed from the eligibility criteria I work part time and get pip but I’m also autistic artist
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    · 5 days ago
    Any estimates on how long it will likely be until the 'Right To Try' guarantee takes actual effect? Are there any details on the length of time following trying work that you will be not reassessed? They say no immediate reassessment, but if you are reassessed 6 months later, then the Right To Try is a scam and does not de-risk trying work, since they will use it against you 6 months later. It's worth nothing unless you are protected from reassessment for at least 1 year. Any details on this subject are appreciated.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @WorkshyLayabout But that's the problem, you won't have the right to try because you will have failed the medical assessment and have been found fit for work, so it's sadly benefit sanctions for us even if we are in pain, labour are heartless 
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      · 5 days ago
      @Anon What employer would honestly be willing to give an unreliable sick or disabled person a test run for a few weeks when the employer would prefer a reliable healthy person? The "Right to Try" will be a disaster. The sick being forced to try work they can't do; employers forced to employ people who are not suitable; the unemployed unable to get a job because all the jobs are being forced upon those that cannot work. The number of employers prepared to employ the sick and disabled is zero.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    Will there be a legal challenge? How can a disability and the various aspects of it score enough NOW to get an award, but not in the future because of the 4 points? If the disability and the effects of stay the same then moving the goalposts in the future won’t make those disabilities go away. 
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      · 4 days ago
      @Jan  Hi Jan 

      Exactly where we have long term degenerative conditions already unfit to work then in my opinion this is where the government hope that what they are doing will totally finish us off. 

      We have already been deemed by our consultants and our doctors that this is so. StarmerStal and his acolytes spiel we WILL protect those that are in this category or that category, is just a knee jerk response to WHAT was thrown at him yesterday by certain MP's. 

      NO their changes on this part and that part will NOT change where it is DEGENERATIVE conditions 

      George Orwell's Animal Farm springs to mind It was about Stalin and his acolytes. This is Starmer and his acolytes. 

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    If someone currently only receives LCWRA, and hasn't ever claimed PIP, what will happen if they are successfully reassessed for LCWRA before Nov 2026?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon I'm of the opinion that if they're reassessed as still having LCWRA prior to Nov. 26, they'll keep their LCWRA and won't be asked to apply for PIP, as they would already have been reassessed, until their subsequent reassessment (if any) comes later on when PIP will be the single assessment in place.

      While we're at it, how would I know whether I've been awarded LCWRA on the basis of "Substantial risk"? Do they mention that you've been awarded LCWRA on the basis of "Substantial risk" in the WCA report?

      Are there specific illnesses for which they award LCWRA on the basis of Substantial risk?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Scorpion Yes, to rephrase my question: many LCWRA claimants who have substantial risk will be reassessed before Nov 2026. What will happen if they are reassessed as still having LCWRA? Will they be forced to claim PIP at some point on the 4 point rule and probably lose everything? Does anybody know what will happen to existing LCWRA substantial risk claimants who are reassessed as still LCWRA before Nov 2026?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon Will everyone currently on LCWRA be reassessed, in the first place, as the above article says:

      "The Government will reintroduce reassessments for claimants placed in the LCWRA group prior to April 2026 with certain short-term prognoses (such as high-risk pregnancies or cancer treatment) or who, without LCWRA, faced substantial risk to their physical or mental health."

      I do recall the Tories' plan was stopping reassessment for the current claimants on LCWRA, except a tiny number of cases.
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    · 5 days ago
    Reform party no doubt delighted. Beyond comprehension 
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      · 4 days ago
      @David David yes Richard Tice seemed pretty boyoant about it all last night not quite clear as others have mentioned where he thinks the jobs are coming from as he was also complaining about the NI hike and firms closing I don't know what pararell universe these people live in,  none of them will get my vote.
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      · 4 days ago
      @David Its clowns might be delighted, but I don't think its cheerers are. Make no mistake, there are more benefit claimants among Reform voters than any other party.
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    · 5 days ago
    Looks as if i will be going to another tribunal to fight the DWP again in the near future.
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    · 5 days ago
    "Those with the broadest shoulders should bear the heavier burden." 

    My a**.
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    · 5 days ago
    Will this be enforced in all parts of UK or will devolved govts, who manage some of these I think, have ability to make own decision on funding and retaining? (In Scotland PIP is now SDP I believe). This has to get passed in the commons and Lords does it not. So a majority if elected Labour MPs have to actually vote for this for it to happen. Are they really going to vote for this?
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    · 5 days ago
    Utterly despicable.  Thank god in a few weeks i'll get me pension, but in saying that I still need PIP to help with my disabilities.  I will also have to apply for pension credit.

    Next this cold hearted, spineless, cowardice evil of a goverment will more likely be weighing up on how to scrap pension credit.  How much more does this nation have to take before the last straw breaks the camels back ?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Jaded Jaded  no well they don't do they their policies are ill thought through, but this country is going to end up more like a third world mess, all created by politicians who will have walked away from it.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Mr Fibro I'm skewered. I will lose everything. Only god can help me. But I've just had a Labour councillor at the door and she said she commiserates and will feed it back higher up the chain. I didn't have the heart to give her 'what for'. Too tired ironically. But I did express my profound disappointment. She semed genuinely embarrassed by it. On the other hand I have a young son, no disability, who has a first class degree in engineering and has not been able to get a job despite scores of applications and interviews. It's been a year now. Even a regular supermarket job he has not been able to get one.  He is very low about it. Now if the young who are the future of this country cannot find work and are disillusioned, where are all these jobs for the disabled? I asked the councillor and she had no reply. 
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    · 5 days ago
    Jagang, @Alex, I can't work out how transitional protection would work, either. I think this is one of the issues they haven't considered so how it's applied could be totally random. We'll potentially be collateral damage unless and until we can establish and insist on our entitlement, which might not be great anyway.
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    · 5 days ago
    Hi, does anybody know what will happen to those with ongoing 10 year awards? We they be reassessed at the 10 year mark under the new eligibility or will it be a lot sooner once it is in place (if it goes ahead) best regards and I hope you are all coping ok, we will fight through this 
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    · 5 days ago
    Speechless is putting it mildly.
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    · 5 days ago
    I think what most people would like and find useful is some sort of online benefits calculator that will work as if the changes are already in place. It would be really helpful if when such a tool becomes available it gets flagged up on here so people can access it.
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      · 5 days ago
      @onestep In time the Turn2Us Benfits calculator will update with any changes:
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      · 5 days ago
      @onestep I second that, one step…it would be great to have a link of a site that you could ask a direct question and receive a direct answer! All of my questions go unanswered when I post on here. I do like this site though. Just never get my posts shown for some reason?!
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    · 5 days ago
    Let’s hold the government responsible for any unnecessary deaths their cuts will cause,every single person is as important as the next person,just because we are sick doesn’t mean we aren’t important,the arrogance and incompetence of this government is staggering,this is blatant discrimination and we need to hold them accountable for every single death and injury
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      · 5 days ago
      @Damion Every single one of us on UC should send a journal message stating this. A form of protest.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Damion No goverment has ever been made accountable for such actions against its own British people.  The government's argument is, that they had to reform the welfare for the good of the nation.

      That's the same claptrap all political parties spout out from their golden spooned mouths.

      Countless thousands of claimants will die, as will hundreds of thousands will die from earlier death, through illnesses caused by austerity.

      Remember austerity is not necessary at all, it simply a political choice.
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    · 5 days ago
    Sickening, disgusting behaviour by the Labour party.  I'm almost brought to tears by it, they just keep attacking and attacking us!  When does it end!?

    As if life isn't bad enough for us having disabilities.  We can't have a partner, as they are expected to pay for us.  

    We find it hard to get a place to live, as people often don't want benefits. 

    They have forced us on to UC and we lose the premiums. 

    They have frozen LHA AGAIN, despite huge increases in rent. 

    They lied to us about not being worse off on UC, as we now have to pay council tax.

    And now they are doing even more to attack us, freezing our money, reducing our money, making it harder to get PIP, making us go through more degrading reassessments where they will LIE about what we say. 

    This needs to STOP!  And we need to FIGHT!  It is sickening, maddening and depressing!
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    · 5 days ago
    # Analysis of Government Paper on Universal Credit Health Element Changes

    ## Legal and Human Rights Concerns

    ### Disproportionate Impact on Persons with Disabilities
    The most significant concern is the clearly disproportionate impact on persons with disabilities:
    - 96% of families negatively affected have someone with a disability
    - An estimated 3.1 million families with disabilities will lose out, compared to just 0.1 million families without disabilities
    - These represent 20% of all families reporting a disability member

    This raises serious concerns under several legal frameworks:

    1. **UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)**
       - Article 28 guarantees the right of persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living
       - The proposed changes may constitute retrogressive measures that undermine this right

    2. **Equality Act 2010**
       - The Public Sector Equality Duty requires public authorities to eliminate discrimination and advance equality of opportunity
       - The disproportionate impact on disabled people likely constitutes indirect discrimination
       - The scale of the disparity (96% of those affected having disabilities) suggests an inadequate consideration of this duty

    3. **Human Rights Act 1998**
       - Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination) read with Article 1 of Protocol 1 (protection of property)
       - Social security benefits are considered "possessions" under human rights law
       - The discriminatory impact may violate these provisions

    ### Gender-Based Discrimination
    The assessment notes that single females (1.4m) are more likely to lose out than single males (1.1m), raising concerns about:
    - Gender-based discrimination under the Equality Act 2010
    - Potential violations of international commitments under CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women)

    ### Child Poverty Impact
    The projection that 50,000 additional children will fall into relative poverty raises concerns regarding:
    - UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
    - Child Poverty Act 2010 (as amended)
    - The government's legal duty to consider the best interests of children

    ## Specific Policy Concerns

    ### PIP Assessment Changes
    Requiring a minimum of 4 points in at least one activity to qualify for a daily living award could:
    - Exclude individuals with multiple less severe conditions that cumulatively cause significant disability
    - Create arbitrary thresholds that don't reflect real-world disability experiences

    ### Universal Credit Health Element Reduction
    - 50% reduction for new claimants creates a two-tier system
    - Freezing rates until 2029-30 represents a significant real-terms cut due to inflation

    ## Broader Legal Considerations

    ### Proportionality
    A key question is whether these measures are proportionate to their aims:
    - The government's savings targets must be balanced against the severe impact on vulnerable populations
    - The financial burden is being placed predominantly on persons with disabilities rather than being spread more evenly

    ### Progressive Realization
    Under international human rights law, there is an obligation of progressive realization of economic and social rights:
    - These measures appear retrogressive rather than progressive
    - Such retrogression requires exceptional justification during economic constraints

    ## Conclusion
    The proposed changes raise serious legal concerns regarding discrimination and human rights protections, particularly for persons with disabilities. The disproportionate impact (96% of affected families having disabilities) suggests these measures may fail legal tests of proportionality and non-discrimination under both domestic and international law.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Cyberpunk I pray what you have said will be applied. There has to be someone who will fight for us, as right now, I'm too shifted and exhausted to fight for myself.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Cyberpunk Brilliant analysis! 

      I've reworded your post to make it fit my circumstances, and so that they won;t receive lots of 'copied and pasted' letters. I then emailed it to my local MP. 

      I would urge everybody to do the same.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Cyberpunk Well done for trying, everyone. Inspiring. I think I shall try the same with my local MP, I shall no doubt receive the same MP styled inconsequential reply, but, if nothing else, it will certainly increase the numbers of people complaining and not happy with the recent cuts. What else is there? Maybe we should do it like the farmers did!! Instead of tractors we could rally with our wheelchairs and mobility scooters!! Might make for a fun day out if nothing else, lol. 
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      · 5 days ago
      @Cyberpunk Thank you for this in depth legal explanation, there is hope and there are legal means to take on this dangerous excuse for a government. 

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