An impact assessment, setting out how many people will be affected by the cuts, should have been published along with the Green Paper as part of the consultation process.

But it wasn’t. 

This may have been an attempt to bury the assessment amongst all the other news of cuts and changes that will be announced in today’s Spring statement.

Or it may just have been incompetence leading to the figures not being ready in time.

Either way, it has meant that, on the day before publication, the DWP discovered that the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) did not accept their claim that the Green Paper cuts would save £5 billion.

According to media reports, it may have come up with a figure as low as £3.8 billion, because the OBR does not believe the changes to PIP scoring will lead to as many people losing the daily living allowance as the DWP predict.

There is speculation that a further freeze of an element of UC will now be announced, saving £0.5 billion, with cuts also being made to other budgets to meet the shortfall.

We'll provide full  details of the impact assessment, when they are published this afternoon.

In her speech, Reeves said:

"Today the OBR has said that they estimate the package will save £4.8 billion in the welfare budget, reflecting their judgements on behavioural effects and wider factors.  This also reflects final adjustments to the overall package consistent with the secretary of state’s statement last week and the government’s Pathways To Work Green Paper.  The universal credit standard allowance will increase from £92pw in 25/26 to £106 by 29/30 while the universal credit health element will be cut for new claimants by around 50% and then frozen."

There was no mention of freezing the health element for new claims in the green paper, only for existing claimants.

In addition, the Green paper says:

"we will increase the UC standard allowance for new and existing claims. This would mean the single person 25+ rate of UC standard allowance increasing by £7 per week (pw) (from £91pw in 2024/2025 to £98pw in 2026/2027)"

It is not clear whether this is in line with the figures given in Reeves' speech.

The OBR reports are now available online

PIP changes

In relation to changes to the PIP scoring system the OBR says:

From November 2026, in addition to current rules, claimants will be required to score four points in at least one of the 10 daily living descriptors to qualify for the daily living component. The static costing of this policy would reduce spending by an estimated £7.9 billion by 2029-30, and would reduce the number receiving the PIP daily living component by an estimated 1.5 million people (32 per cent). This is estimated simply on the basis that 58 per cent of onflows and 52 per cent of award reviews among the existing stock of claimants qualify for the daily living component without scoring four points or more in any descriptor.

The behavioural response significantly reduces the estimated number of people who lose the PIP daily living component to 800,000 (16 per cent of those receiving the daily living component), with 400,000 of these leaving the PIP caseload entirely due to not receiving the mobility component. This reduces the static savings by around half (£4.0 billion) by 2029/30. This is a highly uncertain judgement which reflects:

  • the strong financial incentive to qualify for the daily living component, with the standard rate currently £3,800 a year and the enhanced rate £5,600 a year, and to therefore demonstrate four points in at least one descriptor at assessment;
  • that assessing whether a claimant qualifies for four points in any descriptor is a judgement that heavily relies on an assessors’ interpretation of the relevant criteria, and one which depends primarily on self-reported evidence rather than external medical evidence; and 
  • that these changes will lead to higher levels of mandatory reconsiderations and appeals among unsuccessful claimants, along with higher volumes of reclaims. 

In addition to the behavioural effects on the PIP caseload outlined above, we have also assumed that a proportion of those whose PIP entitlement is affected by the policy will claim universal credit to compensate for their income loss. The magnitude of all of these behavioural responses is highly uncertain and therefore means there are significant upside and downside risks to the costing of this policy.

So, the OBR seems to be saying that 58 per cent of new claimants and 52 per cent of award reviews do not score any 4 point daily living descriptors.  So, on the face of it, this would reduce the number of people getting PIP daily living by 1.5 million, virtually one third.  But the OBR guesses, and they admit it is only guesswork that the actual number who lose the daily living component will be reduced to 800,000 because people will fight harder to be awarded a 4 point descriptor, including by challenging decisions.

Reintroduction of WCA reassessments

The OBR says:

The Government will reintroduce reassessments for claimants placed in the LCWRA group prior to April 2026 with certain short-term prognoses (such as high-risk pregnancies or cancer treatment) or who, without LCWRA, faced substantial risk to their physical or mental health. The savings from this policy are estimated to reach £0.3 billion in 2029-30, due to reassessments leading to more claimants leaving the LCWRA caseload. The key uncertainties in this costing are the level of off-flows following reassessment and whether there is sufficient workforce capacity for the reassessments to take place.

So, it looks like reassessments are going to be particularly targeted on pregnancy, cancer and substantial risk.

Reduction in the generosity of the UC health element

The OBR says:

The value of the UCHE has been frozen at £97 per week for the four years from April 2026, rather than CPI uprating assumed in the baseline (which would have taken it to £107 per week by 2029-30), for those who joined the LCWRA caseload prior to that date. For people newly classified as LCWRA from April 2026 onwards, the UCHE is halved and then frozen for four years at £50 per week. 

These changes are estimated to reduce spending by £3.0 billion in 2029-30, reflecting a £1,100 average reduction in overall annual UC awards for the 3.0 million individuals expected to be in receipt of the UCHE by that date. The additional premium, mentioned in the Green Paper, to protect the incomes of UCHE recipients after April 2026 with the most severe, lifelong conditions, has not been costed in this forecast. This is because DWP has confirmed to us that key components of the policy, including the value of the premium and the groups of people impacted, are still being considered (see Box 3.2).

This is a provisional costing which is highly sensitive to judgements on the composition of the baseline LCWRA caseload and on the behavioural impacts of the measures. The static costing assumes that, by 2029-30, four-fifths of the pre-April 2026 caseload remains in receipt of the UCHE. With the overall LCWRA caseload expected to rise gradually over the forecast, by 2029-30 this means that 73 per cent of the LCWRA caseload is estimated to be pre-April 2026 caseload, and the remaining 27 per cent is estimated to be new claimants receiving the lower UCHE rate. The savings in 2029-30 are nearly six times as large for individuals in the latter group (because they receive the halved UCHE award) as the former, demonstrating the sensitivity of these ‘stock’ vs ‘flow’ shares for the estimated savings.

There are several potential behavioural responses to this policy, all of which are uncertain. We provisionally estimate that behavioural responses reduce the static saving by £0.4 billion through four channels: 

  • Fewer UC claimants after April 2026 will undertake a WCA and flow into the LCWRA caseload in response to the reduced financial incentive, which is estimated to reduce the caseload by around 40,000 in 2029-30 and increase savings by £0.1 billion.
  • Fewer claimants in the pre-April 2026 stock are assumed to leave the caseload because they would lose the higher award and only be eligible for the lower UCHE award for new claimants if they were to claim the UCHE again in future. This increases the caseload by around 30,000 in 2029-30 and reduces the savings by £0.1 billion.
  • Some claimants will also claim PIP in response to the reduced income support provided by the lower UCHE for new claimants. This is estimated to increase the PIP caseload by 50,000 by 2029-30 and reduce savings by £0.3 billion.
  • The equivalent of one month’s worth of claims are estimated to be brought forward into 2025-26 to access the higher UCHE rate before the reduced award takes effect, which increases the caseload on the higher UCHE rate by around 30,000 in 2029-30 and reduces the savings from the measure by £0.1 billion.

 So, the OBR estimate that freezing the UCHE for existing claimants and cutting it for new claims will save £3 billion, but £0.4 billion of this will be offset by existing claimants not leaving the caseload for fear that they would get the lower award if they returned and more claimants also applying for PIP because of the lower level of UC payments.

Other measures

The OBR has not included some Green Paper proposals in its costings because of a lack of detail from the DWP.  This includes:

  • scrapping the WCA
  • the new additional premium in the UC health element for those claimants with the most severe, lifelong conditions
  • more PIP face-to-face assessments
  • a new, single assessment for PIP daily living and UC health element

Impact assessment published

You can download the DWP Impact assessment and the equality analysis from the bottom of this page

You can download the impact assessment from this page.

Headline figures in the impact statement

370,00 current PIP recipients expected to lose entitlement to the daily living component on review and 430,000 future recipients.  Average loss is £4,500 per year. 

2.25m current recipients of UC Health to be impacted by the freeze (average loss of £500 per year – although they will also see a rise in cash terms from the standard allowance)

730,000 future recipients of UC health (average loss of £3,000 per year).

Some 3.9m households not on the UC Health element are expected to gain from the increase in the standard allowance (an average gain of £265 per year).

The vast majority (96%) of families that lose financially have someone with a disability in the household. These families losing out are also estimated to represent 20% of all families that report having someone with a disability in the household.

It is estimated that there will be an additional 250,000 people (including 50,000 children) in relative poverty as a result of the changes to benefits.

Equality analysis

Just 0.1 million families with no disability in the household will lose out, 4% of all those affected.

3.1 million families with some disability in the household will lose out, 96% of all those affected.

Single females are more likely to lose out (1.4m) than single males (1.1m)

Overall, it is estimated that in 2029/30 there will be 3.2 million families – some current recipients and some future recipients - who will financially lose as a result of this package, with an average loss of £1,720 per year compared to inflation.


A number of measures, such as dropping the Conservatives planned changes to the WCA descriptors and increasing the UC standard allowance will cost the government money.  But the following changes are where the DWP intends to make savings.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP): Change the PIP assessment so claimants must score four points in any one activity from 2026-27 

This measure will require those claiming the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to score a minimum of 4 points in at least one activity to qualify for a daily living award.

It is estimated this measure will save £4.5 billion by 2029/30

Increase capacity for processing PIP award reviews from April 2026

There will be an increase in the number of PIP award reviews.

It is estimated this measure will save £200 million by 2029/30

Restart WCA reassessments

These reassessments will affect those who were eligible under the ‘substantial risk’ criteria, and those with conditions with a short-term prognosis who may have recovered. 

It is estimated this measure will save £355 million by 2029/30.

Universal Credit Health Element: Maintain at 2025-26 rate until 2029-30, reduce rate by 50% for new claimants from April 2026 and maintain until 2029-30

From 2026-27, the award rate of UCHE will be frozen for existing claimants and new claimants will receive a lower award, set at 50% of the Limited Capability for Work- and Work-Related Activity (LCWRA) rate for 2026/27. This will be frozen over the forecast. 

It is estimated this measure will save £3 billion by 2029/30.




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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    How will this effect those on income related esa in the support group who have not migrated over so confused right now.
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      · 4 days ago
      @Dee white It applies to ESA and UC and isnt new claims only.
      I think what would be helpful is if to know they are going to try and play games with the substantial risk criteria, technically this is not a descriptor, so the green paper to me hasnt confirmed if this will be left alone.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 days ago
      @Dee white I think it’s just new claim right now,but if you lose your pip you could lose the sdp part of your PIP if you are on pip,I don’t think esa migration to uc matters as you will get same amount,if unsure ring ESA or get some competent advice online
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    I cant bear to look at them, let alone read here, normally a safe place.
     On PIP . 
     I hope Labour gets such violent pushback that it is forced to reverse these cruel frightening policies.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    ESA support group after 2028 a new non means tested benefit for existing claims or new ????
    With a new non means tested benefit will be time limited can someone explain please also how can they say somebody all of you on contribution based esa support group will be based on the unemployment insurance time limited and look for work what happens if you cannot work ? Disabled since 1998 accident that was then now have major health with heart failure and c o p b asthma diabetic also hypertension isamatic heart disease nurses in every 10 days for bloods for heart and for c o p d and they expect we find work transferred over from incapacity in 2017 to e s a support then re assessed in 2023 till 2029 but it's time limited people on contribution based won't get universal credit does anybody have answers I am housebound 95% I have a wife who does e tho g from personal care to administer medication eye drops because the diabetic has affected my eyes I'm scanned every 3 months like I ask how long is this time limited u employment benefit for and what happens if we cannot work ! 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 days ago
      @Not known Really sorry to hear this it's so brutal this lack of clarity but somebody on this forum kindly pointed to section 54 of the green paper.  If you notice it says - in brackets - for new people claiming.  I'm clinging to this hope! 

      54. Alongside levelling up the rate, this change would end the indefinite entitlement to contributory ESA for those assessed as having limited capability for work-related activity (for new people claiming). Those unemployed after the time-limited period would be able to claim UC, depending on their personal circumstances. We believe this reform would align with the removal of the WCA, by offering a route to financial support for those with temporary and short-term health conditions, including for those who may not be entitled to PIP and therefore not entitled to the health element of UC.
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    · 5 days ago
    I dont totally understand it all, but way i see it, i will go from £1347 a month to £393.80 a month.(from an online benefit calc)

    Unless, if anybody understands it properly?

    If i go to managed migration before any changes happen , will i get the transitional protection keeping me around the £1347 a month mark?

    Then if i lose PiP, the health element and the SDP on UC would i still remain with the transitional element at £1347?

    Or does it trigger a change in circumstances so they will reassess me again so i end up down at the £393.80 ?

    I wake up exhausted and in pain every single day, Many more symptoms during the day but always extreme fatigue and pain. Was already getting to the point questioning if its really worth it to keep going.
    This is tipping me over the edge and now several times a day i am considering what i need to do before i end it all.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    After watching the shambles of the statement I'm feeling doomed.

    Only a handful of MP'S challenged reeves about the benefits changes.

    Imo the changes will pass through parliament without issue,  simply because we don't have enough MP'S that oppose the changes.

    I can't even see these changes being 'watered down'.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    The DWP producing the impact assessment of their evil drastic changes is no different from a defendant who is formally charged with a crime concocting the impact assessment of their crime.

    Impact assessment has to be produced by the victim or their representation, or a third party and not the defendant.

    Therefore, this impact assessment is lip service, which should not be taken seriously.
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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    "These reassessments will affect those who were eligible under the ‘substantial risk’ criteria, and those with conditions with a short-term prognosis who may have recovered."

    Could someone explain what "those who were eligible under the ‘substantial risk’ criteria" mean?

     How do I know whether I was awarded LCWRA in relation to the above, as the report of the so-called health professional doesn't mention specific reasons for which one is awarded LCWRA?

    And how short is the short-term prognosis?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 days ago
      @Scorpion The usual. Not all my comment made it.

      As for there being specific illness, probably. I can definitely say that it's not a requirement. Doing work or work-related activities that would make someone suicidal or suffer panic attacks would be substantial risk. 

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      · 2 days ago
      @Scorpion I failed a WCA reassessment. Unsurprisingly. It was on the letter from the appeal which stated about being put in the LCWRA group due to substantial risk. After I won the appeal, the only thing from the DWP was a letter about the amount of money I would get. I presume that if it were the DWP that decided to put someone in the LCWRA group because of substantial risk, it would be mentioned in their report.

      As for there being specific illness, probably. I can definitely say that it's not a requirement. Doing work or work-related activities that would make someone suicidal 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 days ago
      @WorkshyLayabout Thanks.

      How would I know whether I've been awarded LCWRA on the basis of "Substantial risk"? Do they mention that you've been awarded LCWRA on the basis of "Substantial risk" in the WCA report?

      Are there specific illnesses for which they award LCWRA on the basis of Substantial risk?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 days ago
      @Scorpion In order to be placed in the support group, a person had to get 15 points for one question (there's probably a more accurate term, but I can't think of one right now). But if a person did not get 15 points, he/she could get into the support group via the substantial risk route. It helped people who did not meet the requirements having LCWRA to still be treated as having LCWRA. If you can be bothered reading the esa regulations, it's reg. 35. 

      " suffer from some specific disease or bodily or mental disablement and, by reasons of such disease or disablement; there would be a substantial risk to the mental or physical health of any person if you were found not to have limited capability for work-related activity..."

      Too many people were getting into the support group/LCWRA this way - which is why the DWP plan to get rid of it. 
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      · 5 days ago
      @David Thanks.

      And what is this ‘substantial risk’ criteria about?
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    · 5 days ago
    What happens after 2029-30 for the frozen LCWRA rate? Will it be reduced by 50% too?
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      · 4 days ago
      @Jan @Jan -  
      As of now, the government has not confirmed exactly what happens after the freeze ends. But based on all current documents (especially the 2023 Health and Disability White Paper), here are the two likely scenarios:

      🟠 Option 1: The LCWRA element is phased out entirely
      Everyone still on the LCWRA element (under transitional protection) may be moved onto the new “health element” system, which is only for people on PIP.

      If you’re not on PIP, you may lose this element altogether.

      If you are on PIP, you might be moved onto the new lower-rate health element (about 50% less than LCWRA).

      🟡 Option 2: People on LCWRA are “protected,” but stuck on a frozen rate
      You may be allowed to keep the LCWRA if you’re still eligible and don’t trigger a reassessment.

      But the amount stays frozen, and over time becomes worth less in real terms.

      Eventually, the DWP might phase this out and shift all claimants to the new system.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Jan Don't worry too much about 29/30 they may not be in power by then 
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      · 5 days ago
      @Jan The Government has a duty to safeguard a potential lost generation of working age people. We are talking here about the young adults to prevent them being on a lifetime of benefits and giving opportunity to all inclusively. Existing claimants are not affected by the 50% cut. It will be new claimants, eventually there will come a time when all will be those new claimants as existing claimants leave or die naturally. So to answer your question, I doubt very much existing claimants will see any reduction apart from freezing it. A newer test like they are going to do as a one for all revamped pip assessment. For that we really need to wait and see and what kind of points are awarded rather than speculate. I believe this new pip assessment is where they are going to make a permanent mark as it will affect everyone, everything else is just the trailer for this. So talking about whether benefits are going up, cut, frozen etc is pointless until we see the new pip. Between now and then there will be tweaks and maybe a pilot test to see how it works in practice. 
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    · 5 days ago
    I was under the impression that UC 50% cut would be coming in during 2026, does this now mean it will take effect immediately? I am planning to migrate over to UC on April 11th, will this affect me? Would I be Ok if I claim straightaway? 
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    · 5 days ago
    For me,this sounds like it gives them room to mandatory reassess those who currently wouldn't get 4pts in any descriptors and automatically cut the Care component of PIP.
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    · 5 days ago
    The DWP’ impact assessment of the health and disability benefit cuts also says that will put an extra 250,000 people, including 50,000 children, into relative poverty. It says: 

    "The potential impact of these reforms on poverty projections has been estimated using a static microsimulation model. Using this model, we estimate there will be an additional 250,000 people (including 50,000 children) in relative poverty after housing costs in 2029/30 as a result of modelled changes to social security, compared to the baseline projections."
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    · 5 days ago
    At least we have got some leeway time wise.
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      · 5 days ago
      @bert Then what?
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      · 5 days ago
      @bert it might be 18m's before existing claimants start losing serious money but the primary legislation to pass these devastating disability cuts could be passed in parliament as soon as May THIS year (2025). Once these laws are passed there's no turning back......... during 14 years in opposition key Labour MP's (including Starmer and Reeves) criticised the Tories for installing the 'Two Child benefit cap', the overall monthly 'Benefits cap including Housing Benefit' and the WASPI women pension scandal. But after 9 months in power Labour not only haven't reversed these cruel policies they have now gone much further than George Osbourne dared by slashing further £billions from the disability welfare budget to prop up the failing national economy   
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      · 5 days ago
      @Bern400 True
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      · 5 days ago
      @Neil Cook Year and a half.
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      · 5 days ago
      @bert How much time exactly though?
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    · 5 days ago
    Today the DWP confirmed 800,000 existing claimants will lose their PIP and a further 150,000 claimants will lose their carer’s allowance. It says:

    "By 2029/30 an estimated 800,000 people will not receive the daily living component of Pip who would have under current rules, a significant proportion of these people will retain access to the obility component and will remain on the benefit. A further 150,000 people will not receive carer’s allowance or the UC [universal credit] carer element as a result."
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    · 5 days ago
    Just a quick visit to say I got a reply from my MP Clive Lewis.  I have copied it below (in italics) for people to see, alongside the reply I have, in turn, sent him (in bold).    I hope you are all doing well. 

    Clive Lewis's email:

    Thank you for taking the time to write. Messages like yours genuinely make a difference, and I deeply appreciate you reaching out.

    I share your concerns. This feels like yet another decision that prioritises the wrong interests—one that not only fails to serve the people it should but actively harms them.

    Even before the cuts were confirmed, I told the Big Issue that our first priority needs to be sorting out the jobs market, and then also repairing the social safety so people are healthy and feel secure in work. Read my comments here:

    When the Government announced these changes in Parliament last week, I raised my concerns. Watch the question I asked in the House of Commons:

    I also told the media that I thought cuts will make our current crisis of democracy worse. Listen here:

    Our government stands at a crossroads. The choices we make now will not only shape the outcome of the next general election but will also define the future of our democracy. The consequences of getting it wrong are all too clear—one need only look across the Atlantic to see how swiftly democratic institutions can be eroded when trust is broken.

    I remain committed to fighting for policies that put people first, and voices like yours are vital in holding us to account.

    Take care, and once again, thank you for reaching out.

    Kind regards.

    My reply to the above email is as follows:

    Dear Mr Lewis

    These are not "concerns" or an issue of "prioritising the wrong interests." These are matters of life and death.

    Yes, you have raised your concerns, as you often do, and while that is appreciated, it isn't going to change these policies, and not even likely to cause them to be altered in any meaningful way.

    Making your voice heard in this way will, alas, do nothing, and I'm sure I'm not the only one of your constituents who want you to do more than simply make you displeasure known.

    Even in your reply you talk about the outcome of the next general election. I know your heart is in the right place, but none of us are thinking about the next election, or even care who wins the next election, because it can't be worse than what Labour - the party we trusted to look after us - is doing now. But perhaps you're worried about the next election and whether you would get voted back in?

    Hundreds of thousands of us are going to be plunged into debt, despair, depression, and there will no doubt be suicides even before these changes come into force. Let me reiterate: people are going to lose £300 a month PIP + £400 a month health element of UC and, in many cases, there will be a knock on effect with regards to carer's allowance. And your party can tighten the eligibility to PIP all it wants, but it doesn't make us any healthier, or any more able to start work.

    And so, as in my original email to you, I ask what you are actually going to do beyond simply talking. I didn't see you among the protesters in London today. Your colleagues that are unhappy about the cuts mostly aren't even willing to stick their neck out and allow their names to printed in newspapers. In other words, they are more worried about losing votes at the next election than saving the lives of their constituents.

    And at the moment I see no sign that you are willing to walk away from the party - something that might actually cause a rethink, as others might follow. And surely if you're as worried about these policies as you suggest, it would go against your own conscience to remain in the Labour party. I've handed in my membership card in disgust and despair, and it's up to upset MPs like yourself to do the same.

    Yours faithfully,
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      · 4 days ago
      @Mikt27 ESA has a standard element plus either a support group or work related activity award. The last two are called health elements in UC but are named LCWRA (Limited Capability for work and Work-Related Activity) and LCW (Limited Capability for Work). These are the health elements that will be added to the UC standard rate. You can find the rates on the Government website. 
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      · 5 days ago
      @Mikt27 Unfortunately I don’t think she will. She’ll be getting plenty of emails from me though. I’m not going anywhere 
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      · 5 days ago
      @gingin You are lucky if you have an MP who will challenge this. My Conservative MP has always voted for harsh benefits cuts
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      · 5 days ago
      @louise I'm due to migrate to UC shortly, what is the health element of UC? I don't understand any of it
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      · 5 days ago
      @SLB Thanks for putting this up. I think you are being too tough on Clive here. I believe there will be a move against the Starmer regime and that Clive will stand for leader of the Labour party and will lead Labour into the next election. These policy changes will be reversed in the meantime.
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    · 5 days ago
    nothing new,  basically we heard all this last week, now we must try and defeat this in the courts, i am confident the claimant will win, the amount of cuts they have made to the poor, sick and disabled is staggering and will not be tolerated, their proposals are disgusting and humiliating to the most vulnerable in society.
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    · 5 days ago
    Reeves has announced the following about UC

    “The universal credit standard allowance will increase from £92 per week in 2025-26 to £106 per week by 2029-30, while the universal credit health element will be cut by 50% and then frozen for new claimants.” 
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      · 5 days ago
      @See @see. UC Health Element (LWRCA) will only halve for new claimants but will instead be frozen (no future rises) for existing claimants. However, if existing PIP claimants fail the new 4 point daily living scoring criteria at their next reassessment.........not only will they lose their PIP but also their UC Health Element as well as Carer's Allowance paid to anyone caring for them 
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      · 5 days ago
      @james So is the health element going to halve for existing claimants, or just new ones? It's not clear at all. 
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    · 5 days ago
    The OBR says:

    > The Government will reintroduce reassessments for claimants placed in the LCWRA group prior to April 2026 with certain short-term prognoses (such as high-risk pregnancies or cancer treatment) or who, without LCWRA, faced substantial risk to their physical or mental health. The savings from this policy are estimated to reach £0.3 billion in 2029-30, due to reassessments leading to more claimants leaving the LCWRA caseload. The key uncertainties in this costing are the level of off-flows following reassessment and whether there is sufficient workforce capacity for the reassessments to take place.

    I'm confused because the Green Paper only seems to discuss prioritising reassessments for claimants placed in the LCWRA group with certain short-term prognoses, such as high-risk pregnancies or cancer treatment. However, the OBR states that this also includes those who were awarded based on substantial risk grounds, which is not something the Green Paper addresses.

    The only section that mentions substantial risk in the Green Paper is under Scrapping the Work Capability Assessment:

    > 113. This means we would focus any health-related financial support in UC on those with long-term conditions and disabilities that have lasted for 3 months and are expected to last for at least a further 9 months. We are considering how any change of this kind could affect individuals who currently meet limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA) criteria due to non-functional special circumstances; for example, those affected by cancer treatment, people with short-term conditions that get better, women with a high-risk pregnancy and those currently classed as having substantial risk. Individuals in these categories may not be eligible for PIP, and therefore the UC health element, in the reformed system.

    Under Switching back on WCA Reassessments, it only focuses on those with short-term prognoses and cancer:

    > 160. During the COVID-19 pandemic, scheduled reassessments were turned off. In 2019, 611,000 WCA reassessments were carried out. This has fallen to 118,000 in 2023.[footnote 88] We will turn on WCA reassessments as we build up capacity to do so. We will initially prioritise reassessments for people who are most likely to have had a change in their circumstances including those who have short-term prognoses, for which we can reasonably anticipate a change in health condition has occurred (e.g., those with risks from pregnancy complications or those who have recovered following cancer treatment). Over time, we will then prioritise available reassessment capacity for other cohorts who are likely to change award.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Pious The key is in that last sentence you quote from last week's Green paper -

      'Over time, we will then prioritise available reassessment capacity for other cohorts who are likely to change award'. 

      Claimants originally awarded UC LCWRA or ESA Support Group under 'substantial risk' (Regulation 35) provisions for mental health can also be downgraded to UC LCW or ESA WRAG Group under 'substantial risk' (Regulation 29) provisions if there is evidence at reassessment that the risk of being required to engage in any work related activity is now mitigated but they would still be at risk if found fit for work.

      So, the purpose in targeting substantial risk may be to see if they can at least be downgraded, if not off-loaded from the benefit completely.  The OBR have made it clear to the DWP that savings will come from reassessing those closest to being removed from the benefit or downgraded.  Because reassessments were switched off for LCWRA and Support Group claimants for so long, or there have been very few since Covid, there hasn't been much or any off-rolling of claimants in this category which might have been expected.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Pious I am an apointee and my son and daughter and have not had the migration noticed yet. So will someone who is migrating from ESA Support group to UC now be classed as a new claimant with todays announcment of cutting the UC helth element by 50%. Or will they still have transitional protection. Both are getting higher rate of care and mobilty, son has a total score of 27 on pip for care. 12 for mobilty and 4 points on care for 4 different descriptors with an ongoing award that was from 2017. Daughter has 22 points for care, 12 for mobilty with 4 points on 3 of the different desciptors, she also has an ongoing award from 2021. I am in no doubt aware that this will probably change on a light tough review even though there conditions are lifelong and won't change and neither has their care needs or care. 
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    · 5 days ago
    I'm sitting on the edge of my bed shaking like a leaf because I am terrified coz I'm likely to lose everything now because of this home , possessions and my mobility scooter which is my best friend and without I'll basically be stranded wherever. Labour I hope you're pleased about this, everyone of you who voted in favour of these nasty changes HANG YOUR HEADS IN SHAME.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Neil Cook i am so scared, people on UC don't deserve nice things that they worked hard for in the past. We don't deserve to own a car or a home. 
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    · 5 days ago
    The talk of incentive to claim higher beneifits pisses me off, I answered truthfully as a blind person, giving my CVI and telling how blindness affects my life. I can't incentivise my sight to return. sight loss is not easy in a very sighted world. 

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