Massive changes to personal independence payment (PIP) are being consulted on in the Modernising Support Green Paper to be published by the government today.  Any changes will only be put into law if the Conservatives win the next general election and the green paper is widely seen as an attempt to put pressure on Labour to declare its position on benefits.

The proposed changes are believed to include:

  • Ending PIP assessment for people with the most serious health conditions, including those with terminal illnesses.
  • Changes to current descriptors, especially those relating to aids and appliances.
  • Changes to the qualifying period for eligibility for PIP, to ensure it is only available to people whose condition will be long term.
  • Considering if PIP should only be available to people with a formal diagnosis by a medical expert.
  • One-off grants instead of regular cash payments for some claimants who need adaptations or special equipment.
  • Vouchers instead of cash payments.
  • Reimbursing claimants who provide receipts for the purchase of aids, appliances or services.
  • Providing people with lower extra costs due to their health condition with treatment, rather than regular payments.

The Modernising Support Green Paper will be published later today.

UPDATE: You can read more about the Green Paper and how to take part in the consultation here:  Replace PIP with a catalogue and decide whether food or medication is more important for disabled people - 2024 PIP changes Green Paper


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    Gary · 3 months ago
    Cutting disability benefits while letting their family and friends get away with paying next to zero tax.These people have no idea what it’s like to struggle to afford the basics and now they want to make it even harder.Get your cronies to pay all their back taxes and the country can afford the disability benefit for the next 50 years 
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      Caz · 2 months ago
      @Gary This whole thing saddens me. No matter what benefits we get we live in fear and constant threats. We have enough problems as it is picking on us is inhumane and controlling. We deserve to live as independently as possible. I have numerous problems going on with my body and my mind. 
      The stress humiliation and no empathy these people show us is hidious. I agree that those with medical evidence should be left the hell alone. There are many others out there we all know should be targeted back into work and off benefits. But leave the sick the hell alone
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    Karen Ellis · 3 months ago
    That's totally unfair. The Green paper is designed by the government to penilise those who are disabled and ill through no fault of their own. All MPs need to take a cut in their wages to subsidies the disabled the long term sick and those who are terminally ill. The Tories haven't got a clue at all.
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      Linda · 1 months ago
      @Karen Ellis I agree with you a 100 percent. Keep pip as it is now.  They are just picking on the weak and venerable.  
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      Michael · 3 months ago
      @Karen Ellis I agree with you , bet they would get more money if they stopped there expenses, can't see that happening I will be house bound again with no mobility car they just pick on the weak poor and vulnerable just a set off greedy evil peaple 
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    Mr Harrison. · 3 months ago
    Does this mean people will lose their notability car who are over pension age.

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      Michael · 3 months ago
      @Mr Harrison. Yes I'm afraid so . We will be house bound again no independence, plus all motability employees out of jobs 
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    N/A I’m disabled who cares · 3 months ago
    The Labour Party and Starmer are going to follow off from the Tories if they go out simple- changing the Benefits system for those who are unemployed to get them back into work and probably the disabled people and for those who have health conditions, even though some of us work anyway, and, does that mean no PIP on the cards claims for Discrimination will be on the UP!!
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    Chris · 3 months ago
    What will happen to my PIP appeal if government changes?My epilepsy can't be controlled,i had my assessment yesterday and like always they gave me the impression i will get knocked back like usual. I've won on appeal in court every time but it's a stressful time so much so that i had a heart attack last time,aged 43. By time my next appeal process starts hopefully labour will be in charge but i haven't got a clue where i will stand as far as getting paid goes? Worried but not as worried as i will be if this government stays in control 
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      Rob · 2 months ago
      @Caz That would interesting but, the thing is we don’t have a vote of no confidence in the matter how is that democracy 
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      Caz · 2 months ago
      @Carl I’m not voting for starmer and I’m not voting for sunak
      They will both attack us. Someone else needs the vote but not labour or conservatives. We’ve all had enough of everything and we need to make sure neither party get voted in only out
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      Jason · 3 months ago
      @Carl But i can’t see the next party doing much better because it’s not democracy no more if it’s all a 2 party horse race and to be honest they are both as bad as each other as even Keir has a amass amount of wealth so how’s he in touch with the normal people and citizens of the country because we and them both live alienated lifestyles as we live amongst the bottom where they live amongst the top as the wealthy people and the norm as never been so divided as it is now and the gap is only going to grow bigger 
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      Carl · 3 months ago
      @Chris It's discraceful how they treat disabled people at the moment. Hopefully they get the useless prime minster out . He,s just cutting vital money people need to live and eat . 
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      X · 3 months ago
      @Tina I agree 👍 it is ridiculous  they don't know how hard it is for disabled people they need this money 💷 to live independently store's don't want vouchers they have to pay out wages 
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    Sarah · 3 months ago
    I received my update letter 14th March .. with new amounts on and yesterday I received this text … it’s scared and upset me 
    Hello from Independent Assessment Services. We conduct Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments for the Department for Work and Pensions DWP. This is for information purposes only, to let you know that we are managing your PIP assessment. We will look at the available evidence and will contact you with an appointment if we need to have a consultation with you. You can find information about the service we provide at You do not need to contact us.

    I have long term health issues that won’t improve and I rely on this money I’ve tried ringing but the phone is engaged 

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      Tina · 3 months ago
      @Sarah Sarah I know it's hard to do but don't worry. It says it's for information and you don't need to contact them. If you have health issues that won't get any better they will know that I myself have quite a few health issues had assessment by phone the lady was lovely I find it hard to talk about things and she understood that this is my lifeline being able to text like so many others. This is coming from the world's worst worrier! I already worry about mine which isn't even until August I think. You need to find something to focus on im sure you will be fine sweetie. If you need a friend and a chat we can sort something im sure. Don't worry we are all in the same boat. Re read letter it says they will contact if need more info didn't it? You're illness/illnesses may not need assessing don't forget they're well trained so will be aware if an illness is likely to improve or not so may not even contact you.
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    Adam Fisher · 3 months ago
    It's fine for them when the Conservative Government set the new rules, but whoever sets these rules, I wish it would happen to them being disabled when the shoe is on the other foot, how would they feel when they become disabled and have to live on the money we disabled people have to live on? It's fine for them in the Government making all the rules, living in luxury, and having absolutely no care for others except their bloody selves. While typing this, I'm absolutely livid, and my stomach turns with utter rage at the Government.
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    Adam Fisher · 3 months ago
    It's fine for them when the Conservative Government set the new rules, but whoever sets these rules, I wish it would happen to them being disabled when the shoe is on the other foot, how would they feel when they become disabled and have to live on the money we disabled people have to live on? It's fine for them in the Government (Number 10 Downing Street), making all the rules, living in luxury, and having absolutely no care for others except their bloody selves. While typing this, I'm absolutely livid, and my stomach turns with utter rage at the Government.
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    Dean · 3 months ago
    I will kill myself if scrap cash, how I pay mobility scooter scheme, taxi, adult nappy, mobiles for communication that I am proundly deaf, cerebal palsy, club foot , problwm with bowel, headache, ARTHRITIS KNEE, FINGER,. high mental illness with depressed. I can’t cope with my emotional problwm.
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      Adam Fisher · 3 months ago
      @Dean Try not to worry until the election at the end of the month. My heart goes out to EVERY disabled person especially when they have enough to deal with.
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      Jo · 3 months ago
      @Dean Everyone feels the same it's really scary, but you have a lot going on and long term illnesses I can't see them taking your money off if you completely
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    Desmond Harris · 3 months ago
    When is the next PIP pay date 
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    Rebecca · 3 months ago
    This scares me, my life is made easier from PIP payments, I need food and medicine for lung and immune disease. Disabled people can have changing needs and I cannot work to ease money hardship I’m on oxygen, most my PIP goes on bills, food and transport and I already have the adaptions I need, mine and other disabled persons quality of life will be severely impacted by this, I find this very scary indeed.  
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      Caz · 2 months ago
      @Rebecca Trying to make our lives worse by disabling us further but taking pip away is easy for them to do purely to rake in the £££££ in their minds we are and easy target.
      Any kind of so called benefit is hard to get and I’ve worked all my life until I got poorly 2 years ago. A lot of us have paid plenty in to get the help we now need.  The effect of culling another way just breaks my heart for all of us
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    Govermentisbackwards · 3 months ago
    I used to get pip daily living enhanced and pip low rate mobility and they reassessed me and I now only get daily living low rate it's disgusting what there doing they lied even though I recorded the whole assesment they should not be allowed to do this it's out out of order especially wben iv only got worse since my last assessment 
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      Caz · 2 months ago
      @Marie I recorded mine to and they lied about everything. They refused it again at MR and I went tribunal and won and I think they were shocked at what we go through and how we are treated. Never let dwp beat you down to the point of not wanting to live. They did that to me but I was determined to fight my corner and I will again
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      dc · 3 months ago
      @Govermentisbackwards I had the same thing happen last autumn. i had my renewal assessment. the assessors report was totally in my favour, i thought i would get enhanced rate for both, but the dwp decision maker took away my mobility leaving me £120 a month more poor, where i was already struggling. now they want to take it all away under sunak. pure evil
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      Marie · 3 months ago
      @Govermentisbackwards They lied during my assessment too! It's so frustrating. Can you report them for lying? They should be held accountable for that. One little lie can affect our lives significantly.
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    Diane · 4 months ago
    I have a carer daily, I WON'T trust anyone else to shower me, paying her in VOUCHERS is absolutely disgusting, it was said ONLY YESTERDAY  there is NO FRAUD COMMITTED BY PEOPLE CLAIMING PIP, this is degrading to disabled people who rely on this benefit for HELP
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      Bev · 3 months ago
      @DC Me neither 

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      DC · 3 months ago
      @Diane i rely on PIP to survive. literally. if they take it away i will not survive
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    CC · 4 months ago
    I dont know where to start on this, the requirement for a diagnosis means those who lose the NHS lottery will be discriminated against, many people have severe undiagnosed or wrongful diagnosed conditions, the targeting of removing support for those who need adaptations (which includes me) seems a reversal of DLA to PIP changes, ironically any descriptor changes in social security reform always seem to be targeted at the ones that affect me.  But anyway this looks like its about to become a benefit that will only support those with the most extreme conditions who would typically get high rate in both types for 10 years. 
    We can see how they are planning to fund this abolishment of NI for the higher earners.
    This current tory government are perhaps the most right wing I have ever seen in extremist policies, I thought cameron would be hard to outdo, but this lot seem to be doing that.  I am used to a constant stream of social security reform, but the current one's being proposed are like nothing before, if they get what they want then by 2030 there will be no sickness benefit at all in the country and pip will be reduced to a few thousand people.
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    keith · 4 months ago
    not right i could never live with out pip my wife is looking after me all i claim is pip and esa just adout do on that pick on some one els fore a change 
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    Am jones · 4 months ago
    I use my pip to pay for liquid meal replacements as I can not eat solids due to having part of my jaw removed because of cancer 
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      Christopher Williams · 3 months ago
      @Jo I have lost 85% of my pancreas 2 years ago due to a gallstone getting stuck in my pancreatic duct I spent 8 months in Liverpool royal hospital in intensive care were I lost most of my muscle mass so after that and the open necrosectomy surgery to remove the dead parts of my pancreas I am numb down the right side of my leg as they cut nerves and I am a fall risk I have to were a wrist band careline alarm and the local authority moved me into an assisted living bungalow to help my partner still has to help me wash and get dressed and soon I have another operation to remove my gallbladder they will do open surgery again due to the amount of scar tissue on my abdomen I am scared witness they are going to remove pip as I need this to eat fresh food daily 4 times a day and take 10 pancreatic enzyme replacement capsules with every meal and snack for the rest of my life
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      Jo · 3 months ago
      @Anon I have chrons disease because it is a long term condition the detriment shouldn't be too bad. Remember there is no cure for chrons therefore it's ongoing, if you have short bowel like me you need to tell them this. I wish you well
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      Anon · 4 months ago
      @Am jones I buy ensure liquid meal replacements because I have severe Crohn's disease,  which has narrowed my bowel so much that solid food causes a blockage. They are expensive and I couldn't afford them without pip.
      It's worrying times indeed 
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    Ms. Basset · 4 months ago
    I’ll be filling in the questionnaire.  
    It’s not a bad thing they ask for documentation for proof of disability. 
    In fact I’m shocked you get any PIP without it, let’s be honest, it’s difficult enough if you have the documented proof already. 
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      Caz · 2 months ago
      @Ms. Basset Yes you’re right there. Doctors don’t see ppl and they don’t diagnose anymore they are all in it together
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      The dogmother. · 4 months ago
      @Ms. Basset Do not know a single person who has ever got it without proof. 
      So they are chatting nonsense. For want of a better unprintable word.
      The very idea is a joke and it's on them . 
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    Nigel Aston · 4 months ago
    Yet another stressful time for those in need.  I have a spinal cord injury caused by a tumour and radiation.  I’m a wheelchair user, and if it wasn’t for the extra payments I get from pip, I wouldn’t survive.  I’m better off dead and taking my own life, than being a constant drain on society.  Well that what people think.  People look down on me now.  This will create an even more divide between people who can and people who can’t.  No one sees the person with the disability anymore.  It’s like being trampled on in a queue to get to the counter.  I for one won’t live that way anymore.  At least I will be one less person to sponge off the government!!
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      Caz · 2 months ago
      @Nigel Aston Nigel this is so sad to hear you say this but I totally get it and this is how we are made to feel. Don’t give up we are all in this together but we have to fight for our rights
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      KD · 4 months ago
      @Nigel Aston Nigel, don't let the Tories affect your self worth. I was a single parent in the 90's and you'd think we single handedly crashed the economy and were responsible for all the countries woes. Now it's the turn of the sick and disabled. Ignore the blame culture. You didn't waste billions in the last few years, or give millions away to your mates, like the present government did.
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    Charlie · 4 months ago
    I'm so scared about this. Just saying. And they want us to be scared.
    Time to read the migration guide.
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    Chris W · 4 months ago
    Does anybody know if this will affect existing claimants? Maybe new ones and those who have a review. My last PIP letter ended with ongoing no review
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      Henry · 3 months ago
      @Nigel Aston I think it's the people of working age they can get back into work who they will first concentrate on imo. They will go after the low hanging fruit so to speak first. In any case it might never happen, or at least not for quite a while. It will take billions to administer, maybe more than it already costs.
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      Henry · 3 months ago
      @Nigel Aston It's only green paper stage 
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      Nigel Aston · 4 months ago
      @Chris W Yes, it will affect us all.  There is no such thing as on-going anymore.