Massive changes to personal independence payment (PIP) are being consulted on in the Modernising Support Green Paper to be published by the government today.  Any changes will only be put into law if the Conservatives win the next general election and the green paper is widely seen as an attempt to put pressure on Labour to declare its position on benefits.

The proposed changes are believed to include:

  • Ending PIP assessment for people with the most serious health conditions, including those with terminal illnesses.
  • Changes to current descriptors, especially those relating to aids and appliances.
  • Changes to the qualifying period for eligibility for PIP, to ensure it is only available to people whose condition will be long term.
  • Considering if PIP should only be available to people with a formal diagnosis by a medical expert.
  • One-off grants instead of regular cash payments for some claimants who need adaptations or special equipment.
  • Vouchers instead of cash payments.
  • Reimbursing claimants who provide receipts for the purchase of aids, appliances or services.
  • Providing people with lower extra costs due to their health condition with treatment, rather than regular payments.

The Modernising Support Green Paper will be published later today.

UPDATE: You can read more about the Green Paper and how to take part in the consultation here:  Replace PIP with a catalogue and decide whether food or medication is more important for disabled people - 2024 PIP changes Green Paper


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    · 5 months ago
    Remember that the Tories are almost guaranteed to lose the election. They won't be in government to implement any of these proposed changes. They're going to be gone.

    They also know this, which is why they're so willing to push such a cruel and unfeasible policy as a way to rile up their most reactionary voters, and try and win them back from Reform to prevent a catastrophic defeat. They know they won't be around to deal with any details or consequences.

    While we're right to be fearful, and we must fight against these changes, I have every reason to believe this is all little more than political rhetoric with very little chance of ever seeing the light of day.
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      · 5 months ago
      I can hardly walk and in a great deal of pain. I am using an air boot and two crutches.  I am 76 and been 5 months now since an ankle op, am scared that I have now been left permanently disabled, but ready to go out on the streets and march.  I am serious!  I shall be there.

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    · 5 months ago
    What if you are on ongoing pip, does this affect them to
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    · 5 months ago
    It won't happen, they aren't going the right way about things. Attacking the most vulnerable people in society and making them panic about loosing potentially the only income they have and life line. They won't win the election. They won't implement these changes because they will not only be in parliament but they will also have a lot of black lash from people. Coming from a PM that wasn't even elected.. instead of sensing money over seas he should help the most vulnerable and fix things he and his tory party have broken.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Vicky Youl be suprised what some Tory voters put online, privatise the nhs ; stop benifits altogether and lower taxes is the main rhetoric 🤔
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    · 5 months ago
    Interested to see if this applies just to new claims but would only affect current claims as and when they come up for normal review. Also when they mention diagnosis by medical expert, would this mean diagnosis of a particular injury or disability, or that experts' opinion as to how that disability or injury affects you? I for instance have lots of medical evidence from consultants years ago, but as my condition is lifelong and all medical options have long since been taken off the table, I have been left to manage my conditions as best I can and left under the care of my own GP for many years. However, there is no chance this government are getting in again but Labour's reticence is worrying. Like many on here I am old enough to remember David Blunkett and Yvette Cooper on welfare when Labour were kicked out of office in 2010. Her last spiteful act was to pass the imaginary wheelchair rule into ESA before they were ousted. And let's not forget James Purcell. Don't trust Labour not to adopt some of these ideas. 
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    · 5 months ago
    Surely if the DWP make a distinction between those with mental health disabilities and those with physical disabilities and possible entitlement to PIP that would be a breach of the Equality Act.

    If anyone remembers the early days if PIP the DWP lost appeal and appeal- this will go the same way

    I'd this passes I would imagine it would take a number of years to become law.

    The DLA consultation was put out in 2010 and PIP came about in 2013.

    I think the Tories are throwing red meat to the party faithful - unfortunately its peoples lives they are messing with 

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    · 5 months ago
    Calm down people this is unfeasible. 
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    · 5 months ago
    I was diagnosed with a brain injury when I was 2 years old. I am now approaching 45 years old. I have a carer. I tried to get my records form the hospital confirming my condition but they say they no longer have them. What do I do? I am seen regularly by social services who assess me and arrange my care. Are the DWP going insist on a Consultant's letter. Perhaps I had better ask to see one now.? What are they trying to do frighten us to death?
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      · 5 months ago
      @Mark I firmly believe that the tories would love many of us to be 'frightened to literal death'...but as I read on "disability rights website' this morning..."this is a time for the sick, vulnerable and disabled to come together and try and bring change to the system that will help us ".
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      · 5 months ago
      @Mark That's exactly what they are trying to do, a desperate government that knows it's not getting back in having one last spiteful and pathetic attempt at acting tough.
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    · 5 months ago
    Surely some of this breaks UN convention and will be slapped down sharply.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Frank They were hauled over the coals recently by the UN which the govt refused to attend but they were found to be guilty of widespread abuse and neglect of disabled people.  Has it made any difference? it seems not.
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    · 5 months ago
    Most of these changes will never happen because they are unenforceable and would cost more money to administer than they would ever save. The Tories know this-it is just an election stunt because they did some private poll that told them that 60% of their 2019 voters support getting tougher on benefits. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Eloise Exactly. They would never have suggested any of this had they stood a genuine chance of being re elected and having to actually action it amongst a backlash and budget higher than now.
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    · 5 months ago
    I am besides myself with worry over this my husband has only just given up his job to care for me as my mh is in crisis and I am having another cancer scare along with worsening of my neurological condition and dysmotility, the dwp during my pip assessment  chose to ignore all my consultants letters re my other conditions and chose to only address the mh side therefore all my points come from mh ,he has worked with me disabled for the last 10 years and it has always made my mh and my agoraphobia worse,we decided enough was enough and I may improve if I wasn't left ony own every day and could practice car journeys sat in the back,we crunched numbers and he applied for carers allowance and we could just make it work,what now? my mh is in the toilet over this along with worsening neurological condition which is made worse by stress,we have a mortgage as well ,are vouchers going to pay that?  I don't think so,and as for selling this house,my agoraphobia won't allow that as this is my safe space ,I need to come back to here after a journey that I never want to take but have to.
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    · 5 months ago
    The usual sickening and disgusting attacks on the disabled by the tories.  I hope they're out next year and don't get to run our country for a very long time. 
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    · 5 months ago
    It's a hopeful sign that Starmer has branded the plans as farcical and Andy Burnham has said

    We need to stop desperate politicians playing divisive politics with people’s lives."

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    · 5 months ago
    Its a smokescreen for saving money, and to hell with the consequences for disabled people. Hoping that we all can band together to kick up enough of a stink to make an impact on their sorry plans. 
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    · 5 months ago
    We've been here before many times.

    With the voucher thing and the everyone back to work thing.

    Looking at MANY old articles on various sites such as disability news service it's nearly always dropped or watered down because there's only so far they can push.

    The Tories know they won't get back in that's why and only why they've proposed! This because they know it'll scare people witless and also dog at labour for a response.

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      · 4 months ago
      @Anon Totally agree with you they need to stop their Expenses,and all the perks they give themselves, 
      Maybe they should means test pip wouldn't mind betting half the mps and Lords are on some pip benifits 
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    · 5 months ago
    If it was up to them they'd bring back the workhouse. Absolutely despicable people.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Auntie_D One Tory, forgot who it was, mentioned a workhouse. Anything  that comes out of their rotten mouth wouldn't suprise me anymore. Yes I totally agree, despicable people!
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    · 5 months ago
    Say you have a condition that makes you sensitive to cold conditions thusbmaking your condition worse, will the government pay your heating bill in full? Will people who need taxis to travel be given taxi passes so they don't have to pay? What if someone has a very specific diet they must stick to that costs a lot, will the government then cover their food bills and if so, how much bearing in mind the prices vary week by week? This makes no sense and I don't think can actually be put into practise. The current system works well and all they have to do, which they already have the power to do, is investigate potentially fraudulent claims when they come to their attention. Short of saying nobody gets anything ever, there will always be people put there that will find a way to take advantage in some way but genuine claimants shouldn't be put in the crossbars because of it.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Boogz nobody is taking advantage but the very entitled rich who are spewing out this rhetoric.  Please stop buying into the lies. No disabled people are undeserving.
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    · 5 months ago
    Just seen this on BBC news.  I think it's outrageous. Will it apply to those people still on D.L.A?

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